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Changes in the structure of the amorphous phase under heat treatment and deformation

Abrosimova G.


The influence of heat treatment and deformation on the change in the structure of amorphous alloys Co67Fe7Si12B9Nb5, Al87Ni8Y5, Al88Ni6Y6, Al87Ni8Gd5, Al87Ni8La5, Zr50Cu15Ti16Ni19 obtained by melt quen-ching has been studied. It has been established that both heat treatment and deformation lead to the for-mation of a heterogeneous structure, while structure inhomogeneities can be due to formation the regions both with different concentrations of components (during heat treatment) or/and with different density (free volume concentration). At the early stages of crystallization, the phase composition of the emerging struc-ture depends on the type of impact on the amorphous structure and processing parameters (temperature, type and degree of deformation). The sizes of nanocrystals and the fraction of the nanocrystalline component depend on the prehistory of the sample.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):3–10
pages 3–10 views

Magnetic domain structure of iron-based microwires after removal of the glass shell by chipping and chemical etching

Aksenov O., Fuks A., Aronin A.


The magnetic domain structure of the surface of microwires with composition Fe73.9B13.2Si10.9C2 was studied by magnetic force microscopy. It has been found that the removal of glass shell by chipping leads to distortion of the original magnetic domain structure. Chemical etching of the glass shell makes it possible to observe the magnetic domain structure due to the stresses that have arisen due to the microwire production. In the absence of an applied magnetic field, a magnetic domain structure of the surface layer is observed, consisting of domain layers inclined to the microwire axis by 45 or 135 degrees. This structure has a shape close to a zigzag. The thickness of the domain layers is not constant and varies from 3 to 5 μm. It has been found that the application of a constant magnetic field along the microwire axis causes the formation of ring domain layers of various thicknesses (from 1 to 5 μm) with different orientations of the magnetic moment relative to the microwire surface. In a field of 60 oersteds along the axis of the microwire, the domain magnetic structure consists of only ring layers of domains. Magnetic field inversion leads to almost complete inversion of the observed domain structure. In this case, the complete removal of the magnetic field leads to the formation of a new domain structure of the surface layer. Such a structure is close in shape and position of the domains to the original one, but does not repeat it.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):11–16
pages 11–16 views

Influence of the pulsed magnetic field of the amplitude strength on the parameters of the magnetoplastic effect in aged Al–Si–Cu–Fe aluminum alloy

Osinskaya J., Magamedov S., Pokoev A.


The results of a comprehensive experimental study of the influence of the pulsed magnetic field of the amplitude strength on the properties and characteristics of an Al–Si–Cu–Fe aluminum alloy during aging are presented. Data are presented on the modes of thermomagnetic treatment and the results of measurements of the microhardness, lattice parameter, and fine structure parameters of the alloy aged at a temperature of 175°С for 4 h in a pulsed magnetic field with a strength amplitude of 79.6–557.2 kA/m and in its absence. The main regularities of changes in the structure and properties of the metal alloy during annealing are formulated.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):17–22
pages 17–22 views

Tetraoxa[8]circulene monolayer as hydrogen storage material: model with Boys–Bernardi corrections within density functional theory

Anikina E., Babailova D., Zhilin M., Beskachko V.


The parameters of molecular hydrogen adsorption on a tetraoxa[8]circulene monolayer were studied using the density functional theory with dispersion interaction corrections (semi-empirical and analytical). The calculations were carried out using two different approaches to the system wave function representation: atomic-like orbital basis set and plane wave basis. Utilizing a less computationally expensive pseudoatomic basis, it is possible to obtain results for molecular hydrogen adsorption consistent with values calculated with plane waves if the atomic-like basis is optimized and basis set superposition error is corrected for both hydrogen binding energy and geometrical characteristics. Otherwise, the H2 binding energy will be overestimated by 4–6 times (sometimes even more, by 20); and the hydrogen-monolayer distance will be underestimated by 10-20%. The obtained optimized parameters of the pseudoatomic basis set can be used for further study of the modified forms of the tetraoxa[8]circulene monolayer. Moreover, our calculations showed that the hydrogen binding to a pristine tetraoxa[8]circulene monolayer is predominantly van der Waals with an energy of 60–90 meV, which is several times less than the desired range of 200–600 meV. To achieve such values, it will be necessary to modify the surface of the monolayer, creating more active sorption cites, for example, by decorating it with metals or applying structural defects.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):23–32
pages 23–32 views

Shear bands in amorphous alloys and their role in the formation of nanocrystals

Aronin A., Volkov N., Pershina E.


The processes of evolution of the structure and surface morphology of Al87Ni8La5 and Fe76Si13B11 amorphous alloys under deformation have been studied. It is shown that the deformation occurs through the formation and propagation of shear bands, which form steps when they reach the surface. The formation of nanocrystals in shear bands was noted. It is shown that steps on the surface are formed under the combined action of several elementary shear bands. Shear bands have a variable thickness in the range from 5 to 20 nm. An elementary step has a thickness of about 15 nm. Shear bands can be combined into zones. The transverse size of the zones is about 1 μm. The formation of nanocrystals in zones can lead to anisotropy in the orientational position of nanocrystals in an amorphous matrix. With an increase in the degree of deformation, nanocrystals are formed not only in shear bands, but also in areas adjacent to them. There is a difference in the kinetics of the formation of nanocrystals in an alloy based on aluminum and iron.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):33–40
pages 33–40 views

Non-drude-like behavior of the photoinduced dielectric permittivity of GaAs and Si in the gigahertz range frequencies

Butylkin V., Kraftmakher G., Fisher P.


A non-drude-like behavior of the real part of the photoinduced permittivity ReåP of GaAs and Si samples in the gigahertz range was detected by direct resonator measurements under conditions of fiber-optic irradiation at a wavelength of ë = 0.97 microns with power changes P in the range of 0÷1 W. It is shown that, in accordance with the hypothesis of the exciton mechanism of the photoinduced microwave dielectric permittivity, ReåP increases with increasing P (approaching saturation above P = 200 mW) instead of decreasing within the framework of free charge carriers by Drude. The generality of the behavior of the real parts of the photoinduced permittivity observed in semiconductors of different types (straight-band GaAs and non-straight-band Si) in different electrodynamic systems (waveguides, resonators, metastructures) testifying to the universality of the exciton mechanism is demonstrated. Optically controlled metastructures in the GHz band containing resonant electrically conductive elements loaded with GaAs and Si samples are proposed for the first time: a metastructure based on linear dipoles and a half-wave electric dipole based on a multi-pass spiral. Gigahertz responses of metastructures and the transformation of responses associated with changes in the dielectric permittivity of Si and GaAs during photoexcitation were measured for the first time. Based on the hypothesis put forward about the effect of excitons on photoexcitation, the observed saturation effect of gigahertz photoinduced permittivity is discussed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):41–47
pages 41–47 views

Ab initio modelling of the interface energy α-Fe/Fe3c with the Bagaryatskii type orientation

Verkhovykh A., Mirzoev A., Okishev K., Dyuryagina N.


Perlite is one of the main structural constituents of carbon and low-alloy steels. In it, between the bcc ferritic and orthoboric cementite phases of Fe3C, the orientational relation (OR) of Bagaryatskii, Isaichev, and Pitch can be observed. The first two, which are close to each other and are not always, repeated in the experiment, predominate in low-temperature pearlite, which has the highest strength. In this study, the simulation "from first principles" by the DFT method in the WIEN2k software package of the structure and energy of coherent α-Fe/Fe3C interfaces was carried out. The supercells were subjected to structural and volume optimization. Calculations of the surface energy of the interphase boundaries gave the values of 0.383 J/m2 for the Bagaryatskii OR and 0.594 J/m2 for the Isaichev OR. This agrees well with the existing experimental values and the results of other molecular dynamics and first-principles calculations. The difference in surface energy can play a significant role for low-temperature pearlite with a small thickness of ferrite and cementite plates and a large area of interfacial boundaries per unit volume.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):48–56
pages 48–56 views

Visualization of structural domains in a single crystal of iron pnictide EuFe2As2

Uspenskaya L., Sidelnikov M., Pervakov K., Vlasenko V., Vinnikov L.


It is known that during the synthesis of superconducting EuRbFe4As4 single crystals, inclusions of its parent EuFe2As2 phase are encountered. The kinetics of the formation of the orthorhombic phase in EuRbFe4As4 crystals containing a large fraction of the EuFe2As2 phase has been studied using polarization optical microscopy. It is shown that the orthorhombic phase grows into the tetragonal one in stripes with the same crystallographic orientation, forming macro-domains. Then these domains abruptly penetrate parallel stripes of the orthorhombic phase of the second orientation, and a twin system of orthorhombic domains is formed. The process is accompanied by the appearance of macrostresses: stretching and compression waves with a characteristic period of 100–300 μm along and across the twin system, leading to spatial modulation of magnetic permeability. It has been found that even weak magnetic fields (up to 100 Oe) significantly affect the spatial distribution of the twin structure and have an effect similar to external stresses.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):57–64
pages 57–64 views

Effect of isothermal annealing on the optical properties of Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 crystals

Deev G., Kozlova N., Zabelina E., Kasimova V., Pilyushko S., Buzanov O.


The effect of post-growth isothermal annealing in vacuum and in air on the optical properties of Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 crystal samples of Z and X-cuts has been studied. Spectral dependences of transmission coefficients were measured in the wavelength range (240–700) nm taking into account anisotropy and dichroism. On the Z-cut samples in the initial state an absorption band at λ = 360 nm in the ultraviolet range is observed, in the visible region – two absorption bands at λ = 460 nm and λ = 605 nm. Additionally, a band at λ = 290 nm was observed on the X-cut samples. When the sample was rotated around the direction of the light beam by 90 degrees, a change in the intensity of the absorption bands was observed. Annealing in vacuum leads to a decrease in the intensity of the absorption bands in the near ultraviolet and visible range, except for the absorption band at λ = 605 nm. Annealing in air leads to the opposite effect – an increase in the intensity of the absorption bands, except for the band λ = 605 nm. The value of the anomalous birefringence of the samples was estimated by the Mallard method. The degree of linear dichroism is calculated. It is shown that the degree of dichroism decreases as a result of annealing in vacuum, and increases during annealing in air.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):65–70
pages 65–70 views

Effect of proton irradiation on optical properties and defect formation in crystals Gd3AlxGa5–xO12 (x = 2, 3)

Kasimova V., Kozlova N., Zabelina E., Buzanov O., Lagov P., Pavlov Y., Kulevoy T., Stolbunov V.


The influence of proton irradiation with a dose of 50 Mrad (Si) on the optical properties and defect formation in crystals of the gadolinium-aluminum-gallium garnet with the substitution of aluminumand gallium in the cationic sublattice: Gd3Al2Ga3O12 (Al: Ga = 2:3) and Gd3Al3Ga2O12 (Al: Ga = 3:2) was studied. After proton irradiation, color of crystals changes: an additional absorption band appears in the transmittance of each crystal in the wavelength range 400–500 nm. This occures due to the formation of induced structural defects as color centers. The refractive indices n(λ) were determined by the Brewster spectrophotometric method and practically did not change for Al:Ga = 2:3 crystals, but significantly increased for Al:Ga = 3:2. There is a noticeable increase in the attenuation of the light in spectral dependences, which also indicates the formation of additional structural defects.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):71–76
pages 71–76 views

Defects in h-BN: computer simulation of size effects

Latypov R., Sozykin S., Beskachko V.


The influence of size effects on the properties of a hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) monolayer containing CBVN, NBVN, and OBOBVN defects has been studied by first principles methods. These defects are potentially capable of generating single photons in quantum optics and quantum information devices. Size effects here mean the dependence of the studied model properties on the simulated fragment size of the 2D structure under periodic boundary conditions. Physically, this means that the properties of a monolayer depend on the distance between defects. This dependence allows us to judge how strongly the defects interact with each other and whether they interact at all. For technical applications, the characteristics of the band structure (band gap, spectrum and density of electron states induced by the defect in the band gap) and the atomic structure of the defect (defect formation energy, geometry in the equilibrium configuration), which form this band pattern, are important. In this work, these properties are studied by using the density functional theory with the basis of atom-like functions (SIESTA package) and plane waves (VASP package). The results obtained using both packages are consistent with each other. It has been established that the defects can be considered non-interacting, when the distance between them is ten unit cell parameters.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):77–83
pages 77–83 views

Composition of silicon jointly doped with impurity atoms of gallium and phosphorus

Zikrillaev N., Koveshnikov S., Turekeev X., Ismailov B.


In this work, the morphology and composition of the silicon surface are experimentally studied using a scanning electron microscope, X-ray phase analysis, and various peaks in the Raman spectra. The spectral characteristics of silicon doped with impurity atoms of phosphorus and gallium have been studied. It was shown, that in the silicon lattice simultaneously doped with gallium and phosphorus atoms impurity atoms created binary complexes. Experimental determination of the concentration of gallium and phosphorus atoms made it possible to reveal a significant increase in the concentration of gallium, in comparison with its fundamental solubility in silicon. It is shown that a sufficiently large concentration of such elementary cells can lead to a significant change in the electrophysical parameters of silicon, i.e. the possibility of obtaining a new silicon-based material.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):84–89
pages 84–89 views

Mechanisms of formation and accumulation of misorientations in deformable metals and alloys

Cherepanov D., Solov’eva Y., Starenchenko V.


The formation of misoriented substructures in plastically deformable metal materials has been theoretically studied. Expressions are obtained for the intensity of accumulation of low-angle and high-angle misorientation boundaries. Within the framework of a mathematical model of shear plastic deformation and hardening, numerical calculations of the dependences of the average characteristics of a defective medium on the degree of deformation under conditions of uniaxial compression with a constant strain rate at room temperature are performed. It is shown that the intensity of generation of low-angle tilt walls depends significantly on the scenario of changes in the density of jogs on the screw segments of dislocation loops emitted by dislocation sources. The main mechanism for the formation of low-angle walls is the rearrangement of clusters of edge segments of dislocation loops into tilt dislocation walls under the influence of flows of interstitial atoms generated by moving screw segments. It is assumed that low-angle walls merge into one until the total misorientation angle of the merged walls reaches a critical value of about 10°, after which the distance between dislocations in the wall decreases to the corresponding critical value and further penetration of individual dislocations into the wall becomes impossible. The expression for the intensity of the formation of high-angle boundaries was obtained as a consequence of the continuation of the work of dislocation sources and the formation of clusters of low-angle walls, the total energy of which is higher than the energy of an equilibrium high-angle boundary at the same misorientation.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):90–101
pages 90–101 views

Effect of surface roughness on the strength of sapphire fiber

Stryukov D., Kiiko V., Kurlov V.


In this work, sapphire fibers formed using the modified Stepanov/EFG method were tested for strength. A study of the surface of sapphire fibers obtained from the melt shows that the roughness of the fibers arises mainly due to its fluctuation in ascending gas flows during the growth process. The paper investigates the effect of fiber surface roughness on its strength. To reduce the roughness, the fiber diameter stabilization system was used, which enable to reduce the roughness parameters to tens of nanometers. When testing according to the original method, it was found that a decrease in the surface roughness of the fiber leads to an increase in its strength. And the strength of the fibers decreases with length in a power law.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):102–108
pages 102–108 views

Effect of the bending of reflecting planes in crystals on the propagation of an anomalous wave in x-ray diffraction

Smirnova I., Suvorov E.


The effect of bending of reflection planes in crystals on the propagation of an anomalous wave in X-ray diffraction has been studied by numerical simulation methods. The bending sign of the reflection planes was found to affect radically the propagation of the X-ray wave field in the crystal. The Bormann effect was shown to be suppressed at certain bending parameters.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(1):109–112
pages 109–112 views