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卷 52, 编号 6 (2023)



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Murin D., Chesnokov I., Gogulev I., Grishkov A.


Probe and spectral measurements of the plasma of the gaseous medium BCl3-Cl2 were carried out. Data were obtained on the influence of the initial composition of the gaseous medium on the electric field strength, gas temperature, particle concentration, reduced electric field strength under conditions of a direct current glow discharge. The emission spectra of the plasma of the gaseous medium BCl3-Cl2 were analyzed, the main emitting components were identified, and the relationships between radiation intensities and particle concentrations were established.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):443-448
pages 443-448 views



Belozerov I., Uvarov I.


MEMS switches are of significant interest for promising radio-electronic systems, but have not yet found widespread use due to the low reliability of microcontacts. The switch develops low contact force, which results in high and unstable contact resistance. The force is usually increased by using electrodes with complex shapes and large areas, but a simple and compact configuration is preferable. This work presents a key based on a 50 µm long cantilever. For the first time, a method for selecting the vertical dimensions of a product is described, increasing the clamping force to values ​​​​in excess of 100 μN, necessary for reliable operation of the contacts. Test samples were manufactured and tested, and the performance characteristics were compared with the calculation results.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):449-458
pages 449-458 views


Simulation of vertical ballistic quantum-barrier field-effect transistor based on undoped AlxGa1–xAs quantum nanowire

Pozdnyakov D., Borzdov A., Borzdov V.


A design-topological solution for a tunnel field-effect transistor of a new type is proposed and the simulation of the transistor is performed. The device is a vertical ballistic field-effect transistor with a cylindrical metallic gate based on a cylindrical undoped AlxGa1–xAs quantum nanowire located in an Al2O3 matrix. For a given geometry of the device structure, the optimum of the fraction of aluminum in the semiconductor composition varying along the transistor channel is found, at which, unlike a conventional tunnel field-effect transistor, not only the complete suppression of the quantum barrier for electrons by a positive gate voltage is ensured, but also the minimum possible electrical resistance of the transistor channel. The current-voltage characteristics of the transistor are calculated within the framework of a rigorous quantum-mechanical description of the electron transport in its channel, taking into account the non-parabolic nature of the band structure of the semiconductor.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):459-468
pages 459-468 views

Performance calculation for a MEMS switch with «floating» electrode

Morozov M., Uvarov I.


Switches fabricated using MEMS technology are considered as a promising element base of radio electronics. The main characteristic of a MEMS switch is the ratio of capacitances in the closed and open states. For conventional devices, this ratio is of several units, but it can be significantly increased by implementing original design solutions. The work is devoted to the switch, which is a combination of capacitive and resistive devices. Its working characteristics are considered depending on the substrate properties and contact resistance. The switch provides a capacitance ratio of 27.7 and 46.1 at sapphire and borosilicate glass substrates, while high-resistivity silicon does not allow the value above 7.4. Isolation and insertion loss are of 14.7-19.4 and 0.8-1.1 dB in the frequency range of 4-10 GHz on a sapphire wafer. Acceptable S-parameters are achieved when the contact resistance is not higher than 1 Ohm

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):469-480
pages 469-480 views


Electrophysical parameters of p-i-n photodiodes, irradiated with 60Co γ-quanta

Kovalchuk N., Lastovsky S., Odzhaev V., Petlitsky A., Prosolovich V., Shestovsky D., Yavid V., Yankovsky Y.


The results of studies of changes in the electrical parameters of p-i-n photodiodes manufactured on monocrystalline silicon wafers of p-type conductivity orientation (100) with ρ = 1000 Ohm cm, when irradiated with γ-quanta from a 60Co source, are presented. It has been established that as a result of irradiation of p-i-n photodiodes with doses up to 2·1015 quanta/cm2, the reverse dark current increases by more than an order of magnitude. However, the shape of the curve of the dependence of the current on the applied reverse voltage of irradiated p-i-n photodiodes does not change qualitatively, as for the original devices there are three regions with different dependences of current on voltage: sublinear, superlinear and linear, due to different mechanisms of generation-recombination processes in the depletion region of the p-n junction. The main reason for the increase in the reverse current of p-i-n photodiodes as a result of irradiation with γ-quanta is the formation of generation-recombination centers of radiation origin due to the condensation of primary radiation defects (vacancies and/or self-interstitial atoms) on technological residual structural defects formed during the growth of silicon single crystals, and during subsequent high-temperature treatments during the formation of devices.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):481-488
pages 481-488 views


Altudov Y., Gaev D., Pskhu A., Rekhviashvili S.


The properties of a bipolar npn transistor were studied when exposed to unmodulated incoherent radiation created by a “white” LED. The static and dynamic characteristics of the transistor were measured at various exposure intensities. It is shown that the change in the characteristics of the transistor under optical influence is due to an increase in the lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers and the photovoltaic effect in p-n junctions. For these reasons, the gain increases, the switching threshold decreases, and the transistor speed increases. The results obtained are applicable both to the creation of high-speed transistors and integrated circuits of a fundamentally new type.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):489-496
pages 489-496 views

Prototypes of devices for heterogeneous hybrid semiconductor electronics with an embedded biomolecular domain

Baranov M., Karseeva E., Tsybin O.


A macromolecular system embedded in a semiconductor microelectronic device is considered as a biomolecular nano- or micro-sized domain that performs the functions of converting acoustic and electromagnetic signals. The issues of the choice of substances, the dynamic and structural-functional state of the domain, as well as the physical foundations of its interaction with matrix elements are discussed. The process of excitation of forced vibrations in amino acid molecules (for example, glycine, tryptophan, diphenyl-L-alanine) under the influence of short (10–100 ps) packets of electrical signals in the IR range with a frequency in the range of 1–125 THz was studied by the method of supercomputer nonequilibrium modeling of molecular dynamics. The acoustoelectric interpretation of oscillation generation was carried out using a unified equivalent circuit of the peptide group. Examples of developed prototypes of heterogeneous devices are given. It is concluded that embedded biomolecular domains, presented as a multifunctional element base, are promising for signal conversion in hybrid microelectronics.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):497-507
pages 497-507 views

Design of integrated voltage multipliers using standard CMOS technologies

Sinyukin A., Konoplev B., Kovalev A.


 Results of the design of the integrated multistage voltage multipliers as components of supply modules for wireless passive microdevices are presented. Parameters of MOS transistors significant for the multipliers design and presented in three standard CMOS technologies, CM018G 180 nm, HCMOS8D 180 nm and C250G 250 nm, are considered. CAD Cadence simulation results have demonstrated that in the case of eight-stage multiplier implementation using CM018G technology minimum output voltage level requisite for microchip operation is achieved at input amplitude 250 mV and in the case of the similar device implementation using HCMOS8D technology - at 375 mV. Using sixteen-stages multiplier as example it is shown that voltage multiplication efficiency is from 20% to 54% for wide range of the input voltage, and the efficiency decreases only by 1-3% compared to eight-stage implementation. Proposed recommendations for the integrated voltage rectifiers-multipliers design could be applied at development of the passive supply units for microelectronic devices.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):508-517
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Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(6):518-520
pages 518-520 views