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MEMS switches are of significant interest for promising radio-electronic systems, but have not yet found widespread use due to the low reliability of microcontacts. The switch develops low contact force, which results in high and unstable contact resistance. The force is usually increased by using electrodes with complex shapes and large areas, but a simple and compact configuration is preferable. This work presents a key based on a 50 µm long cantilever. For the first time, a method for selecting the vertical dimensions of a product is described, increasing the clamping force to values ​​​​in excess of 100 μN, necessary for reliable operation of the contacts. Test samples were manufactured and tested, and the performance characteristics were compared with the calculation results.

About the authors

I. A. Belozerov

Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology named after K.A. Valieva Russian Academy of Sciences

st. Universitetskaya, 21, Yaroslavl, 150007 Russia

I. V. Uvarov

Yaroslavl Branch of the Institute of Physics and Technology named after K.A. Valieva Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
st. Universitetskaya, 21, Yaroslavl, 150007 Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 И.А. Белозеров, И.В. Уваров

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