Electromagnetic Measurements

Issue Title File
Vol 62, No 8 (2019) Application of Magnetic Information Parameters for Nondestructive Testing of the Hardness of Medium-Carbon Alloy Steels PDF
Sandomirski S.G.
Vol 62, No 7 (2019) The Use of Projection Methods of Multivariate Analysis in Eddy Current Thickness Measurement PDF
Egorov A.V., Polyakov V.V., Bortsova Y.I.
Vol 62, No 6 (2019) Variational Method of Calibration of Impedance Meters. Part 1. Basic Assumptions PDF
Surdu M.N.
Vol 62, No 2 (2019) Dipole Approximation for Electrically Small Loop Antennas PDF
Luk’yanov V.I., Shammasov R.R.
Vol 62, No 1 (2019) Compensation of Motion-Induced Noise for an Electric-Field-Strength Sensor Electrode in Seawater PDF
Maksimenko V.G.
Vol 61, No 12 (2019) Integrating Devices in the Measurement Circuits of Induction Magnetometers PDF
Kuligin M.N.
Vol 61, No 9 (2018) Measuring Complex for the Evaluation of the Immunity of Radioelectronic Equipment to the Noise of Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation PDF
Rodin R.А., Sakharov K.Y., Turkin V.А., Mikheev О.V.
Vol 61, No 8 (2018) Calibration of Multicomponent Magnetic Measuring Systems as an Inverse Problem of Magnetometry PDF
Batalov L.А., Nesterov V.V.
Vol 61, No 6 (2018) Microwave Photonic Detector for Measuring Pulsed Electric Field Strengths in the Sub-Nanosecond Region PDF
Sukhov A.V., Sakharov K.Y., Mikheev O.V., Turkin V.A., Ugolev V.L., Denisov M.Y., Rodin R.A.
Vol 61, No 4 (2018) A Reference Quantum Transported Comparator of DC Magnetic Induction in the Range 1–100 μT PDF
Belyakov D.I., Kalabin V.N., Shifrin V.Y.
Vol 61, No 3 (2018) Instrument for In-Process Control of Capacitance per Unit Length of an Electrical Wire PDF
Vavilova G.V., Gol’dshtein A.E.
Vol 61, No 2 (2018) Eddy Current Monitoring Device for Cleanliness of a Working Liquid PDF
Kudryavtsev I.A., Gudkov S.A., Selivanov N.V.
Vol 61, No 1 (2018) Measurement of the Strength of Electric Fields by Means of Ring Resonators Based on Slot Waveguides with Liquid-Crystal Filling PDF
Goncharenko I.A., Ryabtsev V.N.
Vol 60, No 11 (2018) Measuring of a Weak Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Against the Background of Geomagnetic Variations PDF
Sokol-Kutylovskii O.L.
Vol 60, No 10 (2018) Analysis of the Measuring Area of a Magnetic Dipole Moment Transducer PDF
Tishchenko V.A., Luk’yanov V.I., Shammasov R.R.
Vol 60, No 9 (2017) Determining the Dependence of the Capacitance of Ferro-Ceramic Capacitors on Voltage by the Pulse Discharge Method PDF
Emel’yanov O.A., Plotnikov A.P.
Vol 60, No 8 (2017) Development and Study of a Pulsed Magnetic Induction Meter Based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for High Magnetic Fields PDF
Neronov Y.I., Seregin N.N.
Vol 60, No 6 (2017) Reproduction of the Volt Based on SIS- and SNS-type Josephson Junctions PDF
Katkov A.S., Lovtsyus V.E., Bykov A.I., Shevtsov V.I., Novoderezhkin G.V.
Vol 60, No 5 (2017) Measurement of Magnetic Susceptibility and Curie Constants of Colloidal Solutions in Ferrofluid Cells by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method PDF
Davydov V.V., Myazin N.S.
Vol 60, No 4 (2017) Measurement System for Studying Flaws in Alloy Slabs by Means of Subminiature Eddy-Current Transducers PDF
Dmitriev S.F., Ishkov A.V., Katasonov A.O., Kolubaev E.A., Malikov V.N., Sagalakov A.M., Shevtsova L.I.
Vol 60, No 3 (2017) Algorithm for Monitoring the State of Insulation in Voltage Measurement Transformers in the Generator Voltage Circuit of Power Plants PDF
Gevorkyan V.M., Krayushkin K.V.
Vol 60, No 2 (2017) Calculation of the Main Magnetization Curve of Structural Steels Based on Parameter Measurements of the Limit Hysteresis Loop PDF
Sandomirskii S.G.
Vol 59, No 12 (2017) High-Sensitivity Magnetometer for Studying Magnetic Flux Capture in High-Temperature Superconductors PDF
Rostami K.R.
Vol 59, No 11 (2017) Microprocessor-Based System for Measuring the Modulus and Components of the Complex Resistance of a Two-Terminal Element in a Multiterminal Electrical Circuit PDF
Sharonov G.I., Nefed’ev A.I.
Vol 59, No 8 (2016) Current State and Future Trends in the Development of Standards Based on the Josephson Effect PDF
Katkov A.S., Gerasimenko V.V.
Vol 59, No 7 (2016) Definition of Weber-Ampere Characteristics of Electrical Devices by the Natural-Model Experiment Method PDF
Gorbatenko N.I., Grechikhin V.V., Lankin M.V., Lankin A.M.
Vol 59, No 6 (2016) Application of Differentiators for Identifying a Polynomial Signal Using a Compensation Method in Parameter Converters of Two-Port RLC Circuits PDF
Ivanov V.I., Titov V.S.
Vol 59, No 5 (2016) Indirect Measurement of Aggregate Primary Parameters of a Two-Wire Transmission Line PDF
Bol’shanin G.A., Bol’shanina L.Y., Mar’yasova E.G.
Vol 59, No 3 (2016) Analysis of the Distribution of Magnetization Along a Rod Made of a Material with a High Magnetic Susceptibility PDF
Sandomirski S.G.
Vol 59, No 2 (2016) Theoretical Foundations for Creating an Electric Field Strength Reference Using a Transducer with a High-Frequency Connector PDF
Tishchenko V.A., Luk’yanov V.I.
Vol 58, No 12 (2016) A Technique for Measurements of Energy Release in Pulsed Gas Discharge in Short Interelectrode Gaps PDF
Myl’nikov D.A., Ivanov V.V., Efimov A.A., Beketov I.V.
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