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Vol 60, No 2 (2017)

State Standards

Metrological Capabilities of the National Primary Standard for the Units of Relative Humidity of Gases, Molar (Volume) Fraction of Moisture, and Temperature of the Dew/Frost Point, GET 151-2014

Anashko A.A., Vinge A.F., Vinge M.A., Morozov S.A.


The measurement apparatus in the National Primary Standard for the units of relative humidity of gases, molar (volume) fraction of moisture, and temperature of the dew/frost point, GET 151-2014, is described. The metrological characteristics of the standard and the results of the international key comparison CCT-K6 are described.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):103-108
pages 103-108 views

General Problems of Metrology and Measurement Technique

Modeling, Reproduction, and Mapping of Geofields with and Without Measurement Noise. Part 3. Integral Equation, Radial Grid, and Soft Computing Methods

Pashayev A.M., Sadykhov R.A., Habibullayev S.B.


The effectiveness of boundary integral equation and grid-free methods for radial grids, as well as solutions of classical and nonclassical modeling and recovery problems for geological fields are analyzed. It is shown that, as opposed to the methods employing a variational technique and radial basis neural networks, hybrid algorithms (fuzzy neural networks, genetic algorithms, and Kalman filter) for solving identification and recovery problems are more stable with respect to noise and give positive results even with conflicting data and significant measurement noise.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):109-120
pages 109-120 views


Method for Certification Monitoring of Surface Inhomogeneities of Optics Based on Frequency Analysis of the Surface Profile

Denisov D.G., Baryshnikov N.V., Gladysheva Y.V., Karasik V.E., Morozov A.B., Patrikeev V.E.


A method for determining the rms deviation of the heights of surface inhomogeneities based on an algorithm for calculating the spectral density of the one-dimensional correlation function over a wide range of spatial frequencies is developed and justified scientifically. The methodological errors of the algorithm are analyzed using experimental data from studies on a test stand under production conditions.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):121-127
pages 121-127 views

Linear and Angular Measurements

Assessment of Surface Roughness Using Curvature Parameters of Peaks and Valleys of the Profile

Bashevskaya O.S., Bushuev S.V., Nikitin A.A., Romash Е.V., Poduraev Y.V.


A methodology has been developed to assess the roughness of a surface from the parameters of the curvature of peaks and valleys of the profile based on computer spectral analysis. The dependence of these parameters on the type and modes of processing, as well as on the material, is established.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):128-133
pages 128-133 views


Effect of the Number of Check Points of a Surface Profile on the Error of Measuring Deviations from Straightness

Glubokov A.V., Ped’ S.E., Glubokova S.V.


An algorithm is proposed for creating an adjacent straight line from a limited number of check points of a surface profile. The effect of the number of points on methodological error when measuring deviations from straightness is examined. Recommendations regarding the selection of the number of check points are developed.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):134-139
pages 134-139 views

The Effect of Double Resonance in an H-Maser with Different Magnetic Selection of Atoms by State

Aleinikov M.S.


The effect of double resonance in an H-maser is considered. An algebraic system of modified Bloch equations is obtained that describes the double resonance effect in the H-maser and takes into account an arbitrary sorting of atoms over all states. This is of fundamental importance in analyzing the operation of the double sorting system of an H-maser.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):151-155
pages 151-155 views

Use of the Speckle Holography Technique in Experimental Mechanics

Volkov I.V.


A new mathematical model for holographic and speckle interferometry is proposed which combines the existing theories of geometric and diffraction optics. New capabilities for solving a wide range of problems in applied optoelectronics and experimental mechanics for measuring the deformation of full-scale structures are examined.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):161-165
pages 161-165 views

Piezoactuators and Piezomotors with Nano- and Micro-Dimensional Resolution for Test and Control Equipment

Bardin V.A., Vasil’ev V.A., Chernov P.S.


The state of development and production of test and control equipment with nano- and microsize resolution is investigated. The results of the development analysis are presented, the classification of piezoactuators and piezomotors of the leading manufacturers is compiled. The most characteristic structures of piezoelectric motors are considered. It is shown that stepped piezoelectric motors satisfy the requirements imposed on the actuators of test and control equipment.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):166-172
pages 166-172 views

Method of Generating Vibration Test Signals

Tetter V.Y.


Possible ways of implementing vibration test signals are described. A method for generating such signals is proposed by adjusting the amplitudes of the individual harmonic components of the vibration signal. The results of modeling are presented.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):173-176
pages 173-176 views

Compact Multifunction Nuclear-Magnetic Spectrometer

Davydov V.V., Myazin N.S.


A compact nuclear-magnetic spectrometer is examined in which the design takes account of the special features of registration in the weak magnetic field of the NMR signal of a compact condensed medium. A table of characteristics of the nuclei most often used in nuclear-magnetic spectroscopy is compiled. The results of experimental studies of the condensed media are presented.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):183-189
pages 183-189 views

Optophysical Measurements

Calorimetric Disk Reference for Primary Measurement Transducers of Average Power of Optical Radiation

Kozachenko M.L., Korolev I.S., Lobko I.V., Savkin K.B., Tikhomirov S.V., Khatyrev N.P.


The ways of developing a reference technique in the field of measurements of the average power of optical radiation are considered. We present the converter PSM.D.T. 1 for a comparator of the average power of optical radiation in the standard of GET 170-2011 with the purpose of extending the upper level from 10–3 to 10–1 W, as well as a two-channel converter PSM-8.D2.T.1 as a part of the standard unit of pulsed laser radiation power GET 90-85 for equipping this standard for fiber-optic sources of radiation.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):140-145
pages 140-145 views

Time and Frequency Measurements

Method for Measuring the Time Intervals of the Correlation Functions of a Sequence of Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Krutikov V.N., Khatyrev N.P., Shcherbina A.A.


The problem that occurs when measuring time intervals is considered, for example, in the case of highprecision transmission of reference frequency signals. The technique of correlation measurements is described. A method for measuring time intervals based on a method for searching and eliminating errors associated with processing large data sets during data accumulation for subsequent averaging is proposed.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):146-150
pages 146-150 views

Mechanical Measurements

Measurements of Movements of Micro-Objects by the Heterodyne Method

Titov A.A.


A block diagram of a device for measuring the movement of micro-objects by the heterodyne method has been developed. Analytic expressions are obtained for calculating the signal power on the photodetector, the periods of interference patterns, the measuring range, the maximum distance to the object, the minimum object displacement, the measurement accuracy, which made it possible to determine the main parameters of the device.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):156-160
pages 156-160 views

Electromagnetic Measurements

Calculation of the Main Magnetization Curve of Structural Steels Based on Parameter Measurements of the Limit Hysteresis Loop

Sandomirskii S.G.


A formula has been derived for calculating the main magnetization curve of steels from the strength of the magnetizing field and the measurement results of the magnetization of technical saturation, coercive force, and residual magnetization. We analyzed the influence of material magnetic properties on the approximation of its magnetization to technical saturation.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):177-182
pages 177-182 views

Radio Measurements

Measurements of Characteristics of Clutter

Popov D.I.


Maximum likelihood algorithms for estimating parameters of a correlation matrix of clutter for adaptive allocation of signals of moving targets in multifrequency coherent pulse radar-tracking systems are synthesized. Schematic diagrams of the corresponding measuring instruments are provided.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):190-195
pages 190-195 views

Medical and Biological Measurements

Adaptive Detector of QRS Complexes of an Electrocardiogram Signal Based on the Hilbert Transform

Fedotov A.A., Akulova A.S.


A QRS complex detector based on the consecutive application of bandpass filtering, the Hilbert transform and an adaptive thresholding algorithm is developed. The detector is compared with existent QRS complex detectors using a model of an electrocardiogram signal contaminated by interferences of various types and intensity. The developed method of QRS complex detecting is verified using the MIT PhysioNet database of clinical electrocardiogram signal recordings.

Measurement Techniques. 2017;60(2):196-202
pages 196-202 views

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