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Vol 59, No 2 (2016)

State Standards

National Primary Special Standard for the Unit of Length in the Domain of Measuring Deviations from Straightness and Flatness Get 130-2014

Shimolin Y.R., Zlydnikova L.A.


Improvements during 2013–2014 in the National Primary Special Standard for the Unit of Length in the Domain of Measuring Deviations from Straightness and Flatness, GET 130-80, are discussed. The structure of the standard, its operating principle, and its metrological characteristics are described. Information is provided on international comparisons.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):105-110
pages 105-110 views

General Problems of Metrology and Measurement Technique

Evaluating Measurements of Complex Dynamic Systems with Representation of Experimental Data by Image-Remainders

Kukushkin S.S.


The shortcomings of modern metrological support for testing of complex dynamic systems are examined. A nontraditional approach to the evaluation of measurement results with experimental data represented by image-remainders is proposed.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):111-116
pages 111-116 views


Model of an Integrated Inertial-Satellite Navigation System Without Gyroscopes

Devyatisil’nyi A.S., Chislov K.A.


A device for determining the angular velocity vector of a moving object as part of an inertial-satellite navigation system without gyroscopes and a system for receiving data from navigation satellites are proposed. A multimodel artificial neural network with a nucleus-free mechanism for adjusting the synaptic coefficients is used to integrate these systems. The results of a numerical simulation are presented.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):117-121
pages 117-121 views

Selection of the Optimal Number of Intervals Sampling the Region of Values of a Two-Dimensional Random Variable

Lapko A.V., Lapko V.A.


We investigate the asymptotic properties of nonparametric estimation of a two-dimensional probability density, whose synthesis involves the decomposition of statistical data. We determine the dependence of the number of two-dimensional sampling intervals on the volume of the original data.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):122-126
pages 122-126 views

Inverse Problem of Approximation for a Polynomial Cubic Transformation Function for a Sensor

Barinov I.N., Tikhonenkov V.A., Volkov V.S., Kuchumov E.V.


An inverse problem of approximation is formulated for the example of a third-degree polynomial transformation function. It is shown that in many cases the given problem is incorrect because of the violation of the uniqueness of the existing solution. An analytical solution of the problem is constructed. This solution is compared with Newton’s numerical method in order to fi nd roots that show the natural regularity of the inverse approximation problem.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):127-132
pages 127-132 views

Measurements of the Geometric Parameters of Thread Gauges

Zakharenko Y.G., Kononova N.A., Moskalev A.A.


The characteristics of the first-echelon State Standard of the unit of length, the meter in the range from 10–6 to 1100 mm, which has been placed in service at the Mendeleev All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Metrology are presented. Results of studies of the standard in the field of metrological assurance of thread gauges are given.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):137-141
pages 137-141 views

Metrological Assurance of Devices Intended to Measure the Parameters of Pulsed Electric and Magnetic Fields of Natural and Artificial Origin

Sakharov K.Y., Turkin V.A., Mikheev O.V., Dobrotvorskii M.I., Sukhov A.V., Aleshko A.I.


Issues are examined related to the improvement of State Primary Special Standard GET 148–2013, for units of pulsed electric and magnetic field strength having a pulse leading-edge duration in the range from 0.1 to 10.0 nsec, as well as the improvement of secondary standards. The goal of the improvement is to provide metrological assurance of devices intended to measure the parameters of pulsed electric and magnetic fields of natural and artificial origin in the range up to 1 MV/m with a pulse leading-edge time not exceeding 100 psec.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):160-163
pages 160-163 views

The Influence of Internal Noise on Electronic Current Transformer Error

Volovich G.I.


We describe the effect of noise generated by electric circuits in a measuring digital electronic current transformer on measurement accuracy. It is shown that the systematic error is affected by the parameters of the analog anti-aliasing filter, while the random error component is affected by the parameters of the digital averaging filter.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):164-169
pages 164-169 views

Magnetomodulation Sensors Based on Amorphous Ferromagnetic Alloys

Sokol-Kutylovskii O.L.


The characteristics of magnetomodulation sensors of magnetic flux density with autoparametric amplification of the signal in amorphous ferromagnetic cores are considered. It is shown that, by comparison with ferromagnetic probes (fluxgate devices), such sensors possess a lower level of magnetic noise at low frequencies, though greater zero instability in the measurement of a static magnetic field. Ways of improving the metrological characteristics of the sensors are proposed.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):170-175
pages 170-175 views

Method for Measuring the Sensitivity of Nuclear-Resonance Magnetometers with Flowing Liquid

Davydov V.V., Dudkin V.I., Velichko E.N.


A method is proposed for measuring the sensitivity of nuclear resonance magnetometers in flowing liquids for use in detecting magnetic field frequencies of 0.5–600 MHz. This method is based on mathematical analysis of experimental data obtained by measuring the slope of the nutation line at the point where the inverted nuclear magnetic resonance signal passes through zero.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):176-182
pages 176-182 views

A Passive Method of Detecting Targets Moving in Water

Kadykov I.F.


A new passive method of preserving a water line verge based on detecting pressure oscillations in a field of the inhomogeneous pressure wave that arises in the streamlining of a body moving in water is considered. A feature of a wave, understood as a zone of local pressures, is the fact that it is sharply limited in space together with the body, which makes it possible to clearly monitor the zone of pressure variations.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):193-197
pages 193-197 views

Linear and Angular Measurements

A Study of an Angle Examiner Based on the Fizeau Interferometer with Expanded Measurement Range

Chekirda K.V., Shur V.L., Lukin A.Y., Kos’mina M.A., Leibengardt G.I.


Results from the development and investigation of an angle examiner constructed on the base of a Fizeau multibeam interferometer are presented. The examiner possesses a range of reproduction of angles to ±600″. The random error of the measurements is not greater than 0.01″, with the systematic error not exceeding 0.01″. The examiner may be used for verification and calibration of precision electronic digital autocollimators.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):133-136
pages 133-136 views

Optophysical Measurements

A Profile-Recovery Algorithm for a High-Accuracy Optical Flat

Gladysheva Y.V., Zhivotovskii I.V., Denisov D.G., Baryshnikov N.V.


An absolute calibration algorithm has been implemented using the two-plane method. Optical surface profile recovery error is analyzed using mathematical modeling and experimental data.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):142-148
pages 142-148 views

Thermal Measurements

Uncertainty of Recovering Non-Steady-State Heat Flows Using Thin-Disc Heat Meters

Pilipenko N.V., Pridachin A.S.


A method is proposed for estimating the uncertainty of recovering non-steady-state heat flows using thin-disc heat meters. The uncertainty arises from the outward flow of heat through the central thermocouple electrode. Results are presented for simulation experiments for different values of electrode length, diameter, and head-conduction factor.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):149-152
pages 149-152 views

Electromagnetic Measurements

Theoretical Foundations for Creating an Electric Field Strength Reference Using a Transducer with a High-Frequency Connector

Tishchenko V.A., Luk’yanov V.I.


A model is considered of a reference electric field strength transducer with a high-frequency connector. Strength measurement equations are obtained using the reference field and reference antenna methods. Relations are presented for expressing the effective length and resistance of a dipole antenna in terms of reflection and transmission factors, which may be measured with a circuit analyzer.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Radio Measurements

Method and Hardware-Software Facilities for Studying Wireless Communication Channels in Smart Devices for Data Measurement and Transmission

Shtern Y.I., Egorov V.A., Karavaev I.S., Kozhevnikov Y.S., Mironov R.E., Rykov V.M., Shtern M.Y.


A method, measurement system, and hardware and software facilities are developed for studying the reliability of data reception and signal level in radio channels. This method can be used to test the wireless communication channels employed in smart devices for data measurement and transmission during manufacture. Studies are made of the wireless communication channels of batches of commercially produced smart devices. The dependence of the loss probability for a packet of data on the radio signal level is determined.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):183-187
pages 183-187 views

Acoustic Measurements

Aspects of Measuring the Acoustic Characteristics of Parametric Radiating Antennas

Zheleznyi V.B., Ostrovskii D.B.


We examine two factors that should be considered when measuring parametric radiating antenna characteristics: nonlinear distortion in the receiver measurement path while receiving strong signals on the frequencies of the pump signal and the weak difference frequency signal; the need for measurements in the nonlinear interaction zone of the pump waves. We present a method of calculating a correction to convert the measured acoustic pressure in the far field.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):188-192
pages 188-192 views

Physicochemical Measurements

Measurement of Structural Parameters Based on X-Ray Emission Spectra with Energy-Dispersive Detection

Gavrilenko V.P., Zablotskii A.V., Korneichuk S.A., Kuzin A.Y., Kupriyanova T.A., Lyamina O.I., Todua P.A., Filippov M.N., Shklover V.Y.


The feasibility of using the diffraction peaks in x-ray emission spectra detected with energy dispersion for measuring the spacing between lattice planes in crystalline substances is demonstrated.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(2):198-201
pages 198-201 views

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