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Vol 61, No 4 (2018)

State Standards

GET 59–2016, State Primary Standard of Unit of Thermal Conductivity and Unit of Thermal Resistance

Sokolov N.A., Sokolov A.N., Churilina N.V.


Features and metrological characteristics of State Primary Standard GET 59–2016 of the unit of thermal conductivity and unit of thermal resistance are considered. The basic results of the three international comparisons CCT-S2, 495/RU/10a, and 549/RU/12a are presented.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):321-326
pages 321-326 views

General Problems of Metrology and Measurement Technique

Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement: Problems, Unrealized Capabilities, and Revisions. Part 2. Probabilistic-Statistical Problems

Levin S.F.


Problems related to estimation of precision in connection with revisions to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement are considered.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):327-334
pages 327-334 views


Use of the Concept of Measurement Uncertainty in Applied Problems of Metrology

Efremova N.Y.


Problems related to the use of the concept of measurement uncertainty in different types of metrological problems, such as calibration, type evaluation, and the verification of measuring instruments are considered. A classification of risks in the assessment of the correspondence of measuring instruments to specific requirements is presented. Examples of conformity decision rules used in verification of measuring instruments are presented and the role of measurement uncertainty in these rules is demonstrated.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):335-341
pages 335-341 views

Estimation of Expanded Uncertainty in Measurement When Implementing a Bayesian Approach

Zakharov I.P., Botsyura O.A.


Issues with the estimation of expanded uncertainty in the fi rst draft of the revised Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) based on the Bayesian approach are considered. Comparative analysis is done of the methodologies that are known and those that are proposed by the authors for estimating expanded uncertainty, based on the current version of the GUM, the GOST R 8.736–2011 standard, and the distribution law of expanded uncertainty. It is shown that the authors’ technique makes it possible to achieve good correspondence of the estimates of expanded uncertainty with estimates obtained by the Monte Carlo method.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):342-346
pages 342-346 views

Estimation of the Error of Lidar Measurements of the Concentration of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Atmosphere

Privalov V.E., Shemanin V.G.


The error of measurement of hydrogen sulfide concentration ranging from 1010–1014 cm–3 in the atmosphere by Raman lidar as well as differential absorption and scattering lidar at distances up to 2 km was estimated. It was shown that Raman lidar over measurement time of 100 sec can record such concentration of the studied molecules in atmosphere with a relative error of no more than 20% for the entire range of distances, and for differential absorption and scattering lidar at the wavelength of 3.83 μm the relative measurement error lies in the range of 20–26%.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):360-364
pages 360-364 views

Method for Determining Defects on the Inner Walls of Tubing from the Velocity Distribution of the Flowing Fluid

Davydov V.V., Kruzhalov S.V., Grebenikova N.M., Smirnov K.Y.


The flow structure of a liquid medium in tubing with a circular cross section is investigated. A method has been developed for determining the defects of the inner walls of tubing using laser radiation scattered on particles of the flowing fluid. The results of determining the fluid flow velocity profile in the tubing cross section along the length of this tubing are presented. A new technique is proposed for measuring the point coordinates describing the location of the defect in terms of the length and inner diameter of the tubing.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):365-372
pages 365-372 views

Autonomous Navigation System of Ground Transport Based on Doppler Sensors for Measuring Vector Velocity

Khablov D.V.


A method for processing the signal of Doppler radio frequency sensors is given, which makes it possible to measure the ground speed vector of surface vehicles (cars, tractors, autocars, etc.). The possibility of constructing a real car route in a rectangular coordinate system is shown. Special algorithms for signal processing are considered which substantially increase the accuracy of determining the Doppler frequencies of the sensors.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):384-389
pages 384-389 views

Specific Features of the Tests for Tightness of Small Gas-Filled Spark Gaps Under the Conditions of Unstable Operation of the Ion Source of a Mass Spectrometer

Bushin S.A.


We present the results of development of a procedure aimed at checking the tightness of small-size gas-filled spark gaps, which is mainly caused by the problem of instability in the operation of ion source of the mass spectrometer due to the exhaustion of the service life of the cathode. We consider the theoretical and practical approaches aimed at the elimination of this problem and propose the solutions of the problems, including methodological ones, aimed at the minimization of the losses of useful mass-spectrometric data under the conditions of temporal decrease in the sensitivity of gas analyzer. We also reveal the necessity of undertaking proper measures for the prevention of the appearance of untypical distortions of the recorded mass spectrograms.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):402-411
pages 402-411 views

Improvement of a Dielectric Moisture Meter Insensitive to the Mass of Material

Mefed A.E.


We realized the improvement of a dielectric moisture meter in the form of elevation of its sensitivity to moisture with preservation of the independence of the results of measurement of the mass of the investigated material. In the improved meter, the moisture is found from the ratio of the sum of increments of the reactive and active components of the admittance of the capacitor sensor of moisture meter caused by placing the investigated material inside the capacitor to the difference between these increments or from the ratio of some other combinations of these increments. Both these ratios and the ratio of initial increments are independent of the mass of investigated material but much stronger depend on its moisture content. In practice, the application of these moisture meters can simplify the procedure of measurements and increase their accuracy.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):412-417
pages 412-417 views

Linear and Angular Measurements

Iterative Method of Adjusting the Radius of the Spherical Probe of Mobile Coordinate-Measuring Machines When Monitoring a Rotation Surface

Grechnikov F.V., Rezchikov A.F., Zakharov O.V.


An iterative method of probe radius compensation of mobile coordinate-measuring machines when controlling bodies of rotation is examined. The new method minimizes the angle between the normals at the specified point to the nominal and actual profiles as a result of successive approximations. Results of measurement and data handling showed high efficiency of the iterative method by comparison with known methods that are based on the least squares method. The greatest effect on reducing the error of probe radius compensation is reached with a small number of measured points and their non-uniform arrangement on the surface of the component part.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):347-352
pages 347-352 views

Optophysical Measurements

Methods and Devices for Monitoring the Process of Laser Cleaning of Artworks

Parfenov V.A.


A method of monitoring the process of laser cleaning of monuments and other works of art in the course of conservation is presented. The capabilities of the method of laser-induced breakdown plasma spectroscopy in cleaning of monuments made of metal are considered. A photometric device based on an integrating cavity in the form of a cylinder is developed and investigated. The capabilities gained with the use of the device for proximate analysis of the efficiency of the process of cleaning the surfaces of sculpture made of marble and limestone structures are shown.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):353-359
pages 353-359 views

Electromagnetic Measurements

A Reference Quantum Transported Comparator of DC Magnetic Induction in the Range 1–100 μT

Belyakov D.I., Kalabin V.N., Shifrin V.Y.


A reference quantum transported comparator of DC magnetic induction is presented, created on the basis of a two-zone measure of magnetic induction and a quantum system of automatic reproduction of the nominal parameters of the modulus of magnetic induction in the geomagnetic range. The reference comparator expands the functional capabilities of the State Primary Standard of the units of magnetic induction, magnetic flux, magnetic moment, and the gradient of magnetic induction of GET 12–2011, and makes it possible to calibrate and verify precision magnetometers in locations of mass application.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):373-376
pages 373-376 views

Radio Measurements

Measurement of Nonlinear Distortion of Frequency-Modulated Signals of Direct Digital Synthesis

Zen’kovich A.V., Ballo V.L., Dobrovol’skii V.B.


A new method for measuring the nonlinear distortions of frequency-modulated signals of promising generators has been experimentally confirmed. Signals are formed on the basis of direct digital synthesis. The advantages of this method for sensitivity, resolution of measurement and ease of implementation are shown.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):377-383
pages 377-383 views

Acoustic Measurements

Measurement of Sound Reflection Coefficients as a Function of Frequency in an Undamped Tank

Isaev A.E., Nikolaenko A.S., Polikarpov А.М.


We discuss a technique for measuring the frequency-dependent acoustic reflection coefficient of a material under test in a tank where the acoustic waves reflected by the tank surfaces cannot be neglected. The effectiveness of this technique was assessed by measuring the reflection coefficient at the air–water and water–reinforced-concrete interfaces. We describe the experimental results obtained at low frequencies (down to a few tens of hertz), in addition to several special considerations that apply to low-frequency measurements.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):390-394
pages 390-394 views

Physicochemical Measurements

Measurement of Carbon-Nanotube Adsorption of Energy-Carrier Gases for Alternative Energy Systems

Shkolin A.V., Fomkin A.A.


We have developed a measurement technique and describe a test bench for experimental gravimetric study of the adsorption of energy-carrier gases at pressures of up to 0.15 MPa and temperatures of 77–670 K on CNT/C7H8 supramolecular structures based on carbon nanotubes and toluene molecules. We show that at pressure 0.1 MPa and temperatures of 273 and 178 K adsorption of methane is approximately 1.5 times higher on CNT/C7H8 structures than on pure carbon nanotubes.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):395-401
pages 395-401 views


Correction to: Decomposition and Regularization of the Solution of Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems in Processing of Measurement Information. Part 1. A Theoretical Evalution of the Method

Surnin Y.V.


Formula (20) and (21) has been corrected. Also, on page 230, in the 7th line of the conclusion, it should read “estimated parameters of the decomposed model (9);”.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(4):418-418
pages 418-418 views

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