
A tool for tillage in areas exposed to water erosion
Sokolov N.
Use of simulation modeling for optimization of configuration of soil cultivating units in the process of grain farming
Oskin S., Tarasenko B., Drobot V.
Selection of rational parameters for blade rotary working organ on the basis of its kinematic analysis
Akimov A., Konstantinov Y., Fedorov D., Akvilyanova I.
Improvement of construction of a chisel plow
Shchirov V., Khizhnyak V., Nesmiyan A., Khlystov E., Bobryashov A.
Reducing the range of soil discarding by disc harrows in berry fields
Ozhereliev V., Nikitin V., Sinyaya N.
Determination of the specific soil resistance using deep subsurface tillage in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan
Kuvayev A.
An analysis of soil compaction by frontal disk harrows
Zvolinsky V., Gavrilin M.
Ecological and reclamation method of tillage
Tarasenko B., Drobot V., Sokolova V., Orekhovskaya A.
An optimal system of resource-saving technologies of cereal crops complex harvesting in the Kuban region
Abayev V., Trubilin Y., Maslov G.
Parameters of double-drum roller to the implements for cultivation of permanent grasses layer and fallow land
Rakhimov R., Derepaskin A., Polishchuk Y., Binyukov Y.
Optimal performance of soil cultivating units
Blednykh V., Svechnikov P.
Improving the designs of plough and hammering device for surface tillage
Nikolayev V.
Ob otsenke agroekologicheskikh pokazateley pochvoobrabatyvayushchikh mashin pri rabote na povyshennykh skorostyakh
Zvolinskiy V.
Application of differentiated tillage
Fedorov S.
Influence of parameters of blade rotary working organ on unevenness of furrow bottom
Akimov A., Konstantinov Y.
Improving the working organs of tools for autumn shallow soil cultivation
Gayfullin G., Amantayev M., Kurach A., Muntayeva M.
Calculation of driving power of rotary blade tool of a tiller
Akimov A., Konstantinov Y., Fiodorov D.
Decrease of tractive resistance of combined wide-coverage machines
Konstantinov M., Drozdov S.
Effective methods and engineering tools for grubbing
Bartenev I., Pozdnyakov Y.
Efficient depth of primary soil cultivation
Blednykh V., Svechnikov P.
A mathematical model of the interaction of rotary vane working member with the soil
Akimov A., Konstantinov Y.
New technological means for the mechanization of crop production
Repetov A.
Evaluation of the impact of technological processes
Rudenko N., Kulaev E., Rudenko V., Nosov I.
The use of plastics in the construction of soil-working tools
Parkhomenko G., Bozhko I., Gromakov A., Pakhomov V.
Theoretical and experimental determination of tractive resistance of a rope and roller cultivator
Polikutin N., Telichkina N.
Quality assessment criterion of weeds undercutting by hexagonal disk
Soyunov A., Demchuk Y., Golovin A., Chaplin V.
Cultivator for preplanting cultivation equipped with rope working organ
Telichkina N.
Сombined tool for fallow land tillage for a class 5 tractor
Astafyev V., Bobkov S., Plokhotenko M.
Working body for loosening the soil in a row between bushes of berry crops
Gordeev O., Gordeev V.
Research of new working organs for graded subsurface tillage in arid conditions of the South of Russia
Parkhomenko G., Bozhko I., Gromakov A., Maksimenko V.
Improvement of subsurface tillage with combined chisel plough and subsoil cultivator
Khizhnyak V., Nesmiyan A., Schirov V., Khlystov Y., Bobryashov A.
Geometrical parameters of combined working members of tillage machines
Nikonova G., Nikonov M., Stakhanov D.
Environmental aspects of processing chernozem with high-speed tools
Zvolinsky V.
An improved cultivator’s working organ
Kushnir V., Benyukh O.
Design improvement of plough harrow
Kushnir V., Benyukh O.
Soil cultivating with a tiller with V-shaped knives
Tarasenko B., Niyomuvunyi A., Drobot V., Rudnev S., Blinova A.
Combined units for grain crops cultivation
Petrovets V., Chaichits N.
Improved working tool for loosening the soil in the rows of berry crops
Gordeev O., Gordeev V.
Analysis of agrotechnical indices of working organs for layered soil-free tillage
Parkhomenko G., Semenikhina Y., Gromakov A., Bozhko I.
Comparative parameters of tools for surface tillage
Nesmiyan A., Kobets M., Dolzhikov V., Gladkiy S.
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