Application of differentiated tillage

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The main indicator of the physical state of soils is the density of structure. When comparing the values of the equilibrium and optimal soil density for agricultural crops, the need of one or another mechanical treatment is determined. This suggests that at present the soil treatment system can not be uniform, universal, equally suitable and effective at different points in the field. It must be differentiated, adapted to soil and climatic conditions. Proceeding from the above, there appeared the idea of the need to create a combined cultivator for differentiated soil cultivation, which provided the desired predictable process of work under accomplished conditions. The purpose of the study is to reduce energy costs, improve the quality of surface preparation of the soil through the application of differentiated tillage without reducing yields. Field studies on determining density and hardness of the soil were carried out at a temperature of + 20 ± 2 °C at different depths (0 ... 10, 10 ... 20, 20 ... 30 and 30 ... 40 cm) and repeated 4 times for each depth to determine the average values of the amplitudes. The moisture content of the soil during the treatment varied from 20 % to 26 %. The limiting relative error in the measurement was 5 %. When examining the hardness and density of the soil, one point (as one dimension) was laid on 4 ... 5 hectare. The results of the studies showed that the hardness and density of the soil in different points of the field are different. Over time their values increase. The minimum values of hardness and density were observed at a depth of 0 ... 10 cm and amounted to 8 kg/cm2 and 0,94 g/cm3, maximum at a depth of 30 ... 40 cm - 34,3 kg/cm2 and 1,41 g/cm3. In this direction, we proposed the creation of an experimental combined machine for differentiated soil cultivation, which automatically changes the depth of processing, depending on the density and hardness of the soil.

About the authors

S. E Fedorov

Ogarev Mordovia State University

PhD in Engineering


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