Vol 89, No 5 (2022)

Hystory articles

The first with completely domestic design. The 85th anniversary of the STZ-NATI tractor

Kosenko V.V., Sharov V.V.


85 years ago, on 11 July 1937, the production of the STZ-NATI, the famous and deservedly popular tracked agricultural tractor, was launched at Stalingrad Tractor Plant. This tractor was the first which had completely domestic deisgn. Development of this tractor is an example of effective collaboration between the design engineers of STP and the scientists of All-soviet Scientific Research Tractor Insitute (NATI). In comparison with the predecessor, the STZ-1 wheeled tractor, the STZ-NATI was better suitable for soil, climate and road conditions of the USSR, 73% more powerful, much more productive and efficient. The production of this tractor was launched at Kharkiv Tractor Plant in the same year under the name of SKhTZ-NATI or KhTZ-NATI and at the newly-established Altay Tractor Plant in 1942, during the Great Patriotic War (ASKhTZ-NATI or ATZ-NATI). On the basis of the STZ-NATI and KhTZ-NATI agricultural tractors, the STZ-5 transport tractor and the STZ-8 swamp tractor were developed and produced at STP, the KhTZ-T2G gas generator tractor and the KhTZ-16 armoured tractor were developed and produced at KhTP. The ASKhTZ-NATI tractor production at STP and KhTP continued until 1949, the production at ATP continued until 1952, when the tractor was succeeded by the DT-54 diesel tractor. Three plants produced around 200,000 ASKhTZ-NATI tractors. Cutting-edge and successful design solutions, implemented in the tractor’s design, were used in tractors of STP/VgTD, KhTP and ATP for a long time and still find place in Chinese YTO tractors.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):307-318
pages 307-318 views

Environmentally friendly technologies and equipment

Ecological and reclamation method of tillage

Tarasenko B.F., Drobot V.A., Sokolova V.A., Orekhovskaya A.A.


BACKGROUND: The steppe regions of the North Caucasus, the Volga region and the Central Chernozem regions of insufficient and unstable humidification are exposed to strong winds, which destroy and blow out the soil, cause dust storms, damage crops and often destroy them over large areas. It was found that the main foci of dust storms were areas plowed by ordinary dump tools. In this regard, the non-fall (flat-cut) tillage widely used in Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia with the preservation of most of the crop residues on the soil surface has acquired great importance. At the same time, tillage with chisel cultivators or plows, as well as rippers-slits with pointed loosening paws, allows to reduce the total energy consumption by 1.3-1.5 times, and also improves the agrophysical properties of the soil and increases crop yields.

AIM: The present study deals with a development of soil-free soil protection technology that contributes to the accumulation of moisture and increase yield.

METHODS: The method includes non-tillage tillage together with the cutting of cracks and the formation of cavities. The device consists of a hinged frame with support wheels and working bodies. The non-shaft working bodies are installed in a staggered order and contain C-shaped racks with chisels fixed at the end and flat-cut trapezoidal semi-paws on the sides. Drainers are fixed behind the racks, trapezoidal semi-paws in the front part are fixed pivotally on axes rigidly fixed on the sides of the rack, and in the rear part they have a kinematic connection with the mechanism of the swinging washer, connected, in turn, with the power take-off shaft of the power means.

RESULTS: The working process of the method of accumulation of moisture in the soil is carried out as follows: after harvesting the previous crop, peeling is performed, and then furrows are cut with simultaneous non-shaft loosening, while at a depth of 30–60 cm rectangular cross–section cavities are created, and the walls of the cavities are rammed. Due to this, meltwater enters through the furrows and collects in the cavities of a large volume and is retained due to the rammed walls for a long time. The use of large volume cavities will increase the amount of accumulated moisture, which will contribute to an increase in the amount of harvest.

CONCLUSION: An improved method is proposed. The novelty of the method lies in the fact that the cavities are formed to a depth of 30 to 60 cm due to low-frequency vibrations at a frequency of 1 stroke per second of planar trapezoidal semi-paws from the sides of the rack, and the sealing of the walls of the cavities is carried out by exposure to high-frequency vibrations with a frequency of 250 Hz using roller elements. The use of large volume cavities will increase the volume of accumulated moisture, which will contribute to an increase in the amount of harvest.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):319-324
pages 319-324 views

Use of fuel injection equipment with increased injection pressure for reducing environmental footprint

Melbert A.A., Nguyen T.H., Mashensky A.V.


BACKGROUND: Environmental pollution causes a number of irreversible consequences, including those associated with climate warming, acid precipitation, deterioration of climatic conditions and others. The problem of reducing harmful emissions of diesel engines containing in exhaust gases is currently relevant, as the implementation of the EURO 4/5/6 standards is becoming increasingly difficult for both new automotive equipment and those already in operation.

AIMS: Reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and reduction of environmental footprint by increasing the fuel injection pressure in a diesel cylinder.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The 6Ch15/18 (7D6-150) diesel engines, having nominal power of 110 kW at 1500 min-1, specific effective fuel consumption of 224 g/(kWh) and oil burn of 0.32% of the fuel consumption intended for diesel generator units, were tested. During steady-state tests, diesel exhaust gases were collected to analyze their composition and determine the dispersion of solid particles (SP) with an increase in fuel injection pressure by tightening the nozzle springs.

RESULTS: It was revealed that with an increase in the tightening of the nozzle springs and an increase in the injection pressure (PI), emissions of solid particles with exhaust gases decrease, and the fuel efficiency of diesel increases. As a result of the tests carried out, it was found that with an increase in the springs tightening of the injectors from (PI increased from 160 to 185 kPa), emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) decreased by 15%, emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) decreased by 15%, emissions of hydrocarbons (CxHy) decreased by 54% and emissions of solid particles (SP) decreased by 33%. Improved mixing and better preparation of fuel for combustion explain the change in CO emissions with the PI increase. The emissions of CxHy indicate a significant improvement in the completeness of fuel combustion in the cycle. Emissions of solid particles containing in exhaust gases are reduced due to the intensification of mixing of air and fuel vapor, contributing to a more complete burn-off of soot in a cylinder. The CxHy emissions are reduced and meet the EURO-3 and EURO-4 standards. The environmental footprint was as follows: NEF = 51.34 Сt/year at PI = 160 kPa and NEF = 43.66 Сt/year at PI = 185 kPa, which indicates a decrease in the environmental footprint by 1.17 times or by 15%.

CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of using fuel injection equipment with increased fuel injection pressure into a cylinder to reduce harmful emissions from diesel exhaust gases down to the required standards.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):325-331
pages 325-331 views

New machines and equipment

The double-flow electromechanical transmission of tracked vehicle

Demidov N.N., Dobretsov R.Y., Kaninskiy A.O., Porshnev G.P.


BACKGROUND: Specific demands to ensure high mobility and low energy consumption while cornering are given in the process of development transport and special tracked vehicles. Therefore, improvement of values of these parameters is a relevant objective. The mentioned parameters are directly dependent on the chosen type of transmission.

AIM: Derivation of transmission kinematic schemes that provide the best opportunities to ensure the quality of tracked vehicle cornering control with relative simplicity of design.

METHODS: Derivation of transmission kinematic schemes and analytical evaluation of expected transmission properties were based on fundamentals of the theory of ground vehicle dynamics.

RESULTS: The kinematic diagram of a double-flow transmission and rotation mechanism for a transport vehicle with two engines is proposed. The proposed scheme is applicable for tracked chassis, wheeled vehicles using the skid-steering method. The proposed principle of transmission construction can be adapted for a ship with a hybrid powerplant. The modes of operation of the proposed mechanism are presented, its main kinematic and power features are given. An assessment of the required power of the traction electric motor as part of a hybrid powertrain of a transport tracked vehicle weighing 45–50 tons was carried out. Special attention is paid to the problem of the possibility of manufacturing a hybrid powertrain with the proposed transmission based on components, the production of which has been produced in the Russian Federation.

CONCLUSIONS: The proposed transmission scheme may be used for development of new machinery as well as for upgrading of existing vehicles. Main advantages of the proposed scheme are simplicity, compactness, and engine functions duplications. Specific advantages for a transport vehicle with an regenerative steering system are ensuring the mechanical energy recuperation during cornering and braking and ensuring turning the production of a pivot turn.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):333-342
pages 333-342 views

Justification of the impeller speed choice for optimization of the continuous mixing mode in a facility for preparation of liquid feed mixtures

Solonshchikov P.N.


BACKGROUND: In the coming years, most of the main livestock production will be produced on farms under their collective lease, as well as on individual farms, which will ensure intensive development of the industry.

AIMS: The paper is devoted to the study of the liquid feed mixtures preparation under different impeller speeds, under different temperatures of the liquid and with further parameters optimization.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The experimental facility for the liquid feed mixtures preparation is a multifunctional technical equipment, capable of performing following 3 functions: dosing of material (the whole milk replacer), liquid supply (the pumping function) and mixture preparation (the mixer function).

RESULTS: The study of facilities, based on blade pumps, revealed that the rotational speed n in the range of 1750 to 3000 min-1 is not always effective. Then, the indicators of performance or mixture supply are bigger for these values. Thus, the experiment is carried out based on the synchronism of the rotational speeds of the electric motor and the impeller: n = 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750 min-1. The application of an asynchronous electric motor implies taking account of slip s being 2–3%.

CONCLUSIONS: The study of the mixing facility at the continuous mixing mode shows that it is not necessary to take the mixing time into account with given design parameters, as the mixture processing occurs instantly, for a very short time intervals Tc = 0.02–0.006 s. Experimental studies show that the impeller speed under different temperatures of the liquid affects the degree of the mixture homogeneity, while the number of fixed blades is also considered. Thus, in the continuous mixing mode, the degree of homogeneity Ѳ is 85.2% for a speed n = 950–1490 min-1, while the water temperature t is 20–24 °C.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):343-349
pages 343-349 views

Theory, designing, testing

Determination of biogas fuel compression ratio for agricultural machinery fueling

Petrov N.V.


BACKGROUND: Agricultural machinery is the main consumer of liquid petroleum-product fuel in the countryside of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Even partial machinery transition to biogas fuel would reduce consumption of liquid petroleum-product fuel, in this regard, first of all, it is necessary to determine biogas fuel compression ratio for agricultural machinery fueling. A number of experimental works is demanded to carry out to determine compression ratio of biogas fuel of different compositions.

AIMS: Determination of compression ratio of biogas fuel of different composition for agricultural machinery fueling with a compressor.

METHODS: Experimental determination of biogas fuel compression ratio carried out with the UGK-3 test facility. Based on obtained experimental data, numerical simulation was carried out with CurveExpert and MS Excel software (for data set linear approximation).

RESULTS: Based on Mendeleev-Clapeyron ideal gas law, the formula for theoretical calculation of compression ratio of biogas fuel of different chemical compositions. In order to obtain experimental data, a number of experimental works was carried out with the UGK-3 test facility, updated for considering of biogas fuel compression ratio in various conditions. According to the results of linear approximation, with increasing of methane volume fraction, biogas fuel compression ratio tends to values of pure methane compression ratio taken from GOST 30319.2-2019.

CONCLUSIONS: Practical utility of the study lies in ability of using the proposed method of calculation of compression ratio during vehicle fueling with biogas fuel for the sake of safe and effective fueling.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):351-356
pages 351-356 views

Economics, organization and technology of production

On applicability of additive technology at agricultural engineering enterprises

Shimokhin A.V., Soyunov A.S., Bitkina E.E., Yankovsky K.A.


INTRODUCTION: This article discusses the experience of using additive technologies at agricultural engineering enterprises for the manufacture of new types of equipment. A comparative analysis of the strength properties of materials used for 3D printing is presented. The calculation of the economic efficiency of the use of additive technology is also given.

BACKGROUND: Currently, additive technologies are being actively introduced into production, and in particular in the manufacture of parts at agricultural engineering enterprises. In this regard, the current research topic is the use of 3D printing to create parts.

AIMS: Introduction of new methods for creating parts and their prototypes, with the aim of import substitution of parts and improvement of own production at agricultural engineering enterprises.

METHODS: In the course of the study, an analysis of the materials was carried out. At the same time, it was noted that ABC plastic is well machined and has the highest bending strength. Flex plastic has high elastic properties. PLA plastic is more tear resistant than ABC plastic, but it is more rigid, which limits its use in connectors. As a result, ABC plastic was chosen for further work on the use of additive technology. The manufactured working samples of parts were installed on a seeder and experimental crops were carried out.

RESULTS: As a result of the analysis, the positive aspects of the application of this technology were noted. The characteristics of 3D printing methods are given. An analysis was also made of the materials from which the parts can be made. The strength properties of plastics are presented and a comparative characteristic is given with materials used in traditional technologies for manufacturing parts. In order to introduce additive technology for the manufacture of parts for one of the enterprises in Omsk, samples were made. Details were made according to the drawings of the enterprise: a sleeve connecting the seed tube and the coulter in the seeders. To do this, 3D models were created in the КОМПАС-3D program and, using a 3d printer, the elements of the sowing machine were printed: a plug, small-seed and large-seed coils. These parts were installed on the СС-11 seeder.

CONCLUSIONS: The use of additive technology in agricultural enterprises may be due to the following factors: the part is unloaded or lightly loaded, there is a sufficient supply of time before the product is delivered to the customer, the resulting prototype meets all technical requirements, the prototype has passed strength tests. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the deviation of the seeding rate of the manufactured coil using 3D printing from the original one does not exceed the allowable limits of ± 5% and amounted to 10-20 gr. The conducted experiments and economic justification show that additive technology can be used to manufacture prototype parts.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):357-365
pages 357-365 views

Comparative analysis of the working bodies of the vibrating mixer of bulk feed

Yatsunov A.N., Sabiev U.K.


BACKGROUND: The paper is devoted to the preparation of highly homogeneous bulk feed mixtures. It is known that the efficiency of the mixing process increases significantly when vibra-tion is applied, while reducing the time to achieve maximum uniformity of the mixture and reduc-ing the energy costs of mixing. In some cases, vibration can only intensify the main process, and in others it can cause specific vibration effects that are used for mixing.

AIMS: Increasing the homogeneity of the mixture due to vibration effects.

METHODS: A laboratory-experimental vibrating mixer of continuous bulk feed has been de-veloped for conducting research. Its general structure and principle of operation are considered, the influence of design features of replaceable working bodies on the quality of the mixing pro-cess is analyzed.

RESULTS: Comparative analysis has shown that mixing elements with complex vibration con-tact surfaces provide a sufficiently high quality of the resulting mixture, but the mixer perfor-mance is relatively low. To increase productivity while maintaining consistently high quality, flat working bodies with holes in the form of isosceles triangles are proposed. During the studies of their work, a decrease in the uniformity of the resulting mixture was revealed, therefore, it is pro-posed to install concave or curved triangular plates under the holes. This technical solution allows us to obtain the quality of the feed mixture that meets the requirements without reducing produc-tivity.

An additional way to intensify the mixing process, regardless of the type of working bodies, is the hinge fastening of the mixing elements. In addition, using a special mechanism, it is possi-ble to change the speed of mass movement inside the vibrating trough and, accordingly, the per-formance of the entire installation as a whole and the mixing intensity.

CONCLUSIONS: All types of mixing elements have been successfully tested. The laboratory-experimental vibrating mixer has passed the production test as part of a small-sized feed unit.

The article describes the history of the development and creation of the first domestic neutralizers of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines, which began with testing and research of foreign neutralizers. Sequential stages of design, study and testing of domestic converters for gasoline and diesel engines are considered. There are described the following processes: the process of developing methods for testing engines for toxicity and the process of creating estimated indicators and developing normative and technical documents in the field of toxicity of engines and vehicles.

Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(5):367-374
pages 367-374 views

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