Determination of the specific soil resistance using deep subsurface tillage in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan

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The paper proposes a method for determining specific soil resistance and presents the results of the conducted research. One of the main limiting factors in determining the working width of the tillage implement is specific soil resistance. This indicator is a quantitative characteristic of the labor intensity of soil tillage. Therefore, when designing new machinery, it is necessary to have reliable data on its value. The data presented in the scientific literature on the value of specific soil resistance are average and do not take into account the parameters of tillage working tools. Therefore, the determination of specific soil resistance for working tools with known parameters is the current topic of scientific research. The purpose of the research is to determine the value of specific soil resistance for working tools with known parameters. The research method consists of the experimental determination of the total draft resistance of the tillage implement and further mathematical processing of the experimental data obtained on the basis of the rational formula of V.P. Goryachkin. To conduct experimental research, a laboratory unit was developed, the design of which eliminates the impact of its weight on the draft resistance, arising from the friction between the parts of the working tool and soil. It was found that for the soils under consideration, which are typical for Northern Kazakhstan, the specific soil resistance is k = 45908 N/m2. The obtained coefficient of variation υ < 10 % indicates a slight change in the considered variation. Therefore, the obtained value of the specific soil resistance is reliable. The results obtained will be used to substantiate the working width of the tillage implement with the working tools under consideration.

About the authors

A. N Kuvayev

A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University

Kostanay, the Republic of Kazakhstan


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