Working body for loosening the soil in a row between bushes of berry crops

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Technologies for the care of berry plantations involve the use of manual labor for cultivation of soil between plant shrubs. The aim of the research is to develop a scheme of a working organ for loosening the soil in a row between bushes of berry crops on the basis of an improved mechanism for delivering soil rippers to the space between plant bushes. Berry plantations are characterized by row spacing and the distance between bushes, the soil in a row - by protective zone and a processing zone. In the article the equations of trajectory of movement of a ripper of soil (ripper tip) between bushes of plants are given. The agrotechnical requirements most closely correspond to the trajectory in the form of an elongated cycloid. The maximum width of the loop of the elongated cycloid is at the intersection of the straight line along which the circle producing the cycloid rolls. The equation for determining the maximum width of the loop of an elongated cycloid is given. To determine the radius of rotation of the ripper tip corresponding to the distance between the bushes of plants the dependence of width of loop of an elongated cycloid on the radius of rotation of the ripper tip is presented. The scheme of the working organ for loosening the soil in a row between bushes of berry crops with an improved mechanism for delivering the soil ripper to the space between the bushes of plants is given. The working body is a vertical milling cutter with one asymmetrical blade. On the asymmetrical blade ripper tips are located. The radius of rotation of the ripper tip, which is the extremity of the rotation axis, is equal to the selected value. The distance between adjacent ripper tip in accordance with the recommendations for ripper tips of harrows is 80 mm. The rotation of the asymmetrical blade is transmitted from the drive wheel. When the working body moves along the row, ripper tips moving along the trajectory of the elongated cycloid smoothly enter the space between the bushes of plants and loosen the soil.

About the authors

O. V Gordeev

South Ural Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Cultivation

DSc in Engineering

V. O Gordeev

South Ural Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Cultivation



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