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Vol 88, No 6 (2023)

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Resistom Streptomyces rimosus - a reservoir of resistance genes to aminoglycoside antibiotics

Alekseeva M.G., Rudakova N.N., Ratkin A.V., Mavletova D.A., Danilenko V.N.


The study of aminoglycoside acetyltransferases in actinobacteria of the genus Streptomyces is an integral part of the study of soil bacteria as the main reservoir and possible source of drug resistance genes. Previously, in the strain Streptomyces rimosus ATCC 10970 (producing oxyteteracycline), which is resistant to most natural aminoglycoside antibiotics, we have identified and biochemically characterized 3 aminoglycoside phosphotransferases, which cause resistance to kanamycin, neomycin, paromomycin, streptomycin, and hygromycin B. In the presented work, it was shown that resistance to other AGs in this strain is associated with the presence of the enzyme aminoglycoside acetyltransferase, belonging to the AAC(2′) subfamily. Induction of the expression of the gene, designated by us as aac(2′)-If, in Escherichia coli cells determines resistance to a wide range of natural aminoglycoside antibiotics (neomycin, gentamicin, tobramycin, sisomycin, and paromomycin) and to an increase in the minimum inhibitory concentrations of these antibiotics.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):891-899
pages 891-899 views

Recombinant endopeptidases IdeS and IdeZ and their potential applications

Boksha I.S., Lunin V.G., Danilova T.A., Poponova M.S., Polyakov N.B., Lyashchuk A.M., Konstantinova S.V., Galushkina Z.M., Ustenko E.V.


IdeS and IdeZ endopeptidases are streptococcal virulence factors that specifically cleave IgG heavy chains and represent an interest from biotechnological, medical, and veterinary points of view. The genes encoding IdeS and IdeZ endopeptidases (the ideS gene was cloned from a Streptococcus pyogenes collection strain, and S. zooepidemicusideZ gene was synthesized) were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli heterologous expression system, and 6His-tag affinity domain was introduced into the amino acid sequence of each endopeptidase. IdeS and IdeZ enzymes were isolated and purified by metal affinity chromatography. The resulting IdeS and IdeZ are apparently homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and are active against human and animal IgG. The specificity of human IgG cleavage by endopeptidases IdeS and IdeZ was confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Application of recombinant IdeZ was demonstrated for immunological analysis of equine “strangles” (diagnostics and specific antibodies’ titer determination in the blood). Thus, IdeZ can be used in veterinary medicine and sanitary microbiology for the diagnosis of infections caused by S. equi and S. zooepidemicus in addition to their applications in medicine and biotechnology.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):900-912
pages 900-912 views

The role of microRNA in the regulation of cellular responses to hypoxia

Silina M.V., Dzhalilova D.S., Makarova O.V.


The impact of hypoxia causes changes in the transcription of genes that contribute to the adaptation of cells to a lack of oxygen. The main mechanism regulating the cellular response to hypoxia is the activation of a group of transcription factors of the HIF (Hypoxia-Inducible Factor) family, which include several isoforms and control the expression of more than a thousand genes. HIF activity is regulated at various levels, including by small non-coding RNA molecules called microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNAs regulate the cellular response to hypoxia by influencing the activation of HIF, its degradation, and the translation of proteins dependent on it. At the same time, HIF also affects miRNA biogenesis. Data on the relationship of a particular HIF isoform with miRNA are contradictory, since studies are performed using different cell lines, different types of experimental animals and clinical material, as well as at different oxygen concentrations and different durations of hypoxic exposure. In addition, HIF expression may be affected by the initial resistance of organisms to lack of oxygen, which is not taken into account in studies. This review analyzes data on the effect of hypoxia on the biogenesis and functioning of miRNAs, as well as the effect of microRNAs on mRNAs of genes involved in adaptation to oxygen deficiency. Understanding the mechanisms of the relationship between HIF, hypoxia, and miRNA is necessary to develop new approaches to personalized therapy for diseases accompanied by oxygen deficiency.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):913-932
pages 913-932 views

Effects of chronic combined treatment with ketanserin and fluoxetine in B6.CBA-D13Mit76C recombinant mice with abnormal 5-НТ1a receptor functional activity

Tsybko A.S., Kondaurova E.M., Zalivina E.V., Blaginya V.O., Naumenko V.S.


The recombinant B6.CBA-D13Mit76C mouse strain is characterized by altered sensitivity of 5-HT1A receptors and greater Htr1a gene transcription. Recently, we found that in B6.CBA-D13Mit76C mice, chronic fluoxetine treatment produced pro-depressive effect in a forced swim test. Since 5-HT2A receptor blockade may be beneficial in treatment-resistant depression, we investigated the influence of chronic treatment (14 days, intraperitoneally) with selective 5-HT2A antagonist ketanserin (0.5 mg/kg), fluoxetine (20 mg/kg), or fluoxetine + ketanserin on the behavior, functional activity of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors, serotonin turnover, and transcription of principal genes of the serotonin system in the brain of B6.CBA-D13Mit76C mice. Ketanserin did not reverse the pro-depressive effect of fluoxetine. Fluoxetine, ketanserin, and fluoxetine + ketanserin decreased functional activity of 5-HT1A receptors and Htr1a gene transcription in the midbrain and hippocampus. Additionally, all the tested drug regimens decreased mRNA levels of Slc6a4 and Maoa in the midbrain. These changes were not accompanied by a significant shift in the levels of serotonin and its metabolite 5-HIAA. Notably, ketanserin upregulated enzymatic activity of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2). Thus, despite some benefits (reduced Htr1a, Slc6a4, and Maoa transcription and increased TPH2 activity), prolonged blockade of 5-HT2A receptors failed to ameliorate the adverse effect of fluoxetine during abnormal functioning of 5-HT1A receptors.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):933-946
pages 933-946 views

Molecular bases of signaling processes regulated by cryptochrome sensory photoreceptors in plants

Fraikin G.Y., Belenikina N.S., Rubin A.B.


The blue-light sensors cryptochromes compose the widespread class of flavoprotein photoreceptors, regulating in plants signaling processes underlying their development, growth, and metabolism. In several algae cryptochromes may act not only as sensory photoreceptors but also as photolyases, catalyzing the repair of UV-induced DNA lesions. Cryptochromes bind FAD as the chromophore in the photolyase homologous region (PHR) domain and contain the cryptochrome C-terminal extension (CCE), which lacks in photolyases. Photosensory process in cryptochrome is initiated by photochemical chromophore conversions, including the formation of FAD redox forms. In a state with the chromophore reduced to neutral radical (FADH), photoreceptory protein undergoes phosphorylation, conformational changes, and disengagement of the PHR domain and CCE with the subsequent formation of oligomers of cryptochrome molecules. Photooligomerization is a structural basis of functional activity of cryptochromes, which determines the formation of their complexes with variety of signaling proteins, including transcriptional factors and transcription regulators. Interactions in such complexes change the protein signaling activity, leading to gene expression regulation and plant photomorphogenesis. In recent years, multiple papers, reporting novel, more detailed information about molecular mechanisms of above-mentioned processes were published. The present review largely focuses on the analysis of data contained in these publications, particularly regarding structural aspects of cryptochrome transitions into photoactivated states and regulatory signaling processes mediated by cryptochrome photoreceptors in plants.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):947-961
pages 947-961 views

Natural guanine derivatives exert PARP-inhibitory and cytoprotective effects in a model of cardiomyocyte damage under oxidative stress

Shram S.I., Shcherbakova T.A., Abramova T.V., Baradieva E.C., Efremova A.S., Smirnovskaya M.S., Silnikov V.N., Švedas V.K., Nilov D.K.


Inhibitors of human poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) are considered as promising agents for the treatment of cardiovascular, neurological, and other diseases accompanied by inflammation and oxidative stress. Previously, the ability of the natural compounds 7-methylguanine (7mGua) and 8-hydroxy-7-methylguanine (8h7mGua) to suppress the activity of the recombinant PARP protein was demonstrated. In the present work, we have investigated the possibility of PARP-inhibitory and cytoprotective action of 7mGua and 8h7mGua against rat cardiomyoblast cultures (undifferentiated and differentiated H9c2). It was found that 7mGua and 8h7mGua rapidly penetrate into cells and effectively suppress H2O2-stimulated PARP activation (IC50 = 270 and 55 µM, respectively). The pronounced cytoprotective effects of 7mGua and 8h7mGua were shown in a cellular model of oxidative stress, and 8h7mGua exceeded the classic PARP inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide for effectiveness. The obtained data indicate the prospects for the development of PARP inhibitors based on guanine derivatives and their testing on models of ischemia-reperfusion tissue damage.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):962-972
pages 962-972 views

Multiple non-canonical base-stacking interactions as one of the major determinants of RNA tertiary structure organization

Metelev V.G., Baulin E.F., Bogdanov A.A.


Interplane (stacking) interactions of heterocyclic bases of nucleotide residues (n.t.) of RNA are one of the most important factors in the organization of its secondary and tertiary structure. Most of these (canonical) interactions are carried out between neighbors in the polynucleotide chains of RNA. However, with the accumulation of data on the atomic tertiary structures of a wide variety of RNAs and their complexes with proteins, it became clear that RNA nucleotide residues that are not neighbors in their polynucleotide chains and are sometimes separated in the RNA primary structure by tens or hundreds of n.t. can interact with the help of base stacking (non-canonical). This paper presents an exhaustive database of such elements and their environment in the macromolecules of natural and synthetic RNAs. They were called nonadjacent base-stacking elements (NA-BSE). The analysis of these data showed that the NA-BSE forming nucleotides, on average, account for about a quarter of all nucleotides of a particular RNA, therefore, they should be considered as real motifs in their tertiary structure. The classification of NA-BSE by types of localization in RNA macromolecules is carried out. It is shown that the structure-forming role of NA-BSE consists in the compact folding of single-stranded RNA loops, in the transformation of double-stranded bulges into imperfect helices, as well as in the binding of RNA regions removed in their primary and secondary structure.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):973-983
pages 973-983 views

Structural and functional studies of tropomyosin isoforms Tpm4.1 and Tpm2.1

Logvinov A.S., Nefedova V.V., Yampolskaya D.S., Kleymenov S.Y., Levitsky D.I., Matyushenko A.M.


Tropomyosin (Tpm) is one of the most important partners of the actin filament, largely determining its properties. In animal organisms, there are different isoforms of Tpm, which are believed to be involved in the regulation of various cellular functions. However, the molecular mechanisms of regulation of the functions of actin filaments by various cytoplasmic isoforms of Tpm are still poorly understood. In our work, we used various methods to study the properties of Tpm2.1 and Tpm4.1 isoforms and compared them both with each other and with the properties of Tpm isoforms that had already been subjected to more detailed study earlier. The isoforms Tpm2.1 and Tpm4.1 almost did not differ from each other in their affinity for F-actin, in the thermal stability of their molecules and in their resistance to limited proteolysis by trypsin, but they differed markedly in viscosity of their solutions and in the thermal stability of their complexes with F-actin. The main difference of Tpm2.1 and Tpm4.1 from other previously studied Tpm isoforms (such, for example, as Tpm1.6 and Tpm1.7) is their extremely low thermal stability measured by CD and DSC methods. The possible causes of this instability are considered in detail when comparing the amino acid sequences of Tpm4.1 and Tpm2.1 with the sequences of isoforms Tpm1.6 and Tpm1.7, which did not differ from Tpm4.1 and Tpm2.1, respectively, by the exon structure of their genes.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):984-994
pages 984-994 views

Phytohormones affect the differentiation of human dermal fibroblasts via UPR activation

Turishcheva E.P., Vildanova M.S., Vishnyakova P.A., Matveeva D.K., Saidova A.A., Onishchenko G.E., Smirnova E.A.


Normalization of secretory activity and the level of differentiation of mesenchymal cells, including fibroblasts, is the important biomedical problem. One of the plausible solutions to this problem is to affect the unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling cascade, which is activated during fibroblast differentiation. In the present study, the effect of phytohormones on the secretory activity and differentiation of cultured human dermal fibroblasts was investigated. By analyzing the expression level of genes encoding UPR markers in these cells, we found that phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) upregulated the expression of GRP78 and ATF4 genes, while phytohormone gibberellic acid (GA) upregulated the expression of CHOP. Evaluation of the biosynthetic activity of fibroblasts showed that ABA elevated the level of secretion and synthesis of procollagen I and the level of fibronectin synthesis, as well as total production of collagen and non-collagen proteins of extracellular matrix. ABA also stimulated the synthesis of smooth muscle actin α (α-SMA) and increased the number of myofibroblasts in cell population. On the contrary, GA increased the level of fibronectin secretion, but decreased the level of procollagen I synthesis, and reduced the total production of collagen proteins of extracellular matrix. Concomitantly, in these conditions we observed the decreased level of α-SMA synthesis and the number of myofibroblasts in the cell population. Our results suggest that phytohormones are the modulators of the biosynthetic activity of fibroblasts and affect their differentiation status.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):995-1010
pages 995-1010 views

Recombinant strains of oncolytic vaccinia virus for cancer immunotherapy

Shakiba Y., Vorobyev P.O., Mahmoud M., Hamad A., Kochetkov D.V., Yusubalieva G.M., Baklaushev V.P., Chumakov P.M., Lipatova A.V.


Cancer virotherapy is an alternative therapeutic approach based on the viruses that selectively infect and kill tumor cells. Vaccinia virus (VV) is a member of the Poxviridae family of enveloped viruses with a large linear double-stranded DNA genome. The proven safety of VV strains as well as considerable transgene capacity of the viral genome, make VV an excellent platform for creating recombinant oncolytic viruses for cancer therapy. Furthermore, various genetic modifications can increase tumor selectivity and therapeutic efficacy of VV by arming it with the immune-modulatory genes or proapoptotic molecules, boosting the host immune system, and increasing cross-priming recognition of the tumor cells by T-cells or NK cells. In this review, we summarized the data on bioengineering approaches to develop recombinant VV strains for enhanced cancer immunotherapy.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):1011-1034
pages 1011-1034 views


Lipoxygenase in a giant sulfur bacterium: an evolutionary solution for size and complexity?

Kurakin G.F.


Discovery of Thiomargarita magnifica - an exceptionally large giant sulfur bacterium - urges us to pay additional attention to the giant sulfur bacteria and to revisit our recent bioinformatic finding of lipoxygenases in the representatives of the genus Beggiatoa. These close relatives of Thiomargarita magnifica meet the similar size requirements by forming multicellular structures. We hypothesize that their lipoxygenases are a part of the oxylipin signaling system that provides high level of cell-to-cell signaling complexity which, in turn, enables them to reach large sizes.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):1035-1039
pages 1035-1039 views


Vasily Nikolaevich Popov

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Василий Николаевич Попов был выдающимся учёным и талантливым организатором науки и образования. Его ранняя смерть в возрасте 48 лет стала невосполнимой утратой. Он известен научному сообществу своими работами по биоэнергетике митохондрий у растений и животных, биохимии старения, биохимической генетике рака, нейробиологии.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(6):1040-1040
pages 1040-1040 views

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