
标题 文件
编号 1 (2023) “Anlantist” and “Europeanist” Trends in the Fourth and Fifth Republics in France (1946–2022)
Chernega V.
编号 4 (2023) “Land of Brazil” as “Land of Dyewood”: Visual Metaphors as a Means of Representing Portuguese America in Sixteenth-Century Narratives and Iconographic Sources
Okuneva O.
编号 4 (2023) “The Idea of New Munich is in the Air”: Italian Documents on Preparations for an International Conference in Late August 1939
Mikhaylenko V.
编号 3 (2024) “Germany and the Balkan Feud”: The Russian Press Assessment of German Policy During the Two Balkan Wars of 1912–1913
Kotov B.
编号 3 (2024) “Two-Faced Janus”: Was Chancellor Alexey Bestuzhev-Ryumin in the Service of the British?
Labutina T.
编号 6 (2023) The “Note” of the Consul in Basra K.V. Ivanov: Problem Statement of the Study of the East in the Russian Foreign Ministry of the Early XX Century
Larin A.
编号 6 (2023) “The Art of Management”: Empires and Imperialism in History and Modernity. Discourses and Practices
Guskov E., Barinova E.
编号 4 (2024) “Communist militarism” and the “Monroe Doctrine” in the interpretation of soviet and british political leadership, mid-1920s
Sergeev E.
编号 3 (2024) “We Are Alone Here Like Orphans”: Leningrad Students’ Rural Practice in the Initial Period of Collectivisation
Tikhomirov N.
编号 1 (2023) “We Arrived Openly and Without any Disguise on this Coast…”: The Schooner “Vixen” Case in the Investigation Papers and British Press of the Late 1830s
Tkachenko D.
编号 5 (2023) Stalin's “Soft Power”: Activities of the Commissioner for Foreign Military Formations in the USSR During the Great Patriotic War
Bezugolny A.
编号 1 (2024) “How Ineffective is the Existing International Health Office”: Problems in the Creation of the Health Organization of the League of Nations
Khodnev A.
编号 4 (2023) “Our World Has Just Discovered Another Worldˮ: How the Discovery of the New World Influenced the Historical Consciousness of the Sixteenth-Century French Humanists
Samotovinskij D.
编号 1 (2024) “Our Attention to Iran, as a Neighboring Country, Should Certainly be Sharply Increased”: the Documents on the Visit of the Delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to Iran, January 1968
Kovalev M., Mirzekhanov V.
编号 5 (2023) A “New Diplomatic History” in Western-Russian Relations (Diplomacy and Diplomats: from the History of International Relations between Western Countries and Russia / ed. T.L. Labutinа. Saint-Petersburg, 2022
Petelin B.
编号 1 (2024) “Les Miserables” Children of Great Britain in Canada: Maria Rye’s Migration Programme
Yablonskaya O.
编号 5 (2023) “Abhorrent Zionism, Israel are not the Solution”: Dialectics of the Soviet and the National in Ego-Documents of the 1970s–80s
Zelenina G.
编号 6 (2023) “Political Anatomy” and the Idea of Public Wealth from William Petty to Adam Smith
Repina L.
编号 4 (2023) Richard Hakluyt’s “Diverse Voyages” (1582) and England’s Search for the Northwest Passage
Dmitrieva O.
编号 3 (2024) “Mr. Thiers’ Republic” in the Assessments of Russian Diplomatians, August 1871 – October 1872
Cherkasov P.
编号 1 (2023) “Russian Spy” Schweitzer: An Attempt at Biography Reconstruction. Agent of the High Military Secret Police in Warsaw (1819–1831)
Zaichenko O.
编号 3 (2023) “Saratov Key” to the 1918 Campaign
Posadsky A., Lannik L.
编号 2 (2023) Sendero Luminoso in Peru: terror is revolution
Schelchkov A.
编号 3 (2023) “It Is Favorable To the Forces of Socialism to Keep the Americans in Southeast Asia Longer”: The Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee in the Determination of the Strategic Line of the USSR in the Second Indochina War of 1965
Naumkin V., Skorospelov P.
编号 1 (2023) “Becoming Visible”: Civil Society of Modern Iran in the Focus of Gender Discussion
Ardashnikova A., Konyashkina T.
编号 2 (2024) “Françafrica” in French power politics: formation, evolution, crisis (1960–2023)
Chernega V.
编号 2 (2024) “The Man from Moscow”: Kenneth Koma and the USSR’s relations with Botswana in the 1960s – the first half of the 1970s
Voevodskiy A.
编号 3 (2023) “What is Good for a Russian, is Death for a German?” (V.S. Dudarev. Bismarck and Russia 1851–1871. Saint-Petersburg, 2021)
Ipatov A.
编号 3 (2024) Centenary of the outstanding Russian military historian Oleg Alexandrovich Rzheshevsky
Myagkov M.
编号 6 (2023) De Officio Boni Regis Aphorismus: On the Publication of Juraj Križanić's “Politics”
Yusim M.
编号 3 (2024) Peter III’s Relatives at Petersbourg Сourt
Stellner F.
编号 5 (2023) Realpolitik: Dialogue on Both Sides of the Atlantic (M. Specter. The Atlantic Realists: Empire and International Thought between Germany and the United States. Stanford (Cal.), 2022)
Fadeeva T.
编号 3 (2024) The Views of Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio on Japan’s Foreign Policy Within the Context of the Search for a New Grand Strategy
Filippov D.
编号 2 (2024) Academic typography in the history of Russian art and enlightenment in the first half of the eighteenth century. In honour of the 300th anniversary of the russian academy of sciences
Fedoseenkov N.
编号 1 (2024) Academy of Sciences and New Approaches to Economic Planning in the USSR (late 1950s – early 1960s)
Safronov A.
编号 1 (2023) Algeria: Political Participation During the Transformation of Political Regime after 2019
Kuznetsov V.
编号 3 (2024) Heraldic America
Staroskolskaya D.
编号 3 (2023) American Representatives to the USSR and the Fate of Soviet Religious Policy at the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. From Father Leopold Braun's Correspondence of 1941
Beglov A., Fadeyev I.
编号 4 (2023) Francoist Diplomacy in the United States During the Spanish Civil War 1936–1939: On the Question of the Status of the Francoist Representative to the United States Juan Francisco de Cardenas
Inviyaeva V.
编号 4 (2024) Anarchist tendencies in the early socialist movement in Korea, 1919–1924
Damier V.
编号 3 (2023) Arthur Jacob Marder: A Glorifier of the British Sea Power
Likharev D.
编号 1 (2024) Refugees in Trans-Border Conflict: The Case of Sierra Leone, 1991–2002
Shipilov A.
编号 6 (2023) Berlin – Cuba: The Interrelationship of the Cold War Crises in the Strategic Assessments of the Superpowers1961–1962
Magadeev I.
编号 3 (2024) Contesting the Kemalist State: The Land Question and the Grass Root Civic Activity in the 1920–1930s Turkey
Shlykov P.
编号 5 (2023) The 1833 Bosporus Expedition of the Russian Fleet
Kudriavtseva E.
编号 5 (2023) Was the German Confederation an Obstacle to National Unity? (M. Kreutzmann. Föderative Ordnung und nationale Integration im Deutschen Bund 1816–1848. Göttingen, 2022)
Datsenko P.
编号 2 (2023) Great Britain in the “Balkan Labyrinth” on the Eve of the Great War (O.I. Aganson. In Search of Equilibrium: Great Britain and the “Balkan Labyrinth”, 1903–1914. Saint-Petersburg, 2022)
Rodin D.
编号 3 (2023) Wilhelm II and the Power System of Germany at the End of 19th and to Begin of 20th Centuries
Vatlin A., Nevskiy S., Turygin A.
编号 3 (2024) Vicente Lombardo Toledano and the Soviet Approach to the Mexican Left After the Second World War
Manukhin A.
编号 4 (2023) USSR Military Assistance to the Federal Government During the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970)
Mazov S.
编号 5 (2023) Military and Patriotic Mobilisation in Prussia During the Liberations Wars of 1813–1815
Sterkhov D.
编号 1 (2024) Military Goals and Plans of the “Pan-German League” in the Memories of Heinrich Claß (1868–1953)
Turygin A.
编号 5 (2023) The Impact of Anti-Colonial Movements in the Middle East upon the Soviet-British Relations in the 1920s
Sergeev E.
编号 4 (2024) The Soviet atomic program: American intelligence and informants, 1945–1949
Melnikova N.
编号 2 (2023) All-Russian Conference of Africanists
Lazarev A., Borkunov N.
编号 2 (2024) Remembering the Apartheid past: the south african student-led protest movement #feesmustfall in the middle of the 2010s
Shalom V.
编号 2 (2023) The Genoa Conference of 1922 Through the Eyes of Russian Anarchists
Damier V.
编号 4 (2023) The Geographical Discoveries in the East of Europe and Their Influence on the Self-Consciousness of the Renaissance Culture
Kudryavtsev O.
编号 4 (2024) Geopolitics in the South Caucasus: The dynamics of regional rivalry between Turkey and Iran after the Second Karabakh War
Dudayti A.
编号 2 (2023) German History of the Twentieth Century in the Reflection of Russian Historical Memory (B.L. Khavkin, K.B. Bozhik. The Russian Mirror of German History. XX Century. Moscow, 2021)
Chernoperov V.
编号 3 (2023) Heroes and Anti-Heroes of the 1940s: Pendulous Swings in Greek Historiography
Petrunina O.
编号 3 (2024) Global history for universities. Rec. ad op.: T.L. Shestova. Global history. A Manual. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2022. 576 s.
Mikhel D.
编号 1 (2023) State and Civil Society in Turkey: Interaction, Submission, Containment (the 2000s and 2010s)
Shlykov P.
编号 1 (2023) Civil Protest and Islamic Partisanship in Morocco: Experience of the “Arab Spring”
Orlov V.
编号 1 (2023) Civil Society in the Middle East During the Arab Spring and Socio-Political Transformations of the Late 2010s and Early 2020s
Dolgov B.
编号 2 (2023) Count de Lubersac: Mission in Russia, 1916–1919
Pavlov A.
编号 1 (2023) Two Images of the Young Turk Revolution: Public Reaction in Beirut and Damascus to the Revolutionary Events of 1908 in the Ottoman Empir
Zhantiev D.
编号 1 (2024) The First Two Directors of the Anti-Religious Museum in the St. Isaac’s Cathedral: Traectory of Lives Before, During and After Cultural Revolution
Ananiev V., Vakhromeeva O.
编号 3 (2024) Deportation of jews from Macedonia, Thrace and Pirot: a dark page in the history of Bulgaria. Reс. ad op.: Basic anti-semitic legislation of the Kingdom of Bulgaria / comp. S. Asani, N. Malici, V. Popovski. Skopje: Institute for spiritual and cultural heritage of Albanians, 2020. 639 p.
Tretiyakova M.
编号 6 (2023) James Harrington and His Perception of History: From Narrative to Theory
Kozlov D.
编号 2 (2023) Diplomatic Activities of Councillors to the German Princes During the Thirty Years' War, 1618–1648
Lazareva A.
编号 2 (2024) Discussions in “Cheche” magazine and modernisation in Tanzania (1967–1970)
Borkunov N.
编号 5 (2023) The Monroe Doctrine and Anglo-American Rivalry in Latin America, 19th – early 20th centuries
Ivanov N.
编号 2 (2024) Documents from the archive of foreign policy of the Russian Federation on the position of African countries towards the Nigerian civil war (1967–1970) and on the OAU’s peacemaking
Mazov S.
编号 4 (2024) Evgeny Petrovich Novikov (1826–1903) – diplomat of the gorchakov school
Sagomonyan A.
编号 3 (2024) The Egyptian Campaign and the Middle East
Tchoudinov A.
编号 6 (2023) On Failed Revolutions and Reforms Once Again ([Incomplete] Revolutions and Reforms: Political Practice and Historical Reality (The Experience of the USA and Europe). Moscow, 2022)
Lyubin V.
编号 5 (2023) Jean-Lambert Tallien and his Political Path
Zaytseva D.
编号 6 (2023) The 1954 Geneva Conference: Who Won?
Shubin A.
编号 2 (2023) Female Criminality in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Formulating a Research Problem
Vidnichuk A.
编号 4 (2024) The conclusion of the Soviet-Afghan “Treaty of Friendship” in the context of new archival sources
Tikhonov Y.
编号 4 (2024) West German historiography of the German Empire as an example of the implementation of historical policy
Matveeva A.
编号 1 (2023) Implicit Civil Society and Reform in Yemen: Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Serebrov S.
编号 3 (2023) India – The Path to Independence and Dialogue with Russia (V.P. Kashin. India. Independence, Partition and Dialogue with Russia / ed. T.L. Shaumyan. Moscow, 2022)
Kozlova A.
编号 2 (2023) Integration of the USSR into the International Patent-Licensing System in the Context of International Technological Cooperation (1950s – early 1970s)
Zavodyuk S., Zanin S.
编号 1 (2024) Interpretation of the Badges by Italian Intellectuals at the Beginning of the Sventeenth Century
Elokhin K., Tsyganova L.
编号 3 (2023) Historical Imagology and Understanding of Intercultural Communications (“Own” / “Others” / “Alien”: From the History of Interaction and Confrontation Between the West, the East and Russia / ed. T.L. Labutina. Saint-Petersburg, 2021)
Erokhin V.
编号 1 (2023) The Historical and Political Peculiarities of the Swiss Economic Development until the early 2000s
Trofimova Olga T.
编号 3 (2023) Historical Lessons of the North-Eastern Geopolitics of Peter the Great: Political, Social and Socio-Cultural Aspects (A.Yu. Petrov. Petrovskaya Age and Development of the Northern Part of the Pacific Ocean. Ryazan, 2022)
Iyerusalimskiy Y., Ierusalimskaya S.
编号 4 (2024) In Honour of the 70th Anniversary of Sergey Vasilyevich Mazov
Editorial B.
编号 3 (2024) On the Issue of the Erosion of the Social Stratum of Engineering and Technical Workers During the Years of Socio-Economic Transition (1987–1999)
Chagadaeva O.
编号 4 (2024) On the role of Russian diplomacy in resolving the autumn crisis of 1850: diplomatic correspondence between Peter von Meyendorff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the punctation of Olmütz, 29 November 1850
Datsenko P.
编号 5 (2023) The DPRK and Cuba in the Initial Period of Bilateral Relations (1960–1965): The Limits of “Socialist Solidarity”
Matveeva N.
编号 5 (2023) Princess Lieven, or a Conversation with Living People (N.P. Tanshina. Princess Lieven. Untitled Queen of European Diplomacy. Saint-Petersburg, 2021)
Kopelev D.
编号 3 (2023) The USSR – Czechoslovakia Commission of Historians: Particularities of Creation and Activities in the 1960s
Gruzdinskaya V., Sak K.
编号 3 (2023) Conference in Voronezh on the Problems of Fascism and Anti-Fascism
Bogdashkin A., Teplukhin V.
编号 2 (2024) Conference on fascism and militarism in Voronezh
Bogdashkin A., Teplukhin V.
编号 4 (2024) The concept of “popular royalism” in the latest historiography of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era: pro and contra
Mitrofanov A.
编号 6 (2023) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Defining the Model of Arab Statehood
Naumkin V., Kuznetsov V.
编号 2 (2023) Corruption Scandals During the Presidency of Ulysses Grant
Alent'yeva T.
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