“Anlantist” and “Europeanist” Trends in the Fourth and Fifth Republics in France (1946–2022)

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The author examines the evolution of the two main trends in French foreign policy between 1946 and 2022: the “Atlantic” and the “European”. Both of these trends emerged shortly after the Second World War and were subsequently intertwined in complex ways. In the Fourth Republic, in the context of the 'Soviet threat' and the need to solve the “German problem”, the “Atlantists” long had a dominant influence at the level of the elites. The “Europeanists”, who, in addition to economic integration, sought the military-political unity of the West European nations with France in the lead, did not oppose them, although objectively their efforts led to a weakening of “transatlantic solidarity”. The “Europeanist” projects were not successful, but at the same time the disappointment in the US over its position during the 1956 Suez Crisis and the Algerian War reduced the influence of the “Atlantists” in ruling circles. Ultimately, after the establishment of the Fifth Republic by Charles de Gaulle in 1958, the “Atlantic tendency” was reduced to a minimum, the “Europeanist” was limited by his demand to preserve the maximum possible national sovereignty. In the post-De Gaulle period, all the presidents of France sought, each in his own way, to simultaneously strengthen both tendencies. However, the increasing involvement of the country in NATO activities actually blocked the substantive promotion of “Europeanist” projects. The article shows how the convinced “Europeanist” E. Macron, who came to power in 2017, who sees an opportunity for France to pursue a sovereign policy only within the framework of the EU, transformed into a “power of Europe”, is trying to solve this dilemma by promoting the creation of a “European pillar” Alliance as a way to strengthen it. The further prospects of the “Europeanist” idea are assessed, as well as the chances of France for the realization of great claims in the hypothetical “power of Europe”.

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About the authors

Vladimir N. Chernega

Insitut of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: secretary_novistor57@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3031-0187

ScD in Low
Principal Researcher
Russian Federation, Moscow


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