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Vol 53, No 7 (2019)

Molecular Biological Problems of Drug Design and Mechanism of Drug Action

A Low Molecular Weight Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Mimetic Given Per OS Increases the Survival of Pancreatic β-Cells in a Streptozotocin Model of Diabetes

Ostrovskaya R.U., Ivanov S.V., Gudasheva T.A., Seredenin S.B.


We present here results of studies of the antidiabetic activity of compound GK-2 (bis-(N-monosuccinyl-glutamyl-L-lysine) hexamethylenediamide), an NGF mimetic, in a model of streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes mellitus in Wistar rats. Two-week prophylactic courses of oral GK-2 did not decrease blood glucose levels in healthy animals but reduces the severity of hyperglycemia and eliminated the insulin resistance effect induced by streptozotocin. Morphological analysis of the pancreas of the animals using monoclonal antibodies to insulin showed that while streptozotocin decreased the number of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, GK-2 produced a statistically significant reduction in this harmful effect and promoted recovery of pancreatic islet size. A strong correlation was found between the extent of the cytoprotective action as indicated by morphometric measures and the strength of the hypoglycemic effect.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):589-592
pages 589-592 views


3,5-Bis(2-Trifluomethoxybenzylidene)-4-Piperidone Induces Apoptosis in A549 Cells Through Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Pathways

Yang J., Meng S., Zhao Y., Li G., Ge L., Zhang H., Liu G.


Medicines with the F3C-O group can increase the lipophilicity of an aromatic ring system and protect it from oxidative attacks. We have synthesized 3,5-bis(2-trifluomethoxybenzylidene)-4-piperidone (4a), an EF24 analog with ortho trifluoromethoxy group, via aldol condensation reaction and evaluated its cytotoxicity by MTT assay. Owning to the ortho-trifluoromethoxy group, compound 4a exhibited excellent cytotoxicity against A549 cells. Mechanistic investigation indicated that 4a could induce oxidative stress, including the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), imbalance of redox buffering system, lipid peroxidation, and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential, and finally leading to cell apoptosis. These data indicated that the introduction of the ortho-trifluoromethoxy group into curcumin analogs may be an effective strategy to enhance the anti-cancer ROS based activity.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):593-597
pages 593-597 views

An Improved Method for the Synthesis of the of Indole[2,3-a]Pyrrolo[3,4-c]Carbazole-5,6-Dione N-Glycosides and their Cytotoxic Activity

Éktova L.V., Goryunova O.V., Eremina V.A., Tikhonova N.I., Medvedeva L.A.


Use of formylindolylacetic acid as a reagent at the stage of preparing the glycosides of bis(indolyl)furan-2,5-diones and dioxane as solvent increased yields from 5 – 10% to 60 – 63%, decreased the duration of the reaction from 6 h to 2 h, and significantly simplified extraction of products adequate for use at the next stage of photochemical oxidation to furancarbazole derivatives. New data are presented on the cytotoxic activity of the indocarbazole N-glycosides synthesized here, covering a wide range of cell structures and giving a more complete view of the antiproliferative properties of the compounds synthesized.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):604-609
pages 604-609 views

Synthesis and Antiglycation Activity of Novel S-Carboxyalkyl Derivatives of 2-Thiouracil

Spasov A.A., Geisman A.N., Kosolapov V.A., Babkov D.A., Rashchenko A.I., Babkova V.A., Zakhar’yashcheva O.Y., Ozerov A.A.


S-carboxyalkyl derivatives of 2-thiouracil were synthesized and their pharmacological activity was studied. Several of the compounds were characterized by antiglycation activity. These compounds had no effect on PPAR or glucokinase activity and had weak activity in cleaving protein crosslinks.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):610-615
pages 610-615 views

Synthesis and Analgesic Activity of [b]-Annelated 4-Quinolones

Boteva A.A., Fefilova I.V., Triandafilova G.A., Maslova V.V., Solodnikov S.Y., Krasnykh O.P.


Considering the side effects of existing drugs used for pain relief, the search for new analgesics with high efficacy and safety remains relevant. Aseries of imidazopyrrolo[3,4-b]quinoline-5,11-diones and pyrimidopyrrolo[3,4-b]quinoline-6,12-diones II were synthesized, whose analgesic activity at a dose of 0.05 mmol/kg was studied in the hotplate test in rats after i.p. administration. One compound was found with analgesic activity comparable to that of reference compound diclofenac sodium. Compounds II were less toxic than diclofenac sodium.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):616-619
pages 616-619 views

Synthesis and Pharmacological Activity of S(-)-2-Amino-2-Methyl-3-Phenylpropanoic Acid

Grigoryan S.H., Zhamharyan A.G., Saghyan A.S., Chitchiyan A.A., Balyan L.S., Poghosyan A.S., Topchyan H.V., Balasanyan M.G.


Taking into account the high efficacy of 2-arylpropionic acid derivatives among NSAIDs and based on their SARs, we have evaluated the anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and antiaggregant activity and ulcerogenic properties of a new synthesized non-protein amino acid (NPAA) derivative S(-)-2-amino-2-methyl-3-phenylpropanoic acid (NPAA-36). A new method of NPAA-36 synthesis was developed and experiments were carried out, which showed that this compound injected in a dose of 10 mg/kg (i.p.) inhibited xylene-induced ear oedema by about 31.1%, which proved its anti-inflammatory properties. The antinociceptive activity of NPAA-36 was assessed in tail-flick test by the ability to increase the tail cut-off latency by 36.78% within 60 min after injection at the same dose. Investigation of the ulcerogenic properties of NPAA-36 demonstrated that it exhibited lower gastrointestinal toxicity than a well-known arylpropionic acid derivative NSAID. Results of in vitro experiments showed the antiplatelet activity registered not in all (only in 41.2%) cases, which might imply lower bleeding. The obtained data indicate that the new NPAAderivative can be a potential basis for the development of new anti-inflammatory drugs with weak side effects.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):620-623
pages 620-623 views

Dinitrodibenzo [B,D]Oxepin-7(6h)-One Antiproliferative Activity Against Hepg2 Cells

Li Q., Sun S., Gong X.


The cytotoxic activity of twenty three new biphenyl compounds was investigated, and the IC50 value of 1,2-dinitrodibenzo [b,d]oxepin-7(6H)-one (DNDBO) was found to be the lowest among these compounds. The underlying mechanism of DNDBO-induced cell death was explored.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):624-627
pages 624-627 views

Development of Light-Protective Gels Containing Xymedone and Amphiphilic Components

Shigabieva Y.A., Bogdanova S.A., Zalyalyutdinova L.N., Galyametdinov Y.G., Garaev R.S.


Arelevant task in the technology of cosmetic and pharmaceutical substances is that of protecting the skin from the harmful influences of ultraviolet light - sunburn, photodermatoses, skin cancerogenesis, and light-induced aging. Gels containing N-(β-hydroxyethyl)-4,6-dimethyldihydropyrimidone-2 (xymedone) and amphiphilic components, i.e., nonionic surface-active substances (surfactants), were developed and studied. Aspectrophotometric method was used to study the selective absorption of xymedone in the UV range. Overall, the structural- mechanical characteristics of gels and assessment of the effects of surfactant on xymedone release processes were used to select the optimum composition for effective protection against light by gels. Studies in models of ultraviolet erythema in albino guinea pigs and volunteers receiving prophylactic applications showed that xymedone-containing gel had photoprotective effects. The presence of a hydroxyethylated higher fatty alcohol in the gel composition with xymedone increased its photoprotective activity.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):638-641
pages 638-641 views

Assessment of the Wound-Healing Action of Spiroconjugated 1,2,3-Triazolo[5,1-b]-1,3,4-Thiadiazine in a Linear Skin Wound Model

Vysokova O.A., Zhdanova A.V., Petrova I.M., Medvedeva S.Y., Kalinina T.A., Khatsko S.L., Kolesnikova T.O., Glukhareva T.V., Morzherin Y.Y.


The effects of the 5′-(4-ethoxybenzoyl)-5′,7′-dihydrospiro[cyclopentane-1,6′-[1,2,3]-triazolo[5,1-b][1,3,4]-thiadiazine]-3′-carboxylic acid ethyl ester oon the healing of linear skin wounds were studied in rats. This compound was found to have a stimulatory action on skin fibroblast proliferation, increasing the regenerative potential of damaged tissue. Assessment of the course of the wound process showed that use of test substance clearly accelerated the course of repair regeneration of the integument as compared with controls; inflammatory processes were moderate, without involvement of the deep layers of the skin; a cellular and fibrous component formed in the lesion zone.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):642-645
pages 642-645 views

Comparative Evaluation of the Antiherpes Activity of Compounds with Different Mechanisms of Action

Shadyro O.I., Sorokin V.L., Ksendzova G.A., Savinova O.V., Samovich S.N., Boreko E.I.


Experiments on cell cultures addressed the antiviral properties of 2-anilino-4,6-di-tert-butylphenol and N-(3,5-di-tert-2-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, both of which are o-aminophenol derivatives, and 3,4-dihydroxy-benzoic acid against herpes simplex virus and in experimental cutaneous herpes in white mice. Assessment of the data obtained here indicates that all three study compounds were significantly less active than acyclovir in cell cultures. In experiments on laboratory animals, the efficacy of ointment containing N-(3,5-di-tert-2-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide was comparable with that of acyclovir ointment, while ointments containing 2-anilino-4,6-di-tert-butylphenol and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid were less active.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):646-649
pages 646-649 views

Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Vanillin Derivatives

Boiko Y.A., Nesterkina M.V., Shandra A.A., Kravchenko I.A.


The analgesic activity of 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (vanillin) derivatives with different pharmacophore groups were studied in vivo in models of chemically induced pain induced by subplantar administration of the TRP ion channel agonists capsaicin and allylisothiocyanate. The anti-inflammatory actions of vanillin derivatives were demonstrated in a model of carrageenan-induced edema. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of vanillin and its derivatives were studied; these are linked with the effects of these substances on TRPA1 and TRPV1 receptors.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):650-654
pages 650-654 views

Evaluation of Lipophilic Properties of Thermoplastic Granule in Formulation of Sustained Release Matrix in Solid Dosage Forms

Pourmand M.R., Shariat F.P., Ardjmand M.


This study was aimed at developing a new, technically simple method for the preparation of a once-daily sustained release matrix formulations, which would enable reproducible release of the active ingredient. Thermoplastic granulation is a new technique in pharmaceutical formulation. Coated particles of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in sustained release matrix are prepared by thermoplastic granulation technique via heating (50 – 75°C) in fluid-bed dryer (FBD) granulator. The FBD creates ideal conditions for the most intense heat and mass transfer by spraying melted liquids onto the granular API. A variety of innovative processes such as granulation, agglomeration, coating and microencapsulation can be realized. Melted mixture of cetyl alcohol, glyceryl monostearate, and polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG 4000) was used for fluid-bed coating. The present article deals with assessing the influence of rheological properties and hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) parameter of thermoplastic granules on the mechanism of drug delivery from sustained release matrix in solid dosage forms. The drug release kinetics model is affected by rheology, HLB of cetyl alcohol, and physicochemical properties of API granules.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):660-667
pages 660-667 views

Search for New Drugs

Synthesis and Cardiotropic Activity of Cyclic Methoxyphenyltriazaalkanes

Mokrov G.V., Likhosherstov A.M., Barchukov V.V., Stolyaruk V.N., Tsorin I.B., Vititnova M.B., Rebeko A.G., Kryzhanovskii S.A., Gudasheva T.A.


A new group of compounds – 1-(methoxybenzyl)-4-[2-((methoxybenzyl)amino)ethyl]piperazin-2,3-diones was synthesized. As compared with previously studied linear methoxyphenyltriazaalkanes, the structure of the triazaalkane linker was found to influence the cardiotropic actions of the corresponding compounds. The most effective among the new group was 1-(2,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-4{2-[2,4-dimethoxybenzyl)amino]ethyl}piperazin-2,3-dione, which had significant antiarrhythmic activity at a dose of 2 mg/kg in a calcium chloride arrhythmia model, along with activity at the level of a tendency in models of aconitin arrythmia and reperfusion ventricular fibrillation.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):598-603
pages 598-603 views

Medicinal Plants

Evaluation of the Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Bisresorcinol Isolated from the Trunk of Heliciopsis Terminalis

Giang P.M., Thao D.T., Nga N.T., Van Trung B., Anh D.H., Viet P.H.


A bisresorcinol, (8′Z)-3,5-dihydroxy-1-[16′-(3″,5″-dihydroxyphenyl)-8′-hexadecen-1′-yl]benzene (I), was isolated as an abundant constituent from the Vietnamese medicinal plant Heliciopsis terminalis (Kurz) Sleumer (Proteaceae). The antioxidant, hepatoprotective, and anti-inflammatory activities of compound I were tested in correlation with the use of H. terminalis as a hepatoprotective drug by ethnic people in Vietnam. Bisresorcinol I showed weak scavenging activity against DPPH radical at an EC50 value of 156.9 mg/mL. At a concentration of 100 mg/mL, compound I inhibited 19,78% of MDAproduction as one of the biomarkers for lipid peroxidation. Bisresorcinol I protected HepG2 cells against harmful CCl4. The hepatoprotective ability was observed at a concentration of 100 mg/mL with up to 44.42% cells alive, which was significantly higher than that in the control treated with CCl4 (29.93 %). The NO scavenging activity of I was determined in RAW 264.7 cells with an IC50 value of 71.15 mg/mL. Bisresorcinol I exhibited its anti-inflammatory activity through modulation of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α as well as anti-inflammatory IL-10 in RAW264.7 cells.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):628-634
pages 628-634 views

Drug Synthesis Methods and Manufacturing Technology

Relaxivity of Paramagnetic Complexes of Manganese and Gadolinium

Borodin O.Y., Sannikov M.Y., Belyanin M.L., Filimonov V.D., Usov V.Y., Rybakov Y.L., Gukasov V.M., Shimanovskii N.L.


The relaxivities of aqueous solutions of the manganese complexes Mn-CDTA, Mn-DTPA, and Mn-EDTA were compared with that of the gadolinium complex Gd-DTPA. Relaxivities R1 and R2 of Mn-CDTA solutions were slightly greater than those of Gd-DTPA. The lowest relaxivities were seen for Mn-DTPA, while Mn-EDTA occupied an intermediate position between Mc-CTDA and Mn-DTPA.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):635-637
pages 635-637 views

Structure of Chemical Compounds, Methods of Analysis and Process Control

Statistical Analysis of Results from the Attestation of Biological Standard Samples: Use of the Mann-Whitney Test

Fadeikina O.V., Volkova R.A., Karpova E.V.


An algorithm for assessing the possibility of joining two datasets obtained by different operators for attestation of standard samples of biological medicinal substances (SS BMS) is proposed. These studies tested the uniformity of the results obtained by different operators during attestation of industrial standard samples of the specific activity of an oral poliomyelitis vaccine, i.e., divalent live attenuated types 1 and 3 “BiVak polio” vaccine, using the Mann-Whitney and Z statistics for independent sets run manually using a formula, with subsequent interpretation of the results. Results from calculation of the Mann-Whitney test in Statistica software (version 10) are presented.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):655-659
pages 655-659 views


Pharmacogenetic Tests for Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain

Zhuravleva E.O., Vel’ts N.Y., Snegireva I.I., Kutekhova G.V., Alyautdin R.N.


Second-generation antipsychotic substances, as compared with first-generation antipsychotics, are more effective in relation to psychotic symptoms and have significantly lower potential for developing extrapyramidal impairments such as parkinsonism and late dyskinesia. However, use of these agents is associated with significant weight gain in patients. Advances in the pharmacogenetics of antipsychotic-induced weight gain are analyzed here.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. 2019;53(7):668-671
pages 668-671 views

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