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Vol 63, No 10 (2023)

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К семидесятилетию Игоря Борисовича Петрова

Хохлов Н.
Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1589-1590
pages 1589-1590 views


Grid-Characteristic Numerical Method on an Irregular Grid with Extending the Interpolation Stencil

Vasyukov A.V., Smirnov I.E.


A grid-characteristic numerical method for solving a multidimensional transport equation on an unstructured grid with an order higher than one is proposed; this method does not use auxiliary points on edges and faces. The avoidance of auxiliary points on edges and faces simplifies the topology of the computational grid during its motion, which is important for solving dynamic problems of mechanics of deformable solids. To increase the approximation order, an analog of the grid stencil extension implemented for an unstructured grid is used. Results of testing the proposed numerical scheme for continuously differentiable, continuous, discontinuous solutions are presented.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1591-1599
pages 1591-1599 views

Boundary and Contact Conditions of Higher Order of Accuracy for Grid-Characteristic Schemes in Acoustic Problems

Shevchenko A.V., Golubev V.I.


Seismic wave propagation through geological media is described by linear hyperbolic systems of equations. They correspond to acoustic, isotropic, and anisotropic linear elastic porous fluid-saturated models. They can be solved numerically by applying grid-characteristic schemes, which take into account propagation of solution discontinuities along characteristics. An important property of schemes used in practice is their high order of accuracy, due to which signal wavefronts can be clearly resolved. Previously, much attention was given to this property at interior points of the computational domain. In this paper, we study the order of a scheme up to the boundary of the domain inclusive. An approach is proposed whereby arbitrary linear boundary and contact conditions can be set up to high accuracy. The presentation is given for the system of one-dimensional acoustic equations with constant coefficients.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1600-1613
pages 1600-1613 views

Stability Analysis of Several Time Discrete Schemes for Allen–Cahn and Cahn–Hilliard Equations

He Q., Yan J., Abuduwaili A.


Анализ устойчивости разностных схем для уравнений Аллена–Кана и Кана–Хиллиарда.

В работе исследуется устойчивость нескольких дискретных по времени разностных схем для уравнений Аллена–Кана и Кана–Хиллиарда и дается оценка погрешности решения для уравнения Кана–Хиллиарда. Для этого используются метод конечных элементов по пространству и результаты по аппроксимации сильно эллиптических операторов. Численная реализация предложенного метода решения подтверждена высокой скоростью сходимости рассмотренных разностных схем.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1614-1614
pages 1614-1614 views


Coordinated Control of Multiple Surface Unmanned Vehicle Clusters under the Influence of Wind Field and Tides

Liu Y., Dang Z., Dai Z., Hao X., Cui Y., Gao H.


Координированное управление несколькими наземными кластерами беспилотных летательных аппаратов под воздействием поля ветра и

приливов. В работе исследуется проблема координированного управления в кластере несколькими наземными беспилотными летательными аппаратами при воздействии на них переменных возмущений, таких как поле ветра и приливы. Обратная связь с объектами здесь реализована на основе контроллеров состояния. Предлагаемое решение задачи основано на использовании гамильтониана системы. При этом каждый кластер располагается внутри некоторого эллипсоидального виртуального контейнера в течение всего процесса движения, а траектория этого эллипсоида используется в качестве внешнего ограничения состояния для кластера. Этот подход позволяет получить необходимое динамическое уравнение Гамильтона–Якоби–Беллмана для всей системы, а также построить оптимальное управление и траектории каждого кластера. Результаты численного моделирования этой задачи подтверждают высокую эффективность предложенного подхода.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1615-1615
pages 1615-1615 views


A Novel Uniform Numerical Approach to Solve Singularly Perturbed Volterra Integrodifferential Equation

Cakira M., Cimena E.


Новый подход к численному решению сингулярно-возмущенного интегродифференциального уравнения Вольтерра.

В работе рассматривается задача Коши для сингулярно-возмущенного интегродифференциального уравнения Вольтерра второго порядка. Решение строится с использованием конечно-разностной схемы, основанной на методе интегральных тождеств с учетом интерполяционных квадратур, и оценкой погрешности в интегральной форме. Анализ погрешности метода показывает его равномерную сходимость первого порядка по параметру возмущения в дискретной норме C. Представленные численные эксперименты подтверждают полученные теоретические оценки.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1616-1616
pages 1616-1616 views

Динамика цепочек из большого числа осцилляторов с односторонней и двусторонней запаздывающими связями

Кащенко С.


Рассматриваются цепочки уравнений Ван дер Поля с большим запаздыванием в связях. Предполагается, что количество элементов цепочек тоже является достаточно большим. Естественным образом удается перейти к уравнению Ван дер Поля с интегральным по пространственной переменной слагаемым и периодическими краевыми условиями. Основное внимание уделено изучению локальной динамике цепочек с односторонними и с двусторонними типами связей. Условие достаточно больших значений параметра запаздывания позволило в явном виде определить параметры для реализации критических в задаче об устойчивости нулевого состояния равновесия случаев. Показано, что в рассматриваемых задачах имеет место бесконечномерный критический случай. Хорошо известные методы инвариантных интегральных многообразий и методы нормальных форм в этих задачах оказываются неприменимыми. На основе предложенного автором метода бесконечной нормализации – метода квазинормальных форм – показано, что главные члены асимптотики исходной системы определяются с помощью решений (нелокальных) квазинормальных форм – специальных нелинейных краевых задач параболического типа. В качестве основных результатов для рассматриваемых цепочек построены соответствующие квазинормальные формы. Библ. 44.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1617-1636
pages 1617-1636 views


Determining the Spectrum of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions for the Bernoulli–Euler Equation with Variable Coefficients by the Peano Method

Zakharov D.D., Nikitin I.S.


The paper considers the problem of determining the natural frequencies and eigenwaves of transverse vibrations for the Bernoulli–Euler equation with variable coefficients. Such problems arise both in the case of complex geometry of a vibrating solid and in the case of functionally graded materials or the accumulation of damage in a classical elastic material. Solutions of boundary value problems are constructed using the expansion in Peano series. Under broad assumptions, the uniform convergence of Peano series is shown and estimates of the residual terms are obtained. Examples of the numerical implementation of the proposed procedure are given for bending vibrations of a rod with certain parameters of a variable cross section (geometric heterogeneity) and elastic modulus distribution (physical heterogeneity). Numerical examples are focused on assessing the geometric and elastic properties of samples in an experimental study of the fatigue strength of alloys during high-frequency cyclic tests based on the general principle of point resonant loading. The method proposed for solving problems of resonant vibrations for the Bernoulli–Euler equation can be used in the design of new promising cyclic test schemes and mathematical modeling of fatigue failure processes under high-frequency resonant vibrations.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1637-1647
pages 1637-1647 views

Existence of a Solution to Lamb’s Initial-Boundary Value Problem with a Limiting Value of Poisson’s Ratio

Kravtsov A.V.


The paper considers a Lamb’s initial-boundary value problem for an elastic half-space in the case when Poisson’s ratio takes the limiting value of 1/2. The existence of a classical solution in the form of an iterated improper integral in the case of axial symmetry is proved.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1648-1659
pages 1648-1659 views


Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Shock Wave Processes in Elastoplastic Media

Wang L., Menshov I.S., Serezhkin A.A.


The Wilkins model for an elastoplastic medium is considered. A theoretical analysis of discontinuous solutions under the assumption of one-dimensional uniaxial strain is performed. In this approximation, the material equations for the deviator stress tensor components are integrated exactly, and only the conservative part of the governing equations remains, which makes it possible to derive a class of exact analytical solutions for the model. To solve the full nonconservative system of equations (without assuming the uniaxial strain), a Godunov-type numerical method is developed, which uses an approximate Riemann solver based on integrating the system of equations along a path in the phase space. A special choice of path is proposed that reduces the two-wave HLL approximation to the solution of a linear equations. Numerical and exact analytical solutions are compared for a number of problems with various regimes of shockwave processes.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1660-1673
pages 1660-1673 views

Refined Schemes for Computing the Dynamics of Elastoviscoplastic Media

Golubev V.I., Nikitin I.S.


For a stable numerical solution of the system of equations governing an elastoviscoplastic continuous medium model, a second-order explicit-implicit scheme is proposed. An explicit approximation is used for the equations of motion, and an implicit approximation, for the constitutive relations containing a small relaxation time parameter in the denominator of the nonlinear free terms. A second-order implicit approximation for isotropic and anisotropic elastoviscoplastic models is constructed to match the orders of approximation of the explicit elastic and implicit adjustment steps. Refined formulas for correcting the stress deviators after the elastic step are derived for various viscosity function representations. The resulting solutions of the second-order implicit approximation for the stress deviators of the elastoviscoplastic equations admit passage to the limit as the relaxation time tends to zero. The correcting formulas obtained via this passage to the limit can be treated as regularizers of the numerical solutions to the elastoplastic systems.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1674-1686
pages 1674-1686 views

Grid Convergence Analysis of Grid-Characteristic Method on Chimera Meshes in Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of Railroad Rail

Kozhemyachenko A.A., Favorskaya A.V.


A three-dimensional direct problem of ultrasonic nondestructive testing of a railroad rail treated as a linear elastic medium is solved by applying a grid-characteristic method on curved structured Chimera and Cartesian background meshes. The algorithm involves mutual interpolation between Chimera and Cartesian meshes that takes into account the features of the transition from curved to Cartesian meshes in three-dimensional space. An analytical algorithm for generating Chimera meshes is proposed. The convergence of the developed numerical algorithms under mesh refinement in space is analyzed. A comparative analysis of the full-wave fields of the velocity modulus representing the propagation of a perturbation from its source is presented.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1687-1705
pages 1687-1705 views

Simulation of Propagation of Dynamic Perturbations in Porous Media by the Grid-Characteristic Method with Explicit Description of Heterogeneities

Mitskovets I.A., Khokhlov N.I.


Wave perturbations propagating through heterogeneous media with porous inclusions are numerically simulated, and an explicit description of porous heterogeneities is considered. The method of overlapping meshes is proposed for an explicit description of heterogeneities. The arising systems of partial differential equations are solved numerically by applying the grid-characteristic method. The features of the method are discussed, the proposed algorithms are verified, and a series of test computations is conducted.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1706-1720
pages 1706-1720 views

Construction of Solutions and Study of Their Closeness in L2 for Two Boundary Value Problems for a Model of Multicomponent Suspension Transport in Coastal Systems

Sidoryakina V.V., Sukhinov A.I.


Three-dimensional models of suspension transport in coastal marine systems are considered. The associated processes have a number of characteristic features, such as high concentrations of suspensions (e.g., when soil is dumped on the bottom), much larger areas of suspension spread than the reservoir depth, complex granulometric (multifractional) content of suspensions, and mutual transitions between fractions. Suspension transport can be described using initial-boundary value diffusion–convection–reaction problems. According to the authors' idea, on a time grid constructed for the original continuous initial-boundary value problem, the right-hand sides are transformed with a “delay” so that the right-hand side concentrations of the components other than the underlying one (for which the initial-boundary value problem of diffusion–convection is formulated) are determined at the preceding time level. This approach simplifies the subsequent numerical implementation of each of the diffusion–convection equations. Additionally, if the number of fractions is three or more, the computation of each of the concentrations at every time step can be organized independently (in parallel). Previously, sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the initial-boundary value problem of suspension transport were determined, and a conservative stable difference scheme was constructed, studied, and numerically implemented for test and real-world problems. In this paper, the convergence of the solution of the delay-transformed problem to the solution of the original suspension transport problem is analyzed. It is proved that the differences between these solutions tends to zero at an O(τ) rate in the norm of the Hilbert space L2 as the time step t  approaches zero.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1721-1732
pages 1721-1732 views


Modeling Epidemics: Neural Network Based on Data and SIR-Model

Krivorotko O.I., Zyatkov N.Y., Kabanikhin S.I.


Earlier, a method for constructing an initial approximation for solving the inverse problem of acoustics by a gradient method based on a convolutional neural network trained to predict the distribution of velocities in a medium from wave response was proposed [9]. It was shown that the neural network trained on responses from simple layered media can be successfully used for solving the inverse problem for a significantly more complex model. In this paper, we present algorithms for processing data about epidemics and an example of applying a neural network for modeling the propagation of COVID-19 in Novosibirsk region (Russia) based only on data. A neural network NN-COVID-19 that uses data about the epidemics is constructed. It is shown that this neural network predicts the propagation of COVID-19 for five days by an order of magnitude better than SEIR-HCD. When a new variant (Omicron) appeared, this neural network was able to predict (after retraining) the propagation of the epidemics more accurately. Note that the proposed neural network uses not only epidemiological data but also social ones (such as holidays, restrictive measures, etc.). The proposed approach makes it possible to refine mathematical models. A comparison of the curves constructed by SEIR-HCD model and by the neural network shows that the plots of solutions of the direct problem almost coincide with the plots constructed by the neural network. This helps refine coefficients of the differential model.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1733-1746
pages 1733-1746 views

Mathematical Model of Human Capital Dynamics

Trusov N.V., Shananin A.A.


A mathematical description of household economic behavior is studied. On the one hand, households are consumers that seek to maximize the discounted utility function in an imperfect market of savings and consumer loans. On the other hand, households are workers in the labor market; they receive a wage and seek to enhance their skills to receive a higher wage. An increase in the level of worker’s skill is achieved via investment in human capital. In this paper, a mathematical model of the worker’s behavior in the labor market is represented in the form of an infinite-horizon optimal control problem. A solution existence theorem is proved, and necessary optimality conditions are obtained in the form of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The model is identified using Russian statistical data for various social layers.

Žurnal vyčislitelʹnoj matematiki i matematičeskoj fiziki. 2023;63(10):1747-1760
pages 1747-1760 views

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