Determining the Spectrum of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions for the Bernoulli–Euler Equation with Variable Coefficients by the Peano Method

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The paper considers the problem of determining the natural frequencies and eigenwaves of transverse vibrations for the Bernoulli–Euler equation with variable coefficients. Such problems arise both in the case of complex geometry of a vibrating solid and in the case of functionally graded materials or the accumulation of damage in a classical elastic material. Solutions of boundary value problems are constructed using the expansion in Peano series. Under broad assumptions, the uniform convergence of Peano series is shown and estimates of the residual terms are obtained. Examples of the numerical implementation of the proposed procedure are given for bending vibrations of a rod with certain parameters of a variable cross section (geometric heterogeneity) and elastic modulus distribution (physical heterogeneity). Numerical examples are focused on assessing the geometric and elastic properties of samples in an experimental study of the fatigue strength of alloys during high-frequency cyclic tests based on the general principle of point resonant loading. The method proposed for solving problems of resonant vibrations for the Bernoulli–Euler equation can be used in the design of new promising cyclic test schemes and mathematical modeling of fatigue failure processes under high-frequency resonant vibrations.

About the authors

D. D. Zakharov

Institute of Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences

123056, Moscow, Russia

I. S. Nikitin

Institute of Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Д.Д. Захаров, И.С. Никитин

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