Refined Schemes for Computing the Dynamics of Elastoviscoplastic Media

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For a stable numerical solution of the system of equations governing an elastoviscoplastic continuous medium model, a second-order explicit-implicit scheme is proposed. An explicit approximation is used for the equations of motion, and an implicit approximation, for the constitutive relations containing a small relaxation time parameter in the denominator of the nonlinear free terms. A second-order implicit approximation for isotropic and anisotropic elastoviscoplastic models is constructed to match the orders of approximation of the explicit elastic and implicit adjustment steps. Refined formulas for correcting the stress deviators after the elastic step are derived for various viscosity function representations. The resulting solutions of the second-order implicit approximation for the stress deviators of the elastoviscoplastic equations admit passage to the limit as the relaxation time tends to zero. The correcting formulas obtained via this passage to the limit can be treated as regularizers of the numerical solutions to the elastoplastic systems.

About the authors

V. I. Golubev

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 141701, Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow oblast, Russia; Institute of Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123056, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Computer Aided Design of RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny; Russian Federation, Moscow

I. S. Nikitin

Institute of Computer Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123056, Moscow, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 В.И. Голубев, И.С. Никитин

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