
Vertebrates from the Pontian of the Shkodova Gora locality (Northwestern Black Sea Region, Upper Miocene)
Kovalchuk O., Gorobets L., Syromyatnikova E., Danilov I., Titov V., Krakhmalnaya T., Rekovets L., Zelenkov N.
On the taxonomic state of a digger wasp of the tribe Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Crabroninae) from the Dominican amber
Antropov A.
Nannoplankton-Based Biostratigraphic Subdivisions in the Reference Sections of the Taman Trough and Ciscaucasia
Golovina L.
Semantor macrurus Orlov, 1931 (Carnivora, Mustelidae): Morphology of the Hind Limb and a New View on Its Paleobiology
Lavrov A., Tarasenko K., Vlasenko A.
Miocene ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Crimea
Perfilieva K., Dubovikoff D., Dlussky G.
Revision of non-Passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Late Miocene): 1. Anseriformes
Zelenkov N.
Finds of Ruminants and New Data on the Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene Locality of Fortep’yanka 2 (Northwest Caucasus, Adygea Republic)
Vislobokova I., Tarasenko K.
Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Middle Miocene of the Stavropol Region, Russia
Sukatsheva I., Ivanov V., Melnitsky S., Aristov D.
Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Upper Miocene): 3. Neoaves
Zelenkov N.
Fossil wood of Laricioxylon erkovetskiense sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Blokhina N., Bondarenko O.
Turtles Protestudo bessarabica from the Late Miocene of Ukraine
Syromyatnikova E., Krakhmalnaya T., Chkhikvadze V., Danilov I.
Morphology of the Petrosal in Late Miocene Baleen Whales of Northwestern Ciscaucasia
Tarasenko K., Kovalenko E., Kaloyan A., Podurets K.
A new horned sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Nazarkin M.
Fossil wood of Pinus priamurensis sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene deposits of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region
Blokhina N., Bondarenko O.
Tubesnout Aulichthys miocaenicus sp. nov. from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island (Russia): the First Reliable Fossil Record for the Family Aulorhynchidae
Nazarkin M.
Fossil Wood of Ulmus priamurica sp. nov. (Ulmaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Blokhina N., Bondarenko O.
The first record of dicosmoecinae from the Cenozoic of the Russian Far East with a brief global overview of fossil Limnephilidae (Insecta: Trichoptera)
Sukatcheva I.
Miocene ostracods of Chuya and Kurai depressions of the southeastern Altai
Teterina I.
New Species of Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Dominican Amber
Legalov A.
A New Tribe of the Subfamily Cyladinae (Coleoptera, Brentidae) in the Miocene of Germany
Legalov A.
Evolution of bird communities in the Neogene of Central Asia, with a review of the Neogene fossil record of Asian birds
Zelenkov N.
Systematic Position of Palaeortyx (Aves, ?Phasianidae) and Notes on the Evolution of Phasianidae
Zelenkov N.
Juvenile Leuroglossus kobylianskyi (Argentiformes, Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island
Voskoboinikova O., Nazarkin M.
Revision of non-passeriform birds from Polgárdi (Hungary, Late Miocene): 2. Galliformes
Zelenkov N.
Hooked-Horn Sculpins (Pisces: Cottidae, Artediellinae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Nazarkin M.
1 - 25 的 30 信息 1 2 > >> 


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