
Peculiarities of Transcriptional Activity of Long Non-Coding RNAs (COOLAIR, COLDAIR, and COLDWRAP) during the Vernalization of the Plant Arabidopsis thaliana of Northern Natural Populations
Zaretskaya M., Lebedeva O., Fedorenko O.
Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases (FMO) Genes in Garlic Allium sativum L.: Genome-Wide Identification, Characterization, and Expression Analysis in Response to Fusarium proliferatum
Anisimova O., Shchennikova A., Kochieva E., Filyushin M.
Current state of in situ gene expression studiesin animal tissues
Bytov M., Zubareva V., Volskaya S., Khatsko S., Shkuratova I., Sokolova O.
Antocyanidin-3-O-Glucosyltransferase Genes in Pepper (Capsicum spp.) and Their Role in Anthocyanine Biosynthesis
Filyushin M., Shchennikova A., Kochieva E.
Genetic Assessment of Projected Residual Feed Consumption and Expression of Significant Candidate Genes in Duroc Pigs and Second-Generation Commercial Blends
Belous A., Sermyagin A., Zinovieva N.
A New 5'-UTR LcyE allele Correlates with Increased Expression of the Lycopine-ε-Cyclase Gene Determining the Flow of the β-ε Branch of the Carotenoid Biosynthesis Pathway in Maize
Arkhestova D., Efremov G., Appaev S., Kochieva E., Shchennikova A.
Effect of Chronic Radiation Exposure on Human microRNA Expression
Yanishevskaya M., Blinova E., Akleyev A.
Comparative Analysis of the HAP2/GCS1, GEX2 Genes Expression in Maize Lines of Saratov Selection
Moiseeva E., Gusev Y., Gutorova O., Chumakov M.
Study of the Association of Polymorphic Variants rs2295080 and rs1883965 of the MTOR Gene with the Development of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
Malysheva I., Topchieva L., Tikhonovich E.
Biased Expression of Parental Alleles in the Human Placenta
Sazhenova E., Vasilev S., Lebedev I.
Relationship of the Anthocyanian Content with the Expression Level of the Anthocyanian Biosynthesis Pathway Regulatory and Structural Genes in Capsicum L. Species
Filyushin M., Shchennikova A., Kochieva E.
The Content of Carotoids and the Expression Profile of Carotenoid Biogenesis Genes during Long-Term Cold Storage of Potato Tubers
Kulakova A., Shchennikova A., Kochieva E.
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