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Том 164, № 5 (2018)


Influence of “Enriched Environment” on Behavior and Neurogenesis in Mice Selected by Cognitive Trait

Tarasova A., Perepelkina O., Lil’p I., Revishchin A., Pavlova G., Poletaeva I.


Mice selected for high score in the extrapolation test (EX line) and kept under conditions of “enriched environment” for 3 months demonstrated changes in locomotor and exploratory activity and enhanced reaction to novelty. The relative brain weight was higher and neurogenesis in the hippocampal fascia dentate was more intensive in this group. In non-selected mice, the changes were similar, but insignificant in many cases.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):583-586
pages 583-586 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Stress Response to Physical Exercise in Rats with Alimentary Obesity

Pal’chikova N., Kuzminova O., Selyatitskaya V.


Stress response to physical exercise was studied in rats with alimentary obesity with and without caloric diet restriction. Daily excretion of corticosterone, progesterone, and testosterone, weights of internal organs, and serum levels of glucose, free fatty acids, triglycerides, corticosterone, and testosterone were estimated. Stress response to moderate exercise in rats with alimentary obesity was associated with predominance of anabolic influence of testosterone over the catabolic effects of corticosterone, which promoted the increase in the weight of reproductive organs. Exposure to physical loads against the background of restricted ration potentiated the response of the adrenocortical system and reduced the concentration and anabolic effects of testosterone.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):587-590
pages 587-590 views


Assessment of Cardiac Vegetative Control during Acute Graduated Exogenous Normobaric Hypoxia in Rats

Kotel’nikov V., Osipov I., Zayats Y., Gel’tser B.


The effects of exogenous normobaric hypoxic hypoxia on vegetative control of the heart and BP were examined in Wistar rats. The reference ranges of variation pulsometry parameters were determined in rats with normoxemia for 3 physiological variants of autonomic homeostasis: eutony, sympathicotony, and vagotony. Most rats (80%) demonstrated autonomic eutony. The study showed that saturation of arterial blood with oxygen is the most adequate assessment of severity of acute exogenous normobaric hypoxic hypoxia progressing within a closed hypoxic chamber, which standardizes this method and minimizes inaccuracies resulting from individual sensitivity to hypoxic stress. The changes in functional activity of systems that control the heart rhythm closely correlated with the drop in arterial blood oxygenation. While a small arterial hypoxemia activated the ergotropic elements of autonomic nervous system central subdivision accompanied by elevation of systolic BP, the moderate hypoxemia augmented the cholinergic influences and moderated the adrenergic ones under maintaining mobilization of the central autonomic nervous system-control loop and normotension. Severe hypoxemia was manifested by augmented influences from autonomic nervous system central subdivisions on the heart rate, disadaptation of the control systems, and systolic-diastolic arterial hypotension.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):591-595
pages 591-595 views

Role of Copper Dyshomeostasis in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease

Karpenko M., Ilyicheva E., Muruzheva Z., Milyukhina I., Orlov Y., Puchkova L.


Serum concentration of copper, immunoreactive polypeptides of ceruloplasmin and its oxidase activity, and the number of copper atoms per ceruloplasmin molecule were decreased in patients with Parkinson’s disease in comparison with the corresponding parameters in age-matched healthy individuals, but the ratio of apoceruloplasmin to holoceruloplasmin in patients with Parkinson’s disease was similar in both groups. Treatment of blood serum with Helex 100, a high-affinity copper chelator, revealed reduced content of labile copper atoms per ceruloplasmin molecule in patients with Parkinson’s disease in comparison with that in healthy controls. The mechanism underlying impaired metabolic incorporation of labile copper atoms into CP molecule is discussed as a possible cause of copper dyshomeostasis associated with Parkinson’s disease.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):596-600
pages 596-600 views

fMRI Responses in Healthy Individuals and in Patients with Mild Depression to Presentation of Pleasant and Unpleasant Images

Mel’nikov M., Petrovskii E., Bezmaternykh D., Kozlova L., Shtark M., Savelov A., Shubina O., Natarova K.


Patients with mild depression and apparently healthy individuals were presented images and asked to sort them into “pleasant” and “unpleasant” subsets. In both groups, the main differences between brain activation patterns during presentation of pleasant and unpleasant images were localized in the motor regions (precentral and postcentral gyrus) and in the cerebellum (p<0.05 with FWE correction). Most likely, these clusters are associated with motion (pressing a button in accordance with the instruction). According to the data of intergroup contrasts, patients with depression had less pronounced activation of frontal structures (middle frontal gyrus and other areas, including the white matter) in response to both positive and negative images (p<0.001). In healthy subjects, the response of the temporo-occipital areas (lingual and fusiform gyrus) to unpleasant stimuli was more intensive than in patients (p<0.001). This can be due to differences in the semantic image processing. Thus, in case of mild depression, the response of the amygdaloid complex, the key structure in the development in affective disorder, was not always observed. At the same time, the response of frontal and temporo-occipital regions has a certain potential as a biomarker of mild depression, although the reliability of the obtained data requires additional confirmation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):601-604
pages 601-604 views

Compounds of IL-6 Receptor Complex during Acute Lung Injury

Chepurnova D., Samoilova E., Anisimov A., Verin A., Korotaeva A.


Soluble receptor of IL-6 (sIL-6R) and antagonist of the receptor complex, soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) mediate opposite effects during inflammation. We measured the levels of these cytokines and their ratio in rat blood on the model of acute lung injury. The injury was modeled by the intratracheal administration of LPS. The levels of sgp130 and sIL-6R increased during the inflammatory process in the injured lungs. The sgp130/sIL-6R ratio increased or decreased depending on the intensity of the inflammatory process. sgp130/sIL-6R ratio might reflect the intensity of inflammation during lung injury.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):609-611
pages 609-611 views

Experimental Analysis of the Efficacy of Dihydroquercetin on the Model of Chronic Nonbacterial Inflammation of the Prostatic Gland

Borovskaya T., Kamalova S., Polyektova M., Mashanova V., Vychuzhanina A., Kseneva S., Plotnikov M., Goldberg V.


We studied the efficiency of dihydroquercetin on the model of chronic nonbacterial inflammation of the prostatic gland in rats. It was found that administration of dihydroquercetin was followed by a significant decrease in the area of the connective tissue in the prostatic gland to initial levels, which attested to antifibrotic properties of this oxidant. Additionally, the substance prevented the development of atrophy of acinus epithelium. After administration of reference drug Prostamol Uno, only moderate antifibrotic effects were observed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):617-619
pages 617-619 views

Effects of Fluoxetine and Potential Antidepressant 8-Trifluoromethyl 1,2,3,4,5-Benzopentathiepin-6-Amine Hydrochloride (TC-2153) on Behavior of Danio rerio Fish in the Novel Tank Test and Brain Content of Biogenic Amines and Their Metabolites

Sinyakova N., Kulikova E., Englevskii N., Kulikov A.


We compared the effect of a new potential antidepressant 8-trifluoromethyl 1,2,3,4,5-benzopentathiepine-6-amine hydrochloride (TC-2153) and classical antidepressant fluoxetine in a dose of 0.25 mg/liter on the behavior of Danio rerio in the “novel tank” test and content of biogenic amines and their metabolites in the brain. Fluoxetine alone and TC-2153 alone significantly increased the time spent in the upper part of the tank and insignificantly reduced motor activity. Combined exposure of fishes in the solution containing potential and classical antidepressants potentiated their effects on both parameters. The compounds did not affect brain contents of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. At the same time, fluoxetine, but not TC-2153, reduced brain content of the main serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):620-623
pages 620-623 views

Study of the Oxime-induced Reactivation of Acetyl- and Butyrylcholinesterase of Human with Inhibition of Organophosphorus Insecticide In Vitro

Kolesnikov A., Yuidin M., Nikiforov A., Ivanov I., Vengerovich N., Makacheev A.


The efficiency of different reactivators of cholinesterase (toxogonin, dipiroxime, pralidoxime, carboxim, HI-6, and methoxime) at inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase and human acetylcholinesterase by organophosphate insecticide malathion was evaluated in in vitro experiments. Most reactivators increased inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase in comparison with the control, but HI-6 in a concentration of 10—3 mol/liter partially (10%) restored activity of the enzyme. Oxime-induced reactivation of acetylcholinesterase was most pronounced in dipyroxime and toxogonin: parameters of the kinetics of reduction of the phosphorylated enzyme differed by more than 2 times from the values received with the use of other reactivators.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):624-628
pages 624-628 views

GABAergic Mechanism of Anticonvulsive Effect of Chemical Agent RU-1205

Kalitin K., Grechko O., Spasov A., Sukhov A., Anisimova V., Matukhno A.


The study examined the effect of 9-(2-morpholinoethyl)-2-(4-fluorophenyl)imidazo[1,2-α] benzimidazole dihydrochloride (RU-1205) on the latency of seizures provoked by corazol, bicuculline, or picrotoxin. This agent (10 and 20 mg/kg) increased the seizure latency in the experimental models of epileptogenesis. The blockers of GABAA and GABAA-ρ receptors picrotoxin and (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)methylphosphinic acid, respectively, were employed to study the effects of RU-1205 on electrical activity of somatosensory cortical neurons and on formation of pathological rhythms in the rat brain. RU-1205 inhibited the focal background rhythm and eliminated the epileptiform activity, which can be mediated by interaction with GABAA receptors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):629-635
pages 629-635 views

Changes in the Expression of Immune Proteasomes in the Liver after the Induction of Portal Tolerance Depending on Donor—Recipient Differences in Rats

Bozhok G., Alabedal’karim N., Legach E., Lyupina Y., Sharova N., Karpova Y.


Induction of donor-specific tolerance in outbred Wistar rats (RT1u) and inbred August rats (RT1c) increased the expression of immune proteasome subunits in liver with a peak on day 7 after beginning of the induction. The increase in the level of immune subunits LMP2 and LMP7 was more pronounced in the liver of August rats in comparison with Wistar rats (by 2 and 6 times, respectively), which was associated with higher concentrations of monoamines in the CNS of August rats. After induction of donor-specific tolerance in August and Wistar rats, the immune subunits were in cells of sinusoidal lining and in cells located in sinusoid lumens. It can be suggested that immune proteasomes in these cells producing antigenic peptides for presentation to immunocompetent participate in the suppression of their activity and form the molecular basis for the development of donor-specific tolerance at very early stages of this process.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):641-644
pages 641-644 views

Cytokine Production by Splenic Cells in C57BL/6J Mice with Depression-Like Behavior Depends on the Duration of Social Stress

Idova G., Markova E., Gevorgyan M., Al’perina E., Zhanaeva S.


We studied the influence of depression-like behavior developed in C57BL/6J mice under conditions of social stress of different duration on cytokine production by splenic cells. Imbalance of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines was detected at the early stage of depression-like behavior (10-day experience of defeats): increased production of proinflammatory IL-2 and IL-6 cytokines along with a decrease in anti-inflammatory IL-10 level; the levels of IL-1β, TNFα, IFNγ, and IL-4 remained unaffected. At later terms (20 days of confrontations), we revealed more pronounced changes in spontaneous production of proinflammatory cytokines that were not detected after shorter social stress. These findings suggest that cytokine profile depends on duration of social stress. Possible mechanisms of cytokine production during formation of depression-like state are discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):645-649
pages 645-649 views

Variability of the Expression of Reference Genes in Samples of Human Olfactory Epithelium

Kovalenko S., Rudenko N., Avdeeva A., Danilenko K., Aftanas L.


We analyzed variability of the expression of three reference genes in biopsy samples of the olfactory epithelium obtained from healthy volunteers. The expression of B2M, HPRT1, and CASC3 genes was analyzed by real-time PCR. The pairs of genes B2MHPRT1 and B2M—CASC3 were found to possess minimum individual variability of expression and can be reliable candidates for the reference genes in analysis of gene expression in neural cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):655-657
pages 655-657 views

Effect of Various Treatment Modes of Experimental Mammary Gland Tumor on Structure of Anterior Mediastinal Lymph Nodes

Kazakov O., Kabakov A., Poveshchenko A., Raiter T., Strunkin D., Bogachev S., Ishchenko I., Lykov A., Michurina S., Konenkov V.


The effects of various treatment modes on the morphology of anterior mediastinal lymph nodes were examined in female Wistar rats with chemically provoked breast cancer. Adjuvant chemotherapy impaired filtration barrier potential of the anterior mediastinal lymph nodes, which manifested in increased volume of sinuses, reduced volumes of lymphoid nodules with germinal centers and thymus-dependent regions, down-regulated proliferative activity of lymphoid cells in B-cell zone and paracortex, and diminished macrophage score in all zones. Intraperitoneal injection of double-stranded DNA preparation (5 mg/kg) activated the humoral and cellular immune responses manifested by morphological alterations in anterior mediastinal lymph nodes observed in parallel with a decrease of medullary sinuses volume: enhancement of lymphocyte volume and lymphocyte score in paracortex, mantle zone expansion, and an increase of volume of the light centers in lymphoid nodules paralleled with diminished proliferative activity in them.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):661-665
pages 661-665 views

Antitumor Activity of Fascaplysin Derivatives on Glioblastoma Model In Vitro

Lyakhova I., Bryukhovetsky I., Kudryavtsev I., Khotimchenko Y., Zhidkov M., Kantemirov A.


Antitumor efficiency of fascaplysin synthetic derivatives (7-phenylfascaplysin, 3-chlorofascaplysin, 3-bromofascaplysin, and 10-bromofascaplysin) was compared out in vitro on C6 glioma cells. The cytotoxic efficiency of all tested compounds was higher than that of unsubstituted fascaplysin; 3-bromofascaplysin and 7-phenylfascaplysin exhibited the best capacity to kill glioma C6 cells. Apoptosis was the main mechanism of glioma cell death. The cytotoxic activity of these compounds increased with prolongation of exposure to the substance and increase of its concentration. Fascaplysin derivatives modified all phases of glioma cell vital cycle. The count of viable tumor cell in G0 phase remained minimum by the end of experiment under the effects of 3-bromofascaplysin and 7-phenylfascaplysin.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):666-672
pages 666-672 views

Decrease in Bcl-2 Protein Level during the Development of Lewis Carcinosarcome

Mil’ E., Erokhin V., Binyukov V., Semenov V., Albantova A., Blokhina S.


We studied the development of Lewis carcinoma and possible antitumor effect of preliminary administered antioxidant anphen. The tumor was intramuscularly transplanted to C57Bl×DBA mice (7×106 cells per mouse). According to immunoblotting results, the content of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein steadily decreased starting from post-transplantation day 11. In few days, its content decreased by 15-20% and soon the animals died. After administration of anphen, the content of Bcl-2 decreased more rapidly than in the control. Atomic force microscopy revealed a decrease in the mean volume of erythrocytes and then increase in this parameter at the terminal stage of tumor growth. These findings suggest that anphen does not affect the tumor growth rate and mouse lifespan, but enhances apoptosis of blood cells of animals with Lewis carcinoma at the terminal stages of tumor growth.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):673-675
pages 673-675 views

Re-Examination of the Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Model in Rats Induced by N-Nitrososarcosine Ethyl Ester Precursors

Shubin A., Lesovaya E., Kirsanov K., Antoshina E., Trukhanova L., Gorkova T., Belitsky G., Yakubovskaya M., Demidyuk I.


Studies of the molecular mechanisms of esophageal cancer development have to be carried out on sufficient amount of tumor material, obtained under conditions of controlled exposure to carcinogenic factors. Esophageal cancer models on laboratory animals serve an indispensable source of this material. One of these models is esophageal cancer induction in rats by N-nitroso compound precursors. Despite adequate reproduction of human esophageal cancer, this model in fact has not been used since the 1990ies. Re-examination of esophageal cancer model, induced by N-nitrososarcosine ethyl ester precursors, is carried out and its efficiency in induction of squamous cell carcinoma is confirmed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):676-679
pages 676-679 views

In Vitro Model for Studying of the Role of IGFBP6 Gene in Breast Cancer Metastasizing

Nikulin S., Raigorodskaya M., Poloznikov A., Zakharova G., Schumacher U., Wicklein D., Stürken C., Riecken K., Fomicheva K., Alekseev B., Shkurnikov M.


IGFBP6 gene plays an important role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. In this work, we performed knockdown of IGFBP6 gene in MDA-MB-231 cells and obtained a stable cell line. Knockdown of IGFBP6 gene was confirmed by the real-time PCR. The influence of IGFBP6 gene on migration and proliferation of breast cancer cells was studied. Knockdown of IGFBP6 gene reduced migration activity of MDA-MB-231 cells and increased their proliferation rate. This in vitro cell model can be used for the further analysis of the role of IGFBP6 gene in the pathogenesis of breast cancer.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):688-692
pages 688-692 views

Biophysics and Biochemistry

Evaluation of DNA Damage in Experimental Preeclampsia by Comet Assay

Kolesnikova S., Eremina A., Kustova M., Muzyko E., Dudchenko G., Perfilova V., Verovskii V., Tyurenkov I., Ostrovskii O.


Experimental preeclampsia induced by substitution of drinking water with 1.8% NaCl during pregnancy was associated with an increase in the level of DNA damage in fetal brain and placenta measured by DNA comet assay by 35.7 and 27.8 times, respectively, in comparison with physiological pregnancy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):605-608
pages 605-608 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Modulation of GABA- and Glycine-Activated Ionic Currents with Semax in Isolated Cerebral Neurons

Sharonova I., Bukanova Y., Myasoedov N., Skrebitskii V.


The concentration-clamp experiments with neurons isolated from the rat brain showed that nootropic and neuroprotective drug Semax added to perfusion solution at concentration of 1 μM augmented the amplitude of GABA-activated ionic currents in cerebellum Purkinje cells by 147±13%. In addition, Semax in perfusion solution (0.1 and 1 μM) diminished the amplitude of glycine-activated chloride currents in hippocampal pyramidal neurons down to 68 and 43% control level, respectively. Both potentiating and inhibitory effects developed slowly, and they were poorly reversible, which indicated a probable implication of second messengers in the observed phenomena. Semax accelerated the falling edge of glycine-activated current both after a short-term co-application with agonist and after addition of this peptide into perfusion solution.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):612-616
pages 612-616 views

Immunology and Microbiology

Signal Immune Reactions of Macrophages Differentiated from THP-1 Monocytes to Infection with Pandemic H1N1PDM09 Virus and H5N2 and H9N2 Avian Influenza A Virus

Sokolova T., Poloskov V., Shuvalov A., Rudneva I., Timofeeva T.


In culture of THP-1 cells differentiated into macrophages with PMA (THP-PMA macrophages) infected with influenza viruses of subtypes H1, H5 and H9, we measured the expression of TLR7 and RIG1 receptor genes, sensors of viral RNA and ribonucleoprotein, and the levels of production of inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, TNFα, IL-10, and IFNα. The sensitivity and inflammatory response of THP-PMA macrophages to pandemic influenza A virus H1N1pdm09 and avian influenza H5N2 and H9N2 viruses correlate with the intracellular level of their viral RNA and activation of the RIG1 gene. Abortive infection is accompanied by intensive macrophage secretion of TNFα, IL-1β, and toxic factors inducing cell death. Activity of endosomal TLR7 receptor gene changed insignificantly in 24 h after infection and significantly decreased in 48 and 72 h under the action of H5N2 and H9N2, which correlated with manifestation of the cytopathogenic effect of these viruses. H5N2 and H9N2 avian viruses in THP-PMA macrophages are strong activators of the expression of the gene of the cytoplasmic RIG1 receptor 24 and 48 h after infection, and the pandemic virus H1N1pdm09 is a weak stimulator of RIG1 gene. Avian influenza H5N2 and H9N2 viruses are released by rapid induction of the inflammatory response in macrophages. At the late stages of infection, we observed a minor increase in IL-10 secretion in macrophages and, probably, the polarization of a part of the population in type M2. The studied influenza A viruses are weak inductors of IFN in THP-PMA macrophages. In the culture medium of THP-PMA macrophages infected with H9N2 and H5N2 viruses, MTT test revealed high levels of toxic factors causing the death of Caco-2 cells. In contrast to avian viruses, pandemic virus H1N1pdm09 did not induce production of toxic factors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):636-640
pages 636-640 views


Role of IGFBP6 Protein in the Regulation of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Genes

Nikulin S., Raigorodskaya M., Poloznikov A., Zakharova G., Schumacher U., Wicklein D., Stürken C., Riecken K., Fomicheva K., Alekseev B., Shkurnikov M.


Protein IGFBP6 plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many malignant tumors, including breast cancer. The relationship between IGFBP6 protein and the expression of genes associated with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition is studied. Gene IGFBP6 knockdown does not trigger the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in MDA-MB-231 cells, but modifies significantly the expression of many genes involved in this process. A decrease of IGFBP6 expression can involve a decrease in the expression of N-cadherin and transcription factor Slug.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):650-654
pages 650-654 views


Combined Action of PGRPs-Hsp70 Cytotoxic Complex with Paclitaxel Improves Outcomes of Melanoma Treatment in Mice

Dukhanina E., Luk’yanova T., Dukhanin A., Georgieva S.


We studied the effect of PGRPs-Hsp70 cytotoxic complex that is analogous to natural complex secreted by cytotoxic lymphocytes and the antitumor drug paclitaxel on the development of M3 melanoma in DBA mice. Significant inhibition of tumor growth was observed in all experimental groups by days 20 and 35 of observation; paclitaxel monotherapy was less effective than administration of PGRPs-Hsp70 cytotoxic complex and its combination with paclitaxel. Pairwise comparison of Kaplan—Meier curves showed that survival was maximum in the group receiving combined therapy with PGRPs-Hsp70 cytotoxic complex and paclitaxel in comparison with groups receiving monotherapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):658-660
pages 658-660 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Microscopic Study of Nervous System Plasticity: Interactions of Sympathetic Nerves with Neurons of Intraocular Hippocampal Transplants

Zhuravleva Z., Mugantseva E., Zhuravlev G.


Functional interactions of sympathetic fibers innervating the iris with the neurons of central origin in intraocular transplants of the rat hippocampus were studied by optic, confocal, and electron microscopy. After formaldehyde fixation, fluorescent dye Dil was applied to the upper cervical ganglion; the dye migrated to the transplant by lateral diffusion via axons. Sympathetic nerves labeled with fluorescent dye grew into the neurotransplants along perivascular membranes of blood vessels. In addition, some fluorescent axons were identified in the transplant parenchyma. Electron microscopy showed large bundles of the peripheral type axons in the vascular adventitia and Schwann-axonal complexes in the transplant neuropil. Autonomic axons formed synaptic contacts with transplanted neurons.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):680-684
pages 680-684 views


Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Modulated by Infralow Frequencies on the Production of Stem Cells

Zilov V., Subbotina T., Yashin A., Khadartsev A., Ivanov D.


Experimental validation of the method for regulation of stem cell proliferation and differentiation is carried out. The method consists in exposure to ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic radiation, modulated by infralow frequencies with variable parameters. A specially designed programmer, setting up the parameters of exposure, is connected to the source of radiation. The zones of anatomical location of the red bone marrow of rats were exposed for 15 min to the amplitude-modulated electromagnetic radiation of ultrahigh frequency range. The parameters of exposure were determined in previous studies. The red bone marrow was collected from the sternum and head of the femur. The cellular composition of the red bone marrow was evaluated 1, 2, 3, and 6 days after the exposure. The optimal therapeutic mode of irradiation was then chosen, leading to stem cell activation with subsequent proliferation and differentiation into mature red bone marrow cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):685-687
pages 685-687 views


Endogenous Regulators of the Immune System (sCD100, Malonic Dialdehyde, and Arginase)

Kazimirskii A., Poryadin G., Salmasi Z., Semenova L.


Tissue damage in various diseases, hypoxic conditions, and some pathologies are associated with production of endogenous factors such as the soluble form of the surface receptor CD100, malonic dialdehyde, and arginase and their release into circulation. These factors modulate functional state of lymphocytes in the immune system: potentiate activation of B lymphocytes, activate synthesis and secretion of IL-25 and IL-17 cytokines, and suppress proliferative activity of T lymphocytes, thus modulating immunological reactivity of the organism. Reactions of innate and adaptive immunity develop against the background of changed immunological reactivity, which should be taken into account in the development of pathogenetically substantiated therapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(5):693-700
pages 693-700 views

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