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Vol 68, No 3 (2023)

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Dinitrosyl iron complexes with thiol-containing ligands as sources of universal cytotoxins - nitrosonium cations

Vanin A.F., Tkachev N.A.


It was shown that the release of a half of nitrosyl ligands from dinitrosyl iron units in the form of nitrosonium cation (NO+) from binuclear dinitrosyl iron complexes with thiol-containing ligands (B-DNIC) during DNIC decomposition in acid solutions is increased with the decrease of the stability of these complexes and completely blocked with the increase of the concentrations of free thiols (non-included into B-DNIC) up to the level that was two times and more than that of dinitrosyl iron units. It was demonstrated that the less stable B-DNIC with mercaptosuccinate degrade in an acidic environment at ambient temperature, while the decomposition of more stable B-DNIC with glutathione was only marked when the solution was heated at 80°C. The inhibition of NO+ release from B-DNIC in the presence of elevated free thiol level in the solution was due to the ability of free thiols to induce the reduction of NO+ to NO.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):421-434
pages 421-434 views

Glow discharge treatment of nitrocellulose membranes increases the immunoassay sensitivity

Petrova P.A., Zamalutdinova S.V., Vnukova A.A., Alekseeva D.A., Bagrov D.V.


Plasma treatment can make the surfaces of the materials more hydrophilic and improve the surface and adsorption properties. Our research shows that the glow discharge treatment of nitrocellulose membranes improves the adsorption capacity for antibodies by a factor of 15-17 and increases the sensitivity of immunoassay (dot-blotting) performed on the membranes approximatively by an order of magnitude. This feature has been demonstrated for the interleukin-1 beta immunoassay with chemiluminescent detection. Upon glow discharge treatment, the nitrocellulose membranes did not change their structure or chemical composition as can be seen using scanning electron microscopy and IR spectroscopy, respectively. The obtained results can be used to optimize the existing laboratory procedures, especially dot-blotting.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):435-441
pages 435-441 views

Kinetics and mechanism of inhibition of horseradish peroxidase activity by N-phosphonomethyl-glycine

Avdeeva L.V., Vakhterova Y.V., Saratovskikh E.A.


The inhibition of horseradish peroxidase activity by N-phosphonomethyl-glycine, an active ingredient in the most extensively used glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup) in agricultural applications worldwide, was investigated. It has been shown that N-phosphonomethyl-glycine inhibits the activity of peroxidase from horseradish roots. This inhibition is of a competitive nature, the value of Ki = 0.1004 mM. The Michaelis constant (Km = 0.1776 mM) and herbicide concentration (I50 of Roundup = 0.302 mM) were determined. The results demonstrate that N-phosphonomethyl-glycine can suppress the activity of the antioxidant system, and in warm-blooded organisms it may cause the accumulation of free radicals, thereby contributing to expanding knowledge of biological targets Roundup is applied to.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):442-450
pages 442-450 views

The organic osmolyte betaine effectively counteracts the deleterious effect of diclofenac on protein structure and stability

Basheeruddin M., Ahmed N., Khan K.A., Jamal S.


Understanding the physicochemical properties of pharmacy and the concept of pharmacophore is essential to devise guidelines for the synthesis of target-oriented drugs. In the present study, thermal denaturation, circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, and docking were employed for studying the effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, diclofenac sodium, on the stability and structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) taken as a model of an enzyme. Since drug-protein interaction is an important pharmacokinetic parameter of a drug, it was deemed significant to study the effects of diclofenac on protein structure and stability. When the thermodynamic parameters were assessed, it was shown that RNase-A was destabilized in the presence of diclofenac sodium in terms of Tm and ΔGD°, while the addition of osmolytes stabilized the protein. In the presence of diclofenac sodium and osmolyte, there was a change in a tertiary structure of the protein but not in its secondary structure. Spectral results revealed a decrease in fluorescence intensity confirming fluorescence quenching of RNase-A by diclofenac sodium and osmolytes. Molecular docking analysis suggested that hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals are involved in the binding of RNase-A to diclofenac sodium. The RNAse-A activity is decreased in the presence of diclofenac sodium while osmolyte can restore the RNase-A activity and the indices kcat increase and Km values decrease. This study presents new combination of drug therapy comprising diclofenac sodium and osmolytes to reduce the risk of adverse effects of diclofenac sodium.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):451-460
pages 451-460 views

Peculiarities of oligomerization of smooth muscle titin and skeletal myosin-binding protein C

Bobyleva L.G., Timchenko M.A., Yakupova E.I., Vikhlyantsev I.M., Bobylev A.G.


Protein oligomers are important intermediates in the formation of amyloid fibrils. In amyloidoses, for instance, in Alzheimer's disease, oligomers are able to exert toxic effects on cells. This paper describes the distinctive features of oligomerization of multidomain muscle proteins such as smooth muscle titin and myosin-binding protein C (MyBP-C) of skeletal muscles, which consist of FnIII-like and IgC2-like domains and form amorphous amyloid aggregates in vitro. MyBP-C at low ionic strength (below physiological values) formed stable oligomers that did not participate in further aggregation. In high ionic strength conditions (µ ~ 0.6), smooth muscle titin formed oligomers, which were precursors of amyloid amorphous aggregates of this protein. The results obtained help expand existing knowledge about the process of protein aggregation.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):461-465
pages 461-465 views

On the interaction of resveratrol with nucleosomes

Maluchenko N.V., Andreeva T.V., Geraskina O.V., Gerasimova N.S., Lubitelev A.V., Feofanov A.V., Studitsky V.M.


The natural polyphenol resveratrol has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor and geroprotective properties. The wide range of resveratrol activities is determined by its ability to modulate a variety of signaling pathways in the cell and interact with various target molecules. It is known that resveratrol interacts with DNA, but the effect of this interaction on the structure of chromatin has not been studied. In this work, we studied the effect of resveratrol on the structure of the nucleosome, the functional and structural unit of chromatin. Fluorescent microscopy of single nucleosomes based on Forster resonance energy transfer and analysis of changes in the electrophoretic mobility of nucleosomes in polyacrylamide gel showed that, at a concentration of ~100 μM, resveratrol affects the conformation of DNA linker regions, limits the conformational dynamics of DNA near the nucleosome boundary, but does not cause significant changes in the folding of nucleosomal DNA on the histone octamer. A small effect of resveratrol on the structure of the nucleosome compared to quercetin is presumably determined by the binding mode of resveratrol in a minor groove of DNA.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):466-473
pages 466-473 views

Influence of laser radiation of a surgical laser on the structure of bovine serum albumin molecules in vitro

Serov D.A., Nagaev E.I., Kuleshova A.I., Reut V.E., Astashev M.E.


The influence of laser radiation of a surgical laser on the physicochemical properties of bovine serum albumin molecules was studied. After exposure to laser radiation, the optical density of protein solutions increases, the fluorescence intensity decreases, a significant decrease of the intensity of the a-helix band on the Raman spectrum is observed and the refractive index of protein solution did not significantly change. However, the viscosity increased, and the pseudoplasticity of aqueous solutions of albumin decreased. There was no massive damage to the protein polypeptide chain, on the contrary, intensive aggregation was observed. Thus, in a bovine serum albumin solution subjected to contact action of laser radiation, the processes of partial denaturation and aggregation prevail, aromatic amino acid residues of the protein are damaged to a lesser extent, and fragmentation of albumin molecules is not observed.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):474-481
pages 474-481 views

Changes in the activity of micromycete endocellular oxidoreductases under the influence of low-frequency pulsed magnetic field and low-intensity laser radiation

Makarov I.O., Klyuev D.A., Smirnov V.F., Smirnova O.N., Anikina N.A., Dikareva N.V., Shishkin A.Y.


This study aims to investigate the effects of low-frequency pulsed magnetic field (1.5 Hz) and low-intensity laser radiation (0.3 and 0.7 W) on the activity of micromycete endocellular oxidoreductases that catalyze biodegradation of industrial materials such as Penicillium cyclopium, Aspergillus niger, and Alternaria alternata. The investigated physical factors had dose-dependent effects on the activity of fungal endocellular oxidoreductases (catalase and peroxidase): increases and decreases in the activities of enzymes have been observed. An increase in the activity of enzymes can contribute to the manifestation of the adaptive properties of fungi against the action of such physical factors as low-intensity laser radiation and magnetic field. A decrease in the activity of endocatalase and endoperoxidase under the influence of these factors may suppress the vital activity of microorganisms.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):482-488
pages 482-488 views

Identification of pathogenic bacteria using the spectra of native DNA molecules

Ikhlov B.L.


The purpose of detecting low-frequency (relative to infrared and ultraviolet) resonance absorption of an electromagnetic field in the centimeter wavelength range using DNA molecules at a frequency corresponding to the natural frequency of torsional vibrations of the native DNA helix is to find a relationship between the length of DNA (its spectrum) and the type of a bacterium. Instead of DNA solution, cultures of different bacteria that contained DNA were used and the resonance frequencies of torsional vibrations of the helices in DNA molecules were calculated for them. The cultures were placed in test tubes or in a cuvette and were subjected to microwave irradiation. Theoretical analysis was carried out with respect to the DNA reaction to external centimeter radiation and the resonant DNA frequencies of three types of bacteria such as E. coli M17, M. avium and Mycobacterium tuberculosis were determined. Peak absorption of the ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field by bacterial cultures was detected at frequencies close to the calculated natural frequencies of torsional vibrations of DNA helices of the said types of bacteria: 10.271 GHz, 10.317 GHz and 10.356 GHz, respectively.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):489-495
pages 489-495 views

Analysis of coverage of Alu repeats by aligned genomic reads

Tamazian G.S., Kanapin A.A., Samsonova A.A.


Alu repeats occupy a notable part of the human genome and greatly affect processes related to genome integrity maintenance. One of the basic methods for studying variation in a genome, including Alu repeats is genome sequencing followed by mapping the sequenced reads to a reference genome sequence. The key feature of the read alignment is the depth of reference genome region coverage by mapped reads. In this paper, a new method is proposed for analyzing the coverage of Alu repeats and their flanking regions by whole-genome sequencing reads and the distribution of mean coverage in two aforementioned region types is explored.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):496-500
pages 496-500 views

Genetic determinants of flax genome integrity

Kanapin A.A., Samsonova A.A.


Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing methods have enabled development of an innovative approach to evaluation of genome stability and integrity. The depth of the coverage signal at a particular location of the genome may indicate the loss of DNA integrity in the region. In this work, the previously developed metric of local genome integrity that estimates the uniformity of coverage signal is considered a quantitative trait and a search for genetic variants associated with the uniformity of coverage signal in flax genome is performed. In particular, quantitative trait locus (xQTL) analyses (i.e., x Quantitiave Trait Loci, where x is the designation of an arbitrary quantitative characteristic associated with a particular genome region; for example, the level of gene expression, the degree of ribosome coverage, etc.) have been applied to identify genomic regions that most likely contribute to loss of genome integrity and are, probably, involved in the maintenance of genome stability. The analysis carried out using information on whole-genome sequence assembly of 100 flax samples enabled identification of genes potentially implicated in genome integrity maintenance in flax and, possibly, in plants in general and also revealed novel processes associated with the maintenance of genome integrity.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):501-505
pages 501-505 views

Physiological role of slow sodium channels in primary sensory coding

Skrebenkov E.A., Krylov B.V., Vlasova O.L.


Nav1.8 sodium channels of nociceptors participate in encoding signals generated by polymodal nociceptors and only the high-frequency component of this impulse response alerts the brain to tissue damage and provides information about the location and type of pain. Specific reduction of the functional activity of these channels should help in “switching off” this high-frequency component, hence, the possibility of retaining the normal functioning of polymodal mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and chemoreceptors in case of chronic pain. From general medical practice, it is known that in the treatment of pain, there are no safe analgesics, the use of which as a long-term therapy would be completely safe. Mathematical modeling based on the Hodkgin and Nuxley formulation describing the flow of ionic currents was used to understand the mechanism of specific modulation of the functional activity of Nav1.8 channels and its role in primary sensory encoding of nociceptive information. This mechanism is based on a reduction in the potential sensitivity of these channels due to a decrease in the effective charge transferred by their activation gating structure. It is shown for the first time that this leads to a complete restoration of the normal function of the stimulus-response of the nociceptive neuron. At the same time, only the high-frequency component of its membrane response is specifically eliminated. The same effect can be achieved by reducing the density of slow sodium channels. However, it is obvious that in the second case, the action of pharmacological substances which are supposed to be called analgesics will be less specific since the interaction with other representatives of the superfamily of sodium channels might turn out to be feasible.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):506-512
pages 506-512 views

Ektacytometry: characterization of the erythrocytes of rats subjected to hypothermia and receiving natural zeolites

Vokhmintsev A.P.


The article presents data as to the effect of a diet containing natural zeolite, taken from the Mysovsky mine (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra), and applied in powdered form on the ability of erythrocytes of white outbred rats to change their shape in shear flow under normal and hypothermic conditions. To assess the deformability of erythrocytes, a laser diffraction technique combined with a redesigned version of the ektacytomer has been used in this work. For comparison, zeolite from the Kholinsky mine (Zabaykalsky Krai), which is well-studied and widely used for medicines and nutraceuticals has been provided. It has been shown that hypothermia causes a significant increase in the parameter such as erythrocyte deformability in rats in a cold group and is associated with enhanced lipid peroxidation when compared to animals in a control group. These alterations were a result of macrocytosis, revealed by flow cytometry analysis. Natural zeolite powder used in animal feeds had antioxidant and membrane-protective effects on animals in both groups. These included a significant increase in the parameter such as erythrocyte deformability with a decrease in lipid peroxidation processes and expansion of the Price-Jones curve to the left, unlike those observed in animals subjected to hypothermia but not receiving zeolites. The results obtained demonstrated that the biological effects of natural zeolite-containing preparation which contains a clinoptilolite component are similar and that zeolites from the Mysovsky mine can be used as a potent raw material for drugs.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):513-521
pages 513-521 views

The effect of acute phase proteins on the activity of peripheral blood neutrophils

Fedorova N.D., Sumbatian D.A., Sokolov A.V., Filatov M.V., Trashkov A.P., Varfolomeeva E.Y.


Neutrophils are the leading cells of the innate immune system and the main population of leukocytes responsible for the primary reaction of the organism to various infectious agents. The latter are destroyed by neutrophils during the processes of phagocytosis and a cascade of reactions, including the respiratory burst. As a result of the respiratory burst, neutrophils produce reactive oxygen and halogen species, which are powerful cytotoxic agents which destroy foreign particles in the phagolysosome. All of these processes require strict regulation, since excessive activation of neutrophils may lead to higher production of reactive oxygen species thereby causing tissue damage in the focus of inflammation. Acute phase proteins may play a role as regulators of inflammatory processes. Our previous works have shown that ceruloplasmin is involved in the inhibition of the respiratory burst of neutrophils in whole blood samples. Fibrinogen, on the contrary, increased the intensity of respiratory burst. A detailed characterization of the effects acute phase proteins exert on peripheral blood neutrophils’ functions has been studied not for all acute phase proteins and especially their combinations. In this paper, for the first time, the flow cytometer and registration of reactive oxygen species production in peripheral blood cells have been used to study the effects of several acute phase reactants (C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein and fibrinogen) on the ability of peripheral blood neutrophils to activate respiratory burst. The results showed that significant changes in the capacity of reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils were seen for a set of combinations of the studied acute phase proteins. The study of the interaction of ceruloplasmin and fibrinogen with peripheral blood neutrophils revealed that they were localized to the membrane. It seems promising to identify receptors for acute phase proteins at the neutrophil membrane.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):522-528
pages 522-528 views

Effects of DNA-binding ligands from dimeric bisbenzimidazoles series DBA(n) and DBPA( n) in combination with γ-radiation on epithelial-mesenchymal transition and pool size of MCF-7 breast cancer stem cells

Churiukina K.A., Matchuk O.N., Kaprin A.D., Ivanov S.A., Koval V.S., Arutyunyan A.F., Zhuze A.L., Zamulaeva I.A.


Radiation therapy is one of the main treatments for malignant neoplasms, including breast cancer. However, it is known, that radiation therapy can lead to an increase in the number of cancer stem cells, which are resistant to traditional antitumor effects, and are believed to be responsible for the development of recurrences and metastases. Therefore, the development of cancer stem cells elimination means is of considerable interest, especially in combination with ionizing radiation. The effects of single and combined exposure to new series of minor-groove DNA ligands - dimeric bisbenzimidazoles - DBA(n) and DBPA(n) (where n is the number of methylene groups between two bisbenzimidazole blocks) and Y-radiation on human Breast cancer cells were studied in our work for MCF-7 line in vitro. Compounds with maximum cytotoxic effect and cell binding were selected, and then the effects of the latter on the CD44+CD24-/low cancer stem cells population and radiation-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition were studied by the criterion of vimentin expression. An increase in the expression level of this protein and simultaneously in the relative number of cancer stem cells after a single exposure of Y-radiation at a dose of 4 Gy were shown. DBPA(1,4) in combination with irradiation blocked the radiation-induced vimentin expression and decreased the relative number of cancer stem cells by 1.7 and 4.1 times compared with irradiation (p = 0.041 and p = 0.005), respectively. At the same time, the absolute number of cancer stem cells decreased by 2.8 and 12.0 times compared to irradiation (p = 0.029 and p = 0.004), respectively. In contrast, DBA(5,7) by itself or in combination with Y-irradiation increased the level of vimentin expression and the same compounds when combined with irradiation increased the relative number of cancer stem cells by 3.1 and 3.6 times (p = 0.006 and p = 0.005), respectively, compared with irradiation. The absolute number of cancer stem cells increased by 2.2 and 1.5 times (p = 0.017 and p = 0.032), respectively. The data obtained show a close relationship between epithelial-mesenchymal transition and formation of the cancer stem cells pool after radiation exposure, and also indicate the prospects for further study of DBPA(1,4) as a means of cancer stem cells elimination under in vivo conditions.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):529-543
pages 529-543 views

Oxidative homeostasis in germinating pea seeds (isum sativum) depending on ultrasonic exposure duration

Tarasov S.S., Krutova E.K.


The effects of ultrasonic exposure durations (5, 10 and 20 min) with intensity of 25 kW/m2 and the frequency of 26.1 kHz on the extent of lipid peroxidation, oxidative modification of proteins, the activity of cysteine proteinases, and gene expression in germinating pea seeds were studied. It has been shown that the intensity in the area that had seeds planted (just over the central ultrasound generator) was rather uniformly distributed, but at the same time gave rise to diffuse reflection. A range of tendencies in changes of the indicators under study were seen after ultrasound exposure. The level of malonic dialdehyde increased with increasing duration of ultrasound exposure. This study revealed the increased amount of oxidized proteins in germinating pea seeds after a 10 min-exposure to ultrasound, and a decrease in the level of oxidative modification of proteins present in seeds subjected to ultrasound for a period of 20 min. The activity of cysteine proteinases was higher in pea seeds after a 5-min exposure to ultrasound, but the amount of mRNA transcripts increased in all experimental samples.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):544-553
pages 544-553 views

Effects of ionizing radiation on radio sensitivity of cell nuclei of wheat seedlings

Minasbekyan L.A., Avagyan I.A.


Effects of the 50 Gy and 100 Gy doses of Y-irradiation on radiosensitivity of cell nuclei of soft dwarf wheat seedlings were studied. Changes in the biochemical composition of the nuclear fractions of seedlings of wheat seeds exposed to gamma-irradiation were determined. After exposure to ionizing radiation, total protein and nucleic acids levels appeared to be greater in the soluble nuclear fraction and the nuclear membrane-associated DNA content and proteins increased. It was also found that the value of the dzeta-potential of isolated nuclei of seedlings of irradiated seeds decreased in a static electric field. Changes in the surface charge of the nucleus lead to a violation of its functional activity, since the surface charge of the nuclei is necessary for the normal functioning and regulation of the nuclear-cytoplasmic transport of macromolecules. Exposure to radiation causes destruction of ionogenic groups of molecules of the nuclear membrane, leading to a decrease in the electronegativity of the nuclei, which, in turn, entails a change in the functional activity of the nucleus. The results obtained show that changes in electronegativity and in the content of nuclear fractions are directly dependent on the dose of ionizing radiation. It can be concluded that Y-irradiation in a range from 50 to 100 Gy had beneficial effects on metabolic and proliferative activities of soft wheat cells.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):554-563
pages 554-563 views

The dynamics of biophysical characteristics of the northern Black Sea pelagic ecosystem in the first decades of the XXI century

Piontkovski S.A., Serikova I.M., Minsky I.M., Zagorodnyaya Y.A., Suslin V.V., Kovaleva I.V.


Wind speed, sea surface temperature chlorophyll-a concentration (satellite data such MODIS-Aqua/Terra), bioluminescence intensity and zooplankton biomass (data from the research vessel), the value of fish traded, the indices of lower-than-normal atmospheric pressure and water mass transfer (model calculations) are the factors used to estimate a modern state of the pelagic ecosystem and its functional characteristics. It has been shown that, in the last two decades (2000-2020), after natural cataclysms associated with eutrophication and trophic stress of invasive plankton species in the 1990s, the ecosystem of the open areas in the northern portion of the Black sea has reached a state of relative stability in its structure and functioning. This state is characterized by the absence of changes in the interannual variability of the factors particular for it. Concepts are discussed which concern regional differences in physical factors and biological interactions over many years.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):564-575
pages 564-575 views

Cartesian genetic programming for image analysis of the developing drosophila eye

Danilov N.A., Kozlov K.N., Surkova S.Y., Samsonova M.G.


Automatic feature extraction methods have gained increasing attention in modern image processing. The confocal images of the single-layered epithelium of the developing Drosophila eye may form an excellent model system to develop methods for complex feature extraction. The aim of this work was to explore Cartesian genetic programming for determination of the boundaries of ommatidia, the light-sensitive units in the presumptive eye region. Application of Cartesian genetic programming for the analysis of Fasciclin III expression has shown good results. This opens interesting perspectives for further use of this technology in the automatic analysis of confocal images.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):576-582
pages 576-582 views

Experimental and theoretical determination of the speed of sound in lung parenchyma of rabbits

Kezik V.I., Dragan S.P., Suleymanov A.E.


The purpose of the study was to develop an experimental-theoretical method for determining the speed of sound in the lung parenchyma. The method is based on the measurement of the characteristics of the impedance of the Helmholtz resonator, that contains lungs under study. The input impedance of the Helmholtz resonator corresponds to the parallel connection of the lung impedance and a resonator. The modified two-microphone method is used to measure the resonant frequency and input impedance response of the product of the resonator chamber volume (lungs). The experimental system consisted of a loud speaker, a wave guide, two microphones for the measurement, and the end empedance node in the form of a connecting tube extended to the inside of the Helmholtz resonator with specified geometric characteristics. When the lungs are added to the Helmholtz resonator, the frequency increases, but not linearly with the decrease in their volume, indicating that the speed of sound is abnormal low in the lung parenchyma. The difference between the calculated and measured resonant frequencies is used to determine the speed of sound in the lung parenchyma. The measurements were carried out on air and collapsed lungs of 8 apparently healthy rabbits. Two variants of sound transmission in the lung parenchyma, corresponding to isothermal and adiabatic processes, are considered. The results of measurement and calculation demonstrate that the speed of sound in the lung parenchyma of an apparently healthy rabbit is 21-22 m/s, what is in accord with modern theoretical concepts.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):583-592
pages 583-592 views

Nanotechnologies for drug therapy of malignant tumors

Korman D.B., Ostrovskaya L.A., Bluhterova N.V., Rikova V.A., Fomina M.M.


The review brings together experimental data from studies aimed to uncover the opportunities for application of nanotechnology in drug therapy of malignant tumors.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):593-608
pages 593-608 views

A pathogenetic role of posttranslational isoforms of uromodulin

Iakovleva A.V., Vertov N.A., Zaleskiy M.G., Landa S.B., Shapovalov V.V., Emanuel V.L.


Different biophysical techniques were used to study uromodulin isoforms using experimental models of urine formation (ionic composition, osmolality, pH) in the presence of intact uromodulin and its isoforms isolated from patients with urolithiasis. A model of a medical screening device for persons with preclinical urolithiasis was tested. The concept of targeted therapy of urolithiasis based on the modulation of the properties of uromodulin was put forth.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):609-615
pages 609-615 views

Luminescent diagnostics and quantitative assessment of malaria based on a lateral flow immunoassay with cdte quantum dots

Chauhan H., Jariwala A., Kheraj V.


A lateral flow immunoassay (LFI) is a simple, low-cost and rapid diagnostic tool to identify various diseases by detecting analytes such as antibodies, parasites, or other relevant biomarkers. However, most LFIs can only confirm the presence or absence of a target analyte being applied as qualitative diagnostic tools. In addtion, the conventional LFIs, which require visual inspection of the test line, may demonstrate insufficient sensitivity for the mild form or early detection of infections and for this reason, the result can be falsely negative. This study presents the results of employing thioglycolic acid capped CdTe quantum dots as a probe to enhance luminescence and subsequently detection sensitivity in LFIs for diagnosis of malaria. The chemical route synthesis of thioglycolic acid capped CdTe quantum dots was optimized systematically by probing optical properties of the quantum dots. These optimized quantum dots of thioglycolic acid capped CdTe have been conjugated with the anti-malaria antibodies against HRP2 protein (P. falciparum) and were then incorporated into LFIs. Further, an image processing code has been developed to carry out the quantification of malaria parasites in terms of the ratio on intensities of control and test lines on the LFIs. The results have been compared with those obtained using the standard, colloidal gold based LFIs. It has been demonstrated that sensitivity and lower detection limits of malaria under low parasite concentration increase significantly due to enhanced luminescence of control and test lines under UV light, owing to the presence of thioglycolic acid capped CdTe quantum dots. It has also been shown that the image processing based quantification of malaria will likely minimize the chances of false negative results under low parasite concentration and assist in early diagnosis of malaria.
Biofizika. 2023;68(3):616-624
pages 616-624 views

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