Vol 40, No 3 (2023)

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Original studies

Acute (profuse) hemorrhoidal bleeding

Khairullin A.A., Klimentov M.N., Styazhkina S.N., Skornyakova E.O., Sysoev S.V.


Objective. Hemorrhoids is one of the most common diseases in adult coloproctological practice, the main manifestation of which is bleeding of different degree of activity and complexity. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of diagnostics and treatment of patients with different stages of hemorrhoids for 3 years.

Materials and methods. The results of diagnostics and treatment of patients with different stages of hemorrhoids treated in the coloproctological unit for 3 years (2019–2021) were analyzed.

Results. The article considers the hemorrhoidal bleeding and the possibility of classification to optimize treatment; an algorithm used for rendering medical care to this group of patients is presented. The case histories of patients with hemorrhoids, treated at the First Republican Clinical Hospital of Udmurt Republic, were analyzed.

Conclusions. Patients with profuse hemorrhoidal bleeding need hospitalization to the resuscitation unit, immediate identification and treatment of hemorrhagic shock. The offered protocol (algorithm) of managing patients permitted to work in a team, improve the quality of rendering medical care to patients with profuse hemorrhoidal bleeding and avoid lethal outcomes.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Implantation microenvironment in chronic endometritis

Polina M.L., Vityazeva I.I., Ordiyants I.M., Lebedeva M.G., Shelenina L.A., Zakharova P.N., Douglas N.I.


Objective. To study the immune patterns of the endometrium in women with infertility of uterine genesis in the phase of "implantation window".

Materials and methods. Forty-two infertile women of reproductive age were prospectively examined. At the first stage, the contingent of women was divided into groups in accordance with the causes of infertility diagnosed before the current treatment: with chronic endometritis (CE) (n = 10); with tubal peritoneal infertility (TPI) (n = 32). A comprehensive examination of women included sonography of pelvic organs, hysteroscopy, examination of endometrial material in the period of the "implantation window" (morphological, immunohistochemical, real time (RT) PCR study,). The resulting for distinguishing molecular phenotypes of chronic inflammation (n = 30) and "normal" endometrium (n = 12) were the data of immunohistochemical studies of the immune profile (in the glandular epithelium and stromal cells (TNF-α, IL-10, NRF2, GM-CSF and CXCL16), in the glandular epithelium – BCA1, in the stroma – TGF-β) compared with the indicators of healthy fertile women (control group, n = 10).

CE was verified based on pathomorphological and immunohistochemical studies (CD 138+).

Results. Structural features of the endometrium in women with CE in the phase of the "implantation window" corresponded to the average stage of secretion in 36.4 %; variants of "out-of-phase" were identified in 63.6 % (late stage of the proliferation phase (16.7 %), dissociated development (13.3 %), early stage of the secretion phase (43.3 %)).

Molecular characteristics of the immunologically tolerant endometrium, favorable for implantation, are determined by the balanced production of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors and chemokines.

Aggressive "microenvironment" in the endometrium of women with the phenotype of chronic inflammation was determined by the dominant of proinflammatory cytokines of the Th1/Th17 profile (an increase in comparison with the control of the expression level of TNF-α and GM-CSF – by 1.1 times and 1.2 times, in the glandular epithelium of chemokines CXCL16 and BCA1 – by 1.2 times, CXCL16 in the stroma – in 1.2 times) on the background of reduced production of protective factors (TGF-β (1 point), IL-10 (in the glandular epithelium – by 2 times, in the stroma – by 1.8 times), NRF2.

Conclusions. Different molecular characteristics of the endometrium in women with TPI and CE determine the heterogeneity of potencies for blastocyst implantation.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):10-19
pages 10-19 views

Frequency of isolation of nosocomial pneumonia pathogens from the respiratory tract of cardiac surgery hospital patients who are under extended artificial lung ventilation and efficiency of oral cavity sanitation with chlorhexidine solution

Kudryavtseva L.G., Sergevnin V.I., Pegushina O.G., Krasotkin A.V., Vorobyova M.M.


Objective. To assess the frequency and degree of bacterial contamination of the respiratory tract in patients of cardiac surgery hospital, who are on prolonged mechanical ventilation, and to evaluate the efficiency of sanitation of the oral cavity with a solution of chlorhexidine.

Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of the oral and tracheobronchial tract microbiota in operated patients of cardiac surgery hospital undergoing prolonged (48–72 hours) artificial lung ventilation (ALV) was carried out. Microbiological assessment of the effectiveness of the oral cavity sanation with 0.1 % aqueous chlorhexidine solution is given.

Results. The oral and tracheobronchial microbiota of cardiac surgery patients undergoing prolonged ALV are represented by gram-positive (S. epidermidis) and gram-negative (K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii) microorganisms as well as Candida fungi. It was found out that the indices of the frequency and intensity of microbial isolation from the samples of the lower parts of the respiratory tract content were comparable with those of the oral cavity. The exception was S. epidermidis, the number of which in the lower airways compared to the upper ones was low. There was a statistically significant decrease in the intensity of microbial contamination of the oral cavity in patients on ALV after the sanation procedure with an aqueous chlorhexidine solution.

Conclusions. Frequency and intensity indices of opportunistic microorganisms (K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, A. inaumannii, Candida fungi) isolation from the oral cavity and lower respiratory tract in patients of cardiac surgical hospital under prolonged ALV have no statistically significant differences. The exception is S. epidermidis, whose numbers in the lower airways are low compared to the upper ones. The microbiological effectiveness of 0.1 % aqueous chlorhexidine solution in the process of sanitation of the oral cavity in patients on prolonged ALV has been established.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):28-35
pages 28-35 views

Biotropic effects of geomagnetic disturbance in middle latitudes: psychological aspects of the problem

Oskolkova A.I., Parshina S.S., Kargina N.A., Polidanov M.A., Kondrashkin I.E., Afanasyeva T.N., Olenko E.S., Belousova K.O.


Objective. To identify the individual psychological features and forms of stress coping in volunteers, participating in one of the stages of latitudinal monitoring “Geliomed” and living in the middle latitudes depending on the presence of psychological sensitivity to the impact of geomagnetic disturbance.

Materials and methods. Fifty-seven rather healthy male and female volunteers (mean age 42.3 (39.6; 47.5) years), living in the middle latitudes (Saratov city) were examined using the Spielberger – Hanin Anxiety Test, the Haim Stress Coping Behavior Test and projective psychogeometrical test. Based on matching pick values of reactive anxiety and Kr-index (integral geomagnetic disturbance index), all volunteers were divided into two groups: group I – those having psychological sensitivity to the impact of heliogeomagnetic factors and group II – without the latter.

Results. The standard personal features of the observed persons were found to depend on the presence or absence of psychological sensitivity to the changes in geomagnetic disturbance and are reflected in the peculiar features of the stress-coping behavior formed by them. The volunteers of group I were less effective in the behavior sphere, they more often analyzed problems and suppressed their emotions compared with those of group II.

Conclusions. Thus, the persons having psychological sensitivity to the changes in geomagnetic disturbance require psychological correction of the established changes to decrease risk for the development of neuroses and psychological pathology.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):20-27
pages 20-27 views

“Critical” values of parameters of facial profile esthetics

Danilova M.A., Ishmurzin P.V., Konkova A.M.


Objective. To carry out the expert assessment of the facial profile esthetics with transformation of angular parameters beyond the normal values.

Materials and methods. The expert analysis enclosed 22 independent orthodontists (11 men, mean age 36.8 ± 1.2 years; 11 women, mean age 35.3 ± 2.2 years) using graphic schemes of male and female facial profiles with changed angular parameters.

Results. It was established that the changed angular parameters of the facial profile beyond the borders of the referent intervals negatively influence the assessment of attractiveness of the profile. The analysis of expert evaluation curves detected the values, with which the facial profile is perceived as an unattractive: the profile angle in men > 164° and < 182°, in women < 160° and > 178°; the convexity angle of the face in men > 16° and < 2°, in women > 14° and < 2°; the nasolabial angle in men > 120° and < 70°, in women > 115° and < 70°; the mentolabial angle in men > 150° and < 90°, in women > 150° and < 95°; the convexity angle of the lips in men > 150° and < 85°, in women > 150° and < 105°; the nasofacial angle for both sexes > 45° and < 20°. There exist also “critical” values of parameters, on reaching which the further change in the latter does not lead to the change in expert evaluation of “extremely unattractive” profile.

Conclusions. When evaluating the facial profile esthetics, it is necessary to orientate oneself to the degree of deviation of parameters from the mean values taking into account the gender dimorphism. The presence of parameter with “critical” value has an extremely negative effect on the profile esthetics, which is characterized as “extremely unattractive” irrespective of the values of other parameters.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Prevalence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in infants with very low body weight and extremely low body weight in Perm Krai according to the data of catamnesis department of Perinatal center

Bakhmetieva O.B., Permyakova M.A., Okunev S.L., Mamunts M.A.


Objective. To analyze the prevalence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in the city of Perm and Perm Krai, to state the prevalence dynamics for 3 years and BPD prevalence among infants with very low body weight (VLBW) and extremely low body weight (ELBW) from 2021 to 2021.

Materials and methods. Examination of 271 patients aged 0 to 3 years and assessment of clinico-anamnestic, laboratory, instrumental, X-ray data according to diagnostic standards and protocols was carried out.

Results. The number of infants diagnosed BPD in the group of preterm newborns was detected to decrease despite the fact that the quantity of preterm labors in Perm Krai is at the same level.

Conclusions. In Perm Krai, for the recent 3 years there is a tendency to reduction in the frequency of BPD formation in infants with VLBW as well as decrease in the share of severe BPD forms among premature infants.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Review of literature

Perineal injuries in childbirth. Analysis of causes

Koval M.V., Askerova M.G., Ermolina M.N., Romanov M.A., Yachmeneva M.A.


One of the most significant problems of obstetrics are perineal injuries, in the structure of which dominate ruptures. According to Russian and world literature data, the frequency of perineal ruptures ranges from 7 to 25 % of all the childbirths. The article considers the most significant predictors of this condition, including violation of vaginal microbiocenosis, perineal injuries in the anamnesis and instrumental birth. In addition, perineal injuries lead to immediate and long-term complications that significantly reduces the quality of women's life. Among the consequences of ruptures, most often pain and discomfort in the perineum area, impaired urination and fecal incontinence, as well as the development of infectious complications are observed.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):51-59
pages 51-59 views

Key dental problems of an elderly patient: interdisciplinary educational platform

Gileva O.S., Rizaev Z.A., Bekzhanova O.E., Koziolova N.A., Libik T.V., Danilova M.A., Sivak E.Y., Sycheva M.A., Nemova E.M.


Objective. To analyze the key dental problems of an elderly patient, to justify interdisciplinary approaches to diagnostics, treatment and prevention of age-associated diseases of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.

Materials and methods. The materials of the international interdisciplinary discourse on the problem of «Elderly patient: panorama of the challenges of modern dentistry» are summarized. The most urgent and not completely solved problems of modern gerodontology are highlighted based on the analysis of new and updated specialized scientific information, as well as generalization of the experience of own clinical observations in the provision of dental (medical) care to the elderly.

Results. Updated definitions of the aging process of the body are presented, its main patterns are revealed. The significance of determining the aging profile by organismal, molecular, cellular and genetic indicators is revealed. Promising laboratory parameters for assessing biological age / aging rate based on the analysis of oral fluid and cytological material of the oral epithelium are presented. The importance of intersystem interactions between a dentist and internists (therapists, cardiologists, dermatologists, neurologists, etc.) for the provision of effective and safe dental care to the elderly has been determined. New data on the nature of age-related changes in the hard dental tissues, periodontium, oral mucosa, oral oncopathology, as well as features of the manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of major age-associated oral diseases are disclosed.

Conclusions. The peculiarities of dental treatment of elderly patients are regulated taking into account the necessary volumes, time regulations, ergonomics, sanitary and antiepidemic regime, methods of conducting, used therapeutic agents and materials. The significance of the development of new interdisciplinary educational platforms on the problems of gerodontology for dentists of various profiles is determined.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):60-77
pages 60-77 views

Etiopatogenesis and possibilities of minimally invasive diagnostics of liver cirrhosis: literature review

Paducheva S.V.


Liver cirrhosis (LC) remains a significant socio-economic problem of healthcare worldwide and has the highest mortality rate among nonneoplastic diseases of the digestive system. The most common etiological factors are alcoholic liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. General pathological mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of cirrhosis: damage, necrosis and steatosis of hepatocytes, inflammation with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, metabolic disorders, fibrosis activation, pathological regeneration, neoangiogenesis, impaired organ architectonics with the development of portal hypertension and hemostasis disorders. At the present stage, the diagnosis of cirrhosis is based on laboratory, instrumental, morphological research methods and calculated indices. In the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, combinations of various tests can be used, which reflect the pathogenetic mechanisms of liver damage. Optimization of known and creation of new approaches to the differential diagnostics of the severity of cirrhosis makes it possible to carry out timely therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the progression of this disease.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):78-91
pages 78-91 views

Methods of diagnosis and technologies

Experience of transmural endoscopic drainage in treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts

Kotelnikova L.P., Trushnikov D.V., Khlebnikov P.D.


Objective. To evaluate the possibilities of transmural endoscopic drainage in the treatment of post–necrotic pancreatic pseudocysts in the immediate and long-term periods.

Materials and methods. From 2018 to 2022, a transmural endoscopic drainage method was used in the treatment of 36 patients with pancreatic pseudocysts at Perm Regional Clinical Hospital. The results were evaluated in the immediate postoperative period, 4–7 months before the removal of the stent and 1–4 years by the complaints of patients, blood amylase content, the results of ultrasound and CT examination of the abdominal cavity.

Results. Two-three days after the endoscopic intervention, the cyst completely disappeared in 30.56 % of patients, decreased by half or more of the diameter in 63.89 % and only in 5.56 % – decreased slightly. After 1–4 years, the absence of cysts was registered in 80 %, small diameter (from 15 to 24 mm) – in 10 %. Pancreatic cysts persisted in three patients (10 %). Statistical analysis showed that the wider was the main pancreatic duct and the higher the blood amylase level before transmural endoscopic drainage, the poorer was the treatment result.

Conclusions. Transmural endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts makes it possible to achieve complete disappearance or significant reduction in the size of pancreatic cysts a year or more after the intervention in 90 % of cases. The clinical result of transmural endoscopic drainage in the treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts depended on the initial width of the main pancreatic duct and the level of blood amylase.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):92-99
pages 92-99 views

Preventive and social medicine

Epidemiology of New Coronavirus Infection in educational process of students of Pediatric Faculty of Astrakhan State Medical University

Arakelyan R.S., Vasilkova V.V.


Objective. To describe and characterize the curriculum regarding a new coronavirus infection in the educational process of students of the Pediatric Faculty of Astrakhan State Medical University.

Materials and methods. The working program "Epidemiology and Prevention of New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed by the staff of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of Astrakhan State Medical University in 2021 and introduced into the curriculum of fourth-year students (8th semester) in the specialty 31.05.02 "Pediatrics" as an optional discipline.

Results. Seventy-two academic hours are assigned for the study of the discipline, of which 50 % (36 hours) – for classroom work of the teacher with students including 33.3 % (12 hours) – for lectures, and the remaining 66.7 % – for practical classes. Independent work of students with the educational literature, educational portal of Astrakhan State Medical University and electronic resources takes the remaining 50 % (36 hours). At the last lesson, students take a test in the form of a final test (100 test tasks).

Conclusions. Thus, summing up all of the above, we can note that those students, who have attended a full course of lectures and practical classes on epidemiology and prevention of a new coronavirus infection, at the senior courses (5th and 6th courses) much better orientate themselves in epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics and prevention of not only infections with an aerogenic transmission mechanism, but also other infections with different mechanisms and transmission routes than students who have not studied this discipline.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):100-108
pages 100-108 views

Role of children’s polyclinic in primary prevention of diseases

Minaeva N.V., Kochergina E.A., Shinkarik I.G., Trefilov R.N.


Objective. To carry out a single-stage descriptive study of realizing preventive direction in the work of a children’s polyclinic in modern conditions. A modern trend of Russian medicine is its preventive direction. As a result of great modifications of the primary medico-social care during the recent years, there were formed structural departments dealing with the status of children’s health, medico-social problems, provision of sanitary and epidemiological conditions of child-care facilities in children’s polyclinics.

Materials and methods. Using the example of a standard children’s polyclinic of the second level, the results of work of structural departments of children’s polyclinic involved in preventive work with child population are presented.

Results. Realization of preventive directions in the work of pediatric and consultative-diagnostic departments and organization of medical care permitted to increase the share of preventive visits in 2022 to 47%, to ensure covering with preventive examinations up to 98-100%, vaccination – 97% of the contingent. The level of sickness rate among infants under one year decreased by 25%. The department of medico-social care individually follows up children and their parents in difficult conditions of life. At the Center of Health, six types of screening investigations, individual recommendations regarding the formation of behavioral stereotypes for maintaining health are provided in children’s polyclinic.

Conclusions. Organization of the structure and functional of modern children’s polyclinic provide an effective prevention of diseases and create optimal conditions for formation of children’s health, their physical and intellectual abilities, prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Clinical case

Late diagnostics of hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: clinical case

Kolomeets N.Y., Shulkina S.G., Averyanova N.I., Rudavina T.I., Chernyshova O.I., Molokanova A.V.


Diabetes insipidus belongs to the group of rare heterogeneous diseases, it can manifest at any age and is distinguished by a variety of etiological factors, pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical variants of the debut and course. A significant water-electrolyte imbalance in this type of diabetes is its "calling card". The article presents a description of a clinical case of a preschool patient with early verification and late diagnosis of hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus as a result of the lack of alertness of primary care specialists. Low awareness of parents about the essence of the pathology, insufficient sanitary and cultural level of the family and, as a result, a low level of parental compliance create additional risks for achieving a long-term remission. This case reflects the importance of a thorough history taking, which makes it possible to suspect the hereditary nature of the disease from the first days of a child's life at the outpatient stage. Carrying out timely diagnostics both at the regional and federal levels for further development of treatment tactics, recommendations and a follow-up plan is a necessary step towards improving the patient's quality of life.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):116-121
pages 116-121 views

Clinical cases of neurofibromatosis (plexiform nodes)

Malkova A.A., Molchanova E.G., Fattakhova A.R., Zaripova A.L., Pchelovodova Y.N.


The case histories of two patients treated at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic were retrospectively analyzed. A seventeen-year-old patient was found to have a heterozygous mutation (deletion 1) in the exon 24 of the NF1 gene, which led to multiple focal changes in the brain, disorders in the cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive and skeletal systems, and cognitive dysfunctions. In the second case, DNA sequencing revealed a heterozygous mutation (single nucleotide substitution) in the 9th exon of the NF1 gene NM_000267: exon9: c.C910T: p.R304X in a seven-year-old girl. This mutation was reflected in impressive changes in the orbit and deviations in the skeletal system.

Type 1 neurofibromatosis is certainly a complex disease that causes tumors in humans, as well as lesions of the skin, nervous and skeletal systems. The cause of its development is a mutation of the oncosuppressor protein neurofibromin. Treatment of the disease is aimed at reducing the progressive growth of neurofibromas, but it should be noted that a targeted therapy has been developed only for plexiform tumors.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):122-130
pages 122-130 views

Difficulty of diagnostics and efficiency of pathogenetic therapy of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (clinical case)

Barlamov P.N., Vasilyeva E.R., Zholobov V.G.


To show the features of the clinical picture of this orphan disease and demonstrate the effectiveness of a long-term pathogenetic treatment of this disease using the case history of a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) as an example. Complaints, anamnesis, physical status, as well as laboratory and instrumental studies used for a patient with PNH were presented. Modern literature data on the diagnosis and treatment of PNH have been studied.

Complaints, anamnesis, physical status as well as laboratory and instrumental studies used for PNH patient were analyzed in comparison with the world literature data on this pathology.

A conclusion was made regarding the need for a wide coverage of the clinical picture and diagnosis of PNH. The effectiveness of a long-term (for 13 years) pathogenetic treatment of the classical form of PNH with eculizumab was shown.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):131-138
pages 131-138 views

Biology and experimental medicine

Experimental study of neuropsychotropic activity

Krasnova A.I., Pulina N.A., Polezhaeva V.D.


Objective. To study the neuropsychotropic activity of 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives containing a fragment of benzimidazole as well as to determine the relationship between the structure of substances and their biological effects.

Materials and methods. The spectrum of neuropsychotropic activity of 2,4-dioxobutanoic acid derivatives with benzimidazole was studied on experimental animals using the «open field», «black-and-white camera», and «extrapolation deliverance» tests.

Results. A compound with potential anxiolytic properties has been identified. The dependence of the manifestation of anxiogenic or anxiolytic properties in the presence of mono- or bicyclic arenes in the structure, respectively, is shown.

Conclusions. 2,4-Dioxobutane acids containing a fragment of benzimidazole are of interest for the search for substances with neuropsychotropic activity. The results of the “structure-activity” analysis should be used in further targeted synthesis.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):139-145
pages 139-145 views

Antitumor activity of solution of natural substance G-01 at the example of sarcoma M-1 when using adjuvant

Mirsaeva F.Z., Garaishin R.M., Kzyrgalin S.R., Kitapova R.R., Kostromina D.A., Garaishina D.R., Zaleev T.R.


Objective. To study the properties of the G-01 solution with an aluminum hydroxide-based adjuvant singly injected, while changing the concentration of the solution.

Materials and methods. The model of a transfused tumor (Sarcoma M-1) shows the antitumor activity of various concentrations of a solution of natural origin G-01 with the presence of an adjutant.

Results. The prospect of using G-01 solution in medicine as a preventive agent was established. To study the properties of a solution of G-01 with an adjuvant based on aluminum hydroxide singly injected, we found while changing the concentration of the solution that an immune response of different intensity can be induced to the same antigen, depending on the dose and multiplicity of the administered antigen.

Conclusions. In our study, which investigated the effect of G-01 solution on the body of mongrel albino white rats of the "Wistar" line in different concentrations, an optimal 15 % concentration of G-01 solution was found to have a pronounced effect on the immune system, causing the greatest antitumor activity.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):146-151
pages 146-151 views


A colossus of Perm endocrinology: dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of professor I.V. Tereshchenko

Yakovleva G.A.


Irina Vladimirovna Tereshchenko is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, an Honoured Professor of Academician E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, founder of Perm School of Endocrinology. More than 60 years of her life, she devoted to medicine including 47 of them – to Perm Medical University. Irina Vladimirovna is a remarkable person, doctor, scientist, researcher and a talented teacher, founder of Perm School of Endocrinology.

Having graduated from school with a silver medal, she entered the Medical Faculty of Nizhny Novgorod Medical Institute. Since that time, medicine became her fate. After graduating from medical institute, Irina Vladimirovna worked as a therapeutist at the hospitals and polyclinics of the city of Gorky and in 1960 began to work in the Unit of Endocrinology of Gorky Regional Hospital. In 1968 Irina Vladimirovna defended her candidate thesis, and in 1987 – doctoral thesis. Both theses concerned the issue of pubertal dispituitarism. The etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, treatment and prevention of this disease were studied in details and the developed method of bitemporal inductothermy is very effictive. In 1970, Irina Vladimirovna came to Perm and began to work as an Assistant and since 1974 – an Associate Professor at the Department of Hospital Therapy of Perm Medical Institute. From 1976 to 1988, she worked at the Department of Hospital Therapy № 2 and then she headed the Department of Therapy of Medicoprophylactic Faculty. Afterwards, Irina Vladimirovna worked at the Department of Endocrinology and Clinical Pharmacology of Perm Medical Academy.

Irina Vladimirovna is the author of 4 monographs and more than 550 papers. Professor Tereshchenko is a Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science. All her scientific works greatly contribute to theoretical and practical endocrinology.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):152-157
pages 152-157 views

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of professor Valentina Trofimovna Selezneva

Utochkin Y.A., Odintsova T.M., Kutyavina O.A., Yaroshenko A.A., Polygalova N.L.


The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Selezneva Valentina Trofimovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, teacher, public health organizer, public figure, historian of medicine, Head of the Department of Social Hygiene and Organization of Public Healthcare of the Medicopreventive Faculty of Perm State Medical Academy. In 1947, she graduated with honors from the Sanitary-Hygienic Faculty of Molotov Medical Institute, in 1950 – from the postgraduate courses. All her life was connected with Perm Medical Institute. Valentina Trofimovna paid a great attention to students' scientific society. Together with her colleagues, she founded the school "Young Organizer of Healthcare," where from 20 to 30 students were trained every year. Valentina Trofimovna was an active public figure – four times she was elected the deputy of the city of Perm in Leninsky District Council; she was the Chairman of the permanent commission on health care and social security. Valentina Trofimovna was interested in the history of medicine in the region. Books on the history and development of Perm Medical University, "From the Medical Faculty to the Medical Academy" and "Essays on the History of Medicine in Perm Province" were published under the guidance of V.T. Selezneva. Under her supervision, nine Ph.D theses, including those on history of medicine were prepared. V.T. Selezneva was awarded the orders, medals and honorary diplomas for her truly selfless work. The article also presents an interview with colleagues, students and postgraduate students, reflecting the memories of Valentina Trofimovna Selezneva as a person and a teacher.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):158-162
pages 158-162 views


In memory of E.V. Rybolovlev (1937–2023)

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(3):163-165
pages 163-165 views

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