Perm Medical Journal

”Perm Medical Journal” (ISSN Key title: Permskiĭ medit︠s︡inskiĭ zhurnal) is a referred scientific and practical journal. It was founded in 1923 by Medical Society of Perm University. Since 2001 the founders of “Perm Medical Journal” are Perm State Academy of Medicine and Perm Research Center of Russian Academy of Medicl Sciences and Administration of Perm Region. Since 2017, the founder is Academician E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University.

Editor-in-Chief: Evgeny G. Furman, MD, PhD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Wagner State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-Rector for Research)

The journal is registered by the Roskomnadzor agency (licensee ЭЛ № ФС 77-75489 on 05.04.2019).

“Perm Medical Journal” is included into the list of the leading scientific journals and editions of the Russian Federation intended for publication of basic scientific results of theses for a degree of Doctor of Science.

01.14.01 - Obstetrics and gynecology (medical sciences)
01.14.02 - Endocrinology (medical sciences)
3.1.21 - Pediatrics (medical sciences)
01.14.12 - Oncology (medical sciences)
3.1.9 - Surgery (medical sciences)
01.14.25 - Pulmonology (medical sciences)
3.2.2 - Epidemiology (medical sciences)
03.14.09 - Clinical immunology, allergology (medical sciences)
03.14.10 - Clinical laboratory diagnostics (medical sciences)

Current Issue

Vol 41, No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Original studies

Characteristics of intestinal microbiota parameters in young people with metabolic syndrome
Dushina T.S., Klyashev S.M., Suplotova L.A., Dorodneva E.F., Nikolenko M.V.

Objective. To study the features of the colon microbiota, as well as the associations of microbial representatives with anthropometric, anamnestic and biochemical parameters in young patients with metabolic syndrome.

Materials and methods. 118 young people took part in a single-center, one stage, controlled study. 87 of them were diagnosed with obesity, and 31 people with normal body weight formed the control group (“C”). 87 obese patients were divided into 2 groups: “MS-” which consisted of 43 people (49.4 %), and “MS+” including 44 people (50.6 %) with metabolic syndrome. When stratifying the groups, the NCEP ATP III criteria were used. Blood for biochemical test was taken from all the participants, and the condition of the colon microbiota was assessed using polymerase chain reaction («Colonoflor-16 (premium)»). The Microsoft Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 application software package were used for statistical calculations. The results were evaluated as statistically significant at a level of p < 0.05.

Results. In the MS+ group Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fusobacteriaceae family) was detected statistically significantly more often than in individuals from group “C” (40.5 %). Differences in the bacterial composition of the intestinal microbiota between two groups of obese people were revealed: in the “MS+” group there was a significant decrease in bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium (Bifidobacteriaceae family), Prevotella (Prevotellaceae family) and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (Ruminococcaceae family) (p < 0.05). In addition, correlation patterns between the species and generic composition of the microbiota on the one hand and age, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, breastfeeding duration, indicators of carbohydrate (glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR index) and lipid (total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins, very low-density lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins) metabolism, CRP on the other hand have been established.

Conclusions. The colon microbiota in obese patients is characterized by proinflammatory changes. For the metabolically unhealthy phenotype of obesity these changes are most characteristic. It is clear that further research is needed to determine the mechanisms underlying the influence of bacterial-fungal associations on metabolism in obese individuals, as these mechanisms are likely to play a key role in the development of metabolic diseases.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):5-14
pages 5-14 views
Clinical and non-hemorrhagic neuroimaging indicators of probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy as a cause of non-traumatic lobar hematomas
Novosadova O.A., Grigoryeva V.N., Astanin P.A., Lesnikov M.A., Samodurov A.S.

Objective. To identify clinical and non-hemorrhagic neuroimaging indicators of probable CAA in patients with acute non-traumatic lobar hematomas. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a microangiopathy affecting the leptomeningial and cortical vessels of the brain due to the deposition of pathological b-amyloid in them. The most common clinical manifestation of CAA is lobar hematomas (LH) – spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages localized between the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia. LH can also occur in hypertensive cerebral microangiopathy (hCMA) in patients with arterial hypertension. Since the tactics of managing patients with CAA and hCMA differ, it is important to determine the genesis of LH correctly.

Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of clinical and neuroimaging characteristics of acute non-traumatic hypertension in 32 patients with probable CAA and hCMA was carried out. Along with neurological examination and neuroimaging, all patients underwent a study using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale and the Benson Complex Figure Test to reveal visuospatial impairments. The diagnosis of probable CAA was carried out in accordance with the updated Boston criteria of 2010, the diagnosis of hCMA was based on clinical data, anamnesis and results of neuroimaging of the brain.

Results. Probable CAA was diagnosed in 16 patients, and in all these cases it was combined with hCMA
(1st subgroup). Isolated hCMA as a cause of LH was also observed in 16 patients (2nd subgroup). Patients of subgroup 1 were statistically significantly more likely to have clinically pronounced visual impairments, performed the MoCA subtest and the Benson Complex Figure Test worse, and the overall assessment of their cognitive functions according to Mo SA was lower than in patients of subgroup 2. According to neuroimaging data, in the 1st subgroup of patients, an expansion of perivascular spaces in the semi-oval center and a zero or negative value of the front-occipital gradient were more often detected. The application of the logistic regression method made it possible to integrate potential CAA indicators and create a prognostic model for revealing this pathology in patients with hypertension.

Conclusions. Clinically pronounced disorders of primary and higher visual functions, a negative front-occipital gradient and expansion of perivascular spaces in the semi-oval centers can serve as indicators of probable CAA in patients with acute lobar hematoma. On admission of such patients to the vascular center, it is advisable to include iron-sensitive pulse sequences in the neuroimaging screening protocol to verify the diagnosis of CAA.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):15-27
pages 15-27 views
Assessment of functional disorders in children with narrowing of dentition from the perspective of the international classification of function-ing
Danilova M.A., Arutyunyan L.I., Prokoshev P.A.

Objective. To assess functional disorders in children with narrowing of the dentition from the perspective of the international classification of functioning.

Materials and methods. The indicators of the components of the international classification of functioning were analyzed and assessed in 75 children with narrowing of the dentition aged 6–9.

Results. Nasal breathing impairments and speech disorders were found in children with narrowing of the dentition.

Conclusions. Orthodontists, otorhinolaryngologists, and speech therapists can use the parameters of the international classification of functioning to assess functional disorders in children with narrowing of dentition. It will help interdisciplinary planning in early diagnosis and treatment.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):28-32
pages 28-32 views
Metabolic fatty liver disease as a risk factor for early renal dysfunction in women of reproductive age
Erbes P.E., Shulkina S.G., Smirnova E.N.

Objective. To study the correlation of adipocytokines with early renal dysfunction indicators in women of reproductive age with obesity and metabolic fatty liver disease.

Materials and methods. The study included 100 obese females divided into 2 groups. The 1st group consisted of patients (n=50) diagnosed with metabolic fatty liver disease aged 40,5 ± 2,8, and the 2nd group contained patients (n=50) without metabolic fatty liver disease (MFLD). The level of insulin, cystatin C, resistin, leptin, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin 6 (IL 6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF) were determined in blood serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Albumin-to-creatinine ratio, TNF- α, MCP-1, IL 6, cystatin C, b2-microglobulin, VEGF were determined in morning urine.

Results. Increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and endothelial dysfunction were revealed in group 1 in relation to both the comparison and control groups. In patients with MFLD associations of resistin level were the following: with HOMA(r=0,60), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (r=0,54), aspartate aminotransferase (r=0,71), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r=0,71), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (r=‒0,54), VEGF (r=0,54), TNF- α (r=0,44), MCP-1 (r=0,57) р<0,05. In the 1st and 2nd groups cytokine urinary excretion and renal dysfunction markers were higher than in the control group. Associations of urinary excretion of b2-mic­ro­globulin with BMI (r=0,33), НОМА (r=0,34), resistin (r=0,30), uric acid level (r=0,50), creatinine (r=0,34), thyroglobulin (r=0,31), urinary MCP-1(r=0,60), IL 6 (r=0,70) р<0,05 were revealed in the 1st group. In group 1 associations of urinary IL 6 with BMI (r=0,35), waist/hip circumference (WC/HC) (r=0,33), uric acid level (r=0,44), urinary MCP-1(r=0,74) were positive, and associations with HDL (r=‒0,44) р<0,05.

Conclusions. Resistin can be considered as an unfavourable marker of cardiometabolic disturbances in patients with MFLD. The association of subclinical inflammation markers and endothelial dysfunction with the markers of early renal impairment in patients with MFLD which was determined allows to expand the understanding of cardio-renal-metabolic continuum.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):33-41
pages 33-41 views
Prevalence of main risk factors and cytokine profile in patients with acute coronary syndrome and different serum myostatin levels
Akhmadzyanova A.R., Khovaeva Y.B., Sosnin D.Y., Sobolev A.V., Voronova E.I.

Objective. To study the prevalence of the main risk factors and the value of proinflammatory cytokines in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) depending on the determined level of serum myostatin.

Materials and methods. 120 patients with ST elevation ACS (STE-ACS) and non-ST-segment elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS), hospitalized in the cardiology department of the regional vascular center were examined. In 86 patients, the level of serum myostatin and proinflammatory cytokines was determined on the 5th day of the development of acute coronary syndrome.

Results. Patients were divided into two subgroups depending on the level of serum myostatin which was determined: group 1 – with a lower level of myostatin, group 2 – with a higher level of myostatin. Group 1 (serum myostatin level from 0.038 to 0.084 ng/ml) consisted of 23 patients (16 males). Group 2 (serum myostatin level from 0.137 to 0.630 ng/ml) contained 21 patients (14 males). The main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as family history of early development of cardiovascular diseases, smoking, dyslipidemia, obesity, arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus were assessed.

The levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines were determined. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin 18 (IL-18) levels were significantly higher in patients with higher myostatin levels. Correlation analysis revealed a relationship between serum myostatin concentration and TNF-alpha level (r = 0.34; p = 0.0016).

Conclusions. No differences in the prevalence of risk factors in patients with ACS and different myostatin levels, except for smoking were revealed in the study, the frequency of smoking was higher in the group with higher myostatin levels. Greater activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-18 was revealed in patients with higher levels of myostatin, as well as a significant correlation between the level of myostatin and TNF-alpha.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):42-50
pages 42-50 views

Review of literature

Post-COVID-19 cognitive impairments (literature review)
Ivanova A.P., Kuznetsova M.A., Vinogradov E.I., Karakulova Y.V., Selyanina N.V.

Post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) is a condition that occurs in patients with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection 3 months after the onset of COVID-19 with symptoms that last at least 2 months and are not explained by any other diseases. PCC affects from 17 % to 28 % of patients and includes a wide range of clinical manifestations, including cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive dysfunctions can be manifested by a wide range of symptoms, such as memory impairment, attention deficit, executive dysfunction, and reduced information processing speed. Risk factors for developing PCC, with or without cognitive impairment, include late adulthood, pre-existing medical conditions, and severity of acute illness. The underlying mechanisms remain unclear, but suspected factors include neuroinflammation, hypoxia, vascular damage and latent reactivation of the virus, this does not exclude the possibility of direct viral central nervous system invasion. The analysis of retrospective cohort studies showed that the risk of cognitive deficits, dementia, psychotic disorders and seizures remained elevated even 2 years after the infection of SARS-CoV-2. It is interesting to note that there were no differences in the risks of neurological and psychiatric outcomes between infections caused by Omicron (B.1.1.529) or Delta (B.1.617.2) variants. Recent researches show that cognitive deficits after infection of SARS-CoV-2 persist for two years after the infection and were the greatest in individuals with more severe SARS-CoV-2 infection [2].  COVID-19 can impair the function of the interoceptive network of the brain selectively, while exteroceptive brain processing remains undamaged [3].

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):51-59
pages 51-59 views
The effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in pediatric practice
Osipov S.A., Aliev M.A., Daribaeva N.A., Murtazin A.A., Agaeva F.L., Khairullina A.A., Shalganova K.S., Filippova A.A., Iksanova V.V., Zhidenko M.A., Salatov Y.S.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a relatively young but rapidly developing method of treatment. Currently, PDT is widely used in dentistry, dermatology, oncology and other fields of medicine. Cases of successful treatment of tumors of the head and neck, brain, lungs, pancreas, colon, breast, prostate, bladder, cervix and skin using PDT are described in literature. In addition, the effectiveness of PDT in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections has been repeatedly proved. To date, there are a large number of studies on the use of PDT in various diseases in adults, but few data on this subject in children. The authors have been searching for publications in the electronic databases PubMed, Google Scholar and eLibrary by the following keywords: "PDT", "photodynamic therapy", "pediatrics", "children", "dermatology", "dentistry", "pulmonology", "ophthalmology", "oncology". The search was conducted from the moment of the foundation of the corresponding database to August 2023. PDT is an innovative method of treating neoplasms and bacterial infections. On the basis of the data obtained while conducting the study, it can be confirmed that applying PDT allows to reduce the number of surgical interventions and achieve the best treatment results. All the studies and clinical cases with the use of PDT in the treatment of various diseases in children, which are presented in this review, demonstrated that the treatment results were better than those with standard therapy. However, certain limitations must be taken into account, these include difficulties in selecting a photosensitizer and its route of administration. At present PDT is being actively studied in the pediatric population, but there are still many gaps that require additional large-scale studies.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):60-76
pages 60-76 views
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and pregnancy
Shevlyukovа T.P., Bulatovа I.A.

The issues of epidemiology, risk factors, and pathogenetic mechanisms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease during pregnancy are considered in the review. The impact of liver steatosis and obesity on the course and outcome of pregnancy, the perinatal state of the mother and fetus are described. Fluctuations in the hormonal spectrum, an increase in body weight, which can affect the development and progression of liver steatosis, occur during pregnancy. Women of reproductive age with metabolic syndrome, obesity require a thorough examination and, if it is necessary, optimization of metabolic health before planning pregnancy. Pregnant women with liver pathology need dynamic control and prevention of disease progression and associated obstetric complications.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):77-85
pages 77-85 views
Cervical muscular dystonia. Modern approaches to treatment
Akhmadeeva L.R., Khalilov D.I., Akhmerov N.B., Kazikhanova M.I., Nasibullina A.F., Bagirov E.M.

Cervical dystonia is a disease of the nervous system characterized by forcible discoordinated abnormal postures of the head and neck. There are several approaches to the treatment of dystonia: conservative drug treatment, botulinum therapy and neurosurgery. The latter includes deep brain stimulation, radiofrequency ablation, focused ultrasound, gamma knife. Literature data on this problem from open statistical and information databases such as Web of Science, PUBMED, Movement Disorders Society; International Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders were analyzed. Through a comparative approach, the advantages and disadvantages of modern approaches and interventions used in the treatment of cervical dystonia are noted. Among the modern methods of treating cervical dystonia, there are a large number of approaches that improve the methods of managing such patients. This review allowed us to summarize the experience of their application. A significant growth of abilities of stereotactic techniques used in the treatment of cervical dystonia was also noted.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):86-97
pages 86-97 views
Risk factors for exogenous-constitutional obesity and possibilities of its prevention in children and adolescents
Chernyadyev А.D., Sofronova L.V., Minaeva N.V., Akhmedova R.M.

The problem of obesity becomes more and more urgent due to its rising incidence and unfavourable effects on health of both children and adults. Various factors leading to an increased energy consumption while its output is reduced at different periods of life (from conception to adulthood) are considered in the article. Different ways of exogenous-constitutional obesity prevention in children and adolescents are described. Influence of phones/television/computers on the formation of hypodynamia and inadequate nutrition which can result in an excess body weight and obesity is characterized. The significance of behavioral response in the pathogenesis of obesity which should be considered while developing preventive methods is stressed.
Thus, the problem of obesity requires further studies and discussion.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):98-108
pages 98-108 views

Methods of diagnosis and technologies

Predicting the probability of complications during prostatectomy in pa-tients with prostate cancer using machine learning methods
Polidanov M.A., Barulina M.A., Marchenko V.S., Volkov K.A., Dyagel A.P., Luzhnov N.A., Kudashkin V.N., Kolpakova N.V.

Objective. To determine the probabilities of predicting possible complications after surgery in patients with the diagnosis of prostate cancer using artificial intelligence methods.

Materials and methods. Case histories of 701 patients who underwent prostatectomy were analyzed in the study. The anamnesis, findings of clinical, laboratory and instrumental study, as well as objective data of clinical observations were evaluated. The average age was 64.72. On the basis of the set of examination results, patients were selected according to the following inclusion criteria: prostate cancer patients without confirmed metastases with disease stage from T1N0M0 to T3N0M0; absence of previous and concomitant special treatment (immunotherapy or targeted therapy); informed consent to the surgery. Logistic regression, a binary classifier using a sigmoidal activation function on linear combinations of features, was used as a machine learning model.

Results. It was determined that the logistic regression model based on selected parameters (prostate volume, pain syndrome, disease duration), predicts the probability of complications quite well (TPR = 1). The overall accuracy of the model is: Accuracy = 0.98. At the same time, it can be noticed from the agreement matrix that the trained model plays it safe and classifies some cases without complications incorrectly in 5.3 % (FNR = 0.053). However, the model never made an error and did not classify cases with a high risk of complications as those in which such a possibility was unlikely.

Conclusions. The results obtained show that on the basis of just three parameters (prostate volume, pain syndrome, duration of the disease), it is possible to build a fairly good predictive model of the probability of complications after prostatectomy based on such machine learning method as logistic regression.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):109-119
pages 109-119 views
Early prediction of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely premature infants: a cohort study
Permyakova A.V., Bakhmetyeva O.B., Mamunts M.A., Kuchumov A.G., Koshechkin K.A.

Objective. To develop the model for early prediction of clinically significant bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely premature infants.

Materials and methods. 226 premature infants with gestational age less than 31 weeks, birth weight from 490 to 999 g, age from 0 to 7 days, and respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support (ventilator support) were included into a retrospective study conducted in the Perm Regional Perinatal Center. Machine learning algorithms such as logistic regression, support vector machine, random forest method, and gradient boosting method were used for the prognostic model building. Five variables were used: birth weight, Apgar score in the 5th minute of life, Silverman score, number of days of invasive ventilatory support, median oxygen fraction in the inhaled air measured daily during the first seven days of life.

Results. In the 36th week of postconceptional age 148 out of 182 infants (81.3 %) in the study cohort developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), among them 15.4 % had a mild form, 29.7 % a moderate one, and in 36.3 % of patient it was severe. Among the four studied prediction algorithms, logistic regression model was chosen as the final model with metrics: AUC = 0.840, accuracy 0.818, sensitivity 0.972, specificity 0.666. The practical application of the modeling results was implemented in the form of a probability calculator.

Conclusions. In the early neonatal period of extremely premature infants, a combination of clinical predictors such as birth weight, Apgar score in the 5th minute of life, Silverman score, number of days of invasive ventilatory support, median oxygen fraction in the inhaled air measured during the first seven days of life can be used to predict the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The logistic regression model shows high sensitivity that minimizes the probability of an error of second kind. Thus, its application is useful in the early prediction of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature infants.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):120-128
pages 120-128 views

Preventive and social medicine

Analysis of population mortality from endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) since 2018 to 2022
Sydykova L.A., Burtseva T.E., Bugova L.A.

Objective. To analyze the mortality from endocrine pathology of the population in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the mortality rates from endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from 2018–2022 was carried out. The analysis was based on the data of YARMIAC and the republican register of diabetes mellitus.

Results. An increase in the death rate from endocrine pathology, from diabetes mellitus was noted during the analyzed period. In the structure of mortality from endocrine pathology, deaths from diabetes mellitus were 96 %. The structure of causes of death in patients with diabetes mellitus includes renal failure, CHF, acute myocardial infarction, PE and pneumonia.

Conclusions. The results obtained during the study will allow us to justify the need for improving the endocrinological service in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) scientifically and will form the basis for the regional program “Combating diabetes mellitus”.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):129-135
pages 129-135 views

Clinical case

Clinical case of heterotopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization
Naumova V.Y., Semenova M.V., Mukhametgalimova A.R.

Ectopic pregnancy occupies a significant place in the structure of causes of maternal mortality. Timely diagnosis is even more complicated when there is a combination of both uterine and ectopic localization of the ovum. The article describes the clinical observation of heterotopic pregnancy, features of the clinical picture, diagnostic search and treatment strategy. The possibility of preservation of intrauterine pregnancy after surgical removal of a pathologically located second fertilized ovum has been shown. The patient was admitted to the gynecological department with complaints of bleeding from the genital tract against the background of delayed menstruation. An ultrasound examination revealed the presence of dichorionic diamniotic twins, with one fertilized egg localized in the interstitial part of the fallopian tube stump. Surgical removal of the stump with the fertilized egg was performed. The intrauterine pregnancy was preserved. Thus, with timely diagnosis of heterotopic pregnancy and adequate tactics, it is possible to maintain intrauterine pregnancy.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):136-142
pages 136-142 views
Clinical case of stage combined treatment of a patient with infected pancreonecrosis and its early and late complications
Samartsev V.A., Domrachev A.A., Gavrilov V.A., Sosnin D.Y., Stepanov R.A., Parshakov A.A., Kobeleva A.S.

Acute pancreatitis is the 3rd most common abdominal pathology after acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis occurring in 10 to 25 % of patients. The lethality in acute pancreatitis, according to different data, varies from 15 to 25 %. We presented the results of minimally invasive stage combined endovideosurgical and X-ray vascular treatment of the patient with infected subtotal mixed pancreonecrosis complicated by pseudocyst formation of pancreatic tail, recurrent arrosive hemorrhage, formation of external gastric and incomplete external pancreatic fistula in the late postoperative period.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):143-152
pages 143-152 views
The case of development of HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma with skin and lung lesions
Kobernik M.Y., Nikolenko V.V., Mikova O.E., Zavyalova A.A., Pyankova M.A.

A clinical case of HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma with skin and lung lesions is presented. A patient referred to the Perm Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases complaining of rash on the skin of the right wing of the nose, forehead, in the right axillary and right inguinal areas, on the shins. The first skin changes occurred in December 2020 on the right wing of the nose, later the pathological process spread to other areas of the skin. HIV was revealed in 2009 and the patient had not received specialized medical care until 2022 as he had been in prison. Since March 2022, the patient has been registered at the dispensary and regularly receives antiretroviral therapy. In April 2022, PET/CT tests and histological examination of a biopsy of skin rashes were performed. On the basis of these findings the diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma with skin and lungs lesions was made.

HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma is accompanied by lesions of the skin and internal organs. Skin changes in Kaposi's sarcoma are characterized by the primary localization of foci on the face and upper extremities, and without antiretroviral therapy, by rapid progression and generalization of the pathological process. Visceral lesions worsen the course of the disease and complicate its prognosis. Patients with HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma need dynamic monitoring and complex therapy from infectious diseases specialists, dermatovenerologists, oncologists.

Perm Medical Journal. 2024;41(3):153-159
pages 153-159 views

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