Role of children’s polyclinic in primary prevention of diseases

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Objective. To carry out a single-stage descriptive study of realizing preventive direction in the work of a children’s polyclinic in modern conditions. A modern trend of Russian medicine is its preventive direction. As a result of great modifications of the primary medico-social care during the recent years, there were formed structural departments dealing with the status of children’s health, medico-social problems, provision of sanitary and epidemiological conditions of child-care facilities in children’s polyclinics.

Materials and methods. Using the example of a standard children’s polyclinic of the second level, the results of work of structural departments of children’s polyclinic involved in preventive work with child population are presented.

Results. Realization of preventive directions in the work of pediatric and consultative-diagnostic departments and organization of medical care permitted to increase the share of preventive visits in 2022 to 47%, to ensure covering with preventive examinations up to 98-100%, vaccination – 97% of the contingent. The level of sickness rate among infants under one year decreased by 25%. The department of medico-social care individually follows up children and their parents in difficult conditions of life. At the Center of Health, six types of screening investigations, individual recommendations regarding the formation of behavioral stereotypes for maintaining health are provided in children’s polyclinic.

Conclusions. Organization of the structure and functional of modern children’s polyclinic provide an effective prevention of diseases and create optimal conditions for formation of children’s health, their physical and intellectual abilities, prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases.

About the authors

N. V. Minaeva

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


MD, PhD, Professor, Deputy Rector for Educational Activity, Head of the Department of Pediatrics with Course of Outpatient Pediatrics

Russian Federation, Perm

E. A. Kochergina

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics with Course of Outpatient Pediatrics

Russian Federation, Perm

I. G. Shinkarik

City Children’s Clinic Hospital № 3 named after I.P. Koryukina


Chief Physician

Russian Federation, Perm

R. N. Trefilov

National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine


Candidate of Medical Sciences, physician-methodist

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Minaeva N.V., Kochergina E.A., Shinkarik I.G., Trefilov R.N.

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