Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production

ISSN (print): 2658-3135, ISSN (online): 2782-408X

Founder: Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Svyatoslav V. Lebedev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Science, professor

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

A peer-reviewed theoretical and scientific-practical journal that addresses issues covering all areas of genetics and selection, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeding of farm animals. The mission of the journal is to create a scientific information environment and disseminate information about scientific developments and research in the field of veterinary medicine and animal science, agronomy, animal physiology, economics and national economic management, carried out by scientists and specialists from research institutes and universities in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad.

The journal “Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production”, according to the results of the expert assessment of the Higher Attestation Commission “Final Rating of Journals”, was twice assigned to the highest category K1 – according to 2022 and 2023.

It publishes the results of scientific developments and factual material on their implementation in the agricultural sector, presents scientific reviews and methodological articles in the field of breeding, technology, economics of livestock production, feed production and feeding.

The editorial staff and editorial board of the journal include leading scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, research institutes and universities 

Edição corrente

Volume 107, Nº 1 (2024)


Edição completa

Nanotechnology in animal husbandry and fodder production

Ultrafine particles of Co3O4 and Mn2O3 as effectors of rumen digestion in vitro
Shoshin D., Sizova E., Kamirova A., Ivanishcheva A.

The prospects for the use of ultrafine particles (UFP) Co3O4 and Mn2O3 in feeding farm animals are outlined. The digestibility of wheat bran in vitro and the dynamics of volatile fatty acids and nitrogen in the rumen fluid with the introduction of various dosages of the studied substances was assessed. It has been established that UFP Co3O4 and Mn2O3 at concentrations of 0.6 and 38.6 mg/kg of feed dry matter increase the digestibility coefficient by 4.49 and 5.05%, respectively (P ≤ 0.01); simultaneously stimulate the formation of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, and increase the concentration of total and protein nitrogen, with an increase in the number of protozoa in 1 ml of ruminal contents.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):8-21
pages 8-21 views
Features of the effect of biosynthesized nanopowders on callus cultures in vitro
Gvozdikova A., Polivanova O., Fedorova D.

The study is devoted to biosynthesized nanoparticles (NPs) of zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) in terms of their effect on callus induction and shoot regeneration of basil crops (Ocimum basilicum L.) in vitro. In vitro derived plant cultures are attracting increasing interest worldwide due to their potential as elicitors of secondary metabolites with antioxidant properties. In the present study, different concentrations of ZnFe2O4 NPs and plant growth regulators (cytokines and auxins) were added to cultures in vitro for sustainable biomass production of basil callus cultures O. basilicum. The greatest accumulation of fresh biomass (1.50±0.06 g) and growth index (3.55) of callus were observed in cultures grown in vitro on MS medium (Murashige-Skoog) with auxin - 2 mg/l 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and ZnFe2O4 NPs of 25 μg/l. At the same time, zinc ferrite at a concentration of 25 μg/l significantly affected the proliferation of callus tissue, which was more homogeneous compared to other media options, more anthocyanin-colored, the largest and very similar in appearance to the control (MS+2 mg/l 2,4-D).

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):22-30
pages 22-30 views

Bioelementology in animal husbandry and crop production

Assessment of the elemental and biochemical composition of blood serum after inclusion of chromium picolinate in Kazakh White-Headed bulls’ diet
Shoshina O.

Organic forms and, in particular, chromium picolinate are used to increase the bioavailability of chemical elements from diets due to its effective impact on the productivity of farm animals and low toxicity. The metabolism of chromium in the body has not been fully studied, and the question of its effect on the mechanisms of transformation and metabolism of elements remains open. The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of chromium picolinate in the diet on the concentration of chemical elements and biochemical parameters of blood serum of Kazakh White–Headed bulls aged 12-13 months, with an average weight of 324 kg. In the experiment, a group of control bulls (n=3) received the main diet, chromium picolinate was included in the diet for I group (n=3) of bulls at a dose of 7.2 mg / kg of dry matter (DM), and for II group (n=3) of animals at a dose of 8 mg / kg of DM. According to the results of an experimental study, the optimal dose of chromium picolinate in the diet was determined – 8 mg / kg of DM, which was accompanied by stimulation of protein and lipid metabolism, as well as an increase in the bioavailability of the main macro- and microelements. In particular, an increase in total protein by 6.0 %, urea – by 154.5% (P≤0.001) and creatinine – by 2.2%, as well as cholesterol – by 28.7% (P≤0.05), with a decrease in triglycerides by 73% (P≤0.01) and 40% (P≤0.001) in blood serum, an increase in the concentration of As – by 158.1% (P≤0.001), Cu – by 6.2% (P≤0.01), Se – by 9.1 % (P≤0.01), Zn – by 6.3% (P≤0.05), Na – by 3.4% (P≤0.05).

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):31-41
pages 31-41 views

Breeding, selection, genetics

The analysis of the Russian beef cattle population on polymorphism of CAPN1 gene
Konovalova E., Romanenkova O., Gladyr E.

The conducted studies were aimed at identification of genetic markers that affect the tenderness of beef as the most important characteristic that determines taste. In the course of works, the test systems for the identification of the allele variants of polymorphism of CAPN1 genes – CAPN1_530 and CAPN1_4751, based on PCR-RFLP and RT-PCR methods were created. Genotyping of Aberdeen-Angus cattle populations (n pop No. 1=140, n pop No. 2=20) and Galloway (n=100) breeds according to the studied polymorphisms showed the presence of pop No. 1 in Aberdeen cattle genotypes of the preferred allele C-CAPN1_4751 at a frequency of 0.44. It is noteworthy that in this population, there were no animals homozygous for the C-CAPN1_4751 allele with a sufficiently high proportion of heterozygotes (122 animals out of 140, which was 87.1%). No animals carrying the C-CAPN1_4751 allele were found in the Galloway breed population. The G-CAPN1_530 allele, which is desirable for meat tenderness, was not identified in any of the studied populations. Due to the large influence of the CAPN1 gene on the tenderness of meat, as well as the revealing of the genetic variability for CAPN1_4751 among the Russian populations of beef cattle, we consider it advisable to conduct further research on a larger number of animals. This will contribute to the search for additional genetic markers of meat productivity with the prospect of their introduction into genomic selection systems to increase the accuracy of genomic forecasting in beef cattle breeding.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):42-50
pages 42-50 views
Dynamics of weight growth in young Kazakh White-Headed breed with different levels оf somatotropic axis gene expression
Gerasimov N., Gerasimov N.

The actual problem of MAS selection in beef cattle breeding is the selection of the most significant genes with guaranteed phenotypic effect on growth performance of beef cattle. The aim of the study was to evaluate the formation of live weight and average daily gain in young Kazakh White-Headed breed with different levels of somatotropic axis gene expression. Bulls (n=28) and heifers (n=22) were genotyped for IGF-1 C422T polymorphisms of the insulin-like growth factor gene, GH L127V of the growth hormone gene, and GHR F279Y of the growth hormone receptor gene. The data on the association of somatotropic axis genes with the growth rate in young animals of the Kazakh White-Headed breed were obtained. IGF-1 C472T and GH L127V polymorphisms had the greatest effect on live weight variability among the markers studied. In particular, the A-allele of the IGF-1 gene in the homozygous state was associated with maximum productivity in heifers up to one year of age, and in the heterozygous state - in bulls at 15 months of age. In turn, the VV genotype of the growth hormone gene is associated with increased body mass in bulls at weaning and at 12 months of age and in heifers at 15 months of age.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views
Identification of LOF-mutations in a population of Ayrshire cattle
Мukiy J., Kostyunina O.

Due to the intensification of dairy cattle breeding, the problem of accumulation of harmful LOF-mutations in cattle appeared, which reduced the quality of production, fertility of animals, as well as led to various anomalies. This study aimed to establish the frequency of mutant alleles accumulation in three genes UBE3B, CHRNB1, FMO3, associated with fertility (PIRM syndrome), multiple arthrogryposis (AM - Arthrogryposis Multiplex), and the appearance of a fishy odor in cow's milk, respectively. Genotyping of 135 heads of Ayrshire cattle was conducted in Leningrad region, which revealed the presence of undesirable haplotypes: AH1 in the UBE3B gene with a frequency of 17.0%, AHC in CHRNB1 with a frequency of 2.2%, in the FMO3 gene with a frequency of the homozygous genotype by mutation 1.5% and heterozygous – 3.0%. Thus, the occurrence of LOF mutations carriers in the population of Ayrshire cows was 23.7%. To eliminate harmful mutations, breeding work is required aimed at further identifying mutation carriers, primarily sires and cows, their culling and correction of the parental pairs selection.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):62-72
pages 62-72 views

Production technology, quality and economy in animal husbandry

Influence of the new feed additive KD-Bish on the quality of dairy products
Gorlov I., Slozhenkina M., Mosolova N., Kudryashova O., Tkachenkova N., Puzankova V.

The quality of dairy food products directly depends on the quality of the raw material base. Feed additives are becoming widely used to improve the quality of raw materials. The purpose of the work was to study the influence of the new feed additive KD-Bish on the quality of raw milk from Holstein cows and the cheese produced. The object of the study was milk obtained from cows of two studied groups, one of which was fed a diet enriched with the additive. The quality of cheeses made from this milk was also studied. The resulting milk was studied according to all quality criteria. The cheese suitability of milk from two groups was determined. The raw materials were used to produce cheese samples. Laboratory analysis showed that the feed additive had a positive effect on the quality composition of milk and cheeses.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):73-82
pages 73-82 views
Productivity and milk quality after feeding high-yielding cows with chlorella suspension
Kuvshinov V., Duborezov V., Tsis E.

The paper presents the results of the experiment conducted in Moscow region on high-yielding cows of Black Spotted Holstein breed on feeding prebiotic feed additive "Chlorella Suspension". The animals, formed according to the principle of pair analogues with 12 heads in each, were kept in tie stalls in the second-third month after calving. In addition to the main diet consisting of silage, haylage, hay, beer pellets and concentrates, the cows of the experimental group were additionally fed with a supplement based on microscopic algae in the amount of one liter per head per day for 120 days. As a result of the experiment it was found that cows of the control group, which did not receive the supplement, the average daily milk yield for the period of the experiment decreased from 35.71 kg to 26.58 kg or by 25.6%, and in cows of the experimental group - from 36.54 kg to 30.75 kg or by 15.8%. The difference in average daily milk yield for the whole period of research amounted to 3.85 kg of milk. The experimental group also showed higher indicators of fat-milk and protein-milk productivity. From each cow during the period of experiment, an average of 148.19 kg of milk fat and 131.02 kg of protein were obtained from each cow, which is 13.94 kg and 10.64 kg more than in the control group, respectively.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):83-92
pages 83-92 views
The influence of a complex mineral additive on the quality of eggs of commercial laying hens
Tereshchenko V.

The results of studies on the influence of different dosages of the complex mineral feed additive ToxiNon on the quality indicators of laying hen eggs from the industrial herd of the Hisex Brown cross are presented. The studies were conducted in the conditions of Bogotolsk Poultry Farm LLC, Krasnoyarsk Territory, on four groups of chickens (control and three experimental) at the age of 21 weeks, 50 birds in each group. The duration of the experiment was 133 days. The birds of the experimental groups, in contrast to the control group, were given the feed additive ToxiNon in the diet in dosages of 0.15; 0.25; 0.35% by weight of the feed mixture. As a result of the research, it was found that the dosage of the additive 0.25% of the weight of the feed mixture had the most positive effect on the quality of chicken eggs: compared with analogues in the control group, the average egg weight increased by 2.9%, yolk weight – by 3.6%, shell weight - by 8.0%, shell thickness – by 3.7%, yolk index – by 0.9 percentage points, and feed costs per 10 eggs decreased by 7.3%, per 1 kg of egg mass – by 9.2%.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):93-106
pages 93-106 views
Forecast of antler productivity of European red deer in the conditions of Kaliningrad region
Barkova A., Zel E., Verkhoturov V., Shurmanova E.

Nowadays such branch of agriculture as antler reindeer breeding is of great interest. Mainly deer are used to produce antlers, but in the European territory of the country, they breed European red deer to obtain antlers and meat products. The purpose of work was a development of criteria of prediction of antler productivity in males of the European red deer. The herd of male European red deer, their age composition in the structure of the herd in the reindeer breeding farm of the Kaliningrad region in the period of 2017-2021 was studied. To analyse antler productivity and animal weight, the reporting data for 2017-2020 were studied. It has been determined that an increase in the mass of antlers is observed in males mainly until the age of 6, after which the annual increase To predict panto productivity, we relied on the weight of male deer at the age of two years (first-horned deer). In 37.1% of males weight was in the range from 91 to 100 kg. The average weight of antlers at the first cutting of the European red deer is 2.2 kg. To analyze the prognosis, we took into account the weight of antlers during the first and second or first and third cuts in animals of different weight categories. The results obtained showed that the greatest antler productivity and antler weight gain can be expected from deer with a live weight at the first cutting of antler from 81 to 100 kg, which will allow planning in the future of using males for antler production, breeding or hunting purposes.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):107-117
pages 107-117 views

Theory and practice of feeding

Comparative assessment of the effect of the feed additive Silaccess based on flaxseed cake and zeolite on digestibility and morphological parameters of broiler chickens
Musabayeva L., Sizova E., Nechitailo K.

The paper presents the results of a comparative assessment of the effect of the feed additive «Silaccess» based on flaxseed cake (group I) and zeolite (group II) on the digestibility of nutrients in the starting and growth diet of broiler chickens. There is an increase in the digestibility coefficient of crude fat during the starting period in the experimental groups receiving the feed additive. Moreover, according to this indicator, experimental group I exceeds the control by 5.12%, group II – by 7.83%. There is also an increase in the digestibility of carbohydrates in the starting diet in both experimental groups by 0.22% and 1.90%. During the growth period, a feed additive, both containing flaxseed cake and zeolite, specifically promotes the best digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, nitrogen-free extractives and carbohydrates. Due to the characteristic blood picture, the birds of experimental group I, which received a feed additive based on flaxseed cake, had the best performance.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):118-127
pages 118-127 views

Physiology of animals

General understanding of bacterial quorum sensing and use of quorum inhibitors in aquaculture
Mingazova M., Miroshnikova E., Arinzhanov A., Kilyakova Y.

The development of antibiotic resistance leads to the search for new solutions in the field of improving the quality of finished products and reducing the negative impact on the end user. Aquaculture being an actively developing industry imposes serious requirements on products, including reducing the incidence of diseases among farmed fish and reducing the use of antibiotics. Among the alternative drugs, there are various feed additives (pro-, prebiotics, phytogenic drugs) that can replace antibiotics without harm to the body of hydrobionts. A new branch is the study of quorum sensing bacteria and its effect on pathogenic organisms. Recent studies have shown that the use of quorum inhibitors can become a promising replacement for antibiotics without harm to the body and the end user. The main action of inhibitors is aimed at blocking the interaction of N-Acyl homoserine lactone with signaling receptors, which leads to inhibition of the expression of virulence-related genes. Scientists from different countries have conducted research on the effect of inhibitors on pathogenic bacteria for hydrobionts. The review presents information about quorum sensing of bacteria and general data on the study of quorum inhibitors that can become promising components in the feeding of hydrobionts.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):128-146
pages 128-146 views
Biological effect of activated carbon as a feed additive on the organism of rainbow trout
Inshin O., Miroshnikova E., Arinzhanov A.

The article describes the results of studies on the impact of additional inclusion of activated carbon (AC) in the diet of rainbow trout in the following dosages: I experimental group – 1 g/kg, II experimental group – 2 g/kg and III experimental group – 3 g/kg of feed. The inclusion of activated carbon dosages of 1 and 3 g/kg of feed had a positive effect on the initial stages of commercial trout growth. It was found that the introduction of AC at a dose of 2 g/kg of feed increased fish growth productivity by 19.5% compared to the control group. Additional inclusion of AC in the diet of trout did not have a negative effect on the morphological parameters of blood, but at the same time there was a decrease in the concentration of erythrocytes in the experimental groups by 35.8%. In II experimental group, platelet and thrombocrit levels increased by 138% and 100%, respectively, compared to control values. Inclusion of AC in the diet of rainbow trout affected the biochemical parameters of fish blood. In I experimental group there was recorded a significant increase in total protein by 56.67% (Р0.05), albumin - by 35.33% (Р0.01), cholesterol - by 52%. In II experimental group there was a decrease in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) by 39% and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) by 39.4% (Р0.05), triglycerides - by 78.2% (Р0.05). In III experimental group there was an increase in total bilirubin by 78.57% (Р0.01) and urea - by 36.36% (Р0.05) relative to control. At the same time the level of glucose and ALT decreased by 30.8% (Р0.05) and 59.9% (Р0,05), respectively, in comparison with the control.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):147-160
pages 147-160 views

Geoponics and crop production

Grain crop yields under rain-fed conditions in the steppe zone of the Southern Urals
Skorokhodov V., Kaftan Y., Maksyutov N., Zenkova N., Skorokhodova E.

Weather conditions, soil moisture, nutrient content, both plant and microbial, precursors and weediness of agrocenoses affect the productivity of crop rotations and permanent crops. The purpose of the study was to determine the yield of agricultural crops grown on rainfed soils in 2023 and to evaluate the impact of different crop rotations on the yield of spring wheat and barley under drought conditions. The research was carried out by researchers of the Department of Agriculture and Resource-Saving Technologies of the Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies RAS between 1990 and 2023 on a stationary site located near the Nezhinka village, Orenburg Region (51.7756125°N and 55.306547°E). The soil of the experimental plot belongs to southern carbonate, low-humus, heavy-loamy black soils with a humus content in the arable layer of 3.2-4.0%. The experimental design explores options for cultivating spring durum wheat (Orenburgskaya 21), spring soft wheat (Uchitel’) and barley (Anna) in six-field, two-field and permanent crops. A feature of the early spring drought of 2023 is the negative impact of the use of mineral fertilizers, which is expressed by a decrease in the yield of grain crops against a fertilized background. The decrease in the yield of spring durum wheat in 2023 when using mineral fertilizers in crop rotations ranged from 1.31 centners (in crop rotation with green manure) to 2.46 centners (in crop rotation with winter crops). The experiment noted a decrease in the yield of spring wheat on a fertilized background after peas by 0.6 centners and after corn by 2.0 centners per 1 ha. Cultivation of barley using mineral fertilizers is accompanied by a positive effect and the highest crop yield is in a six-field with green manure, in the aftereffect of peas (11.34 c), millet (10.85 c) and corn (9.3 c per 1 ha). Mono-cultivation of barley is accompanied by a decrease in crop yield compared to cultivation in crop rotation (8.27 centners), and it increases to 9.23 centners per 1 ha in double-field durum wheat.

Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production. 2024;107(1):161-175
pages 161-175 views

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