
Ecological and substrate characteristics of lichenoflora of the State Nature Reserve «Zavolzhsky» (Chuvash Republic)
Sinichkin E.A., Dimitriev A.V.
Complex composts influence on the growth and dynamics of vermiculture number
Nakonechniy N.V., Ibragimova D.V.
Modeling the ecological niche and features of coprobiontic fungi distribution in Asia by the example of Cyathus stercoreus
Vlasenko V.A., Turmunkh D., Nazyn C.D., Vlasenko A.V.
Ecological analysis of rare and endangered lichen species included in the Red Book of the Chuvash Republic
Sinichkin E.A.
The influence of ecological conditions on vegetative propagation of lilac varieties in the South Ural Botanical Garden (Ufa)
Polyakova N.V.
The use of unconventional organic waste for vermicomposting in Surgut greenhouses
Ibragimova D.V., Guselnikova M.V., Nakonechnyy N.V.
Ecological diversity of some resource medicinal mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus in the Novosibirsk Region
Vlasenko V.A., Asbaganov S.V., Vlasenko A.V.
Korolev A.I.
Substrate specialization and distribution of fungi of the genus Trametes in the southeast of Western Siberia
Vlasenko V.A.
Zhalov H.A.
Epiphytic myxomycetes on the bark of Salix and Populus in the southeast of Western Siberia
Vlasenko A.V.
Ontogenetic variability of morphological characters of Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. on different species of trees in different ecological conditions
Suetina Y.G.
Species composition of lichens in the zone of impact of a coal mining enterprise
Larina O.A., Yurkova A.V.
Distribution of lichen thalli Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf along Pinus sylvestris trunk in different types of pine forests with different relief positions
Suetina Y.G.
Ecological features and species diversity of epiphytic myxomycetes (Myxomycetes) on an ordinary pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the southeast of Western Siberia
Vlasenko A.V., Vlasenko V.A.
The current state of the natural monument «Kalinovsky Elnik» (Chelno-Vershinsky District of the Samara Region)
Deynega M.T., Korchikov E.S.
The aridization effect on the characteristics of the substrate and biotopic distribution of fungi species of the Polyporus s.l. genus in the southeast of Western Siberia
Vlasenko V.A., Vlasenko A.V., Turmunkh D.
Reaction of macromycetes fungi on anthropogenic disturbances
Safonov M.A.
1 - 18 of 18 Items

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