Complex composts influence on the growth and dynamics of vermiculture number

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The paper examines the influence of complex composts from waste water residues and brewer’s grains on the growth dynamics of Eisenia foetida vermiculture in greenhouse conditions as a regional aspect of sustainable development of the Ugra territory. The substrates were used: soil with a total humus content of 1,83 ± 0,51%, waste water residues, brewer’s pellet, plants, food waste, paper, bird droppings, microbiological additive «Tamir», as well as 50 immature worms «Prospector». The experience lasted 30 days. Each compost variant contained 7 replications with microbiological additive «Tamir» and worms, as well as 2 controls without worms: with and without microbiological additive «Tamir». Composite composts showed a positive trend in the increase in the number of earthworms and their total weight. A decrease in the mass of the substrate after vermicomposting using the microbiological preparation «Tamir» was observed in all variants. A statistically regular decrease in the mass of the substrate with time was established due to the growth of worms. The optimum temperature for the development of worms is +21°C, and the pH values at which a high number of worms were observed are in the range from 7,8 to 8,2. Thus, all types of complex composts can be used. The process of decomposition and positive dynamics of growth of worms was observed everywhere at different rates. The use of brewer’s grains in a raw state is possible with the introduction of 10–25% of the total mass of the compostable substrate with organic components having a sorption capacity.

About the authors

Nikolay Vladimirovich Nakonechniy

Surgut State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, researcher of Scientific and Educational Center of Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Russian Federation, Surgut

Dinara Vladimirovna Ibragimova

Surgut State University


candidate of biological sciences, lecturer of Biology and Biotechnology Department

Russian Federation, Surgut


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Influence of substrate temperature on the increase in the number of worms

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3. Figure 2 - Influence of substrate acidity on the increase in the number of worms

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4. Figure 3 - Dependence of the mass gain of worms on the mass of the substrate (compost options 1-6)

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Copyright (c) 2021 Nakonechniy N.V., Ibragimova D.V.

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