Distribution of lichen thalli Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf along Pinus sylvestris trunk in different types of pine forests with different relief positions

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The research of the Pseudevernia furfuracea population was carried out in the Mari El Republic on the territory of the «Mari Chodra» National Park. The lichen-mossy and cowberry pine forests were studied with different relief positions: uplands and lowlands. The paper discusses the use of two indicators of population density: D₁ – is a number of thalli on the tree; D₂ – is a number of thalli in the substrate area. The distribution of thalli along the trunk of Pinus sylvestris depends on the characteristics of the stand, characteristics of the tree and the position of the trees in the relief. In a well-lightened lichen-mossy pine forest the distribution of the number of thallus is equal at different exposures, but it is different due to the heights of the trunk. The maximum number of thalli is typical for a height of 0,5–1 m. The most number of thallus grows at the southern and western expositions in less lightened cowberry pine forests. There is a shift in the height of the number of thallus to a height of 1–1,5 m. There is a dependence of the upper boundary of the thallus distribution along the trunk on the height of the lamellar bark. The highest upper limit of thallus growth (a height of 4,8 m) is typical for the lowering of the lichen-mossy pine forest, where the lamellar bark rises to a height of 7,2 m. The lower boundary of the thallus settlement depends on microclimatic factors. Among them the decisive factor is light. The smallest lower boundary of a thallus settlement (a height of 0,2 m) is typical for an elevation in a lichen-mossy pine forest. This habitat has the highest population density of P. furfuracea.

About the authors

Yulia G. Suetina

Mari State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: suetina@inbox.ru

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Yoshkar-Ola


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Lower and upper boundaries of P. furfuracea thallus settlement on Scots pine

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3. Figure 2 - Population density: D₁ - number of thalli on a tree; D₂ - the number of thallus per unit area, m2

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4. Figure 3 - Population density D₂ at different heights and exposures in pine forests

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Copyright (c) 2020 Suetina Y.G.

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