Substrate specialization and distribution of fungi of the genus Trametes in the southeast of Western Siberia

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The authors have studied the features of the substrate specificity of fungi of the genus Trametes s.l. in the southeast of Western Siberia, where this taxon has 10 species. Most species of fungi have a wide substrate spectrum, represented by the wood of various types of woody plants. Fungal species with a wide distribution and a high frequency of occurrence develop a wide range of substrates. Fungal species that are rare and common only in some localities are not numerous; they are characterized by a narrow substrate spectrum. Most species of fungi develop on hardwood, but only a few species can grow on coniferous wood in mountainous areas. Fungal substrates are represented by wood of sixteen species of angiosperms and one species of gymnosperms of woody plants. These ten species of fungi of the Trametes genus have been identified in natural plant communities in the southeast of Western Siberia, while only eight species have been found in anthropogenic habitats. The largest number of fungal species develops on large-sized tree species found in plant communities that are common in the studied region. The number of species of wood-decay fungi on shrubs is insignificant. A small range of species of wood-decay fungi is typical of introduced species (Linden, Oak, Manchurian Walnut, Apple, Ash, Mulberry) growing in urban plantings and in Botanical gardens. Species of fungi with a wide ecological amplitude can develop on the wood of introduced plants.

About the authors

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Vlasenko

Central Siberian Botanical Garden of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Lower Plants Laboratory

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk


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