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Volume 64, Nº 3 (2019)


Algorithm for Nonlinear Filtering of the Coordinates of a Fluctuating Object in a Bistatic Radio System

Areshin Y., Zaikin B., Kotov A., Reshetnyak S.


An algorithm for filtering the coordinates of a fluctuating object in a security bistatic radio system with the use of a maximum a posteriori probability criterion is presented. Simulation of the algorithm and estimation of its efficiency are described. Plots of the rms error deviation are given.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):187-192
pages 187-192 views

Technical Methods and Facilities of Printed-Film Topology Reengineering of Radio-Electronic Products

Kostin M., Vorunichev D., Vikulov V.



t—The methods and facilities of reengineering the topology of multilayered printed modules and case-type integrated microcircuits are considered. Concepts of reengineering modernization of the products of radio-electronics are formulated. Basic technological processes of schematic configuration reengineering of printed-film electronic products are presented, which are based on different physical principles of destructive (machining and chemical etching) and nondestructive study: optical scanning, radio-wave imaging, and X-ray analysis. The method of infrared imaging (electric-induction) analysis of printed circuit boards with multilayer topology was proposed for the first time.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):193-197
pages 193-197 views

Effect of Load Current and Input and Output Capacitors of a Linear Voltage Regulator Chip on the Frequency Dependence of the Ripple Rejection Ratio

Ivanov A., Petrov V.


Effect of load current and input and output capacitors on the frequency dependence of the ripple rejection ratio is studied for a classical linear voltage regulator based on an LM317L-N chip. In the absence of external capacitors, ripple rejection decreases with an increase in the load current at different input and output voltages. It is shown that a capacitor connected at the regulator output provides a significant increase in the ripple rejection ratio at frequencies of higher than 200 kHz and a capacitor connected in parallel to the regulating resistor in the feedback circuit provides an increase at frequencies of less than 300 kHz.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):198-202
pages 198-202 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

On the Distortion of the Leading Edge of a Quasi-Monochromatic Signal in a Resonantly Absorbing Medium

Bukhman N.


The paper is concerned with the distortion of a sharp leading edge of a quasi-monochromatic electromagnetic (light or radio) signal (wave packet) propagating in a medium with an absorption line (or band). It is shown that the frontal jump of the complex envelope of a radio signal propagates without changing its magnitude. Behind the leading edge, the signal level decreases with a rate increasing with the path length. As a result, the leading and trailing (if it exists) edges of the signal acquire tooth kinks, which become more and more acute with increasing path length. Such tooth kinks are formed not only at the points of discontinuity of the real amplitude of a signal but also at the points of discontinuity of its phase; therefore, the propagation of a phase-shift keyed radio signal in a resonantly absorbing medium is accompanied by its “self-disclosure”.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):203-216
pages 203-216 views

Equivalent Surface Impedance of an Infinite Array of Slot Impedance Loads Based on a Cavity Having the Cross-Section in the Form of an Equilateral Triangle

Koshkid’ko V., Serdyuk E.


The two-dimensional problem about the excitation of an infinite array of slot impedance loads by a plane wave is considered. The aim is the determination of the equivalent surface impedance. Every array element is a slot in a perfectly conducting screen. The slot is loaded by a cavity having the cross-section in the form of an equilateral triangle. The problem is solved using the integral equation method, which is numerically realized with the use of the Krylov—Bogolyubov method. The dependences of the impedance on the slot dimensions, the cavity dimensions, and the plane wave incidence angle are calculated for the case of the H polarization of the incident wave. The dependences obtained for the considered construction of the impedance load contained in an infinite array are analyzed and simultaneously compared with the characteristics of a single impedance load.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):217-222
pages 217-222 views

The Surface Wave on the Boundary between a Hyperbolic Magnetooptical Single-Axis Metamaterial and an Isotropic Dielectric

Kuznetsov E., Merzlikin A.


The propagation of the surface wave along the boundary between a hyperbolic magnetooptical single-axis metamaterial and an isotropic dielectric is considered. The dispersion equation of the surface wave and the distribution of the electric field in the system are found. It is shown that the surface wave of this system differs from other types of surface waves by the fact that the wave vector of the surface wave has not only the imaginary part but also a real part in the direction perpendicular to the interface. In addition, the surface wave in the hyperbolic magnetooptical single-axis metamaterial has a hybrid polarization. Therefore, there is only one surface wave for a given direction of the wave vector.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):223-228
pages 223-228 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

On the Fundamental Limitations of Ultra-Wideband Antennas

Uvarov A., Gerasimov M., Uvarov A.


An electrodynamic limitation on the characteristics of antennas with a semi-infinite range as the limiting case of ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas is found. This limitation relates the directivity, the input reflection coefficient, the lowest operating frequency, and the overall size of the antenna and takes into account its geometric shape. An expression for estimating the lowest operating frequency of antennas with a given size and shape is obtained. Expressions for estimating the minimum achievable size and lowest operating frequency of rectangular printed UWB antennas with linear polarization are derived.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):229-233
pages 229-233 views

Theory of Radio Circuits

Mutual Synchronization as a Method for Summing Microwave Oscillator Powers

Kaganov W.


The excitation of an active phased antenna array through connecting a microwave self-oscillator to each transmitter has been investigated. A system of nonlinear differential equations has been used to describe the operation of self-oscillators in a mutual synchronization mode. Computer simulation of the system has been performed. An example of the calculation using a computer program and plotting the transient process of settling the self-oscillations is presented, which confirm the possibility of the existence of a mode of mutual synchronization of many self-oscillators.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):234-237
pages 234-237 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Fuzzy Phonetic Encoding of Speech Signals in Voice Processing Systems

Savchenko L., Savchenko A.


In this paper, we studied the phonetic approach for voice processing. A method for automatic recognition of speech signals, in which each quasistationary segment is associated with a fuzzy set of phonemes, was developed. We proposed the operation of the probabilistic triangular norm for fuzzy sets corresponding to the input frame and the nearest reference phoneme. The developed method was experimentally shown to allow a 1.5–5% reduction in the probability of erroneous recognition in comparison with known analogues.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):238-244
pages 238-244 views

Search and Detection of Noise-Like Signals under Communication Channel Frequency-Instability Conditions

Muzychenko N.


An approach to the search and detection problem of noise-like signals, based on the automatic adaptation of the duration of the coherent–integration segment to the communication channel frequency instability level, is proposed. As a parameter indirectly characterizing the frequency instability level, the estimate of the ratio between the powers of the signal–noise mixture at the output of the coherent–incoherent integrator measured at the minimum and maximum durations of the coherent-integration segment is used. The operability and efficiency of the method have been supported by the comparative simulation results.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):245-250
pages 245-250 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Polarization of Eigenwaves and Microwave Fields in a Metal Ferromagnetic Plate

Perov D., Rinkevich A., Demokritov S.


The polarization of eigenwaves and the total microwave magnetic field and microwave magnetization in a ferromagnetic metal plate is considered. It is established that, in the case of a thin plate with a thickness less than the skin depth, a significant role is played by the interference of the forward and backward eigenwaves. It is shown that both the microwave magnetization and the microwave magnetic field are elliptically polarized and the lengths of the semi-axes of the ellipses and their inclination, as well as the directions of the rotation of the corresponding vectors, are determined by the magnetization field. In particular, it is established that the polarization of the microwave field is different under the ferromagnetic resonance and ferromagnetic antiresonance conditions.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):251-257
pages 251-257 views

Microwave Electronics

W-Band Amplifier Klystron with a Sheet Beam

Averkiev D., Grigoriev A., Kireev A., Seregina E.


A W-band amplifier klystron has been designed based on a sheet electron beam and multigap cavities formed from a two-side comb slow-wave system segment. It has been shown via computer simulation that the proposed device has an output power higher than 1 kW, a gain of about 50 dB, an amplified frequency band of 0.4 GHz, and an efficiency of more than 10% at an essentially lower accelerating voltage compared with foreign analogous.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):258-264
pages 258-264 views

Electron and Ion Emission

Field Emission Properties of Surface-Modified Silicon Crystals of Different Types of Conduction

Yafarov R., Suzdal’tsev S., Shanygin V.


A new technology of nanostructuring and modification of the surfaces of silicon crystals of different types of conduction, using self-organized carbon mask coatings and highly anisotropic plasma-chemical etching is proposed. It is shown that the structures obtained make it possible to reduce the field emission excitation thresholds by several times and to increase the maximum field emission current densities by more than an order of magnitude in comparison with traditional technologies. It is established that the relation between the morphological and field emission characteristics of the obtained multi-tip cathode arrays is determined by the type of electrical conduction of the semiconductor and the total dipole moment of its surface. It is shown that the interpretation of the relation between them using the representations of the Fowler and Nordheim theory is not sufficient.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):265-270
pages 265-270 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

Microstrip Tunable Bandpass Filters with Combined Resonators

Zakharov A., Rozenko S.


The paper presents a varicap-tunable fourth-order tunable microstrip bandpass filter with combined resonators: a U-shaped loop resonator and a resonator short-circuited at one end, which improved the symmetry of the frequency response while maintaining a wide rejection band inherent in comb filters with resonators short-circuited at one end. For the first time, the resonance equation for odd resonance frequencies of a U-shaped loop resonator with variable capacitance is obtained, which makes it possible to control the ratio of the first parasitic and the fundamental resonance frequencies of this resonator, f1/f0, on which the rejection band of the filter depends. An experimental sample of a filter, tunable in the frequency range of 225–400 MHz, is presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):271-277
pages 271-277 views

A Gyromagnetic Pulse Transformer for Generating Nanosecond UHF Pulses

Priputnev P., Romanchenko I., Rostov V.


In this paper, we studied the possibility of creating a nanosecond UHF pulse generator by the excitation of damped gyromagnetic precession in ferrite of a smaller size compared with wavelength. The issues of excitation of oscillations in the proposed scheme and their transfer to the load are considered. The proposed scheme is based on a model of a low-inductance single-turn transformer magnetized in a direction orthogonal to the field of windings.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):278-282
pages 278-282 views


Study of Photodiodes Based on the InGaAs Structure with a Boundary Wavelength of 2.06 μm

Boltar K., Irodov N., Sednev M., Marmalyuk A., Ladugin M., Ryaboshtan Y.


IV characteristics and spectral photosensitivities of photodiodes based on epitaxially grown hydrides of metal-organic compounds (MOC-hydride epitaxy) of epitaxial structures with the In0.67Ga0.33As absorbing layer doped with Zn on the InP substrates are studied. The photodiodes are fabricated using the mesatechnology. The long-wavelength boundary of the spectral photosensitivity of diodes measured at half-maximum is 2.06 μm at room temperature. Photosensitivity spectra are studied in a temperature interval of 230–300 K.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):283-285
pages 283-285 views

Effect of the Spread of the Depths of pn Junction on the Parameters of InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiodes

Budtolaev A., Khakuashev P., Chinareva I.


Permissible deviations of the diffusion depth and selection of the optimal type of epitaxial structures for fabrication of the InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes are considered. Two types of structures are presented: (i) with uniform doping of the multiplication region (triangular field) and (ii) with peak doping of the multiplication region (rectangular field). Such epitaxial structures are grown with the aid of the MOC-hydride epitaxy. In both structures, the pn junction is formed in the n-InP multiplication region using zinc diffusion. The structure of the first type can be used at pn-junction depths of х0 = 1.77–2.18 μm and working voltages of 56–75 V. The permissible spread is Δх0 = 0.41 μm (±10%). The structure of the second type can be used at pn-junction depths of х0 = 2.50–3.40 μm and working voltages of 49–61 V. The permissible spread is Δх0 = 0.90 μm (±15%).

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):286-288
pages 286-288 views

Capacitive Properties of Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Systems Based on an HgCdTe nBn Structure Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Voitsekhovskii A., Nesmelov S., Dzyadukh S., Dvoretsky S., Mikhailov N., Sidorov G., Yakushev M.


The capacitance–voltage (CV) curves of metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) systems based on an HgCdTe nBn structure grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs(013) substrates were studied for the first time in a wide range of frequencies and temperatures. The electron concentration in the near-surface film layer was determined by capacitive measurements and is close to the indium dopant concentration. It was demonstrated that the CV characteristics of MIS systems have a high-frequency behavior in a wide range of measurement conditions, and the product of the differential resistance of the space-charge region and the electrode area in the strong inversion mode is as high as 40 kΩ cm2. It was found that the capacitance of the MIS system in the accumulation mode decreases after irradiation at 0.91 μm. This effect may be attributed to the transformation of the band diagram of an abrupt heterojunction triggered by changes in the charge state of defects under irradiation.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):289-293
pages 289-293 views

Investigation of CdHgTe-Based FPA Heterogeneity

Davletshin R., Lazarev P., Nikonov A.


The spatial heterogeneity of spectral responses to the focal plane arrays (FPA) photosensitivity of different photosensitive elements based on CdHgTe (cadmium–mercury–tellurium—CMT) solid solutions is studied. The investigation methodology for spectral responses of photosensitivity is described. The distribution of the photosensitivity long-wavelength limit for a 6 × 576 bar of photosensitive elements (PSE) is presented. The average composition and the CMT composition measurement error for all elements of the bar are calculated. The computed error comparison of the photosensitivity long-wavelength limit of selected PSE and of the value of limit in the PSE array local area are made. The efficiency of FPA quality control express-methodology is in respect to distribution uniformity of CMT composition on the array area.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):294-297
pages 294-297 views

Extension of the Dynamic Range of Short-Wavelength IR FPAs

Kuznetsov P., Moshchev I.


Necessity of extension of the dynamic range of short-wavelength IR FPAs is substantiated. Conventional methods exhibit low efficiency, especially, in large-scale arrays with a pitch of no greater 15 μm. Integrating cells with individually tunable transfer function depending on the fragment brightness have the maximum efficiency with respect to the extension of the dynamic range (up to 100 dB). A simple (in topological implementation) and efficient method is proposed for extension of the dynamic range. The method is based on the individual self-tuning of integration time in each cell of the readout integrated circuit. Relatively high steepness and conversion linearity are maintained in integrating cells under moderate irradiation (up to 50–70% of the maximum signal) but the sensitivity is decreased in the cells that are close to saturation. The resulting linear–logarithmic transfer function provides extension of the dynamic range. Examples of images obtained with the extended dynamic range in the short-wavelength IR spectrum are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):298-303
pages 298-303 views

Implementation of the TDA Digital Mode on a ROIC for Scanning IR FPA

Larionov N., Moshchev I.


In this paper, we present the results of the development of a readout integrated circuit for scanning infrared focal plane arrays with digital time delay and accumulation processing. The accumulation and digital processing of a photocurrent on the readout integrated circuit chip allows increasing a signal-to-noise ratio and improving the weight-dimensional characteristics of the infrared focal plane arrays. The feasibility of implementing the digital time delay and accumulation mode on conveyor architecture that is a digital analog of devices with charge communication is substantiated. The advantages of conveyor architecture, such as smaller channel pitch and lower power consumption, are noted. The results of testing the readout integrated circuit in a 1024 × 10 digital time delay and accumulation mode with a pitch of 15 μm and 12-bit serial code output digital signals are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):304-309
pages 304-309 views

Analysis of Photoelectric Characteristics of UV-Range Focal Plane Arrays

Molkov P., Baliev D.


Photoelectric characteristics of the focal plane arrays working in the visual-blind UV spectral range are studied. The dependences of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on the integration time and the bias voltage on photodiodes and IV characteristics of the photodiodes are measured. It is shown that ROIC noise dominates over the noise of photosensitive elements. The results indicate that the maximum integration time and bias voltage are needed to reach the best SNR. The method used to measure the IV characteristics after hybridization with ROIC makes it possible to measure the dark currents of the individual photodiodes at typical values of 4 × 10–15 A.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):310-313
pages 310-313 views

Analysis of Multilayer Heteroepitaxial Structures Based on CdHgTe Using Infrared Transmission Spectra

Nikonov A., Yakovleva N.


In this paper, we studied the transmission spectra of multilayer heteroepitaxial structures based on ternary cadmium-mercury-tellurium (CMT) solid solutions. A model for calculating the characteristics of epitaxial layers that compose a complex multilayer heteroepitaxial structure via experimental transmission spectrum was implemented. A packet gradient descent method is realized to calculate the parameters of the layers. We calculated the parameters of heteroepitaxial structures grown via liquid phase and molecular beam epitaxy: a thickness of operating photosensitive layers with an error of no more than 0.1 μm and a CMT composition with an error of no more than 1% were determined. The developed models show the efficacy in express control of the optical characteristics of semiconductor structures.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):314-318
pages 314-318 views

Short-Wave Infrared Camera with a Focal Plane Array Based on InGaAs/InP Heterostructures

Khamidullin K., Baliev D., Lazarev P., Boltar K., Polesskiy A., Burlakov I., Chepurnov E., Gusarova N., Popov S.


The results of the development and testing of a short-wave IR (0.9–1.7 μm) camera with the first Russian-produced 320 × 256 focal plane array (FPA) are detailed. This FPA was designed based on an InGaAs/InP heterostructure and has a pixel pitch of 30 μm and a suppressed temperature dependence of sensitivity. The primary components and parameters of the camera are discussed. Its advantages and possible applications both as a component of multispectral optoelectronic systems and as an independent device are reviewed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):319-324
pages 319-324 views

Analysis of the Photoluminescence Spectra of Heterostructures with AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells

Yuskaev M., Pashkeev D., Goncharov V., Nikonov A., Egorov A.


A technique for the examination of the photoluminescence spectra of multilayer heteroepitaxial structures with AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells grown from molecular-beam epitaxy was developed. The size-quantization levels in quantum wells were calculated. Heat maps of distributions of peak wavelengths and intensities of photoluminescence spectra over the surface of epitaxial layers of different compositions were plotted. This mapping provided an opportunity to estimate the uniformity of distributions of the composition and thickness of epitaxial layers over the surface of samples. The results suggest possible ways to improve the techniques for acceptance and interoperational inspection of multilayer heteroepitaxial structures used in infrared photodetector arrays.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):325-329
pages 325-329 views

Effect of Surface Recombination on the Parameters of Photodiodes Based on HgCdTe Semiconductor Structures

Iakovleva N.


The surface recombination rates for p-type HgCdTe layers with different dopant concentrations and trap densities Nt are calculated. It is shown that, at the given initial parameters, the surface recombination rate Smax lies in the range of 10–104 cm/s. The current sensitivity for p-type HgCdTe is simulated using the dependence of quantum efficiency in the approximation of large lifetimes τn0 and large diffusion lengths Ln of minority charge carriers, taking into account the effect of the surface recombination rate.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(3):330-333
pages 330-333 views

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