
Pavlov, V.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 50, 编号 10 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Investigation of the fabrication processes of AlGaN/AlN/GaN НЕМТs with in situ Si3N4 passivation
卷 51, 编号 4 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Alloyed Si/Al-based ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN nitride heterostructures
卷 52, 编号 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures Photocharging Dynamics in Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots Visualized by Electron Spin Coherence