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Том 46, № 7 (2017)


On New Types of Stoneley Waves and the Possibility of Using Them in Integrated Acoustoelectronics

Morocha A., Rozhkov A.


The new types of Stoneley waves which can be used in integrated acoustoelectronics have been studied theoretically. It has been established that four types of waves with different polarization and phase velocity can propagate along the interface of the contact between two elastic isotropic media. Numerical calculations for various pairs of contacting metals which can be used as acoustic waveguides in acoustoelectronic integrated circuits have been carried out.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):443-448
pages 443-448 views

Dynamics of the Accumulation of Excess Holes in n-AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure Quantum Wells

Yaremenko N., Strakhov V., Karachevtseva M., Fedorov Y.


The effect of the excess hole capture efficiency on carrier accumulation with increasing photoexcitation in quantum wells of the n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures is investigated. The oscillatory character of the dependence of the ratio between the intensities of photoluminescence from the quantum well and barrier layers on the well width is demonstrated. The hole capture times in the oscillation maximum and minimum are estimated as 3 and 370 ps. The shift of the energy transition in a resonant well under strong excitation is attributed to the charge buildup effect caused by the difference between the electron and hole capture rates.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):449-453
pages 449-453 views

Formation of Two-Component Vertical Contact Structures for Mounting Integrated-Circuit Chips

Roshchin V., Petukhov I., Sen’chenko K., Roshchina A., Shilina T.


The technological capabilities of the layer-by-layer electrochemical formation of vertical contact structures based on a copper–tin system for mounting silicon chips, including 3D technologies, have been considered. The possibility of fixing a chip–board clearance for the preventing a short circuit between the contact areas with the solder material has been shown.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):454-457
pages 454-457 views

X-ray Diffractometry Studies of the Structural Properties of Solid Solutions Based on Gallium Nitride

Vigdorovich E., Ermoshin I.


Features of diffractometry multilayer heterostructures based on gallium nitride have been considered. Using a Vector-GaN instrument for X-ray diffractometry, the effect of the technological conditions of the preparation of the layers of the GaAlN/InGaN/GaN/Al2O3 heterostructure on their structural perfection has been demonstrated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):458-461
pages 458-461 views

Influence of Superexchange Interaction on the Ferromagnetic Properties of Manganites and Cobaltites

Troyanchuk I., Karpinsky D., Silibin M., Nekludov K., Gavrilov S.


The role of superexchange interaction in the formation of the ferromagnetic state of cobaltites in the La0.5Sr0.5Co1–xMexO3 (Me = Cr, Ga, Fe) systems and manganites La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.85M0.15O3 (M–Nb, Mg) with a perovskite structure has been studied. It was found that the ferromagnetic state in cobaltites can be implemented in some compositions without the mixed-valence effect of cobalt ions. The initial compound (x = 0) is ferromagnetic (ТС = 247 K) with the saturation magnetization close to 2μB (at T = 30 K) per formular unit. It has been shown that the chemical substitution of cobalt by chromium reduces the spontaneous magnetization to 0.3μB (at х = 0.2), while the substitution of cobalt by iron ions (х = 0.2) does not alter the magnetization. The obtained data are interpreted in the model of positive superexchange interactions between cobalt and iron ions and negative ones between cobalt and chrome. It has been shown that the La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.85Nb0.15O3 composition is ferromagnetic with ТС=145K, with a magnetic moment of 3.1 μB/Mn at 10 K, and no evidence of a cooperative orbital ordering in the manganite compounds has been revealed. Partial chemical substitution of Nb5+ ions by Mg2+ ones leads to the formation of Mn4+ ions, while it does not strengthen the ferromagnetic state. The strengthening of the structural distortions reduces the ferromagnetic component. It is assumed that the ferromagnetic state is caused by a significant hybridization of eg-orbitals of the manganese and oxygen ions, which strengthens the positive component of the superexchange interactions.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):462-467
pages 462-467 views

Study of Ion Beam Including Deposition Modes of Platinum Nanosized Structures Using by Focused Ion Beams

Lisitsyn S., Kolomiytsev A., Il’in O., Il’ina M., Konoplev B., Bykov A., Ageev O.


The results of experimental studies of the Pt structure with the thickness ranging from (0.48 ± 0.1) to (24.38 ± 0.1) nm ion beam including deposition by focused ion beam are presented. The rate of ion beam including deposition of Pt, which depending on the modes varies from (0.28 ± 0.02) to (6.7 ± 0.5) nm/s, is determined experimentally. The deviation of Pt lateral structure sizes from those preset by the template decreases from (29.3 ± 0.07)% to (2.4 ± 0.2)% depending on the deposition duration. By the thicknesses of Pt nanosized structures larger than 3 nm, their specific resistance amounts to (23.4 ± 1.8) Ohm cm and weakly depends on the thickness. The results can be used for developing the technological processes used to form the structures of microelectronics sensorics, nanoelectronics, and nano- and microsystem engineering.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):468-473
pages 468-473 views

Device-Technological Modeling of Integrated Circuit Elements with Improved Resilience to External Influences

Chaplygin Y., Krupkina T., Krasukov A., Artamonova E.


This paper analyzes some features of the process and device simulation tools. The tools are analyzed as applied to the calculation of electrical characteristics for several integrated circuit (IC) devices operating under different external conditions. The model features having the maximum effect on the simulation results are identified.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):474-477
pages 474-477 views

Analysis and Simulation of Vertical Complementary Silicon Bipolar Transistors

Hrapov M., Gridchin V., Kalinin S.


The features of modern complementary bipolar technologies (CB-technologies) for analog applications have been analyzed and the main trends in their development are considered. Different industrial CBtechnologies are compared on the basis of two parameters of complementarity, namely the quality factor (βVA) and Johnson’s parameter (BVCEOfT). The p-epitaxial-planar CB-technology has been studied by the method of two-dimensional numerical simulation using the TCAD Sentaurus software for vertical n–p–n and p–n–p transistors. A careful calibration of the parameters of technological and electrophysical 2D models on the basis of test structures has shown sufficient accuracy of the used methodology for practice.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):478-483
pages 478-483 views

Parameter Calculation and Investigation of a MIS Varicap with Charge Transfer for L-Range Microwave Devices

Surin Y., Spiridonov A., Litsoev S., Martinova V., Mezhov A., Karpovskaya A.


The characteristics of a MIS varicap with charge transfer designed for control microwave devices are analyzed. The limiting frequency of the device is shown to be at least twice as high as that of the standard MIS varicap based on a MIS system with a thicker dielectric in the varicap with charge transfer. A method for parameter measurements in the microwave range is developed. Some device samples are fabricated based on thin substrates of monocrystalline silicon with epitaxial layers. The correspondence between the theoretical and experimental characteristics of the varicap is established.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):484-488
pages 484-488 views

Stability of Nitride Microwave Monolytic ICs of a Signal Converter Irradiated by Neutrons and Gamma Radiation

Arutyunyan S., Kagirin K., Lavrukhin D., Gamkrelidze S., Ivanova N.


The radiation stability of AlGaN/GaN HEMT millimeter-wave signal converters with highly mobile electrons irradiated by neutron and gamma radiation is investigated. The following characteristics have been chosen as the parameters for estimating the stability: the output microwave signal range, conversion factor, and the total consumed current. The consumed current dependence on the absorbed dose of gamma radiation and the sample temperature is determined. It is shown that the effect of neutron irradiation upon the characteristics is insignificant, although the gamma irradiation results in a considerable increase of the current consumed due to the formation of nitrogen donor vacancies, annealing of growth acceptor defects, and defect ordering. Six months later, the parameters of the devices returned to the initial values, indicating the restoration of the original state of the substrate’s crystal structure.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):489-493
pages 489-493 views

Design Features of Parameterized Analog Cells Based on Matched SOI Matrix Elements

Zhuravlev A., Krupkina T., Enns A., Enns V.


This paper considers the design features of parameterized analog cells based on the matched matrix elements for the SOI technology. A technique for synthesizing such cells is developed. Some examples are presented of the program code for building parameterized analog cells synthesized based on the matched matrix elements.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):494-499
pages 494-499 views

Cellular Automata Algorithms for String Sorting and Integer Multiplication According to the Atrubin Scheme

Matyushkin I., Zhemerikin A., Zapletina M.


Being unavailable in the literature for the past few recent decades, the cellular automata formulations of some algorithms for sorting character and string arrays are considered here. A cellular automaton multiplying two integers written in a numeral system with an arbitrary basis is proposed for the first time. The algorithm is based on the Atrubin parallel multiplication scheme for a systolic array of processors and requires four components (registers) instead of five.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):500-505
pages 500-505 views

Capacitance Sensors Based on Nanotube Supercondensers

Brazhe R., Savin A.


A design of a capacitance sensor, which remains highly sensitive while allowing the significant miniaturization of its sensitive element, the condenser, is proposed. For this purpose, supercondensers based on electroconducting and insulating nanotubes are used. The presented calculations show the possibility, in principle, to create pressure and displacement capacitance sensors on this basis with a sensitivity that is 5–6 orders of magnitude higher than the sensitivity of those based on classical carbon nanotubes. Such sensors can be used in medicine, robotics, and nanoelectronics.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):506-509
pages 506-509 views

Methods to Accelerate Transient Processes in Frequency Synthesizers

Zaytsev A., Petrov V.


Methods to accelerate transient processes in frequency spectrum synthesizers based on the pulse phase-locked loop are considered. Methods to accelerate the output voltage of the loop filter unit when using the equivalent capacitance multiplication of the capacitor methods based on the circuits with an additional current source in the charge pump current source (CPCS) unit are proposed. Diagrams of transient processes for the automatic control of the output frequency are presented. The diagrams confirm that using the proposed decisions for control by an additional current source of the CPCS unit makes it possible to approximate the transition process to the optimal value of the response speed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):510-515
pages 510-515 views

Use of Silicon-Germanium Technology for the Development of Active Microwave Units of Active Electronically Scanned Arrays

Timoshenkov V., Efimov A.


The possibility of using new technologies to develop active microwave units of transmit/receive modules is considered. A comparative analysis of technological processes for core chip implementation is given. The possible achievable parameters of the universal core chip for X-band SiGe technology are estimated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):516-522
pages 516-522 views

Application of Two-Wavelength X-Ray Optical Scheme for Combined Measurements of X-Ray Specular Reflection and Diffuse Scattering to Study Multilayered Thin Film Structures

Smirnov D., Gerasimenko N., Ovchinnikov V.


The complex study results of the parameters of TiN/Ti diffusion-barrier structures using the methods of relative X-ray reflectometry and diffuse scattering of X-ray radiation implemented by a two-wavelength X-ray optical measurement scheme are presented. It is shown that this scheme, by a single measurement, enables studying two different diffuse scattering regions, which increases the correctness and unambiguity of the analysis that was carried out. The considered complex of methods makes it possible to solve the ambiguity of a density/roughness type by the solution of the inverse reflectometry problem and to calculate the parameters of buried layers in the structures which were studied.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(7):523-526
pages 523-526 views

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