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Vol 47, No 7 (2018)


Mechanism for Forming Quantum-Size AlGaN/GaN/InGaN/GaN Heterostructure Layers

Vigdorovich E.N.


The use of silicon in optoelectronic elements and microwave devices is limited by its electrical properties. In this range of application, silicon is replaced by wider-gap materials, e.g., GaN, AlN, InN, and solid solutions based on them. This allows highly efficient devices, including light-emitting diodes and photodetectors operating in a wide radiation spectral range, to be fabricated. In addition, GaN-based materials have been successfully used in designing high-power microwave devices, in particular, transistors with highly mobile electrons operating at high temperatures. We discuss specific features of the technology for fabricating active layers in the AlGaN/GaN/InGaN/GaN heterostructures with the use of metalorganic compounds. The initial substances used are ultra-pure ammonia NH3 and gallium, aluminum, and indium metalorganic compounds in the trimethyl form. The temperature dependence of the epitaxial GaN layer growth rate is investigated. This dependence is shown to be weak in a wide temperature range. The importance of adsorption processes occurring on the growth surfaces is confirmed. Thermodynamical analysis of the regularities of the investigated process is carried out to simulate the process and establish the conditions for forming GaN-based solid solutions. It is shown that during the formation of Ga1 – xInxN solid solutions in the high-temperature region the attainable InN content is not higher than 0.4 mole fractions. As the growth temperature decreases to 600°С, the conditions for incorporating In in the solid solution are noticeably improved and the InN concentration increases to 0.9 mole fractions. It is demonstrated that growing the GaAlN solid solutions in a wide temperature range makes it possible to obtain the AlN content ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 mole fractions. The experimental investigations are confirmed by the calculations. Therefore, when growing the Ga1 – xInxN quantum well layers in the active heterostructural area for commercial blue light-emitting diode chips with an indium content of х = 0.1–0.15, the growth temperature should be reduced. At low temperatures, however, it is difficult to grow epitaxial layers with a high crystal quality.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):449-454
pages 449-454 views

Copper-Containing Compositions Based on Alicyclic Polyimide for Microelectronic Applications

Kravtsova V., Umerzakova M., Korobova N., Vertyanov D.


The creation of polymer compositions with high electrophysical properties compatible with various types of fillers, including metal-containing compounds, is of vital importance for microelectronics. By polycondensation, new copper-containing polymer compositions based on alicyclic polyimide and its copolymers with aromatic polyheterocycles are obtained. The thermal, chemical, and physicomechanical properties and electrical conductivity of the new film composite materials are investigated. The conditions for obtaining copper-containing polymer compositions based on alicyclic polyimide and its copolymers with aromatic polyheterocycles are optimized. The samples are prepared in two ways: via a one-stage polycondensation reaction in the presence of catalytic amounts of inorganic compounds and via mechanically mixing the polymer components with the copper salts. A new film composite material with high physicomechanical and temperature characteristics and increased resistance to aggressive reagents is obtained. The developed metal-containing polymer compositions can be recommended for use in microelectronics for manufacturing integrated circuits as well as for obtaining elastic heat-conducting insulators operating in the temperature range from –180 to +400°C.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):455-459
pages 455-459 views

Structural Strength and Temperature Condition of Multi-Chip Modules

Pogalov A.I., Blinov G.A., Chugunov E.Y.


The general principles of designing three-dimensional multichip modules are presented. The multichip modules are simulated and the effect of the design variables on the strength and temperature condition of the products is studied. The values of thermomechanical stresses, heat resistance, and overheating temperatures of the materials are determined, and the heat removal efficiency in various structural variations of three-dimensional modules is also found. Methods for providing an intensive heat transfer in the structures of the modules and increasing the strength consistency of the products are developed. Recommendations on the design of multichip modules are given.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):460-464
pages 460-464 views

An Integrated High-Capacitance Varicap Based on Porous Silicon

Timoshenkov S.P., Boyko A.N., Gaev D.S., Kalmykov R.M.


The potential for use of porous silicon in designing varicaps with high capacitance ratios satisfying the requirements of microelectronics and microsystems engineering is considered. The technique for the fabrication of capacitor structures via the electrodeposition of copper onto porous silicon is presented. The morphological features of the obtained structures are examined and the specific capacitance of varicaps is determined. The prospects for the application of varicaps based on porous silicon in integrated electronics are outlined.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):465-467
pages 465-467 views

Calculation of the Influence of Shunt Parameters on the dV/dt Effect in Power Photothyristors

Silkin D.S., Paderov V.P.


The influence of the topological parameters of shunts in the cathode regions of a photothyristor on the dV/dt effect is calculated. The analytical condition that makes it possible to determine, in the first approximation, the region of the onset of the structure triggering caused by the dV/dt effect is obtained. When the forward voltage increases on the thyristor structure in the off state, the bias current flowing through the barrier capacitance of the inversely biased p-base-n-base junction causes a spontaneous triggering of the structure. This is the core of the dV/dt effect in thyristors.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):468-471
pages 468-471 views

Analyzing the Influence of Temperature on the Electrophysical Characteristics of a Complementary Pair of Vertical Bipolar Transistors

Hrapov M.O., Gluhov A.V., Gridchin V.A., Kalinin S.V.


The influence of temperature on the most important electrical parameters of a complementary bipolar pair of vertical transistors is numerically investigated in the thermodynamic and drift-diffusion models. The advantage of the thermodynamic model in analyzing high-power transistors due to the fact that this model takes into account the self-heating effect is demonstrated;. The simulation results are compared with the experimental characteristics of the test structures. The comparison shows that, for the current amplification factor β and the Early voltage VA, the computational error is less than 15%; for the critical parameter, the collector–emitter breakdown voltage VCE0, it is less than 2%, which is sufficient to use the thermodynamic model for practical purposes.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):472-478
pages 472-478 views

Using a TCAD System to Develop a Manufacturing Route for Complimentary Bipolar Transistors as Part of OD Devices

Solov’ev A.V., Krupkina T.U., Lagun A.M.


High-speed broadband analog integrated circuits based on a complimentary bipolar technology are widely used in modern equipment. The speed of these circuits is directly related to the boundary frequency of the transistors used. In this paper, we consider some modern approaches to develop complimentary bipolar technologies that ensure a high performance of the integrated circuits and systems on a chip. With the help of TCAD software, the device-technological modeling of the electronic component base is carried out. A technological route is developed for manufacturing the operational amplifier by a high-speed complimentary technology with a self-compliant emitter–base node, based on two layers of polysilicon. To ensure the self-alignment of the base and emitter polysilicon layers when manufacturing npn and pnp transistors, an L-shaped nitride spacer is formed. The lateral insulation of the components is made in the form of narrow vertical slits that are lined with oxide and silicon nitride and filled with polysilicon. The manufacturing route developed allows the npn and pnp transistors on a single crystal to reach the boundary frequency of 8–10 GHz at the collector–emitter breakdown voltages of more than 10 V. The problem of the complementarity of bipolar transistors is largely solved. In the future, this will make it possible to create a new class of domestic broadband and high-speed analog and digital integrated circuits, as well as ensure the technological independence of the Russian Federation.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):479-482
pages 479-482 views

The Influence of the Dopant Concentration in a Silicon Film on the Magnetic Sensitivity of SOI Field-Effect Hall Sensors

Korolev M., Kozlov A., Krasukov A., Devlikanova S.


SOI field-effect Hall sensors (SOI FEHS) are characterized by enhanced functionality but low magnetic sensitivity. The main task of the present study is to search for a way to increase the magnetic sensitivity of such sensors. The results of the study on magnetically sensitive electric characteristics of the SOI FEHSs, obtained using the process and device simulation system Synopsys TCAD, are presented. Three-dimensional device simulation is carried out. The calculated Hall-gate characteristics of the SOI FEHS are obtained, which confirm an earlier proposed sensor physical model according to which, under certain conditions of SOI FEHS operation, a region of increased magnetic sensitivity appears. The influence of the dopant concentration in the sensor channel on magnetic sensitivity is studied. It is shown that the magnetic sensitivity of SOI FEHS triples at a concentration of phosphorus in a working layer of NP = 1016 cm–3. The extended dynamic range of the region of increased magnetic sensitivity (wider than 5 V) permits us to broaden the area of the sensor’s practical application by increasing its noise immunity. The calculated SOI FEHS characteristics agree closely with the earlier published parameters of the experimental devices.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):483-486
pages 483-486 views

TCAD Simulation of Dose Radiation Effects in Sub-100-nm High-κ MOS Transistor Structures

Petrosyants K.O., Popov D.A., Bykov D.V.


The sub-100-nm CMOS process with a high-κ gate dielectric is one of the key technologies for the fabrication of digital, analog, and RF VLSI circuits and on-chip systems. The influence of ionizing radiation on 45-nm MOS transistors with a high-κ dielectric fabricated using the bulk-silicon and SOI technologies is simulated. Effects induced by the substitution of SiO2 with a high-κ dielectric are noted. The processes of selection and tuning of physical models for the simulation of high-κ MOS transistors in the Sentaurus TCAD are outlined. A set of new physical semiempirical models introducing the dependence of radiation-sensitive parameters (carrier lifetime, carrier mobility, charge density in the bulk of SiO2 and HfO2 and at the HfO2/Si interfaces) on the irradiation dose is developed. Nanoscale bulk and SOI MOS transistors with a high-κ dielectric are simulated. It is demonstrated that an increase in the drain current after irradiation in nanoscale SOI structures is induced by the charge accumulation in the side oxide. An acceptable fit between the simulation results and the experimental data is obtained. The simulation results confirm that the leakage current is suppressed (compared to common MOS transistors with SiO2) in sub-100-nm MOS transistors with a high-κ dielectric. However, the other important parameters of sub-100-nm MOS transistors with a high-κ dielectric are more sensitive to ionizing radiation.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):487-493
pages 487-493 views

Thermoelectric Model of the InGaN/GaN Light Emission Diode with Allowance for the Substrate Heterostructure Effect

Sergeev V.A., Hodakov A.M.


Accounting for the production of heat in high-ohmic substrates of heterostructural light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is an important factor, determining their functional properties, limiting operation modes, and reliability. A nonlinear thermoelectric model of the InGaN/GaN LED is presented, taking into account Joule thermal generation in a semiconductor substrate. The potential distribution on structural elements and the dependence on the current of the thermal resistance of a semiconductor structure of the device are obtained. The adequacy of the model is confirmed by comparing the calculated and experimental dependences of the thermal resistance of a high-power LED on the total current. The thermoelectric model of the LED with allowance for Joule heat production allows us to calculate its thermal resistance. The adequacy of the model is confirmed experimentally.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):494-497
pages 494-497 views

Design Automation Technique of Silicon Bandgap Voltage Reference

Ivanov V.G., Losev V.V.


A formalized technique for the automated design of bandgap voltage reference (BVR) is proposed. The distinctive feature of the technique is the automation of the synthesis of the circuit engineering conceptions by the given parameters of the source, which considerably reduces the design time. Based on the developed technique by the 180-nm SOI technology, the circuit of the voltage reference source was designed. The obtained schematic solution has the following desired characteristics: the power supply suppression ratio at the frequencies of 1 kHz in the worst case is –60 dB and at the frequencies of 1 MHz is –44 dB, the maximum consumption current is 25 μA, the temperature coefficient is 24 ppm/°C in the temperature range from –70 to 150°C, and the ratio of changing the output voltage to changing the supply voltage is 354 μV/V in the range of supply voltage from 2.4 to 7 V.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):498-503
pages 498-503 views

A Method for the Development of Indicators of a Transient Period Based on Short-Pulse Shapers in Asynchronous Adders

Starykh A.A., Kovalev A.V.


The interest prevalent in the self-timed (ST) circuitry is related to the use of super-large integrated circuits. Circuits that enable increasing the degree of integration and power efficiency in combination with comparable performance are topical. A circuit of an asynchronous adder with a spacer two-rail code and an indicator of the transient process period based on CMOS transistors is proposed. A method of the circuitry configuration of the transient period indicator based on forming short pulses that correspond to the presence of a transient process is presented. A comparative analysis of the indicator’s performance demonstrates that the proposed method ensures a significant reduction in the number of components and power consumption. The efficiency of the proposed circuits is validated by simulation using the OrCAD PSpice circuit simulation software tool.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):504-509
pages 504-509 views

Calculation of Transients and Parameters of the Circuit of a Voltage Doubler Based on Switched Capacitors

Razuvaev Y.Y.


Voltage doublers on switched capacitors are commonly used impulse voltage converters. The modern approach to designing electronic circuits involves the use of specialized circuit design programs, allowing us to take into account many factors and get a result as close as possible to the reality. A mathematical description of transients in the circuit of a voltage doubler is given. Using the mathematical modeling of transients, the formulas for designing the circuit of a voltage doubler based on switched capacitors are derived. The formulas take into account the requirements for setting the voltage and ripple levels and the relaxation time of the output voltage. The validity of analytical calculations is verified by the results of circuit simulation. The practical recommendations for choosing the scheme parameters are given. The work may be of interest to developers of analog circuits. The obtained formulas make it possible to quickly compute the circuit parameters and obtain the necessary characteristics.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):510-515
pages 510-515 views

Solving the Problems of Routing Interconnects with a Resynthesis for Reconfigurable Systems on a Chip

Gavrilov S.V., Zheleznikov D.A., Khvatov V.M.


The existing means of design automation are focused mainly on the technology of foreign manufacturers, which makes it necessary to adapt the existing methods and means for designing reconfigurable systems-on-a-chip and to develop domestic specialized CAD tools to solve urgent problems in this field. Methods are proposed for solving interconnection routing problems in conjunction with logical resynthesis, applied to the architecture of a reconfigurable system-on-a-chip based on the domestic field-programmable gate array (FPGA) of the Almaz-14 family. Developers from JSC “NIIME” and PJSC “Micron” laid broad configurational solutions, which do not have foreign analogues, into this crystal. A wide range of additional elements for the configuration, as well as the potentialities for the logical resynthesis of the FPGA Almaz-14 chip, have led to the need to develop new methods for routing interconnections that would allow us to take into account and use these architectural features. An efficient algorithm for the automatic routing of interconnections for a reconfigurable system on a chip based on FPGAs belonging to the Almaz-14 family based on algorithm A* is developed. This algorithm represents a modification of the classical algorithm searching for the shortest path on a graph, the Dijkstra algorithm, including a mixed switching graph model. To describe the variety of additional switching elements, a special generalized mathematical model, as well as a special interface in the command language Tcl are developed, the latter includes a list of elements for configuration, as well as their description and functional purpose. This work has increased the efficiency of computer-aided design using programmed mechanisms developed and implemented in the C programming language for the optimal use of the configuration and routing elements of FPGAs, as well as mechanisms for the complete and entire routing of interconnections.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):516-521
pages 516-521 views

Use of the Modification of the Petri Nets Algorithm for the Logic Simulation of Gate-Level Logic Circuits

Bulakh D.A., Kazennov G.G., Lapin A.V.


An event-driven simulation algorithm is the main algorithm for the simulation of digital circuits used in digital simulators. However, the implicit choice of the firing sequence of simultaneously switching signals can lead to differences in the simulation results. A new algorithm for the event-driven logic simulation of digital integrated circuits based on the use of the modified mathematical apparatus of Petri nets is proposed. The Petri nets apparatus makes it possible to simulate parallel constructs using sequential instructions. Therefore, there is no need to separate events with a δ-delay. The described approach makes it possible to eliminate the ambiguity of switching signals that occur at the same time due to not using the δ-delay. The results of the algorithm’s work are presented using the gate-level simulation of a number of combinational and sequential circuits as an example. The obtained timing diagrams, as well as the simulation time, show that the proposed algorithm is not inferior to the existing simulation tools in terms of reliability and performance.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):522-525
pages 522-525 views

Influence of the Parameters of Schottky Barriers of AlGaN/GaN/SiC HEMT Transistors on the Phase Noise of Microwave Generators

Gruzdov V.V., Enisherlova K.L., Kolkovsky Y.V., Davydov N.V., Kapilin S.A.


Microwave HEMT transistors based on gallium nitride (a novel wide-band-gap material) allow us to construct advanced radioelectronic systems. Therefore, the determination of the relation between the parameters of the transistor structure and the characteristics of microwave generators based on HEMT transistors is a relevant problem. The connection between the capacitance parameters of gate–drain Schottky barriers of AlGaN/GaN/SiC transistors and the phase noise power spectral density of microwave generators based on these transistors is analyzed. A set of power 6-finger transistors of the X band with a gate length of 0.25 μm, plated holes connecting the source region to the backside of the crystal, and field plates are studied. The CV characteristics of most crystals are found to have a peak in the region of transition from enhancement to depletion in the measurements performed at frequencies f < 500 kHz. The height of this peak increases with a reduction in the measurement frequency. A rigid correlation between the height of the characteristic capacitance peak in the CV curves and the power spectral density of the phase noise of the microwave generator based on the corresponding transistor crystal from the studied set is revealed. This correlation may be attributed to the presence of trap centers both in the barrier AlGaN layer and the structure interfaces.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):526-531
pages 526-531 views

Influence of External Microwave Fields on the Characteristics of a Square-Pulse RC-Generator

Usanov D.A., Merdanov M.K., Skripal A.V., Zotov R.V., Korotin B.N., Ponomarev D.V.


The influence of continuous microwave fields with the average power level on the characteristics of a square-pulse RC-generator with a multichannel buffer decoupling network and matching circuit is investigated. The RC-generator is made on inverters of the 74HC14 series with a built-in Schmitt trigger. It is shown that increasing the power of the acting electromagnetic radiation reduces the pulse duration and, hence, increases the frequency of the output signal of the RC-generator. Moreover, the sensitivity of the output signal of the RC-generator to the impact of the microwave signal decreases with an increase in either the supply voltage or the microwave signal power. It is stated that the output characteristics of digital radio-electronic systems are the most sensitive to the impact of a microwave signal when using the semiconductor integrated microcircuits as the active elements and when choosing the operation modes of microcircuits by DC voltage, which greatly differs from the rated voltage.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(7):532-537
pages 532-537 views

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