Author Details

Исмагилов, М. Ф.

Issue Section Title File
Vol XXXII, No 1-2 (2000) Articles Diagnostics of brain surgical vascular pathology in neurological hospitals of the city of Kazan PDF
Vol XXVII, No 1-2 (1995) Articles Urovegetologic aspects of neurogenic disfunction of bladder in children PDF
Vol XXXII, No 1-2 (2000) Articles Chronic paradontium disease in children: character of disease course due to peculiarities of their vegetative homeostasis PDF
Vol XXVII, No 1-2 (1995) Articles Results of treatment of vertebrogenic local muscle hypertonia with post-isometric relaxation and fasciotomy PDF
Vol XXVII, No 1-2 (1995) Articles Modern approaches to the definition of functional autonomic disorders PDF
Vol XXVII, No 1-2 (1995) Articles Syndrome of increased neuromuscular excitability with autonomic dysfunction PDF
Vol XXXII, No 1-2 (2000) Articles Intracranial arterial aneurysms PDF
Vol XXXII, No 1-2 (2000) Articles In memory of Professor Dmitry Petrovich Skolozubov PDF
Vol XXVII, No 3-4 (1995) Articles Our experience in organizing care for patients with diseases of the autonomic nervous systemобзорная статья PDF
Vol XXVII, No 3-4 (1995) Articles Kazan in the formation of domestic neurosurgery PDF
Vol XXVII, No 3-4 (1995) Articles Life and career of Professor Alexei Vasilievich Favorsky PDF
Vol XXVIII, No 1-2 (1996) Articles Clinical and electroneurophysiological characteristics of episodic tension headache PDF
Vol XXVIII, No 1-2 (1996) Articles Some aspects of diagnostics and surgical treatment of the invasive pituitary adenomas PDF
Vol XXVIII, No 1-2 (1996) Articles Mulleneisen В. Stressensyndrom /Übersetzung aus Deutsche F.L. Ratner, E. V.Novak. —Kasan: Verlag der Kasaner Universitаt, 1993. —136 S. PDF
Vol XXXII, No 3-4 (2000) Articles Clinical manifestations of vegetative disregulation in video display unit users PDF
Vol XXXII, No 3-4 (2000) Articles Vegetative nervous system disfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and possibility of its correction with dimephosphonum PDF
Vol XXXII, No 3-4 (2000) Articles Dependence of congenital anomalies of development of nervous and other systems on environmental factors PDF
Vol XXVIII, No 3-4 (1996) Articles Vegetative regulation in women in the third trimester of physiological pregnancy according to mathematical analysis of cardial rythm data PDF
Vol XXVIII, No 3-4 (1996) Articles Vestibular dizziness in patients with vegetative crises and rehabilitation measures for these conditions PDF
Vol XXXIII, No 1-2 (2001) Articles The state of emergency care for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident PDF
Vol XXXIII, No 1-2 (2001) Articles Historical milestones in the development of the Kazan neurological school PDF
Vol XXXIII, No 1-2 (2001) Articles To the 120th anniversary of the birth of L.I. Omorokov (1881-2001) PDF
Vol XXX, No 1-2 (1998) Articles The first editor-in-chief of the journal "Neurological Bulletin" prof. V. M. Bekhterev PDF
Vol XXIX, No 3-4 (1997) Articles Rehabilitation system in neurologic motor deficiency with using of curative potential of kinesiotherapy PDF
Vol XXX, No 1-2 (1998) Articles Some peculiarities of personal profile and morphovegetative constituthion in healthy people at different level of na+/li+ countertransport in erythrocyte membranes PDF
Vol XXXIII, No 3-4 (2001) Articles Clinico-epidemiologic aspects of cerebrovascular discases among population of the Mary El Republic PDF
Vol XXXIII, No 3-4 (2001) Articles Intracranial non-traumatic hemorrhage PDF
Vol XXX, No 1-2 (1998) Articles Cerebral palsy, etiology and pathogenesis PDF
Vol XXXI, No 1-4 (1999) Articles Clinical and biological evaluation of cerebrovascular diseases of population in ulianovsk PDF
Vol XXXI, No 1-4 (1999) Articles Thermoregulation indices in healthy individuals with different levels of NA / LI antitransport in erythrocytes PDF
Vol XXXI, No 1-4 (1999) Articles Personality profile peculiarities of patients with vegetative disfunction syndrome (taking into account functional state of cell membranes) PDF
Vol XXXI, No 1-4 (1999) Articles State of vegetative nervous system (vns) in children with biliary pathology PDF
Vol XXXI, No 1-4 (1999) Articles Physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation, their disorders in cerebral autonomic dysregulation PDF
Vol XXXIV, No 1-2 (2002) Brief communications Clinical and expert assessment of hospitalized patients with cerebrovascular pathology (based on materials from the neurological department of Yoshkar-Ola) PDF
Vol XXXV, No 1-2 (2003) Актовая речь Kazan neurological school: past and present PDF
Vol XXXV, No 1-2 (2003) Experience exchange Cerebral circulation disorder is the most important medical and social problem. Organization and development prospects of care for patients with cerebral stroke in the Republic of Tatarstan PDF
Vol XXXV, No 1-2 (2003) Historical Article Kazan journal "Neurological Bulletin" named after V.M. Bekhterev turns 110 PDF
Vol XXXIV, No 3-4 (2002) Original article To the question of multiple sclerosis epidemiology on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan PDF
Vol XXXIV, No 3-4 (2002) Original article Some factors, enfluencing multiple sclerosis (MS) PDF
Vol XXXIV, No 3-4 (2002) Original article HLA complex antigens at infantile cerebral paralysis in Kazan population PDF
Vol XXXV, No 3-4 (2003) Original article Cerebral insult incidence and death rates in the Republic of Tatarstan PDF
Vol XXXV, No 3-4 (2003) Lectures Tension headache treatment PDF
Vol XXXV, No 3-4 (2003) Brief communications Personal characteristics of patients with tension headache PDF
Vol XXV, No 1-2 (1993) Editorial Historical milestones of the journal "Neurological Bulletin" PDF
Vol XXV, No 1-2 (1993) Original article Genetic aspects of neurogenic syncopes PDF
Vol XXVI, No 1-2 (1994) Original article State of the control mechanisms of circular provision of the brain in patients with cerebral tumors and pharmacologic rehabilitation of their disorders PDF
Vol XXVI, No 3-4 (1994) Original article The state of neurorehabilitation service and prospects of its development in the republic of tatarstan PDF
Vol XXVI, No 3-4 (1994) Наблюдения из практики Syndrome of the vertebral artery due to the abnormal structure of the cervical spine PDF
Vol XXVI, No 3-4 (1994) Reviews Blink-Stuart-Morel syndrome PDF

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