Vol XXXII, No 3-4 (2000)


Anxiety as one of the factors determining the rate of multiple sclerosis progressing

Skorometz A.A., Zaslavsky L.G.


Results of psychologic examination of 61 patient with multiple sclerosis diagnosed by Poser criteria are described. In most part of patients an increased level of both egocentric and reactive anxiety in comparison with findings of control group of healthy subjects and group of patients with some other neurologic pathology is with certainty determined. It is found that multiple sclerosis in patients with intense egocentric (congenital) anxiety is taking more malignant course. It is concluded that conducting psychologic testing of multiple sclerosis patients on the early stage for probable assessment of the further course of the disease and working out of more individual tactics of treatment is expedient.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):5-9
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Emotional disturbances in patients with different clinical variations of multiple sclerosis and their correlation with MRT findings

Matveyeva T.V., Mendelevich V.D., Rechanik D.P.


In patients with multiple sclerosis structural and dynamic clinical characteristics with evaluation on the scale of disability EDSS and their correlation with the results of experimental and psychologic investigations, directed to the estimation are studied. Correlation of intellectual and emotional disorders with clinical characteristics and peculiarities of MRT picture are determined. Use of different methods of psychocorrection and psychotherapy in multiple sclerosis patients is suggested.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):10-13
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Biological backlink in multiple sclerosis treatment

Zaslavsky L.G., Zhukovskaya N.V., Skorometz A.A.


The results of treatment of 13 patients with reliably determined multiple sclerosis considering biological backlink are described. A combined method of psychoemotional correction developed by “Biosvyaz” company (EEG-BOS) was used. Control group included 15 multiple sclerosis patients getting just the same basic therapy as in the main group, but without BOS. On completion of the course of 13 sessions there was determined a significant and reliable increase of lowered alpha-activity, the increased beta-activity in the majority of patients of the main group being lowered. In control group these changes were not so significant and unreliable. Along with these findings in patients getting EEG-BOS the average level of reactive anxiety lowered by 30%, and in patients of control group — only by 15%. It is suggested to use this method for correction of psychoemotional disturbances in multiple sclerosis patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):13-16
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Correlation between quality of life indicators, peculiarities of diet and clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis

Tatarinova M.Y., Smirnova N.F., Boyko A.N.


Multiple sclerosis is one of the most important problems of neurology. Onset age of disease is young, and young people, which are able to work often become invalids. That is why multiple sclerosis is medical and social problem. Questions of epidemiology and quality of life of our patients with multiple sclerosis are modern questions of multiple sclerosis problem. Our scientific work is devoted to relation between indicators of quality of life and dietary factors, clinical peculiarities of disease. We received interesting results. We found, that among males most important for quality of life are physical functions and common condition of health. And emotial problems, reduction of social functions, reduction of vitality are most important for quality of life among females.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):17-22
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Clinical manifestations of vegetative disregulation in video display unit users

Fatkhutdinova L.M., Ismagilov M.F., Amirov N.K., Gafarova L.R.


Prevalence of vegetative disfunction was studied in group of users of video display unit (VDU) (144 subjects) and in control group (71 subject). The main and control groups were similar in sex and age of subjects. Among video display unit users risk of vegetative disorders was 2,20 (range of the error — 1,12 — 4,30). Hyperthermic and asthenic syndromes, migraine pain and vegetative crises were the most frequent manifestations of vegetative disorders. It was found that the risk of development of vegetative disorders in the group of video display unit users depended on sex, presence of dorsopathy and allergic states, individual character and natural vegetative tonus.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):22-27
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Vegetative nervous system disfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and possibility of its correction with dimephosphonum

Yakupova S.P., Ismagilov M.F., Salikhov J.G.


There are presented the results of combined examination of the state of vegetative nervous system in 94 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. By studying the variablity of cardiac rhythm in the sphere of vegetative regulation in patients dominance of sympathic tonicity mainly with asympathicotonic reactivity and deficient vegetative support of activity is determined. In majority of patients (90,4%) symptom complexes of vegetative dysfunction are found. Inclusion of dimephosphonum in combined therapy of rheumatoid arthritis led to normalization of indices of vegetative regulation and to significant diminishing of clinical manifestations of vegetative dysfunction.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):28-31
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Possibilities of phototherapy use for correction of psychоvegetative disturbance in schoolchildren

Talitskaya O.E., Vein A.M., Shvarkov S.B., Neudakhin E.V.


Efficiency of phototherapy (10 sessions each lasting 30 minutes in the morning hours, light intensity — 3300 lux) in 40 children with psychovegetative disorders, clinically represented by cephalalgic syndrome of different types is evaluated. Clinical symptoms, mood, vegetative status, level of thyroid hormones, hydrocortisone, prolactin in the blood, and excretion of catecholamines with diurnal urea are analyzed. After the course of phototherapy in 92,5% of children positive changes in psychovegetative and neuroendocrine spheres were found. The most pronounced positive effect of phototherapy is found in the group of children with chronic exercise-induced headache. Optimizing modulating influence of phototherapy on the content of stress-realizing hormones in child’s body, on vegetative homeostasis, increasing adaptability of body are determined. Use of phototherapy for correction of psychovegetative disorders in children is reasoned.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):31-36
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Psychogenic disorders in children with perinatal injury of CNS: ethiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, correction

Belousova M.V.


Peculiarities of occurence of psychogenic disorders in children are explored, and efficiency of psychotherapy is estimated. In clinical picture of psychogenic disorders anxiety-depressive (59,0%), cerebroasthenic (61,5%) and phobic (8,6%) syndromes prevailed. In 34% of children increased level of anxiety was noted. In 87% of children low physiologic stress resistance was found. Use of psychotherapy in correction of psychogenic disorders was found to be effective. The performed analysis of psycho- traumatic effects makes it possible to recommend use of psychotherapeutic procedures adapted for the given age in combined therapy of psychogenic disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):36-39
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Influence of age-related and vascular factors on the state of external and internal liquoroconductive spaces of brain

Kovalyova M.V., Martinov M.Y., Gorina T.P.


A comparative analysis of results of examination of patients with chronic brain vascular insufficiency and findings on reference group was carried out. The significance of age-related and vascular risk factors in development of changes in external and internal liquoroconductive spaces is stated. It is noted that insignificant and moderate dilatation of subarachnoid spaces and ventricular systems mainly indicate natural involutional processes. Heterogeneity of anterior and posterior regions involvement of subarachnoid spaces in brain aging are revealed. Influence of “silent” ischemic insults on the state of ventricular system is mentioned.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):40-43
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Dependence of congenital anomalies of development of nervous and other systems on environmental factors

Ismagilov M.F., Ivanov A.V., Pospelov S.G., Karpukhin E.V.


119 852 case histories of children born within the period of 1970 — 1996 in different regions of the Republic of Tatarstan were analyzed. Congenital developmental anomalies (for 100 000 children) in gastrointestinal tract are found in 55,4, urogenital system — 24,2, cardiovascular system — 8,7, central nervous system — 7,6, respiratory system — 4,1 children. Direct dependency of congenital developmental anomalies on the combination of all the unfavourable environmental factors is determined.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):43-46
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Role of clinico-electrophysiological findings in therapy of late residual stage of insult and distant period of brain injury by method of dynamic propriocorrection

Vein A.M., Shvarkov S.B., Khaspekova N.B., Venderova M.I., Davidov O.S., Popov G.G.


120 patients with motor disorders (pareses and paralyses) caused by acute disturbance of brain circulation were examined. Clinical examination, computered analysis of motor potential, spectrum of cardiac rhythm variability before and after treatment, psychologic testing were carried out. After 15 sessions of therapeutic loading suit usage in 71,9% of patients a stable clinical effect (P<0,05) was achieved. Patients began to walk without assistance, they were able to serve themselves, their speech improved. It is stated that the results of patients’ rehabilitation using the chosen method are influenced not only by initial clinical features of pyramidal defect, but also by laterality of injury and safety of the most homeostatically significant baroreflex vasomotor mechanisms and cerebral mechanisms of motion preparation in combination with minimal evidence of emotional and affective disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):46-51
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Extrapyramidal disorders due to the intake of antipsychotics

Zalyalova Z.A., Bogdanov E.I.


Among the side effects of taking antipsychotics, the leading place is occupied by extrapyramidal syndromes (ES) - akathisia, acute and tardive dyskinesia, parkinsonism, syndrome of the "leaning tower of Pisa", "rabbit", acute neuroleptic syndrome. The concept of a neuroleptic threshold assumes the simultaneous development of an antipsychotic effect and the emergence of an extrapyramidal syndrome. It has been proven that most antipsychotics have a limited therapeutic dose corridor, and ES caused by antipsychotics, which reduces the quality of life, occurs in 50-60% of cases and is the main reason for stopping treatment with these drugs [19].

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):52-59
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Diabetic neuropathies

Bogdanov E.I., Talantov V.V., Mukhamedzyanov R.Z.


Diabetic neuropathies (DN) are among the most frequent and serious complications of diabetes [5–7, 9]. The detection rate of DN in diabetic patients varies greatly depending on their type, selected clinical and instrumental diagnostic criteria and, according to various researchers, ranges from 10 to 90% [16, 33]. At the same time, 1/3 of the polyneuropathies recognized in the neurological clinic are diabetic. In about 10% of cases, neuropathic symptoms are key in the diagnosis of diabetes [25]. DN has not only severe subjective manifestations and pronounced impairments that are objectively detected in them, but also leads to the development of diabetic foot syndrome - the cause of 50 - 70% of cases of all non-traumatic amputations of the legs [3]. In addition, in patients with diabetic visceral autonomic neuropathy, the syndrome of "sudden death" is much more common, and the frequency of painless myocardial infarctions and ischemic strokes is high. Clinical variants of DN are often the main causes of reduced quality of life, disability and disability in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is extremely important to diagnose the early stage of DN, when it is easier to achieve a therapeutic effect through the earliest and most stable provision of optimal control of an adequate level of glycemia and the appointment of means of pathogenetic therapy. Isolation of forms of DN, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention is an urgent clinical task.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):59-67
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About the combination of schizophrenia with Huntington's disease

Petlina I.G., Zalyalova Z.A.


We have not found data on the combination of schizophrenia with Huntington's disease in the literature available to us. Well-known authors (Sternberg, Telle, Tiganov, Snezhnevsky, Zhislin, Schrug, Quinn) give a clinical description of psychopathological symptoms in Huntington's disease, the main of which is the deafening process.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):68-70
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Features of clinical symptom formation in autonomic dysfunction in childhood

Shvarkov S.B., Moiseev G.F., Machulina A.I., Chernikova O.V., Cheremisina S.F., Alisova G.M.


Vegetative pathology was detected in 72.5% of children in Moscow. According to WHO criteria, these children are at risk of developing psychosomatic diseases in the adult period.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):71-72
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Muscular-fascial hypertonia and the state of psycho-vegetative status in female workers of the garment industry

Sakhovskaya E.A.


The study involved 60 female workers in the garment industry with the same intensive working conditions and different work experience in production. The severity of the clinical manifestation of local muscle-fascial hypertonia (MFH), the peculiarities of their psychological and vegetative status were studied. In 36 (60.0%) female workers, pronounced clinical manifestations of MPH were revealed; 24 seamstresses were healthy. In 23 patients with MFG, clinically relevant vertebral syndrome at the cervical or thoracic level was determined.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):72-72
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Migraine-related seizures in an epileptic population (Cephalalgia. — 1999. — Nov. 19(9). - P.797 - 801: англ.)

Velioglu S.K., Ozmenoglu M.


The existence of a probable relationship between such independent diseases as epilepsy and migraine is supported by the results of a number of independent studies, but the possible mechanisms of this relationship have not yet been fully determined.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):73-73
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Abnormal visual evoked potentials in children with “Alice in wonderland” syndrome due to infectious mononucleosis (J. Child. Neurol. — 1999. — Nov 14 (11). - P. 732 - 735: англ.)

Lahat E., Berkovitch M., Barr J., Paret G., Barzilai A.


Syndrome "Alice in Wonderland" occurs in children with infectious mononucleosis, as well as in migraine with aura, epilepsy, with the use of central hallucinatory drugs. It is represented by visual illusions describing the deformation of shapes, sizes, changes in the relative position of objects, their movement and color. The genesis of the syndrome is explained by discirculatory phenomena in the basin of the posterior cerebral artery.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):73-74
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Adverse cerebral outcomes after coronary bypass surgery (N. Engl. J. Med. — 1996.-Vol. 335. - P. 1857 - 1863: англ.)

Roach G., Kanchuger M., Mangano C.


More than 800 thousand myocardial revascularization operations are performed annually in the world. Among the most common complications of such operations are neurological disorders, including encephalopathy and stroke. Data on the incidence of these complications are given in the materials of many observational studies, although the exact magnitude of the risk is still unknown.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):74-74
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Headache in Meniere’s disease (Auris Nasus Larynx. — 1999. — Oct.26 (4). — P.427 — 433: англ.)

Eklund S.


Meniere's disease is a disease of unknown etiology, the main pathogenetic factors of which are an increase in the amount of labyrinth fluid (endolymph) and an increase in intra-labyrinth pressure, and the leading clinical manifestations are sudden attacks of severe dizziness with loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing loss.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):75-75
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Ischaemic stroke, snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (J. Sleep. Res. — 1995. — Jun. 4. — P. 156 — 159: англ.)

Partinen M.


Ischemic stroke usually occurs in the morning before noon; according to the latest data, - most often between 10 and 12 hours. Individuals who snore every night or nearly every night (habitual snoring) have been found to be more at risk of ischemic stroke than those who snore intermittently. Habitual snoring is a common manifestation of obstructive sleep apnea, often associated with being overweight.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):75-76
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A tetracycline derivative, minocycline, reduces inflammation and protects against focal cerebral ischemia (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. — 1999. — Nov. 9. — Vol. 96. — P. 13496 — 13500: англ.)

Yrjanheikki J., Tikka T., Keinanen R., Goldsteins G., Chan P.H., Koistinaho J.


One of the reasons for the insufficient effectiveness of treatment of acute ischemic stroke may be secondary inflammation of the brain tissue, which, according to the results of modern studies, significantly worsens the consequences and outcome of the disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):76-76
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6 clinical conditions can be modified to reduce risk for a first stroke (J.A.M.A. - 1999. - Vol. 281. - P.1112 - 1120: англ.)

Gorelick P.B., Sacco R.L., Smith D.B.


The aim of the work was to assess the validity of clinical recommendations for the prevention of the first stroke. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyzes were conducted in which the effectiveness of exposure to 6 risk factors for the development of first stroke was assessed: arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease (including correction of lipid levels in the blood), atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, asymptomatic stenosis of carotid arteries, lifestyle.

Neurology Bulletin. 2000;XXXII(3-4):77-77
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