Vol XXVI, No 1-2 (1994)

Original article

Disorders of high psychic functions in patients in the early recovery period of the ischemic insult

Gusev E.I., Burd G.S., Gekht A.B., Bogolepova A.N.


The state, of high psychic functions depending on the ischemic focus localization and disease gravity in the early recovery period of the ischemic insult is studied in 51 patients with left and right hemisphere insult. The neuropsychologic examination is performed using A. P. Luriya’s method with tests for assessment of all kinds of praxis, gnosis, memory, speech, intellectual processes. The additional assessment of the functional state of various cerebral zones is given. The disorders of praxis (dynamic, postural, spatial), of visual-constructive activity, aural and speech memory, count, visual and acoustic gnosis prevail in the early recovery period. This suggests the disfunction of posterofrontal, temporal and parietal structures vascularized principally by the region of the middle cerebral artery.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):6-8
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Ability to adaptation — an integrative criterion in neuropsychorehabilitation system

Shmidt I.R., Kogan O.G.


The use of «ability to adaptation» index in neurology clinic proved to be adequate in the decision of basic tasks occuring in the process of treatment, rehabiltiation and prophylaxis of neurologic diseases. The characteristic of individual peculiarities of the disease, epidemiologic characteristic of the selection, treatment efficacy estimation, rehabilitation level, prognosis tasks, medicoworking examination, distribution by dispensary account groups and prophylactic measures efficacy estimation are among these tasks.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):8-10
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Psychorehabilitation aspects in vascular diseases of the brain

Skoromets A.A., Burakova Z.F., Skoromets T.A.


The psychorehabilitation measures are performed in patients with vascular pathology of the brain. The possibility to form the active aim at psychohygienic neurovascular self-regulation, to use the autorelaxation habits in psychotraumatizing situations in patients is shown, resulting in an increase of the efficacy of rehabilitation measures and prolongation of the ability to work of the contingent.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):10-13
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Conception of the adaptive functional dominant of central nervous system in the prediction of neurorehabilitation results

Starchenko A.A., Khlunovsky A.N.


The conception of the adaptive functional dominant of central nervous system for the description of general regularities of the patho- and sanogenesis course in neurosurgicai patients is proposed. It is shown that the disease result and primary trend of rehabilitation depend on the developing adaptive dominant.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):13-14
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Possibilities of the functional rehabilitation of dysgemic disorders of adaptation in patients with initial stages of cerebrovascular diseases

Shutov A.A., Shestakov V.V.


The cerebral blood flow, adaptive functions of supsegmental vegetative formations, neuropsychologic status, encephalography are studied in 121 patients with initial stages of cerebrovascular diseases. The relationshipbetween indices and the degree of the progress of vascular pathology is revealed. The rehabilitation complex is proposed which is promising for the treatment and recovery of cerebral blood flow in patients with initial stages of cerebrovascular diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):14-16
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Nonmedicamental psychoemotional correction in the rehabilitation of patients after cerebral insult

Chernikova L.A., Kadykov A.S., Toropova N.G., Kashina E.M., Razinkina T.P.


The comparative analysis of results of the treatment of two groups of patient after insult and with psychoemotional stress syndrome is performed. The traditional combined recovery therapy is performed in patients of the first group, the rehabilitation course — in the second groupwhere nonmedicamental methods of psychoemotional correction are used. It is shown that the introduction of the psychoemotional correction methods in the combined treatment provides a reduction of psychoemotional stress, significantly increases the treatment efficacy at the expense of optimization of the psychis aim of patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):17-18
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Endovascular lasertherapy in combined rehabilitation of patients with cerebral insult

Livshits L.Y., Ageeva T.S., Rassomakhin A.A.


The treatment of 36 patients with ischemic insult is performed using endovescular laser irradiation of blood. This therapy has an essential effect on the clinical state of patients, is beneficial for the recovery of motor functions, suppresses the processes of peroxide oxidation of lipids, removes an excess of cholesterol from erythrocyte membranes, providing the basis of positive changes of microhemocirculation and correspondingly blood supply of cerebral tissue. The method is suggested for treatment of patients with cerebrovascular pathology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):18-19
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Clinico-stabilographic investigation of eduilibrium disorders in patients of elderly age with chronic vascular cerebral deficiency

Yakhno N.N., Zhuchenko T.D., Podorolsky V.A., Damulin I.V.


As many as 50 patients aged over 60 years suffering from chronic vascular cerebral deficiency with equilibrium disorders are examined. The neurological- ly sharply defined symptomocomplexes explaining the equilibrium disorders and having stabilographic correlators are revealed in 2/3 of the cases. The subclinical patterns of postural instability in patients with various diseases are found in 1/3 of the cases. The stabilographic tests are performed as well as with the use of biologically reverse communication, resulting in rehabilitation measure in definite forms of the equilibrium disorder.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):20-22
pages 20-22 views

State of the control mechanisms of circular provision of the brain in patients with cerebral tumors and pharmacologic rehabilitation of their disorders

Danilov V.I., Shulman K.M., Studentsova I.A., Ismagilov M.F.


Dimerhosphone (15% solution in a dose of one table spoon 3 times per day) normalizes the control mechanisms of circular provision of the brain in patients with cerebral tumors.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):22-24
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Pharmacologic correction of psychic processes by «semax» medicine during rehabilitation period of neurosurgical patients

Prilukova T.I., Khlunovsky A.N., Gaidar B.V., Starcenko A.A.


The psychic functions are not fully recovered in neurosurgical patients in the rehabilitation process in postoperational and posttraumatic periods. The disorders of mnestic processes are more pronounced: shortterm (affect, aural, visual) memory, memorizing volume of verbal material, psychic rate. It is shown that the «Se- max» medicine is able to improve the processes of teaching, aural perception, to increase the volume of verbal and affect material, the volume of long-term and some kinds of short-term memory even with short-term treatment (5 days).

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):25-26
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New possibilities of rehabilitation of the disordered motor and speech functions in patients with paralyses of the cerebral origin

Barer A.S., Semeneva K.A., Dotsenko V.I., Sinigin V.M., Sologtlbov E.G., Tikhomirov E.P., Sheinkman O.G.


The theoretical justification of the new rehabilitation method of the disordered motor and speech functions of patients with paralyses of the cerebral origin is given. The method provided is based on the formation (recovery) of new functional connections at the expense of the afferentation from periphery and improvement of tissue trophicity being under load.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):26-31
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Individual program of physical rehabilitation of patients with infantile cerebral paralysis late in residual period of the disease

Isanova V.A.


In conditions of the specialized rehabilitation center the combined treatment including the Peto’s conductive pedagogy method provides the satisfactory result in diplegic and spasticorigid forms and comparatively weak effect of the treatment in hyperkinetic form.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):32-33
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Methodic problems of psychopharmacotherapy and labour rehabilitation of psychic patients

Karpov A.M.


The results of a study of psychopharmacotherapy of psychic patients in the process of their labour rehabilitation are presented. The aims of production and medical staff (at respectively, fulfilment of a plan, routine and supervision) are the social hendicaps to potential ability to work even with the most adequate pharmacotherapy. The choice of the complex of psychotropic agents and labour activity type is to be performed in accordance with clinical and social characteristics of patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):33-35
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Correction of motor disorders in some psychic diseases in the early age

Goryunova A.V.


In children with schizophrenia the motor disorders are studied and their connection with psychic disfunctions in infancy is defined. As many as 112 children °I the early age are examined: one-sided burdening - is revealed in 80 of these, doublesided burdening — in 32 of these. The peculiarities of postural motor development and Various motor disfunctions are noted, which can be correlated with psychic endogenic disease in infancy or schizo- typical diathesis as a manifestation of sctizophrenic development and can be diagnosed in the first year of life. The early correction of motor development disorders directed to the normalization and stimulation of motility with an accent on the training of normal poses and motions, provides the maturation of not only motor but also psychic functions, stimulates the development of high integrative centers having an inhibiting effect on the truncal mechanisms activity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):35-38
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Medico-psychologic service and socio- medical rehabilitation of convicted persons under age with psychic pathology

Vostroknutov N.V., Guryeva V.A., Posokhova V.I.


It is established that the index of occu- rance of psychic disfunctions among convicted persons under age comprises 53,7%, under these conditions the stable structure of the following psychic disfunctions is stated: residual phenomena of the organic disorder of the brain of various genesis (29,6%), psychopathies (13,7%), oligophrenia (8,8%), schixophrenia (0,9%). The program of socio-médical rehabilitation of convicted persons under age with psychic disfunctions is presented.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):38-39
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Neuropsychorehabilitation in the information disease

Chkhikvishvili T.S., Somundzhyan A.A., lonatamishvili N.I.


The clinical observations confirming the possibility of the origin and course of the information disease in persons involved in intensive mental work are presented. In psychohygienic sénse the necessity to reveal the etiologic factors of the disease is well-founded. The complex of exercise therapy and sport game elements is indicated in the treatment and rehabilitation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):40-41
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Anticipation training in psychologic rehabilitation of oncologic patients

Mendelevich V.D.


Based on the clinicopsychopathologic examination of patients after radical operations on uterus, ovaries and lactiferous as to oncologic diseases, the results of the use of a new method of psychologic rehabilitation are given. The comparative investigations of the efficacy of anticipation training (a group of 23 patients) and traditional suggestive psychotherapy (a group of 25 patients) manifest the reliably best results using anticipation training. As this takes place, the adaptive model of the psychic status is formed more often, whereas after hypnosis and heterotraining — deadaptive models, namely, psycho- genetic, somatopsychic and psychoendocrinic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):41-44
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Deautomatization of motions as a principle of rehabilitation in the acute period of osteochondrosis

Popelyansky Y.Y.


Based on the analysis of the clinical es- sense of osteochondrosis and concrete - illustration, an important principle of rehabilitation in the acute period of osteochondrosis — deautomatization of motility, permanent control-, formation of protective dynamic stereotypes by the physician — is postulated.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):44-46
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Rehabilitation treatment of patients after ischemic spinal insult of lumbosarcral Localization

German D.G., Pascal O.K.


The results of rehabilitation treatment of patients after ischemic spinal insult of lumbosacral localization using sermion and terrilitine electrophoresis with subsequent ultrasound effect on the region of affected segments of the spinal cord are presented. The positive effect of sermion electrophoresis with subsequent ultrasound effect is revealed in the basic groupin 80% of the patients and in the treatment with terrilitine — in 75%. The results given allow to recommend the methods proposed for the wide introduction in practice.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):46-47
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Early treatment of newborns with birth injury of the cervical part of vertebral column and spinal cord

Livshits L.Y., Sholomov I.I.


The various forms of the clinical manifestation of the disease, the peculiarities of the course of combined injury of spinal cord and brain are revealed in 302 newborns with vertebrospinal injury on the cervical level being observable. The early medical rehabilitation of patients begins from the birth and involves the performance of nondifferentiated and differentiated therapy allowing to reduce lethality and improVe the results of the treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):48-49
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Clinico-physiologic characteristic of patients with birth paralyses of the upper extremities

Kurénkov A.L., Dotsenko V.I., Sholomov I.I., Vagner I.


Based on the results of clinical, electromyographic and electroneurographic examinations of 42 children with birth paralyses of the upper extremities, the conclusion regarding the injury in birth of essentially peripheric nerves with relative intactness of the spinal cord is made. The clinicoelectromyographic picture corresponds the spinal level of the injury only in 4,8% of the cases, and the combined nature of the injury may be assumed in 7,1% of the patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):49-51
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Rehabilitation of patients with traumatic and compressive neuropathies

Bobzin V.S., Saikova L.A., Kosachev V.D., Pustozerov V.G., Vasilyeva T.N.


The experience of recovery and rehabilitation of patients with hereditary neuromuscular diseases (more than 1000 observations) is generalized. Their own methods of pathogenetic and correcting therapy as well as patented methods are described. Their therapeutic efficacy is estimated on evidence of clinical observations, biochemical and electrophysiologic examinations. The possibility to obtain the stable and relatively prolonged remissions and to bring the disease under control is shown.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):51-54
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Rehabilitation of patients with traumatic and compressive neuropathies

Zhulev N.M., Zhulev S.N.


The famous and unique methods of conservative therapy of various forms of neuropathies are presented, and their results are estimated. The utility of the combined pathogenetically justified treatment is shown. The positive results — the complete recovery of functions of the nerve and extrimity — are obtained in 82,3% of the patients. The method may be used not only in a hospital but in conditions of the special-purpose neurologic hospital department as well.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):54-56
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New approaches to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with bekhterev’s disease

Nikonova L.V., Davletshin A.K., Kapkov V.M., Shchukina N.I.


The peculiarities of microcirculation and peripher hemodynamics in patients with Bekhterev’s disease depending on the form and clinical picture are analysed. The complexes of rehabilitation measures using laser radiation, alternating magnetic field, decimetric wave band therapy are developed. The statistically reliable efficacy of the treatment methods proposed is established. A good medical effect is possible only in regular prescription of the combined treatment using laser radiation, alternating magnetic field and extremely high frequencies, decimetric wave band therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):56-58
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Clinico-electromyographic estimation of hypertonic muscles in extension Contracture of the knee joint

Khabirov F.A., Galyamov D.L., Popelyansky Y.Y.


The clinical and electromyographic examination of musculi quadriceps femoris is performed in 13 patients with extension contractures of the knee joints. The correlation between the pronounced hypotrophy, hypertension and denervational process stage in the muscle is revealed. The pathophysiological mechanisms of the formation of hypertension of the muscles in passive contracture are considered.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):58-60
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Electrophysiologic study of denervational and reinnervational changes of synaptic functions in the skeletal muscle

Zefirov A.L., Kurtasanov R.S., Zemskova S.N.


The mechanisms of change of the neuromuscular synapse function, in the process of denervation and reinnervation are investigated in éxperiments on skin and sternal muscles of frogs using electrophysiologic and morphologic methods. It is shown that denervational and reinnervational changes are concerned just as with pre- and so with postsynaptic membranes. Postsynaptic changes are connected with change of cholinoreceptors density and substitution of normal ones for cholinoreceptors typical of the denervational muscle, and presynaptic changes are defined by ion channels degradation in denervation followed by fitting them into thenerve ending membrane in reinnervation. The density of ion channels responsible for the formation and performance of action potential, the entry of calcium ions and mediator secretion is identical in the course of the regenerating nerve ending distinguishing it from the normal one. Calcium-activated potassium channels fit in the end reinnervation stages.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):60-64
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"Psychic" proprioceptive diagnostics

Popelyansky A.Y.


The so-called physical examination involves an attempt to assess the patient's condition using fairly accurate readings of the doctor's analyzers and sensors of various devices. The truth of these indications is so high that they are considered to be the results of an objective study. It is well known that diagnostics, primarily topical, is especially accurate in neurology due to the objectivity of information about the classical pathways and centers of the brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):68-69
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Pain syndromes and paresthesias of the oral cavity

Grechko V.E.


Among those who seek help from dentists, a special group is made up of patients who complain of pain and discomfort in the tongue, less often in the area of the palate, the inner surfaces of the cheeks, or in other parts of the oral cavity. This disease was first designated as glossodynia, and then as glossalgia [2]. Later, in clinical practice, they begin to use the term "stomalgia", since it turned out that pain and paresthesia are localized not only in the tongue, but also in other parts of the oral cavity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):71-74
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Key problems of modern forensic psychiatry

Shostakovich B.V.


Forensic psychiatry can be defined as a branch of medical science - psychiatry, whose task is to establish the mental state of a person in relation to certain legal norms and situations. Such a definition implies several main areas of activity of forensic psychiatrists and scientific research in this area. The inseparable connection between forensic psychiatry and general psychiatry, the impossibility of fruitful work of expert psychiatrists in isolation from the psychiatric clinic, without the use of an appropriate conceptual apparatus, without taking into account the development trends of diagnostics, therapy and organization, remains fundamental. Obviously, the specific tasks of forensic psychiatry at the present stage are directly related to the tasks of general psychiatry and a number of changing legal provisions, and complex integrative relations between psychiatry and law are necessary here.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):74-76
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Brief communications

The value of functional diagnostics for the rehabilitation of persons with emerging cerebrovascular insufficiency with mental disorders

Gavenko V.L., Sinaiko V.M.


We conducted a prospective epidemiological study of an organized population of students (2500 people) in order to study the dynamics of psychological and mental changes in practically healthy individuals who are under constant exposure to adverse socio-psychological factors. To assess the influence of age and environmental factors on the formation of mental health, an organized group of high school students (300 people) was also examined.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):64-65
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Experience in the use of computed tomography in the diagnosis of brain diseases

Mikhailov M.K., Akberov R.F., Appakova A.Z., Ziyatdinov K.S.


From 1989 to 1992, X-ray computed tomography (CT) of the skull and brain was performed in 183 patients on the basis of the Medical Unit "Radiopribor" in Kazan. There were 71 children (30 boys, 41 girls), adult patients aged 20 to 69 years - 112 (45 men, 67 women).

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):65-66
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Paroxysmal course of Nishimoto-Takeuchi-Kudo disease (my-my disease)

Danilov V.I., Zakirova N.G., Tavluy K.P.


My-my disease was described in 1966 as a clinical and radiological syndrome by Japanese authors. Life-time diagnosis of this disease is possible only with the help of angiographic examination, which reveals its main symptom - stenosis of the supra-sphenoid section of the internal carotid artery, often on both sides. As a rule, stenotic changes also extend to the first segments of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The distal branches of these arteries are not affected and allow collateral blood flow.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):66-68
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State of the autonomic nervous system in patients with multiple sclerosis

Matveeva T.V., Payuk L.I.


In recent years, to explain the mechanisms of development of multiple sclerosis (MS), special attention has been paid to the study of defense systems and much less to other systems of homeostasis, in particular, the state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). At the same time, it is she who plays the leading role in providing adaptation mechanisms. Available information about the role of the ANS in the mechanisms of development of MS is either scarce or contradictory.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):68-68
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Features of the clinic and diagnosis of pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

Vasilevskaya O.V.


Facial pain is a common complaint of patients who visit doctors of various specialties: dentists, neurologists, otorhinolaryngologists. One of the causes of this pathology is prosoialgia, caused by musculo-fascicular pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, which, according to a number of authors, is about 110% of all facial pains.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):69-70
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Morphofunctional features of the soleus muscle

Kadyrova L.A., Tereshchenko A.A., Marchenko V.G.


In the clinical manifestations of ischiocrural syndromes, a significant role belongs to the triceps muscle of the lower leg, especially the soleus. What morphological and functional features of the soleus muscle can be displayed in the clinic of ischiocrural syndromes? In order to identify these features, we undertook a macromicroscopic study of 57 anatomical preparations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1994;XXVI(1-2):70-71
pages 70-71 views

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