Vol XXVII, No 1-2 (1995)


Functional state of motor units of skeletal muscles in chronic diseases of motoneurons and their axones

Kasatkina L.F.


Electromyographic examination of the potentials of motor units in 498 patients with different forms of peripheral motor neuron pathology allowed to distinguish electromyographic criteria of estimation of the denervationreinnervation processes. Determination of phases of full, partial compensation and of decompensation phase may be used for examination of pathogenesis of neuromuscular diseases, their diagnosis and assessment of their progress.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Urovegetologic aspects of neurogenic disfunction of bladder in children

Ismagilov M.F., Bilyalov M.G., Akhunzyanov А.A., Sirazetdinova Е.В.


The problem of neurogenic disfunction of a bladder, especially of one of the most frequent forms — incon tinence of bladder — is discussed. Possibilites of urove getologic method in studying pathogenesis and discov ering of previously unknown mechanisms of the pathology development. It was found that disturbance of bladder functioning increases significantly on the background of vegetative nervous system disfunction with insufficiency of its simpathetic section. The results of this work allow an understanding of the pathogenesis of neurogenic disfunction of bladder in children and will contribute to the search of adequate methods of diagnosis and therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):11-15
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Experience of cerebrolizate use for treatment of neurologic patients

Borisova N.A., Nigmatullin R.K., Badretdinov R.M., Gromov Y.N., Scheglov A.N.


The data on dynamic examination of cerebrolizate effect in 106 patients with craniocerebral trauma impacts, syringomielia and vascular brain diseases are given. It is apparent that the use of cerebrolizate improves and quickens the treatment of neurologic patients. Therapeutic efficiency of the drug was expressed in improvement of general state of the patient, diminution of evidence of neurologic deficiency, corrective influence on physico chemical characteristics of blood, metabolic processes, bioelectrical activity of the brain and hemodynamic in dices.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):16-19
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Some questions of pathogenesis and cure of ticous hyperkinesia in children

Davletshinр U.В., Magzhanov R.V.


Data on clinical and hormonal examination of child ren with ticous hyperkinesia are presented. The obtained results allow to judge activation of dofaminergic neurotransmission and thyroid function in children with tics and to recommend dofamin antagonists—eglonil (sulpirid), cerucal (metoclonramid) for curing ticous hyperkinesia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):19-21
pages 19-21 views

The place of magnetic resonance tomography in diagnosis of discogenic cervical myelopathy

Makarov A.Y., Kholin А.V., Gurevich D.V.


The data on complex examination using MRT techniques (T1 and T2 weighted sagittal and cross section tomograms in the tomograph with 0,04 T field strength) for examination of 45 patients suspected in cervical ische mic myelopathy are given. In 27 patients with clinically confirmed diagnosis of myelopathy the compression of spinal marrow was found. MRT is the most informative techique allowing the objective detection of the causes of compressive ischemic myelopathy with cervical loca tion. It is advantageous to use expressed T2 weighted sa gittal tomograms better detecting osteochondrosis and posterior herniae. T1 weighted tomograms are important when determining the direction of disc protruding and the extent of spinal marrow compression.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):21-24
pages 21-24 views

New approaches to rendering aid in subclinical disorders of mental health in industrial workers

Polozhiy B.S., Belyaeva G.G.


The data on the clinical examination of 165 patients, who had applied to the centre of medico psychological help specially built for that purpose are given. The re suits of the examination showed that the rate of subclini cal psychic disorders was 55 from the 100 assessed pati ents. Approaches to rendering help in subclinical disorders of mental health with the use of combined positive analy sis and concrete technique like Ericson's technique of "scattering the symptoms", formation of reality "here' and 'now", elements of neurolinguistical programming are described. The evidence and concrete stages of medico psychological aid are discussed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):24-27
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Neurorehabilitation on the genome level: theoretical principles and experimental prerequisites

Cherepnev G.V., Zulkarneeva Z.R.


The mechanisms of control of genetic homeostasis of neurons and their role in the etiopathogenesis of some neurodegenerative and mental diseases and aging are briefly considered. For the purpose of possible prevention and (or) compensation of these disorders, it is proposed to pharmacologically modulate the activity of systems that ensure the stability of the cell genome.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):27-30
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Results of treatment of vertebrogenic local muscle hypertonia with post-isometric relaxation and fasciotomy

Ismagilov М.F., Khabirov F.A., Priymak V.I., Abashev R.Z.


Data on the clinical analysis, supplemented with ca tamnestic research of vertebrogenic patients with func tional (algical) and organic (trigger) zones of neuromi ofibrosis are given. It is demonstrated, that treatment of patients with muscular syndromes must be individual: in muscular tonic (algical) syndromes method of postisomet ric relaxation, and in miodistrophic (trigger) syndromes method of fasciotomy are the most effective.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):30-33
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Pharah syndrome variant

Makarov А.Y., Leikin I.B., Dedeneva I.V., Choline А.V., Ameline О.А., Pomnikov V.G., Kiselev V.N., Shcherskaya О.N.


In 1930, the German pathologist Theodor Far described a syndrome designated as "non-atherosclerotic calcification of the cerebral vessels", which later received his name cerebellum, clinically manifested by the rapid decay of intelligence, extrapyramidal, cerebellar disorders, epileptic seizures that occur in middle and old age.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):34-35
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Two Observations of Blindness in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Deev A.S., Karpikov A.V., Zakharushkina I.V., Orlova L.M.


In recent years, more and more attention of domestic neurologists has been attracted by the clinical syndrome with symptoms of increased intracranial pressure without signs of organic damage to the central nervous system - benign intracranial hypertension (DVH). It is often also referred to as idiopathic intracranial hypertension and false brain tumor.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):35-37
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Drug correction of intellectual-mnestic and emotional-volitional disorders in children with intellectual disability as the main stage of rehabilitation

Akberova S.A., Mendelevich D.М., Studentsova I.А.


The main provisions of the rehabilitation of mentally ill, formulated for the first time by M.M. Kabanov in 1969-1984, suggest 3 main stages: rehabilitation therapy, the main role in which is assigned to drug correction; readaptation, or rather the social and labor adaptation of patients; rehabilitation in the proper sense of the word, where the main place is occupied by social activities.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):38-40
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Diagnostics and treatment of Miller-Fisher syndrome

Ponomarev V.V.


Miller-Fisher syndrome (SMF) is a rare disease in neurology and, according to most researchers, is a variant of Guillain-Barré polyradiculoneuritis. The SMF was first described in 1956. The clinical manifestations of SMF are a combination of attacks, areflexia, and ophthalmoplegia. To date, the autoimmune nature of the disease has been proven.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):40-41
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Features of the etiology and clinical course of cerebral strokes in young women

Deev A.S., Zakharushkina I.V., Burshinov А.О., Karpikov А.V., Tsarkov G.N.


To date, there are no generalizing works on the frequency, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cerebral strokes in women of childbearing age. The question of the role of pregnancy as a risk factor for acute disorders of cerebral circulation has not been clarified. Practitioners are little aware of the specifics of stroke syndromes observed in young women. All of the above is the reason for this message.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):42-42
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Psychosomatic manifestations in mental epidemics in Russia in the XVIII - early XX centuries

Shchigolev I.I., Shereshevsky А.М.


Psychosomatics as one of the areas of domestic psychiatry is currently gaining more and more importance in the system of national medical care. It is known that at least 30% of patients who apply to medical institutions with somatic complaints only need a certain correction of the emotional state, of which 22% take up to 50% of the doctor's working time. In the available (available) literature, information about the formation of the views of Russian scientists on psychosomatics from a retrospective position is extremely insufficient, and it would be antihistorical to remain silent about this.


Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):43-44
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Methods for the restoration of motor functions in patients with acute and early recovery periods of cerebral stroke

Bogdanov Е.I., Takhavieva F.V.


Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents and their consequences are the most important medical and social tasks. Movement disorders, along with speech disorders, are the main organic defects in patients after a stroke, causing a high degree of disability.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):45-48
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Modern approaches to the definition of functional autonomic disorders

Ismagilov М.F.


Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents and their consequences are the most important medical and social tasks. Movement disorders, along with speech disorders, are the main organic defects in patients after a stroke, causing a high degree of disability.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):49-56
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Syndrome of increased neuromuscular excitability with autonomic dysfunction

Yakupov E.Z., Ismagilov М.F.


Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents and their consequences are the most important medical and social tasks. Movement disorders, along with speech disorders, are the main organic defects in patients after a stroke, causing a high degree of disability.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):57-66
pages 57-66 views

A.E. Yanishevsky - founder of the Bulgarian neuropathology

Arkhangelsky G.V.


Alexey Erastovich Yanishevsky (1873-1936) was a famous scientist neuropathologist, the founder of the clinic of nervous diseases of the Novorossiysk University (Odessa) and the founder of the Bulgarian clinical neuropathology. For more than 50 years his scientific activity was hushed up by the Russian medical press; he was mistakenly considered an Amy grant because he lived and worked abroad for a long time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(1-2):67-69
pages 67-69 views

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