Vol XXX, No 1-2 (1998)


The first editor-in-chief of the journal "Neurological Bulletin" prof. V. M. Bekhterev

Ismagilov M.F.


In January 1893, the medical community in Russia received a new medical journal. It was “Neurological Bulletin”, published in Kazan under the editorship of V.M. Bekhterev (head of the Department of Psychiatry at Kazan University) as the organ of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):5-6
pages 5-6 views

Clinical and surgical parallels of compression forms of vertebral column osteochondrosis

Schulman H.M., Danilov V.I., Djudin L.P., Sarymsakov R.V., Savkin G.V., Bikmullin T.A., Solomatina A.H.


Clinical characteristics and operational findings of 466 patients are presented, all the patients having been operated for osteochondrosis of vertebral column. Compression of contens of vertebral column at cervical, thoracic and lumbar levels was met correspondingly in 23, 3 and 440 patients. Clinical lesion picture in patients , operated at cervical an thoracic levels of vertebral column was manifested by coarse root and conductive disorders in the form of tetra- and paraparesis, and at lumbar level - by anti-pain postures of vertebral column, by lumbar and ischialgic syndrome, by resistant disorders of sensitivity of root type. Analysis of obtained data allowed to come to result, that decompression surgical intervention, though avoiding the causes of pressure of vertebral column’s contents, does not correct enough statical and dynamical incompetence of injured part of vertebral column.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Changes in cerebral blood flow in formation and initial progressing of cerebrovascular Diseases

Shestakov V.V.


The author investigated 40 patients with initial manifestation of insufficient cerebral circulation and 46 patients with discirculatory encephalopathy. The author showed, that progressing and clinical manifestations of initial stages of cerebrovascular diseases are connected with imperfection of cerebral circulation regulation with phenomena of its depression. In stage of initial manifestation of insufficient cerebral circulation dimyelitic defect prevails in proximal departments of cerebral arteries, and in stage of discirculatory encephalopathy is spreading on parenchymatous vessels.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Cerebral hemodynamics in atherosclerotic discirculatory encephalopathy of different expressiveness

Osetrov B.A., Salysheva L.V., Komissarenko A.A.


In 260 patients with cerebral circulatory insufficiency of different expressiveness the state of linear cerebral blood stream was determined by method of cerebral radiocirculography. For integral evaluation of the state of cerebral blood supply effectiveness ratio of linear blood flow in blood supply was calculated. Complete parallelism between clinical manifestations of cerebral artherosclerosis and expressiveness of disorders of cerebral blood flow has not been revealed. In patients with discirculatory encephalopathy of stage I blood flow by cerebral vessels is lowered when reducing cerebral blood supply. Blood flow is prevailing in the left hemisphere. In patients with discirculatory encephalopathy of stage II in cerebral blood supply “retrograde venous support” is revealed, allowing to maintain vascular blood supply at a relatively high level. Intersemispheric hemodynamic differences are being smoothed. Discirculatory encephalopathy of stage III is characterized by sharp worsening of cerebral hemodynamics. Supply level in the left cerebral hemisphere appears to be at a lower level, than in the right one. During further pathology development hemodynamic disorders achieve a critical level, beyond which vascular catastophe or death occurs.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):12-15
pages 12-15 views

The role of arterial hypertension in the natural course of cerebral aneurysms

Lebedeva Е.R., Sakovich V.Р.


Arterial hypertension (AH) incidence has been analyzed in 61 patients with aneurysms of cerebral vessels and its enfluence on its natural course. In most patients (57 people) aneurysms were accompanied by intracranial hemorrhage; 4 patients did not show ruptures of aneurysms. Arterial hypertension incidence in patients with aneurysms made up 62,3 %, in control group - 50%. In conditions of AH presence threefold increase of incidence of recurrent early hemorrhage was shown, as well as rupture of aneurysms in early age and aggravating of neurologic symptomatology. In 4 patients rupture of small aneurysmatic diverticula took place. In family history of patients with aneurysms relatively high incidence of AH was marked, as compared with the control group. Questions of AH genetic origin in aneurysmous patients were discussed, and its role in natural course of aneurysms.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Patients with Vascular Pathology of the Brain

Eligulashvily Т.S., Palman А.D., Vein А.М.


Presence and manifestation of sleep apnea syndrome in patients with cerebral vessels’ pathology have been studied. Based on inquiries of more than 4000 patients, a special screening indentification has been developed, which accuracy made up 85%. In addition an extensive polysomnographic investigation with registration of EEG, EMG, EOG, oxygen saturation, oronasal flow, breathing movements of thoracic and abdominal walls was performed. A large presentation of apnea syndrome in patients with vascular pathology is revealed, as well as differences in pattern of sleep breathing disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Some peculiarities of personal profile and morphovegetative constituthion in healthy people at different level of na+/li+ countertransport in erythrocyte membranes

Khasanova D.R., Ismagilov М.F., Mendelevich V.D., Oslopov V.N., Baranova Е.А.


Personal characteristics in combination of vegetative homeostasis were studied, and also type of morphoconstitution in association with one of genetic marker - velocity of Na+/ Li+ countertransport in erythrocyte membranes of 192 healthy people, aged from 17 to 42 y.o. Trends to increase the anxiety level in patients of both sex in all age groupes were determined at the velocity range of Na + /Li+ countertransport in erythrocytes: from 162 to 278 mс Mol Li/1 c h, which were most expressed in asthenic morphoconstitution people with sympathicotonic type of vegetative effects, this being combined with disadaptive forms of vegetative reactions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Types of vegetative reactions in healthy people at different level of Na+/Li+ countertransport in erythrocyte membranes

Khasanova D.R.


Types of vegetative responding were studied with evaluation of initial vegetative reactions and vegetative activity in healthy people, aged from 7-42, in association with one of the markers of genetically determined structural and functional status of cell membranes - velocity of Na+/Li+ countransport in erythrocyte membranes. It was found that level of intensity of vegetative effects with transition of adaptation reactions to orthostasis is most characterestic of high values of transmembrane monotransport velocity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):26-35
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Vegetovascular disorders in vibration disease and differential therapy using physical factors

Chudinova О.A., Obraztsova R.G., Samokhvalova G.N., Filatova R.I.


Examination and treatment results are given, concerting 205 patients with vibration disease, in the clinical picture of which the most early and most expressed are neurovascular disorders in the system of regional circulation and vegetativesensoric polyneuropathies. It was shown, that in patients with vibration disease lowering of pulse blood supply in distal parts of upper extremities is being observed, as well aS dystonic condition of arterial bed vessels, whose expression level is correlated with the disease stage. Suggested physiotherapeutic complexes (magnetic therapy, magnetic and laser therapy, aspirin-electrophoresis on the cervical department of vertebral column and hand) favourably enfluence peripheric hemodynamics, thus contributing to regress of basic clinical manifestations of vibration disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Prevention system of brain vascular diseases in administrative-managing personnel

Andreiev A.G.


Results of programme usage of pscycoprevention and psycotherapy are given in 1520 people of managing personnel of Nizhney Novgorod’s large industrial enterprises with different clinical variants of cardiovascular diseases. As a result of implementation of treating complex a positive dynamics of clinical, psycological and neurophysiological indices was shown. It was recommended to implement suggested therapeutic and prevention complexes in insult prevention rooms of medical stations and other out-patient and polyclinic institutions..

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Multiple sclerosis: environmental risk factors

Granieri E., Casetta I.


Multiple sclerosis is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by inflammory demyelination of the brain and spinal cord. Epidemiological investigations play important role in study of multiple sclerosis. Geographical distribution of the disease has been described in terms of prevalence and incidence. The possible role of environmental factors as a cause of multiple sclerosis had been hypothesized with observation of unequal geographic distribution of the disease. More interesting, in terms of their biological significance, are attempts to identify associations between multiple sclerosis and situations or events wich could cause blood-brain barrier damages, such as trauma or toxic exposures.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):40-42
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Multiple sclerosis: environmental risk factors

Dudkina N.A.


The author represented materials on incidence of progressive muscular distrophy in the region of Tver. 168 patients were investigated with different forms of disease. The most frequent form of disease was Erb’s athophy (in 60%); incidence of Duchenne’s and Landuzy’s forms was the same (in 20%). Compared with the Russia’s indices of incidence, significant prevailing of this pathology in the region of Tver was revealed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):42-43
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Condition of vegetative regulation at concussion of a head brain in children of preschool age

Seliverstova G.A., Kalashnicova Т.Р.


Peculiarities of infringement of the vegetative status in children, having had concussion of a head brain are revealed. Infringements of vegetative systems’ activity was displayed by an oppression of eigotrop’s link, causing unsufficient vegetative reaction and inadequate

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):43-44
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Pathogenetic therapy of traumatic neuropathies

Zhulev N.M., Zhulev S.N.


Favorable treatment outcomes (complete restoration of nerve and limb functions) were obtained in 80.3% of patients, which the authors regard as a result of early pathogenetic diagnosis and the use of complex pathogenetically based treatment developed by them. The proposed methods of treatment are applicable in a specialized neurological department of a polyclinic, as well as in a medical unit, which is much more economical than in a stationary setting.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):45-47
pages 45-47 views

On antibody level to brain galactoc erebrosides in blood serum in healthy children of early age and women

Guzeva V.I., Taranova N.Р., Mikhailov I.В.


The results of autoantibodies determination to glycolipid antigens of brain cells - galactocerebrosides in blood serum of healthy neonates and their mothers, healthy children up to three y.o. and healthy women are presented. The results were obtained with the help of micromodification of complement fixation reaction. It was determind that in healthy women at intergeneric period these antibodies are absent or are present in vestige quantities. For the first time presence of counter - galactocerebroside antibodies was determined in neonates and their mothers in high titers up to 1:512. It was also established, that counter - galactocerebroside antibodies circulate in healthy neonates’ blood for not less than 3 months, then their level begins to descrease, and in 5-12 months it approximates to the adults’ norm border’.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):47-50
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Prognostic significance of electroencephalographic syndromes in acute infections of central nervous system in children

Rosin Y.A.


Visual and computer - assisted analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) was performed in 156 children with infections of central nervous system (CNS). It revealed four variants of EEG tracings (EEG-syndromes), related to different neurulogical outcome of the disease. EEG-syndromes of polirhythmia and sleep-like bradyrhythmia predicted good outcome. Syndrome of bioelectrical depression predicted poor outcome with the risk of severe neurological impairment. Prognostic significance of EEG-syndrome of cortical deafferentation depends on its duration in the acute period of the disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):50-52
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Aplegin (carnitine-chloride) treatment of brain hypoxical lesions

Kuzin V.М., Kolesnikova Т.I.


Therapelutic results are given of aplegin (carnitine-chloride) treatment of 82 patients with critical ischemic insult and of 7 patients with prolonged coma of hypoxic, toxic and traumatic genesis. Significant acceleration and more complete restoration of neurologic functions were observed in comparison with the control group when aplegin was administered; the latter much depended on the time of beginning of treatment and was as more complete, as more quick was aplegin injection, beginning from the disease onset. Aplegin action mechanism is explained by the carnitine property to activate fat acids metabolism, to restore energy deficit in hypoxia, to increase reparative processes in nervous tissue and prevent brain from toxic enfluence of decay products and neurotoxins.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Theoretical and methodological foundations of neuropsychoprophylaxis

Troshin V.D.


Prevention of neuropsychiatric diseases (neuropsychological prophylaxis) is the main problem of preventive and clinical medicine. A major contribution to this problem was made by the founder of the neuropsychiatric school V.M. Bekhterev. In recent years, prophylactic (preventive) neurology and psychiatry have been further developed in the works of leading scientists, neurologists and psychiatrists.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Results of the use of an autonomous electrostimulator of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes in lumbosacral radiculitis

Kazantseva N.V., Katunina Е.A., Khristachevskaya А.I., Lurie В.L.


An autonomous electrostimulator of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes (AES of the gastrointestinal tract and CO) is a microprocessor placed in a sealed capsule, easy to swallow. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, the electrostimulator turns on and begins to produce electrical impulses that cause a response from the stimulated organ.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):59-60
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Features of the functioning of the neurological department of the city hospital and the neurological center of specialized course outpatient treatment (SCAL)

Rudnev V.A., Berdichevsky М.Y., Chirva N.N.


The problem of prevention and treatment of vascular diseases of the brain is becoming more and more important every year due to the prevalence of the disease, the severity of disorders, high mortality and disability. Therefore, the issues of organizing medical care for such a contingent of patients are very relevant.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):61-62
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Clinical and instrumental aspects of convulsive syndrome in children

Gainetdinova D.D., Aynulov L.Z., Vasilevskaya О.V.


Convulsive syndrome of newborns is one of the urgent problems of pediatric neurology. Many researchers in the etiology of newborns attach great importance to intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia during childbirth. In newborns with this pathology, there is a violation of cerebral hemodynamics and cerebrospinal fluid circulation, which causes an increase in intracranial pressure and gross organic changes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):63-63
pages 63-63 views

Morphological types of constitution in persons with clinical symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

Kadyrovа L.A., Sak N.N., Marchenko V.G., Gelevey O.I., Nosatov А.V., Sak А.Е.


One of the promising directions in the search for regularities in the course and, consequently, treatment of vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system (VNS) is an orientation towards integrative principles of diagnosis based on taking into account the constitutional type of a person and constitutionally determined features of his psyche, physiology and body morphology. Constitutional diagnostics is based precisely on these “three whales” identified by Claudius Galen. The introduction of constitutional diagnostics into the patient examination system immediately introduces a certain order into the medical strategy and tactics.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):63-64
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The use of transcranial Doppler sonography in a pediatric neurological clinic

Guzeva V.I., Trubacheva А.N.


In the study of cerebral hemodynamics in children, methods that allow multiple non-invasive vascular examination are of great importance. The experience of using one of these methods - transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) - in adult patients has shown its high efficiency in determining hemodynamically significant organic vascular pathology (occlusions, stenoses, vasospasm, aneurysms, and arteriovenous malformations).

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):65-65
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On the pathogenesis of the formation of the initial manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency

Voskresenskaya О.N.


The significant prevalence and severity of the consequences of cerebrovascular diseases determine their great socio-economic importance [1]. Clinical and epidemiological studies of recent years indicate a significant prevalence of the initial manifestations of cerebral circulatory insufficiency (CPCF).

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):65-66
pages 65-66 views

Russian-German Ischemic Stroke Database (First Year Results)

Gusev Е.I., Shimrigk К., Haas А., Burd G.S., Gekht А.В., Dorzhieva N.N.


In 1995, as part of a prospective study of patients with ischemic stroke, an original computerized database was developed, including information on etiological factors, risk factors for the disease, the results of clinical neurological and laboratory examinations, and the nature of the therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):67-67
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Cerebral palsy, etiology and pathogenesis

Sergeeva R.A., Ismagilov М.F.


The term “infantile cerebral palsy” (CP) unites a group of syndromes of different clinical manifestations that arise as a result of brain underdevelopment and damage at various stages of ontogenesis and are characterized by an inability to maintain a normal posture and perform voluntary movements.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Professor Yakov Yurievich Popelyansky


80 years old prof. Ya.Yu. Popelyansky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia, participant of the Great Patriotic War, head of the departments of neurology at Novokuznetsk State Pedagogical University and Kazan State Medical University, creator of vertebral neurology as a scientific and practical discipline, head of the All-Russian center of vertebral neurology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):72-72
pages 72-72 views

Plenum of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Neurologists and the International Neurological Symposium (July 8-13, 1997, Kazan)


On July 8-13, 1997, in Kazan, in accordance with the plan of scientific and practical measures of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a plenum of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Neurologists and the International Neurological Symposium were held.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):73-76
pages 73-76 views

Minutes of the Plenum of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Neurologists dated 12.07.1997

Gusev E.I., Burd G.S.


The following issues were discussed in the speech: On the consolidation of the legal status, the adoption of a new charter of the All-Russian Society of Neuropathologists and its registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Carrying out scientific, educational, educational work in regional offices. By the end of 1996

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):77-77
pages 77-77 views

Professor Chaim Moiseevich Shulman


On January 7, 1998, after a serious short illness at the age of 69, Professor-neurosurgeon of Kazan State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan Khaim Moiseevich Shulman died. Prof. HM. Shulman was born in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region.

Neurology Bulletin. 1998;XXX(1-2):78-78
pages 78-78 views

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