Vol XXV, No 1-2 (1993)


Historical milestones of the journal "Neurological Bulletin"

Ismagilov M.F., Popelyavsky Y.Y., Galiullin А.N., Yonova Е.Y.


In 1893, the medical community in Russia received a new medical journal. It was the "Neurological Bulletin", published in Kazan by the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists, edited by V.M. Bekhterev. The magazine could be bought not only in Kazan, but also from all famous booksellers in university cities: in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kyiv, Kharkov, Warsaw, Odessa. Subscription was also accepted there (cost - 8 rubles per year). The Neurological Bulletin was published until 1917, 4 issues a year. In the formidable 1918, on the eve of famine, devastation and obscurantism, only one issue of the journal was published, and it was not possible to continue its publication further. A total of 24 volumes were released.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):07-11
pages 07-11 views

Methodical approaches to the planning of specialized medical care to patients suffering from vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system

Khabriev R.U.


The criteria of selection of dispensary observation groups in vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system are presented. The calculation table of prophylactic work of the neuropathologist is developed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Original article

Current views of the vegetative dystonia syndrome

Vein A.M., Dyukova G.M., Danilov А.B., Vorobyova O.V., Shepeleva I.P.


The typical and untypical vegetative crises are described. The crises presented by various vegetative manifestations belong to typical, the same vegetative manifestations and functional - neurologic symptoms (the disorder of vision, audition, lump in the throat and etc.) belong to untypical ones. For every vegetative crisis there are the definite psychogenetic and biological factors. The high activity of cerebral isoenzyme of glutamatehydrogenase in patients with vegetative crises correlates with heavier clinical course of the disease and is efficiently less susceptible to every type of therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Genetic aspects of neurogenic syncopes

Ismagilov M.F., Gainetdinova D.D.


The incidence of syncopal states in representative choice of 3209 Kazan pupils is improved, and the role of hereditary factors in the genesis of neurogenic syncopes based on the clinicogenealogical analysis of 115 families using mathematical- and-genetic investigation methods is defined concretely. As many as 91.4% syncopal states in the population studied are assessed as neurogenic syncopes (population rate — 6.4%). The disease may be assigned to the familial forms of pathology conforming to the basic characteristics of multifactorial diseases with sufficiently high (73.5%) role of genetic factors. In case of the marriage of parents «patient-patient» the observed segregational rate (0.43) of neurogenic syncopes approaches the expected one (0.50) which does not eliminate the dominant model of monogenous disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Vegetative regulation in paroxysmal disorders of the cardiac rhythm

Shutov A.A., Tuev А.V., Kozminykh Е.V.


The vegetative regulation is investigated in 80 patients with paroxismal disorders of the rhythm. The centralization of the cardiac rhythm control is revealed in supraventricular tachyarrhythmia and idiopathic ciliary arrhythmia. The connection between the changes in the conductive system of the heart and central vegetative regulation is established. The results obtained lead one to use central electroanalgesia as a method for the treatment of vegetative disorders in paroxysmal disorders of the cardiac rhythm.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):23-26
pages 23-26 views

Paroxysmal syndromes in patients with discirculation in vertebral-basilar system

Eninya G.I., Zagoryanskaya G.V.


As many as 450 patients with vertebral-basilar discirculations accompanied by attacks: syncopal, diencephalic, amnestic, sudden fall are examined using dopplerography correlated with other methods. The dependence of these states on arterial hypotension, extravasal stenoses, anomalies of vessels and vertebrae, extravasal commissures is established.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Paroxyzmal disorders of circulation in vertebral arteries

Skorometz A.A., Skorometz T.A.


The clinicoangiographic, dopplerographic correlations are presented allowing to stand out the variations of paroxysmal disorders in vertebral-basilar system: optical, cochleovestibular, vestibulocerebellar, syncopal, bulbar-and-pseudobulbar hypothalamic, and alternating. The data obtained indicate that the increase of arterial pressure is not a compensating factor but a solvable factor.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Radicular insult

Popelyansky Y.Y., Ibatullin М.M.


The analysis of 6 observations with the clinical picture of a sudden stopping of mono- and biradicular function permits to stand out the form of radicular insult. It should not be mixed with famous description of «ischemic neuritides» which essentially present the clinical picture of the extremity tissue ischemia rather than the nerve trunk. The basic features of radicular insult are as follows: the suddenness and manifestation of the motor disturbance in myotoma, disturbance of sensation or paresthesia in dermatoma, euphylline- dependence, primary susceptibility of the root L to the pathologic process. The localization is in the compression zone or from a distance.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Basis and differentiated therapy of insults

Vilensky B.S., Semenova G.M., Shlrikov E.А.


The main principles of basis and differentiated therapy of hemorrhagic and ishemic insults are considered. The combination of these types of therapy provides the correction of the complex of homeostasis disorders occuring during the catastrophe of the brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Correction of central hemodynamics disorders - the most important component of special therapy of ishemic insult

Shirokov E.A., Potkin А.V., Vilensky B.S.


The clinical examination of 100 patients with acute cerebral circulation disorders is performed using instrumentation. The use of current ultrasonic methods to study central and cerebral hemodynamics allows to show three types of hemodynamic disorders calling for differenciated treatment. Contraindications to the prescription of hypotensive drugs of central action, beta blocators, peripheric vasodilatators in patient after insult are determined.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):45-47
pages 45-47 views

On some possible alternatives of the clinical classification of epilepsy

Chudnovsky V.S.


Based on the psychopathologic’Study of psychical changes in persons suffering from epileptic attacks, the conclusion is made regarding the possibility of the alternative classification of epilepsy which has its origins in the pronounced level of encephalopathic syndrome. Similar approach increases the therapeutic activity of a physician and favourably affects the patients from the viewpoint of social recovery.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Results of the study of epilepsy problem from the viewpoint of systematic approach

Voloshin P.V., Mertsalov V.S., Voloshina N.P.


The predisposition to spastic paroxysms occurs as a result of the functional degeneration of focal changes in brain into epileptic process. The metabolic basis of epileptogenesis involves dyscircular hypoxia of the brain. The formation of the epileptic system is associated with the disorder of night sleep structure including the qualitative distribution of cycles. Epilepsy is considered as the increasing pathologic state rather than residual manifestations of one or other brain pathology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Immunopathology of some forms of epilepsy

Chkhikvishvili T.S., Malashkhiya V.Y.


The clinicoimmunologic observation of 85 patients with generalized forms of epilepsy, different in the course of the disease, as well as with medicamental resistance is performed. It is found that there is no an autorecognition defect in the reaction of lymphocytes of the mixed culture in the second time generalized form of epilepsy with favoriable course. In progradient course and medicamental forms the decreased proliferative reaction of lymfocytes showing the same nature of immunopathologic changes takes place. The results obtained suggest the possible importance of autoimmune disorders in pathogenesis of progradient course of epilepsy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):53-54
pages 53-54 views

Clinical peculiarities and some neurophysiologic aspects of the spastic syndrome in children aged one year

Shanko G.G., Ulezko E.A.


The results of clinical and electrophysiologic examination of 116 children aged one year with spastic syndrome are presented. Neurosonographic examination shows the organic changes in brain tissue which manifest themselves as edema and periventricular infiltration in newborns and as ventriculomegalia of different manifestations — in infants. The dopplerograms show the descrease of blood flow rate and change of resistance index. The sings of the decrease of the threshold of spastic readiness prevail in children in the second half year of life.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Epileptiform syndromes in children with chronic leptomeningitis

Madzhidov N.M., Nasyrova М.


The clinical peculiarities of epileptiform syndromes in children with chronic cerebral leptomeningitis are studied. The various electrophysiologic characteristics of epileptiform syndromes in patients with chronic cerebral leptomeningitis of different etiology are shown. The differentiational therapy is proposed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):59-61
pages 59-61 views

Dependence of spectral power of EEG rhythms on menstrual cycle phases in women suffering from epilepsy

Karlov V.A., Vlasov P.N., Eligulashvili T.S.


The effect of menstrual cycle on EEG parameters is investigated in norm, in epilepsy becoming acute in menstrual and perimenstrual periods (catamenial), and in epilepsy whose exacerbation is not connected with menstrual cycle. The ten — dencies to the decrease of spectral power in cycle luteal phase in healthy women and women suffering from epilepsy are mentioned. The primary role of spectrum low-frequency components and total power level in neurodynamics of catamenial epilepsy is shown.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Clinical picture of the prodromal period of traumatic epilepsy

Lekomtsev V.T.


The clinicopsychologic examination of 310 patients suffering from traumatic epilepsy is performed. The basic clinical manifestation of the prodromal period of traumatic epilepsy is the combination of cerebrasthenic symptomatology with parasomnipathic disorders of paroxysmal nature.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):67-70
pages 67-70 views

Recovery criteria of patients with epilepsy

Gromov S.A.


Using the clinical data of long-standing observations of patients with epilepsy, the problems of their possible recovery are considered. As the objectivating criteria, the data of clinical, electroencephalogram, psychologic, and biochemical investigations are given with their characteristics suggesting the regression of epilepsy. The conclusions regarding the possibility of practical recovery of the patients of this type are made.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):71-76
pages 71-76 views

Paroxismal states in neuromuscular diseases

Lobzin V.S.


The diagnosis, clinical picture, problems of patogenesis and emergency medical service in myasthenia and Lambert-Iton’s syndrome are considered, for the most part in crises with disorders in respiration and cardiac activity, crisis states in Tomsen’s myotonia and dystrophyc myotonia as well as in the large group of so-called dispotassemic paralyses, thyrotoxic myopathy and some other rarer forms of neuromuscular diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):77-80
pages 77-80 views

Trigger phenomena of peripheric localization

Ivanichev G.A., Levit K., Karlov V.А.


The distinction of trigger phenomena of extraceptive, proprioceptive and visceral localization is justified neurophysiologically. The basis for classification is the concept of generative, determinant systems of peripheric genesis. The basis of trigger phenomena is the pathologic stability, pathologic recurrence, pathologic subjection of neuronic centers in stimulating process. The clinical correlators of these processes are characterized by local and reflected pain, stability of painful phenomena, frequent replases following the treatment, local indurations of various sizes, changes of electrophysiologic characteristics, local vegetative disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):81-84
pages 81-84 views

Clinicopsychologic examination of peculiarities of adult patients with so-called infantile cerebral paralysis

Bogdanov E.I., Ivanova V.A., Kalmykov Y.А., Muchametzyanov R.Z., Gallimulina Z.А.


The clinical and experimental-and-psychologic examination of 72 patients with infantile cerebral paralysis aged 16 to 35 years is performed. The adapted variant of MMPI, Kettel’s 16-factor questionnaire and so on are used for the examination of patients’ personality. As many as 56 patients are treated by means of Rodjer’s group psychotherapy course. The tendency to progressive smoothing over psychogenetic pathologic development of the personality of a deficient type in adult patients with infantile cerebral paralysis is revealed. The individual psychologic perculiarities of patients with infantile cerebral paralysis in late residual period as well as their dependence on the overwhelming neurologic syndrome and the degree of motor function disorders are described. The group psychotherapy results in the increase of activity, sociability, self-reliance and decrease of emotional instability.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):89-94
pages 89-94 views

Combined assessment of the immune system state in women suffering from neurotic disorders

Polozhy B.S., Vasilyeva O.A., Ivanova S.А.


The combined clinicoimmunologic examination of 102 patients with neurosis and 58 psychially healthy women working at large industrial works is performed. The definite changes in the immune status are established to correlate with not one or other nosologic form but dynamic stage of the disease development. The combined analysis of clinical, immunologic, and hormonal characteristics permits to stand out the predictor with respect to favourable and unfavourable course of neuroses.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):95-100
pages 95-100 views

Psychophysiologic characteristic of working activity in the conditions of partial sensory isolation

Amirov N.K., Sitdikova I.D.


The conditions of partial sensory isolation are typical for the buildings of the windowless and skylightless type widely used in modern production. The subjective investigation data and instrumental methods allow to estimate the psychologic microclimate of persons working in the conditions of partial sensory isolation as unfavourable. It is confirmed by a high level of potential labour fluidity, tiredntss in the production process, negative reaction of psychogalvanic reflex, asthenization of organism, values of diagnostic coefficients of the scales of hysteria, phobia, depression, vegetative disorders on the pathologic level.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):85-88
pages 85-88 views

Regional aspects of the clinical picture and prophylaxis of boundary states

Semke V.Y.


Based on the results of combined examination of 4638 patients with boundary neurophsychical disfunctions, the authors developed the special programs of the treaement-and-prophylactic measures and a number of new models of the functional subdivisions: a regional center of boundary states, a center of health protection at industrial works, a mobile psychotherapeutic complex.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):101-103
pages 101-103 views

Gynecologic psychiatry. Current aspects of the problem

Mendelevich D.M., Mendelevich V.D.


The general-purpose mechanisms of the formation of psychical phenomena in gynecologic and obstetric pathology are considered, in particular, in climacteric, premenstrual syndrome, castration, pregnancy, amenorrhea, sterility and etc. It is concluded that such physical factors as personal peculiarities of a patient, a type of response to the disease, information of the disease and prospect of the physician’s prognosis are significant for the gynecologic pathology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):104-108
pages 104-108 views

Clinical and psychosocial aspects of oncogynecologic pathology

Mendelevich V.D.


The clinicopsychologic analysis of psychical disfunctions in woman with some types of oncogynecologic pathology (hysterovariectomy) is given. According to the results of examinations of 143 patients, four models of the formation of physical disfunctions are described emphasizing principal clinical and psychosocial aspects witch affect the selection of psychogenesis model, as this takebi place, the particular importance is given to the anticipational validity parameter.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):109-111
pages 109-111 views

Prediction of the spastic component of grave alcoholic abstinent syndrome

Gasanov K.A., Asadov V.M.


The resultes of examinations of hydroion balance (acid-base equilibrium, circulating blood volume, content of potassium and sodium in plasma and erythrocytes in 145 patients with grave forms of alcoholic abstinent syndrome are given. The data presented allow to justify the objective criteria suggesting the possibility of development of epileptic attacks within the limits of grave abstinent syndrome and underline the decisive role of the elimination of pathologic shifts of acid-base equilibrium and water-and-electrolyte balance by means of directional differented correction to prevent graver state as well as to increase the efficiency of the treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):112-115
pages 112-115 views


Astroglia and its role in epileptogenesis

Zavalishin I.A., Zakharova М.N.


Modern ideas about the functional significance of astroglia in the formation of convulsive activity of the brain are outlined. Modern data on astrocyte metabolism, its role in the metabolism of neurotransmitters, peptides, neurotrophic factors in various receptions are presented. Particular attention is paid to the role of astroglia in the metabolism of the excitatory amino acid glutamate. Modern concepts of astroglial mechanisms of epileptogenesis are considered.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):116-119
pages 116-119 views

Письмо в редакцию

To the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the two-neuron pathway of the parasympathetic nerves of the heart

Volkova I.N., Zefirov А.L.


100 years ago (1894), an article by V.V. Nikolaev appeared in the journal Neurological Bulletin under the modest title: “About the end of n. vagi in the heart." The author performed his research in the physiological laboratory of Kazan University, led by Professor N.A. Mislavsky.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):120-120
pages 120-120 views


Editorial board of the journal "Neurological Bulletin"

Khasanov M.K.


The Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan reacted with great attention and hope to the resumption of the publication of the journal Neurological Bulletin. We sincerely welcome its revival!

The Kazan Medical School of Neurologists and Psychiatrists is remarkable for its achievements. The scientific merits of scientists in this field of medicine, their contribution to the development of science and practice are generally recognized. The rich traditions laid down within the walls of the university by the founder of experimental psychology in Russia, V.M. Bekhterev, whose work determined the further development of Russian neurology, the studies of his students and followers, give confidence that the pages of the journal will once again serve to expand and raise to a higher level. level of fundamental research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):05-05
pages 05-05 views

Chief editor of the Kazan journal "Neurological Bulletin", Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan, prof. M.F. Ismagilov

Badalyan L.O.


The editorial board of the S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry welcomes the resumption of the publication of the Neurological Bulletin, founded by Academician V.M. Bekhterev!

Your Vestnik is nine years older than Korsakov's journal. For many years before the October Revolution, our journals were published in parallel in Kazan and Moscow, Moscow and Kazan. In 1917-1918. almost all magazines were closed. In 1925, the Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry began to be published again. The Kazan Medical Journal was published.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):05-05
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Editorial board of the journal "Neurological Bulletin" from D.M. Zubairov

Zubairov D.M., Popov Y.V.


After 75 years, one of the most respected and oldest journals, the Neurological Bulletin, is returning to us. Its discovery in 1893 under the editorship of the prominent scientist V.M. Bekhterev is a special date in the history of both medical periodicals and neurology. For 26 years, it was published annually in 4 issues, despite historical cataclysms and financial difficulties. For a quarter of a century, a large readership has met on the pages of the journal with a wide variety of materials from the field of neurology, neuropathology and psychiatry. It published their work as well-known scientists and practitioners, lawyers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):06-06
pages 06-06 views

Editorial board of the journal "Neurological Bulletin" from Yu.V. Popov

Popov Y.V.


The editorial board of the journal "Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after V.M. Bekhterev", founded by V.M. Bekhterev in 1896 in St. Petersburg, welcomes the rebirth of its elder brother "Neurological Bulletin", also established by V.M. Bekhterev in Kazan in 1893, and congratulates his colleagues on their centenary.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):06-06
pages 06-06 views

To the attention of the authors of the journal "Neurological Bulletin"


Our journal provides for the publication of articles on the following topics: editorials (disclose any problem); original articles (contain the results of specific scientific developments); to help a practical doctor (recommendations in matters of treatment, rehabilitation, diagnosis, etc.); notes from practice (generalize their own experience, original observations, etc.); lectures (can be presented according to the generally accepted plan, including sections on the history of the issue, etiology, clinic, etc., or built according to the type of clinical analysis with the disclosure of the topic); reviews; issues of healthcare organization; new about medicines; history of medicine; teaching issues; round table discussions; reviews; chronicle; anniversaries; messages; obituaries.

Neurology Bulletin. 1993;XXV(1-2):121-122
pages 121-122 views

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