Vol XXVII, No 3-4 (1995)


Results of toposelective eeg mapping of patients with transitional global amnesia and discirculatory encephalopathy

Stakhovskaya L.V., Tikhonova I.V., Gnezditsky V.V.


Correlating tBe data of toposelective mapping of electrical brain activity in patients witB transitional global amnesia (TGA) and in patients of control group witB discirculatory encephalopathy revealed that type IV curves prevail in patients with TGA (44%), and type I (44%) and III (28%) in patients of control group. Besides, in patients of the main group the mean value of slow to fast activity index in the left occipital region is certainly smaller, and the mean alpha-rythm value of peak frequency in the right occipital region is certainly greater than in patients of the control group. It is the authors' opinion that the revealed distinctions can point to the involvement of deep-seated brain structures and mediobasal regions of frontal and temporal lobes in pathologic process of TGA.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Clinical analysis of the causes of complications of physiotherapy of vertebral syndrome with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis

Podolskaya М.A.


100 cases of inefficient use of physiotherapy of vertebral syndrome with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis were analysed: main causes of these complications were found: typical faults of physiotherapists, neuropathologists and cases of patients' misperformance of procedures and infringement of the prescribed regimen were revealed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):10-14
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Intensity of lipid peroxydation processes and activity of antioxidational ferments in erythrocytes at initial forms of vascular brain diseases

Javorskaya V.A., Malakhov V.A., Belous А.М.


Level of spontaneous POL (over the accumulation of malonic dialdegid and dienic conjugates) and activity of antioxidational ferments of glutationreductase and glutationperoxidase, and also passive transport of Ca2+ in erythrocytes allowed to discover that the level of spontaneous POL was high along with lowering of activity of glutation-containing ferments and Ca2+ accumulation in erythrocytes. High activity of POL, lowering of activity of physiological antioxidational system, accumulation of Ca2+ in erythrocytes are considered by the authors as violation of cytomembranous homeostasis in the present group of patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):15-17
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Lateralized influence of stereotaxic destruction of amygdaloid nucleus and forel fields on the dynamics of memorizing functions in epileptics

Vasserman L.I., Lassan L.P., Yashuk S.L.


Observation of 68 patients of 12—45 years of age with partial and generalized epilepsy allowed to make a conclusion that left stereotaxic destruction of amyg daloid nucleus and Forel fields more often and more, distinctly increase preoperative disturbance of memory and attention volume at the early postoperative period. During the follow-up period more complete regression of disturbances of the early postoperative period and improvement of quotient in comparison with preoperative state were also more often observed after destruction of subcortical malformations of the left cerebral hemisphere.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Phenomenology of changed cognitive states in paraphilia

Tkachenko A.A., Vvedensky G.Е., Shemyakina Т.К.


The results of clinicopsychopathological examination of 200 men against whom legal proceedings were instituted for sex offences were presented. Common for them were perceptual disturbances in the form of dere alization, states of "deja vu" and "jamais vu", decrease or complete disappearance of perception stimuli of every modality; disorientation in space and time, own persona lity; disturbance of associative sphere; speech and motor automatism; disturbance of memory in the form of hy permnesia, "dissociation" amnesia etc. 5 kinds of state of disturbance of consciousness were distinguished those resembling "special'' Gurevich states of consciousness, dissociative disturbance .of consciousness in the form of trance, with diencephalic symptomatology prevalence, twilight states, affectively narrowed disturbance of consciousness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):22-27
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Bladder dysfunction in organic diseases of the nervous system (pathophysiology, clinical picture, treatment)

Bogdanov Е.I.


Urinary disorders often occur with lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system. Sometimes the analysis of the nature of neurogenic bladder syndrome (LUT) makes it possible to make a topical and nosological neurological diagnosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):28-34
pages 28-34 views

Family case of Kimmerle anomaly

Priymak V.I.


Kimmerle's anomaly is understood as a violation of the shape of the sulcus of the posterior arch of the atlas, in which the vertebral artery and the first spinal cortex are located, shock. The extreme expression of this anomaly is the transformation of the furrow into a closed ring.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):35-36
pages 35-36 views

Our experience in organizing care for patients with diseases of the autonomic nervous systemобзорная статья

Ismagilov М.F.


Vegetative disorders are one of the urgent problems of modern medicine. This is due to a number of factors, first of all - the huge prevalence of autonomic disorders. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is an apparatus for controlling all organs and systems that determines homeostasis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):37-38
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International classification of headaches, cranial neuralgia and facial pain

Nasibullin R.E., Gorozhanin V.N.


International classification of headaches, cranial neuralgia and facial pain, migraine, tension headaches.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):39-45
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Clinical classification of vertebral neurological syndromes

Veselovsky V.P., Ladygin А.P., Kochergina О.S.


At present, when classifying vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system (VZNS), methodological recommendations "Clinical classification of diseases of the peripheral nervous system", approved by M3 of the USSR (1987), are used as the basis. The applied classification does not fully reflect modern concepts of patho- and sanogenesis and complicates the use of many methods (manual therapy and reflexotherapy) necessary for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with VNS.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):45-50
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Craniographic changes in brain tumors

Kamalov I.I.


X-ray diagnostics of brain tumors is described in sufficient detail in the literature [1,2,3,4]. The advantage in detecting indirect changes in the bones of the skull in brain tumors still remains with the usual X-ray examination. Even a standard craniographic examination provides a lot of information.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):50-53
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Complications of pregnancy and childbirth in patients with diseases of the nervous system, their prevention and treatment

Ryzhkov V.D.


An urgent problem of modern medicine is the development of measures for the prevention and treatment of neurological disorders before and during pregnancy. They are most often observed in patients with somatic and other pathologies.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):54-56
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Sanatorium treatment of epilepsy patients at the stage of industrial rehabilitation

Pyrkov P.P.


Each person with all the complex set of personal characteristics is in close contact with the environment, called by EN Haeckel [10] ecology. Therefore, it is impossible to carry out the entire complex of medical and social rehabilitation of patients in isolation from the environment. As for patients with neuropsychiatric diseases, the optimization of their social functioning is impossible without the inclusion of positive environmental factors in the therapeutic program.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):57-58
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Kazan in the formation of domestic neurosurgery

Shulman Н.М., Ismagilov М.F., Danilov V.I., Gorozhanin А.V., Chekalin L.А.


The nineties of the last century were characterized by a happy coincidence of circumstances for Kazan University. During this period, conditions and material prerequisites arose for the fruitful study of the problems of physiology, morphology and pathology of the nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):59-63
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Life and career of Professor Alexei Vasilievich Favorsky

Ismagilov М.F., Yamaleeva G.R., Kadyrova L.M.


The history of the life and work of Aleksey Vasilyevich Favorsky is the path of becoming a bright personality, a neurologist - from a resident student to a professor and head of the Department of Nervous Diseases of Kazan University and GIDUV, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Kazan University.


Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Prominent Russian scientist Vladimir Vasilievich Nikolaev

Kudrin A.N., Zatsepilova Т.A., Ryazhenov V.V.


Fundamental discoveries in the field of physiology, histology, pharmacology were made by outstanding talented scientists of Russia since the middle of the 19th century. They had priority in studies on the role of the central nervous system in the innervation of the heart, the morphological structure of the peripheral part of the autonomic nervous system of the heart and other organons, as well as in studies of the effect of pharmacological substances - atropine, muscarine, nicotine, chloroform on heart function.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):66-69
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Mendelevich V.D. Psychiatric propaedeutics: a guide for doctors and students. - Kazan: Povolzhsky Book Center, 1995.- 376 pages

Dmitrieva Т.В.


The monograph of Doctor of Medical Sciences V.D. Mendelevich is addressed to novice doctors and medical students on probation in the field of psychiatry. It is written in the form of a clinical guideline, which required the author of an appropriate approach to the selection of material and the development of a presentation style in which the results of research (both known and his own) are maximally unified and schematized.

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):70-71
pages 70-71 views

Resolution of the VII All-Russian Congress of Neurologists October 10-12, 1995

Gusev Е.I., Burd G.S.


In the years that have passed since the VI All-Russian Congress of Neurologists (1990, Ivanovo), the activities of the Society have become more active and diverse. A new charter of the Society was adopted, which significantly expanded the rights of the regional branches of the Society within each region (independent financial and economic activity, new forms of activity due to the characteristics of the region, its own seal and other attributes).

Neurology Bulletin. 1995;XXVII(3-4):72-76
pages 72-76 views

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