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Volume 118, Nº 9-10 (11) (2023)


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Poisk rezonansov v spektre mass dvukhfotonnykh sobytiy, obrazuyushchikhsya v π+A-vzaimodeystviyakh, v eksperimente Giperon-M na uskoritel'nom komplekse U-70

Gorin A., Evdokimov S., Zaytsev A., Izucheev V., Polishchuk B., Romanishin K., Rykalin V., Sadovskiy S., Kharlov Y.


Исследования на Нуклотроне в ОИЯИ указывают на наличие ранее неизвестной резонансо-подобной структуры в двухфотонном спектре масс в области 300-400 МэВ/ c 2, наблюдаемой в ядро-ядерных взаимодействиях. Целью данной работы является поиск таких структур в двухфотонном спектре масс в мезон-ядерных взаимодействиях при импульсе 7 ГэВ/ c на установке Гиперон-М ускорительного комплекса У-70. Установлено ограничение сверху на отношение сечения образования неизвестных резонансныхструктур к сечению рождения η-мезона ρ(R→2γ/η→2γ ) < 3.2 × 10 на уровне достоверности 95 %.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):629-636
pages 629-636 views

Size-dependent oneand two-photon uorescence of acetonitrile-derived carbon dots

Astafiev A., Shakhov A., Nadtochenko V.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):637-638
pages 637-638 views

Identifikatsiya opticheski aktivnykh kvartetnykh spinovykh tsentrov na osnove vakansii kremniya v SiC, perspektivnykh dlya kvantovykh tekhnologiy

Babunts R., Uspenskaya Y., Bundakova A., Mamin G., Mokhov E., Baranov P.


Optically active (bright) and optically inactive (dark) quartet S = 3/2 spin color centers including a negatively charged Si vacancy have been identified in silicon carbide using high-frequency electron nuclear double resonance on the nuclei of the 13C isotope, enhanced by a tenfold increase in its content. The alignment of populations of spin levels is optically induced in a bright center promising for quantum technologies, whereas the populations of spin levels in a dark center, which is an isolated negatively charged Si vacancy V-Si, correspond to a Boltzmann distribution and do not change under optical excitation.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):639-648
pages 639-648 views

Spinovyy khaos eksitonnykh polyaritonov v magnitnom pole

Gavrilov S., Ipatov N., Kulakovskiy V.


The spin properties of exciton polaritons in a micropillar cavity placed in a static magnetic field and excited by a resonant light wave are studied theoretically. Owing to the Zeeman effect, a nonlinear polariton system has two branches of optical response that are characterized by opposite circular polarizations. An indirect mechanism of polarization reversal is predicted, according to which the current state of the system undergoes a transition to dynamical chaos, and then the alternative spin state is established spontaneously. Such spin switches, mediated by a chaotic stage, proceed in both directions near the same critical excitation amplitude, so that the sign of the circular polarization of the cavity radiation is directly determined by the intensity of the optical pump.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):649-655
pages 649-655 views

Neravnovesnye yavleniya v planarnykh mezoskopicheskikh dzhozefsonovskikh SNS strukturakh na osnove sverkhprovodyashchego Nb

Lakunov I., Egorov S., Mukhanova E., Batov I., Golikova T., Ryazanov V.


Nonequilibrium phenomena in planar Josephson SNS nanostructures, where the superconductor (S) is Nb and the normal metal (N) is Cu or Au, have been studied experimentally. Using additional N electrodes attached to the S banks of the Josephson SNS junction, transport measurements have been performed at low temperatures with the injection of quasiparticles with the use of local and nonlocal connection schemes. The charge-imbalance relaxation length in niobium at temperatures much lower than the superconducting transition temperature has been determined experimentally for the first time.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):656-663
pages 656-663 views

Evolyutsiya elektronnoy struktury i transportnykh svoystv Ca2N pri izmenenii razmernosti elektridnogo podprostranstva pod davleniem

Mazannikova M., Korotin D., Anisimov V., Oganov A., Novoselov D.


Используя метод максимально локализованных функций Ванье (MLWF) описаны меузельные квазиатомные состояния (МКС), находящиеся в центрах неядерных аттаркторов, соответствующих определенным позициям Вайкоффа между атомами кальция. Это позволило сделать вывод о том, что именно волновые функции электридной подсистемы формируют зонную структуру вблизи уровня Ферми во всех фазах Ca2N, наблюдаемых под давлением. Используя полученный базис МЛФВ для решения квазиклассических уравнений переноса Больцмана, вычислены электронная проводимость и теплопроводность, а также коэффициент Зеебека. Показано, что экспериментально наблюдаемое, на первый взглядконтринтуитивное, увеличение электрического сопротивления под давлением в Ca2N объясняется ростом локализации межузельных электронных состояний при 2D → 1D → 0D переходах. Кроме того, обнаружена существенная анизотропия электронных транспортных свойств 2D-фазы, а также установлено,что проводимость внутри плоскости электридных слоев обеспечивается электронами, тогда как вдоль нормали к слоям основными носителями являются дырки.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):664-670
pages 664-670 views

Dzhozefsonovskaya dinamika pri vysokikh prozrachnostyakh: predely zadannogo toka i zadannogo napryazheniya

Galaktionov A., Zaikin A.


Мы устанавливаем непосредственное соответствие между вольт-амперными характеристиками джозефсоновского контакта с высокой прозрачностью в режимах заданного тока и заданного напряжения. Мы показываем, что наличие субомической диссипации при подщелевых напряжениях и температурах приводит к линейной зависимости среднего напряжения V от заданного тока I , когда последний превосходит критический ток Ic. Это существенно отличается от корневой зависимости V ∝ I - Ic вомическом пределе. Наши предсказания сравниваются с недавними экспериментальными данными.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):671-676
pages 671-676 views

Osobennosti breggovskikh rezonansov v magnonnom kristalle s dvumya periodami

Morozova M., Matveev O., Ptashenko A., Sadovnikov A., Nikitov S.


Specific features of Bragg resonances in a magnonic crystal with a metallic grating on the surface with two periods have been revealed. A theoretical model describing the spectral characteristics of magnetostatic waves has been constructed by matching the permeabilities of the metal layer and the ferromagnetic film at the interface between them and using the coupled-wave analysis. The distribution of the magnetization amplitude at each Bragg resonance frequency has been calculated by the finite-element method. It has been shown that three Bragg resonances in the first Brillouin zone for the grating with a smaller period and one resonance in the first Brillouin zone for the grating with a larger period are formed in this structure. Resonance frequencies are determined by the ratio of the large and small periods.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):677-682
pages 677-682 views

Pervoprintsipnye issledovaniya adsorbtsii Li i Na na poverkhnosti monosloya MgCl2

Ustyuzhanina S., Kistanov A.


Ab initio calculations have been performed to study the dynamic stability of a new MgCl2 monolayer and the formation of point defects in it. The possibility of using the MgCl2 monolayer in Li- and Na-ion batteries has been analyzed. It has been shown that the MgCl2 monolayer has the dynamic stability but can contain point defects. These point defects can improve the adsorption capability of the MgCl2 monolayer with respect to Li and Na atoms. The results obtained in this work indicate that the MgCl2 monolayer is a promising material for application in Li- and Na-ion batteries.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):683-688
pages 683-688 views

Perekhod metall-dielektrik i drugie elektronnye svoystva dvukhsloynogo AV-grafena na ferromagnitnoy podlozhke

Gobelko I., Rozhkov A., Dresvyankin D.


Using a simple theoretical model, AB-stacked bilayer graphene deposited on a ferromagnetic insulating substrate is studied. In addition to the exchange Zeeman field induced by the substrate, the model allows one to take into account the effective external electric field perpendicular to the graphene sample plane (such field arises due to the contact with the substrate and can also be induced by applying a gate voltage). It has been demonstrated that AB-stacked graphene in zero electric field is in a metallic state. As the field increases, a transition to the insulating phase occurs. The spectrum of electron states, the band gap, and other characteristics of the phases on both sides of the metal−insulator transition have been calculated. Our results are consistent with density functional theory calculations and can be useful for spintronics.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):689-696
pages 689-696 views

Priroda dielektricheskoy relaksatsii v monokristallakh SrTiO3:Mn

Talanov M., Zhukova E., Nekrasov B., Savinov M., Kozlov V., Gorshunov B., Bush A.


Dielectric spectra of SrTiO3 and SrTiO3:Mn single crystals have been studied in the frequency range of 10‒3000 cm–1 and in the temperature range of 5–297 K using time-domain terahertz spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. A comparative analysis of the experimental results made it possible to detect a significant broadening of the absorption lines corresponding to the Slater and Last phonon modes, while the parameters of the Axe mode when replacing Ti with Mn (2 at %) stay invariant. This effect is associated with an enhance in structural disorder in the cation subsystem (B-sublattice) of the SrTiO3 crystal. It has been established that doping with Mn ions reduces the antiferrodistortive phase transition temperature by about 20 K, but hardly affects the character of the temperature dependence of the parameters of a ferroelectric soft mode at temperatures of about 60–297 K. It has been found that an additional excitation with the frequency below the frequency of the ferroelectric soft mode should be taken into account for an appropriate model description of the dispersion of the permittivity of SrTiO3:Mn in the terahertz frequency range. The results obtained in this work indicate that dielectric relaxation in the SrTiO3:Mn crystal is due to thermally activated hops of Mn atoms between displaced (noncentral) crystallographic sites; i.e., the mechanism of radiofrequency relaxation in SrTiO3:Mn is hopping rather than polaronic, which is also actively discussed in the literature.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):697-706
pages 697-706 views

Anatomy of the band structure of the newest apparent near-ambient superconductor LuH3−xNx

Pavlov N., Shein I., Pervakov K., Pudalov V., Nekrasov I.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):707-708
pages 707-708 views

Review on special geometry and mirror symmetry for Calabi–Yau manifolds (Mini-review)

Belavin A., Eremin B., Parkhomenko S.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):711-712
pages 711-712 views

Priroda spinovoy dekogerentsii polyarizovannogo puchka legkikh yader v nakopitel'nom kol'tse dlya poiska EDM

Mel'nikov A., Senichev Y., Aksent'ev A., Kolokol'chikov S.


Когерентное спин-орбитальное движение спинов есть необходимое условие для экспериментов по поиску электрического дипольного момента заряженных частиц в накопительном кольце. Первый шаг для увеличения времени когерентности спинов представляет собой включение резонатора с высокочастотным полем. На следующем шаге необходимо выравнивание равновесных уровней энергии, связанных с бетатронным удлинением орбит и нелинейным коэффициентом сжатия орбит. Спиновые резонансы также являются дополнительным источником декогеренции, особенно для протонного пучка.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):713-720
pages 713-720 views

Spreading widths of giant monopole resonance in the lead region: random matrix approach

Arsenyev N., Severyukhin A., Nazmitdinov R.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):721-722
pages 721-722 views

Linearly polarized gluon density in the rescaling model

Abdulov N., Chen X., Kotikov A., Lipatov A.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):723-724
pages 723-724 views

Vliyanie oblaka vtorichnoy plazmy na isparenie makrochastits v ustanovkakh s magnitnym uderzhaniem

Bakhareva O., Sergeev V., Sharov I.


The analysis of experimental data on the structure of hydrocarbon pellet clouds on the LHD stellarator has allowed one to estimate the relative contributions of neutral and plasma shielding at the ablation of macroparticles (pellets) in a high-temperature magnetized toroidal plasma. A method for the self-consistent calculation of the pellet ablation rate, the characteristic size of the pellet cloud, and the electron density in its singly ionized part including neutral gas and plasma shielding is described. This calculation for polystyrene pellets injected into the LHD plasma gives the results that agree with the experimental data obtained during the early ablation phase, when the ablation rate is determined by thermal electrons and the contribution of the superthermal component of the hot plasma to ablation can be neglected.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):725-732
pages 725-732 views

Rattling phonon modes in quadruple perovskites

Pchelkina Z., Komleva E., Irkhin V., Long Y., Streltsov S.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):733-734
pages 733-734 views

Sintez i sverkhprovodyashchie svoystva nekotorykh faz poligidridov zheleza pri vysokikh davleniyakh

Gavrilyuk A., Troyan I., Struzhkin V., Trunov D., Aksenov S., Mironovich A., Ivanova A., Lyubutin I.


Experimental syntheses of two iron polyhydrides FeHx(I) and FeHx(II) have been carried out in diamond anvil cells by laser heating of metallic iron to temperatures of about 700 and 2000 K at pressures of 178 and 195 GPa, respectively. The initial sample is an iron plate enriched in the Fe-57 Mössbauer isotope placed in ammonia borane (BH3NH3). The electronic properties of FeHx compounds have been studied by measuring the electrical resistance R(T) at high pressures (180–216 GPa) in the temperature range of ~8–300 K. Based on the obtained R(T) data, two superconducting phases of FeHx compounds with the maximum critical transition temperatures Tc ≈ 25.0 and 27.7 K have been identified. It has been found that with increasing pressure, the temperature Tc in both hydrides increases linearly with the coefficients dTc/dP ~ 0.063 ± 0.001 K/GPa and 0.056 ± 0.003 K/GPa for the FeHx(I) and FeHx(II) phases, respectively. Superconductivity in iron hydrides revealed by the measured resistance R(T) has been confirmed by a number of additional methods.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):735-747
pages 735-747 views

Temperaturnaya zavisimost' zapreshchennoy zony polnost'yu ftorirovannykh/gidrirovannykh uglerodnykh nanotrubok: rol' odnomernykh tsepochek

Katkov V., Osipov V.


The temperature dependence of the band gap Eg(T) in zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes at the maximum (50%) fluorination and hydrogenation has been theoretically investigated for three coating versions. It has been shown that the character of coating dramatically affects the dependence Eg(T), which may vary over a wide range from very weak (typical of pure carbon nanotubes) to strong (typical of bulk semiconductors). The character of the temperature behavior Eg(T) is directly related to the formation of one-dimensional alternating chains in nanotubes. The main factors determining this dependence are the diameter of carbon nanotube, impurity position, and impurity type.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):748-753
pages 748-753 views

Vozbuzhdenie dzhozefsonovskikh tokov kolebaniyami aerogelya v sverkhtekuchem 3He

Surovtsev E.


The problem of mechanical vibrations of an aerogel attached to an elastic wire in superfluid 3He is solved for the case, where the aerogel is also in a superfluid state. The hydrodynamic boundary conditions at the aerogel surface formulated in this work allow one to explain the anomalously rapid increase in the frequency of mechanical vibrations of the system on cooling. The found relation between the phase jump at the aerogel boundary and the superfluid current flowing across the boundary suggests the Josephson character of such current.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):754-760
pages 754-760 views

Eksperimental'noe issledovanie peredatochnoy funktsii prototipa sverkhprovodyashchego gauss-neyrona

Ionin A., Karelina L., Shuravin N., Sidel'nikov M., Razorenov F., Egorov S., Bol'ginov V.


The transfer function of a shunted two-junction interferometer, which was previously proposed as a basic element of superconducting neural networks based on radial basis functions, has been measured for the first time. The sample has been implemented in the form of a multilayer thin-film structure over a thick superconducting screen with the inductive supply of an input signal and the readout of an output signal. It has been found that the transfer function is the sum of the linear and periodic bell-shaped components. The linear component is likely due to the direct transfer of the input magnetic flux to the measuring circuit. The shape of the nonlinear component, which is the output signal of a Gauss neuron, can be approximately described by a Gaussian distribution function or, more precisely, by a parametric dependence derived theoretically in previous works. It has been shown that the transfer function of the Gauss neuron can depend on the choice of the working point of the measuring circuit, which promotes the development of integrated neural networks based on implemented elements.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):761-768
pages 761-768 views

Sensor na nelineynoy kineticheskoy induktivnosti

Vodolazov D.


Предложена концепция сенсора электромагнитного излучения ( nonlinear kinetic inductance sensor - NKIS) на нелинейной кинетической индуктивности. Идея сенсора основана на расходимости кинетической индуктивности Lk dq/dI (пq - импульс сверхпроводящих электронов, I - сверхток) гибридного сверхпроводник/нормальный металл (SN) мостика при токе I∗ < Idep (Idep - ток распаривания гибрида) и температуре T ∗ много меньшей критической температуры гибрида Tc. Это позволяет получить большое изменение разности фаз δφ вдоль SN мостика в режиме заданного тока при I ≃ I даже в случае малого роста электронной температуры. Возникновение δφ сопровождается изменением тока и магнитного потока через связанное сверхпроводящее кольцо, что может быть измерено с помощью сверхпроводящего квантового интерференционного прибора (СКВИДа). В некотором смысле предложенный сенсор является сверхпроводниковым аналогом сенсора на краю резистивного перехода (transition edge sensor - TES), чья работа основана на наличии большой производной dR/dT (R - сопротивление) вблизикритической температуры сверхпроводника Tc. Так как при I ≃ I SN мостик находится в бесщелевомрежиме, у него отсутствует нижняя граница для частоты детектируемого элeктромагнитного излучения. Расчеты показывают, что такой сенсор может работать в однофотонном режиме и детектировать одиночные фотоны с частотой ν 10 ГГц. В работе обсуждается, что нетривиальная зависимость I(q) SN мостика может быть также использована в детекторах непрерывного электромагнитного излучения, сенсорах тока и магнитного поля.
Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):769-775
pages 769-775 views

Prostranstvennaya model' organizatsii khromatina v yadre biologicheskoy kletki po dannym malouglovogo rasseyaniya

Yashina E., Varfolomeeva E., Pantina R., Bayramukov V., Kovalev R., Fedorova N., Pshenichnyy K., Gorshkova Y., Grigor'ev S.


Small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering data for HeLa nuclei with the normal and suppressed transcription activities are reported. Small-angle neutron scattering data demonstrate the presence of a bifractal structure inside a nucleus. The logarithmic fractal structure is observed in the range from the size of the nucleus to several hundreds of nanometer, whereas the volume fractal structure exists at smaller scales down to a nucleosome structure. Small-angle X-ray scattering data show that the presence of the volume fractal structure correlates with the transcription activity of a cell. In view of the successful description of chromatin by the fractal globule model (Hi–C method data), a scenario for the formation of the bifractal structure inside the nucleus has been proposed. A system of transport channels (logarithmic fractal) is located inside close-packed chromatin, whereas active chromatin is localized near transport channels or inside them and forms volume fractal structures due to the transcription activity. Thus, the logarithmic fractal structure ensures the uniform distribution of voids at various scales, which is potentially necessary for the transcription and transport of substances inside the nucleus, whereas the volume fractal structure is due to the transcription activity of the cell.

Pisʹma v žurnal êksperimentalʹnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 2023;118(9-10 (11)):776-781
pages 776-781 views

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