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Vol 212, No 11 (2021)

New moduli components of rank 2 bundles on projective space

Almeida C., Jardim M., Tikhomirov A.S., Tikhomirov S.A.


We present a new family of monads whose cohomology is a stable rank 2 vector bundle on $\mathbb{P}^3$. We also study the irreducibility and smoothness together with a geometrical description of some of these families. These facts are used to construct a new infinite series of rational moduli components of stable rank 2 vector bundles with trivial determinant and growing second Chern class. We also prove that the moduli space of stable rank 2 vector bundles with trivial determinant and second Chern class equal to 5 has exactly three irreducible rational components.Bibliography: 40 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):3-54
pages 3-54 views

Orthogonality in nonseparable rearrangement-invariant spaces

Astashkin S.V., Semenov E.M.


Let $E$ be a nonseparable rearrangement-invariant space and let $E_0$ be the closure of the space of bounded functions in $E$. Elements of $E$ orthogonal to $E_0$, that is, elements $x\in E$, $x\ne 0$, such that $\|x\|_{E} \le\|x+y\|_{E}$ for each $y\in E_0$, are investigated. The set of orthogonal elements $\mathcal{O}(E)$ is characterized in the case when $E$ is a Marcinkiewicz or an Orlicz space. If an Orlicz space $L_M$ is considered with the Luxemburg norm, then the set $L_M\setminus (L_M)_0$ is the algebraic sum of $\mathcal{O}(L_M)$ and $(L_M)_0$. Each nonseparable rearrangement-invariant space $E$ such that $\mathcal{O}(E)\ne\varnothing$ is shown to contain an asymptotically isometric copy of the space $l_\infty$. Bibliography: 17 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):55-72
pages 55-72 views

A probability estimate for the discrepancy of Korobov lattice points

Illarionov A.A.


Bykovskii (2002) obtained the best current upper estimate for the minimum discrepancy of the Korobov lattice points from the uniform distribution. We show that this estimate holds for almost all $s$-dimensional Korobov lattices of $N$ nodes, where $s\ge 3$, and $N$ is a prime number. Bibliography: 14 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):73-88
pages 73-88 views

On optimal recovery of values of linear operators from information known with a stochastic error

Krivosheev K.Y.


The optimal recovery of values of linear operators is considered for classes of elements the information on which is known with a stochastic error. Linear optimal recovery methods are constructed that, in general, do not use all the available information for the measurements. As a consequence, an optimal method is described for recovering a function from a finite set of its Fourier coefficients specified with a stochastic error. Bibliography: 14 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):89-108
pages 89-108 views

Estimates for the volume of the zeros of a holomorphic function depending on a complex parameter

Kytmanov A.M., Sadullaev A.S.


Given a holomorphic function $f(\sigma,z)$, $\sigma\in\mathbb{C}^{m}$, $z\in\mathbb{C}^{n}$, an estimate for the volume of the zero set $ż\colon f(\sigma,z)=0\}$ is presented which holds uniformly in $\sigma $. Such estimates are quite useful in investigations of oscillatory integrals of the form $$ J(\lambda,\sigma)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n} }a(\sigma, x)e^{i\lambda \Phi (\sigma, x)} dx $$ as $\lambda \to \infty $. Here $a(\sigma, x)\in C_{0}^{\infty } (\mathbb{R}^{n} \times\mathbb{R}^{m})$ is a so-called amplitude function and $\Phi (\sigma, x)$ is a phase function. Bibliography: 9 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Global boundedness of functions of finite order that are bounded outside small sets

Khabibullin B.N.


We prove that subharmonic or holomorphic functions of finite order on the plane, in space, or on the unit disc or ball that are bounded above on a sequence of circles or spheres, or on a system of embedded discs or balls, outside some asymptotically small sets are bounded above throughout. Hence, subharmonic functions of finite order on the complex plane, entire or plurisubharmonic functions of finite order, and also convex or harmonic functions of finite order that are bounded above on spheres outside such sets are constants. The results and the approaches to the proofs are new for both functions of one and several variables. Bibliography: 14 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):116-127
pages 116-127 views

Convergence of two-point Pade approximants to piecewise holomorphic functions

Yattselev M.L.


Let $f_0$ and $f_\infty$ be formal power series at the origin and infinity, and $P_n/Q_n$, $\deg(P_n),\deg(Q_n)\leq n$, be the rational function that simultaneously interpolates $f_0$ at the origin with order $n$ and $f_\infty$ at infinity with order ${n+1}$. When germs $f_0$ and $f_\infty$ represent multi-valued functions with finitely many branch points, it was shown by Buslaev that there exists a unique compact set $F$ in the complement of which the approximants converge in capacity to the approximated functions. The set $F$ may or may not separate the plane. We study uniform convergence of the approximants for the geometrically simplest sets $F$ that do separate the plane. Bibliography: 26 titles.
Matematicheskii Sbornik. 2021;212(11):128-164
pages 128-164 views

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