Biologiâ vnutrennih vod

ISSN 0320-9652 (Print)

Media registration certificate: № 013359 от 22.02.1995

Founders: Hydrobiological Society of RAS; Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters RAS

Editor-in-Chief: Krylov Aleksandr Vitalevich

Number of issues per year: 6

Indexation: RISC, Higher Attestation Commission list, RSCI, White list (3rd level), translated version: Scopus and Web of Science

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No 2 (2024)

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Reproduction of the Invasive Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot near the Southern Coast of Crimea (Black Sea)
Sadogurskiy S.Y., Belich T.V., Sadogurskaya S.A.

During the study of the macrophytobenthos annual cycle of the aquatic component in the Cape Martyan Reserve, it has been found that sporophytes of the invasive transforming species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot (Trailliella phase), naturalized in coastal waters off the Southern Coast of Crimea (SCC), abundantly form specialized organs of asexual reproduction. Mature tetrasporangia were registered in autumn at every zone of the phytal. Their morphology and morphometry, which have an important diagnostic value, were identified and measured. It was found that any thalli cells (except apical ones) could turn into sporangia, with the maximum number being formed in the terminal branches, where rows of up to 3–4 pcs are most common. Considering the fact that the formation of tetrasporangia occurs only in a narrow range of light-temperature conditions of a short day typical for autumn and spring, we showed that in the SCC the favorable period for this process lasts from the first decade of October to the second decade of December. In spring, in deep open water areas near the SCC, under modern climatic conditions, the formation of tetrasporangia is limited by water temperature, and therefore is unlikely. However, in relatively isolated shallow bays and lagoons, characteristic of other coastal regions of the Azov-Black Sea basin, it is possible due to local water temperature rise in the first half of March. Still, the ability of sporophyte thalli for vegetative reproduction by forming an unlimited number of fragments, that retain their viability and the potential for further fragmentation, remains likely the key factor ensuring the scale and rapid spread of B. hamifera in the SCC and in the Azov-Black Sea region as a whole.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):348-353
pages 348-353 views
Effect of Trypanosome Infection on Hematological Parameters of the Black Sea Sprat (Clupeonella cultriventris) from the Ivankovo Reservoir
Trofimov D.Y., Zabotkina E.A.

For the first time, light microscopy was used to study the parameters of red and white blood cells and thrombocytes were studied in the Black Sea Sprat (Clupeonella cultriventris Nordmann) from the Ivankovo Reservoir, in the peripheral blood of which trypanosomes were found. A shift in the composition of erythrocytes towards immature cells, lymphopenia, an increase in the proportion of immature granulocytes, and a decrease in the proportion of platelets are shown. It was noted that earlier this species of fish in the Ivankovo reservoir was not infected with trypanosomes.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):354-357
pages 354-357 views
Research of the Microplastic Content in the Floodplain Alluvium of the Upper Volga
Sursimova O.Y., Muravieva L.V., Sergeev A.R., Tikhomirov O.A., Prokofieva N.B.

The results of a study of the accumulation of microplastics in the caught alluvium of the river. Volga near the city of Tver. There were significant soil samples within the city, upstream and downstream of the river. Sample processing was carried out according to the modified method of the US Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA). Microplastic particles are found in all samples, limiting the number of coverages in the inclusion area for the production and increase in the amount of plastic. It was found that films, granules and fragments of plastic particles ranging in size from 1 to 2.5 mm along the largest axis predominate in all selected samples.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):358-362
pages 358-362 views


Lipid Profile of the Mussels Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Lakes with Different Degrees of Anthropogenic Pollution
Mihaylov R.A., Nesterov V.N., Rahuba A.V.

Dependence in water bodies between the degree of anthropogenic impact and the composition of lipids and fatty acids (FA) separately liver, foot and body of L. stagnalis has been examined. The lake located within the city limits is susceptible to various types of pollution, the lake in the national park zone is clean. The ecological condition of the different lakes probably influenced the composition and content of total lipids and fatty acids of L. stagnalis. The highest lipids have been noted in the liver of the snail. In the body, liver and leg of the species the lipids phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine dominate, the FA — polyunsaturated acids. The change of the lipid and FA content of the L. stagnalis in lakes is probably due to the high concentration of organic compounds, heavy metals.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):256-265
pages 256-265 views
Comparative Aspects of the Study of Morpho-physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Somatic Growth in Populations of Two Species of Black Sea Bivalvia Mollusks — Cerasoderma glaucum and Flexopecten glaber ponticus
Shcherban S.A., Temnykh A.V.

Presented are the results of the analysis of the morpho-physiological and biochemical indicators of somatic growth in the Black Sea bivalve mollusks, the cockle Cerastoderma glaucum (Bruguiere, 1789) and the scallop Flexopecten glaber ponticus (Bucguoy, Dautzenberg et Dollfus, 1889), living in the vicinity of Sevastopol. The examples are of three size-age groups, in the length range from 12 to 30 mm for both species, the features of tissue biosynthesis (somatic growth) of soft tissues were studied. According to the total RNA content and the RNA/DNA index in the C. glaucum, it was shown that in the groups 17–22 and 23–28 mm (age two–three years), the level of synthesis of protein structures is 1.3–1.7 times higher than in the underyearlings. In individuals of the F. glaber ponticus with linear sizes of 13–17 and 21–24 mm (underyearlings), the level of synthesis of protein structures was 1.2–1.5 times higher than in larger individuals (age two years). The species specificity of somatic growth was most significantly manifested in the middle and older size groups of the studied mollusks. The values of biochemical growth parameters in both species indicated an average level of tissue growth in comparison with other previously obtained data for the mass Black Sea bivalves. Linear regression models of size-weight values showed that for both species, the change in size explains 62–86% of the variation in body weight of the mollusk. Analysis of weight parameters (total mass/soft tissue mass) indicates a positive allometry of somatic tissue growth.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):266-275
pages 266-275 views
Relationship of Size and Mass Characteristics, Indicators of Metabolism and Mercury Concentration in Muscle Tissue of Freshwater Fish from Tropical Vietnam
Payuta A.A., Flerova E.A., Guldina D.A., Kliuchnikov A.S., Komov V.T., Lobus N.V.

The main chemical composition and content of mercury in the muscles of freshwater fish species Xenentodon cancila, Notopterus notopterus, Anabas testudineus, Channa striata, Ch. gachua, Clarias batrachus from the rivers of the Cai South Vietnam, and their body sizes, was studied. A trend of more intensive accumulation of mercury, protein and fat in the muscle tissue of females compared to males was revealed. A significant relationship between the content of mercury and body size, as well as the content of mercury and the proportion of protein in the muscles, was not established in most of the studied individuals. Trophic patterns of mercury accumulation in fish muscles were confirmed: its content increased from euryphages to zoophages (facultative predators). An exception is the euryphage Clarias batrachus, which surpassed many facultative predators in mercury content. It is shown that individuals of the same species living in the biotopes of the Kai River with different hydrodynamic and hydrochemical conditions differ in weight, length, content of protein, fat and mercury in muscle tissue.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):276-285
pages 276-285 views


Diversity of Hydrobionts of the Different Type Salt Lakes in the South-Eastern Transbaikalia in the Period of Moisture Changing
Bazarova B.B., Borzenko S.V., Tashlykova N.A., Afonina E.Y., Tsybekmitova G.T., Matafonov P.V., Kuklin A.P.

The results of a complex hydrochemical and hydrobiological study of salt lakes in the South-Eastern Transbaikalia during the period of moisture change are presented. The studied lakes, according to the geochemical classification, belong to the chloride and soda types. The taxonomic diversity of aquatic biota decreases while the salinity increases and the hydrochemical type of lakes changes from soda oligo-mesohaline (4–16 g/L) to chloride eu-hyperhaline (33–70 g/L) and to soda hyperhaline (128–231 g/L). In soda oligo-mesohaline and chloride lakes the phytoplankton taxonomic composition is similar and is represented by green and diatom algae, as well as cyanobacteria. Submerged aquatic plants are represented by Stuckenia pectinata in soda oligo-mesohaline lakes. Ruppia maritime was found in the Dabasa-Nor chloride lake. In zooplankton and zoobenthos, rotifers and chironomids dominated respectively. Quantitative characteristics of phytoplankton in oligo-mesohaline lakes are lower than in hyperhaline soda and eu-hyperhaline chloride lakes. The phytomass of submerged aquatic plants, on the contrary, is higher in oligo-mesohaline lakes. In the hypersaline soda lake Borzinskoye, zoobenthos and zooplankton organisms are represented by planktonobenthos species, namely Anostrica, with low abundance.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):219-232
pages 219-232 views


Taxonomic Status of the Far Eastern Cattail Typha japonica (T. sect. Ebracteolatae) in the Context of Its First Record in Russia
Kapitonova O.A., Belyakov E.A.

Japanese cattail (Typha japonica Miq., section Ebracteolatae) has been restored to its valid taxonomic status and listed as one of the floras of the outmost southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands for the first time. These are the first records of T. japonica in Russia. With the unique geography and current molecular data (rpl32-trnL intergenic spacer), the latter cattail’s combination of morphological characters clearly distinguishes it from all other species of sect. Ebracteolatae (including T. caspica, T. elata, and T. tzvelevii), and also from all currently known bract-less species of Typha, including the Eastern cattail (T. orientalis C.Presl.), with which T. japonica was arbitrarily synonymized previously.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):233-242
pages 233-242 views


Abundance of Zoobenthos on the Nearshore Slope Near the Rocky Coast of the Island of Valaam (Lake Ladoga)
Zuyev Y.A., Zueva N.V.

The bottom communities of a nearshore zone of Valaam archipelago (Ladoga Lake) have been investigated. The stations were located in the littoral, sublittoral and profundal on the depth 1–25 m. The three regions with different characteristics of the coast shore and relief were researched. The sampler-syringe was used to collect benthos because it works the whole of grounds variety in the nearshore. The quantative characteristics of the bottom communities had been optimally described with the depth ranges. The wave activity has significantly affected only on the numbers of zoobenthos in the upper 10 m. The changes of numbers and biomass have been described more preciously by the openness of the bays in depth from 1 to 10 m. There were the biggest numbers and biomass of zoobenthos in littoral of the close bay. In the semi-close bay and on the open coast the maximum abundance of benthic invertebrates shifted in sublittoral (depth >8 m), where waves less affected on the benthic communities. The types of ground had affected significantly only on taxonomical composition. In general, preferential effect on the quantity characteristics of benthos on the rocky slope zone have features of shore (openness and depth patterns). These data can be used for the analyses of next influences on the nearshore benthic community and for the analyses and modelling the commercial resources and their forage base.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):243-255
pages 243-255 views


Evaluation of the Toxicity of Microplastics in the Supralittoral of the Barents Sea using Test Objects of Different Trophic Levels
Lazareva A.M., Rak A.N., Gershkovich D.M., Ilyina O.V., Ipatova V.I.

The influence of different types of microplastics (MP) and ash after burning a mixture of macroplastics selected in the supralittoral of the Barents Sea on the development of traditional test objects of the culture of the green microalgae Scenedesmus quadricauda and the culture of cladocerans Daphnia magna in chronic experiments was studied. In terms of inhibition of algal growth at a concentration of 3 mg/L MP, the PU sample showed the highest toxicity, followed by HDPE (white), HDPE (red) and contact EPS in descending order of toxicity. PP was non-toxic. Ash in the concentration range of 0.01-1000 mg/L did not significantly inhibit the growth of Scenedesmus quadricauda. For Daphnia magna a more expressed decrease in the average linear size was noted with the addition of intact EPS, and the stimulation of fertility was significantly higher in the presence of contact EPS. When comparing the effect of intact and contact PU on D. magna, the death of all individuals under the influence of intact PU was found, while adding PU, survival remained at the control level. MP particles and ash affect the trophic activity of daphnia when fed with chlorella, but this effect does not lead to changes in fertility and growth during long-term observation.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):286-295
pages 286-295 views
Influence of Microplastics on the Nutritional and Locomotive Activity of Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina in the Experiment
Rauen T.V., Mukhanov V.S., Baiandina I.S., Lyakh A.M.

The incorporation of microplastic particles (MPs) into the microbial food chain and their impact on physiology of consuming organisms has been largely underexplored. The heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina serves as a good model for understanding these processes. In this work, flow cytometry methods were used to analyze the dynamics of consumption by this predator of its natural prey, the microalga Isochrysis galbana (ISO), and plastic microspheres (MS) of the same size. In addition, the effect of the diets containing these components on the swimming speed and movement patterns of Oxyrrhis marina cells was evaluated using a computer method for analyzing video recordings of O. marina movement. It was shown that from the first minutes of the experiment, the dinoflagellates actively consumed both the preys, but by the end of the experiment, the number of MS in the medium decreased to a lesser extent, from 4.4 to 2.2 · 105/mL, while Isochrysis galbana cells were almost completely grazed, and their abundance decreased by more than two orders of magnitude, from 4.9 · 105 cells/mL to 2.3 · 103 cells/mL. Such dynamics were associated with compensation for the number of microspheres in the medium due to their excretion and repeated phagocytosis by Oxyrrhis marina. The increase in the size of dinoflagellate cells, which was a consequence of the consumption of plastic microspheres, did not lead to a noticeable decrease in their mobility and impaired locomotion. ‘Unproductive’ feeding of the dinoflagellates on microplastics did not supply them with nutrients and was the reason for a statistically significant decrease in their abundance (compared to the control and experiment with microalgae). This seemed to be due to the unreasonably high energy consumption of their population for constant search, phagocytosis, and excretion of microspheres. There were no signs of the predator’s rejection of such an unproductive nutrition strategy; on the contrary, cell mobility increased over time, which only worsened the situation. Such processes can have far-reaching negative consequences for the entire food chain. In particular, microplastics “packaged” by unicellular organisms can be transported to higher trophic levels and accumulate in mollusks, fish, and larger predators.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):296-307
pages 296-307 views
Peculiarities of Microplastic Accumulation in Fish and Crustaceans of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam)
Chesnokova I.I., Statkevich S.V., Karpova E.P., Cu N.

Plastic pollution of Asian rivers is one of the global problems of the region. Work was carried out to identify microplastic particles in the tissues of some species of hydrobionts from the Mekong Delta, one of the largest rivers in Southeast Asia. The method of tissue decomposition with 30% hydrogen peroxide was used. The presence of microplastic particles was revealed in 11 out of 12 fish species and in 6 crustaceans species. The dominant type of plastic in both fish and crustaceans was blue-violet fibers.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):308-316
pages 308-316 views
Microplastic Content in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Some Fish Species of Lake Kubenskoe (Vologda Oblast)
Tropin N.Y., Rakhmatullina S.N., Vorobiev E.D., Vorobiev D.S., Frank Y.A.

Quantitative assessment of microplastic content in the gastrointestinal tract of perch, roach and bream of Kubenskое Lake in the Vologda region was conducted. Microplastics were detected in 60% of bream specimens and 43% of perch specimens. No plastic microparticles were found in the gastrointestinal tract of the roach. It was found average number of microplastic particles was 1.6 ± 0.4 items per individual of bream, and 4.2 ± 1.4 items of microplastic per individual of perch. Microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of fish were mainly represented by fibers with a small proportion of fragments and films. No significant differences (р >0.05) in the content of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of benthivorous (bream) and euryphage (perch) were found. The data obtained are the first evidence of the presence of microplastics in fish of the Vologda Oblast water bodies.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):317-325
pages 317-325 views
Accumulation of microplastics by the Siberian frog Rana amurensis (Anura, Amphibia) in the West Baikal region
Kuranova V.N., Frank Y.A., Rakhmatullina S.N., Epova L.A.

The results of the quantitative assessment of the microplastics (MPs) content in the Siberian Wood Frog (Rana amurensis) larvae and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of adults from the floodplain of the Goloustnaya River flowing into Baikal Lake are presented. MP particles were found in the GITs of 83% (n = 18) of Siberian Wood Frogs aged 1+ to 4+. In the GITs of R. amurensis adults, MP particles were represented by microfibers (84.6%), microspheres (6.2%), microfilms (6.2%), and irregularly shaped fragments (3.0%). The sizes of MPs range from 0.3 to 5 mm. The average number of particles in frog’ GITs was 3.5 ± 3.6 per individual, with a spread from 0 to 11.6 particles. No significant correlations were found between the level of MP accumulation and the age of individuals of different sexes. No MP were found in R. amurensis larvae (n = 120), which is largely due to the low productivity of temporary shallow breeding water bodies in the floodplain of the Goloustnaya River, which are experiencing powerful anthropogenic pressure (transport, grazing, hay harvesting). The detection of MP in the GITs of adult Siberian Wood Frogs indirectly indicates contamination of the valley and the mouth of the Goloustnaya River, including the coast of the Baikal Lake. The data obtained in this study are the first evidence of the presence of MP in amphibians in the Russian Federation.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):326-334
pages 326-334 views


Early Detection of Contamination with Microplastics by Changing the Phototaxis of Freshwater Mesozooplankton to Paired Photostimulation
Dyomin V.V., Morgalev Y.N., Morgalev S.Y., Morgaleva T.G., Davydova A.Y., Polovtsev I.G., Kondratova O.V., Kosiakova A.A., Mostovaya A.K.

Our previous studies showed that the change in the plankton response to light could be an indicator of environmental pollution. This study experimentally reveals that the response of Daphnia magna Straus and Daphnia pulex plankton ensembles to photostimulation depends on the intensity of the attracting light. This makes it difficult to identify the occurrence and change of pollutant concentration. The large variability in the magnitude of the behavioral response is caused by the nonlinear response of plankton ensembles to the intensity of the attractor stimulus. As the intensity of the photostimulation increases, the variability of the phototropic response passes through increase, decrease and relative stabilization phases. The paper proposes a modification of the photostimulation method — paired photostimulation involving successive exposure to two photostimuli of increasing intensity. The first stimulus stabilizes the behavioral response, while the increase in response to the second stimulus makes it possible to more accurately assess the responsiveness of the plankton ensemble. The study demonstrates good reliability and increased sensitivity of this method of detecting changes in environmental toxicity compared to single photostimulation or traditional bioindication through the survival rate of test organisms.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2024;(2):335-347
pages 335-347 views

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