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Vol 50, No 3 (2024)

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pages 201-202 views

Novel BRICHOS-related defensin-like antimicrobial peptide from the marine polychaeta Arenicola marina

Safronova V.N., Panteleev P.V., Kruglikov R.N., Bolosov I.A., Finkina E.I., Ovchinnikova T.V.


To date, polychaetes remain a poorly studied class of invertebrate animals in the context of clarification of their immune system functioning and, in particular, of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) biodiversity. AMPs, also known as host defense peptides, play a key role in host protection from various pathogens and regulation of the species composition of symbiotic microbes. The study of biosynthesis of AMPs in polychaetes has revealed an interesting pattern, namely so-called BRICHOS domain in the precursor proteins of a number of such peptides. The conserved structure of this domain allows to perform a bioinformatic search for AMP precursors in polychaete transcriptomes. In this work, we found and studied a new BRICHOS-associated AMP from the lugworm Arenicola marina, which represents a structural family of defensin-like peptides stabilized by four disulfide bonds, not previously identified in marine worms. The peptide, designated as AmBRI-44a, contained 44 amino acid residues and was obtained by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli. AmBRI-44a was shown to have a specific activity against a narrow spectrum of Gram-positive bacteria and did not exhibit pronounced cytotoxic effects on eukaryotic cell line HEK293T. A potential mechanism of the antibacterial action of this peptide may be associated with inhibition of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis, as indicated by genetic and phenotypic analysis of selected AmBRI-44a-resistant bacteria Bacillus licheniformis B-511. The results obtained allow us to consider the novel peptide AmBRI-44a as a candidate compound for the development of an antibiotic agent that could potentially be effective in the treatment of infectious diseases mediated by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):203-217
pages 203-217 views

Heat shock proteins on the surface of tumor cells as a target for anti-tumor therapy

Makarova A.O., Kostenko V.V., Ovsyanikova O.V., Svirshchevskaya E.V., Lutsenko G.V., Sapozhnikov A.M.


According to WHO, oncological diseases are the cause of ~5 million people deaths annually. To date, there is no universal solution to fight cancer, despite outstanding achievements in the field of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. In this regard, there is a need to develop new approaches to antitumor therapy, in particular based on the search and use of targeted molecules that allow killing tumor cells of various types with high efficiency, without significant toxic effects on healthy organs and tissues. This review presents the characteristics of the main heat shock protein (HSP) families, the features of their expression in tumor cells and the possibility of using monoclonal antibodies to these proteins as a guiding vector for antitumor immunotherapy.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):218-230
pages 218-230 views

Bioinformatic approaches for detection of fusion genes and trans-splicing products

Musatov I.Y., Sorokin M.I., Buzdin А.A.


Chimeric genes and transcripts can be biological markers as well as the reasons for tumor progression and development. Modern algorithms and high-throughput sequencing are the complementary clues to the question of the tumor origin and cancer detection as well as to the fundamental question of chimeric genes origin and their influence on molecular processes of the cell. A wide-range of algorithms for chimeric genes detection was developed, with various differences in computing speed, sensitivity, specificity, and focus on the experimental design. There exist three main types of bioinformatic approaches, which act according to the sequencing read length. Algorithms, which focus on short-read high-throughput sequencing (about 50–300 bр of read length) or long-read sequencing (about 5000–100000 bр of read length) exclusively or algorithms, which combine the results of both short and long-read sequencing. These algorithms are further subdivided into: 1) mapping-first approaches (STAR-Fusion, Arriba), which map reads to the genome or transcriptome directly and search the reads supporting the fused gene or transcript; 2) assembly-first approaches (Fusion-Bloom), which assemble the genome or transcriptome from the overlapping reads, and then compare the results to the reference transcriptome or genome to find transcripts or genes not present in the reference and therefore raising questions; 3) pseudoalignment approaches, which do not make local alignment, but just search for the closest transcript subsequence to the reads seed, following the precomputed index for all reference transcripts and provides the results. This article describes the main classes of available software tools for chimeric gene detection, provides the characteristics of these programs, their advantages and disadvantages. To date the most resource intensive and slowest are still assembly-first algorithms. Mapping-first approaches are quite fast and rather accurate at fusion detection, still the fastest and resource-saving are the pseudoalignment algorithms, but, worth noting, that the quick search is carried out at the expense of chimeras search quality decrease.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):231-255
pages 231-255 views

Synthesis of bifunctional lipophilic constructs

Anisimova D.O., Savchenko M.S., Tuzikov A.B., Paramonov A.S., Chizhov A.O., Bovin N.V., Ryzhov I.M.


An ability of glycolipids to embed membrane of living cells opens an opportunity to modify cellular surface via insertion of synthetic lipophilic constructs carrying given glycan (or any other molecular fragment). Detection of thus inserted glycans by fluorescent microscopy requires treatment with corresponding fluorescently labeled antibodies. Di- (IgG) and decavalent (IgM) antibodies can significantly affect the distribution of glycolipids in the membrane, therefore direct visualization of embedded lipophilic constructs is required. To achieve this, fluorescent tag must be included in the composition of the lipophilic constructs and at the same time be located at a sufficient distance from glycan part. Here we propose two approaches to the synthesis of these compounds and describe obtaining of two constructs carrying A (type 2) tetrasaccharide and either fluorescein or sulfo-cyanine-3.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):256-268
pages 256-268 views

Human epithelial protein SLURP-2 as a prototype of drugs for wound healing

Bychkov M.L., Shlepova O.V., Shulepko M.A., Kulbatskii D.S., Bertrand D., Kirichenko A.V., Shenkarev Z.O., Kirpichnikov M.P., Lyukmanova E.N.


Wound healing is a complex process based on the regulation of proliferation and migration of epithelial cells. Chronic wounds are characterized by increased proliferation and lack of migration of epidermal cells. The secreted human protein SLURP-2 regulates the growth and differentiation of epithelial cells. It has previously been shown that the targets of SLURP-2 are various types of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), as well as muscarinic acetylcholine receptors involved in the regulation of epithelial cell homeostasis. In this work, we found that the previously demonstrated acceleration of keratinocyte migration under the incubation with SLURP-2 is due to its interaction with α7 type nAChR. Using alanine scanning mutagenesis, we showed that the R20A mutation of the SLURP-2 molecule increases the inhibitory activity of SLURP-2 towards α7-nAChR and leads to an even greater stimulation of Het-1A keratinocyte migration, while, in contrast to SLURP-2, does not stimulate, but suppresses the proliferation of Het-1A cells. At the same time, other SLURP-2 mutations simultaneously lead to inhibition of α7-nAChR, proliferation and migration of keratinocytes. Thus, new information was obtained about the localization of regions of the SLURP-2 molecule, the replacement of which can lead to a targeted change in the biological activity of SLURP-2. Further research into the possibility of regulating the activity of SLURP-2 and the creation of targeted drugs based on it may be useful for the development of new drugs that stimulate wound healing.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):269-278
pages 269-278 views

A new protein glosaxin consisting of non-catalytic domains of type piii metalloproteinase from the venom of pit viper Gloydius saxatilis inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

Osipov A.V., Kryukova E.V., Ojomoko L.O., Shelukhina I.V., Ziganshin R.H., Starkov V.G., Andreeva T.V., Tsetlin V.I., Utkin Y.N.


Previously, we found that the venom of the pit viper Gloydius saxatilis inhibited the muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). Using liquid chromatography, a protein glosaxin was isolated from the venom that inhibited the binding of the α-bungarotoxin to the nAChR of muscle type from Torpedo californica. The amino acid sequence of the isolated protein was analyzed by high resolution mass spectrometry. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis showed that it is homologous to the amino acid sequences of disintegrin-like proteins, consisting of non-catalytic domains of type PIII metalloproteinases from the venom of pit vipers of genus Gloydius. A study of the biological activity of the isolated protein showed that it inhibits the binding of α-bungarotoxin to Torpedo californica nAChR with IC50 = 51 μM. The protein also inhibited acetylcholine-induced functional responses of the human neuronal nAChR of α3β2 subtype. This is the first evidence of the ability of proteins consisting of non-catalytic domains of snake venom type PIII metalloproteinase to inhibit the nAChR.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):279-286
pages 279-286 views

Isoforms of the cytoskeletal lim-domain protein zyxin in the early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis

Ivanova E.D., Parshina E.A., Zaraisky A.G., Martynova N.Y.


Zyxin is a conserved mechanosensitive LIM-domain protein that regulates the assembly of F-actin filaments at cell junctions. At the same time, under mechanical stress, it can move from focal adhesions to stress fibrils and into the nucleus and affect gene expression. In Xenopus laevis embryonic cells, western blots with antibodies against Zyxin’s N-terminal and C-terminal LIM-domain regions revealed two full-length and two short isoforms. The intracellular localization of these isoforms and the number depending on the stage of embryo development were determined. According to our study, full forms with different electrophoretic mobility are localized differently in the cell, and the shortest isoform containing LIM-domains is stable during development, mainly located in the nucleus, and participates in gene expression regulation. This study may be of great value to understanding how the LIM-domain mechanotransducer proteins jointly influence morphogenesis and differentiation in vertebrates at early stages of development.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):287-294
pages 287-294 views

Derivatives of (5-Oxooxazolidin-4-yl)acetic acids in aspartic acid α-carboxyl protection: a word of caution

Azev V.N., Chulin A.N., Molchanov M.V., Miroshnikov A.I.


Isomeric products could be isolated in a reaction of pentafluorophenyl ester of (S)-2-(3-((benzyloxy)-carbonyl)-5-oxooxazolidin-4-yl)acetic acid with aminoacid esters. One product is an expected dipeptide, the isomeric one is an N-hydroxymethylamino succinimide – a product of methylene bridge cleavavge. Steric bulkness of aminoacid esters favors the formation of a peptide, however the reaction selectivity is quite unpredicatable. Moreover, the precise structure assignement requires high-temperature NMR experiments.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):295-300
pages 295-300 views

Hybrid proteins containing proteorhodopsin from Exiguobacterium sibiricum

Petrovskaya L.E., Kryukova E.A., Bolshakov V.A., Lukashev E.P., Siletsky S.A., Mamedov M.D., Sudakov R.V., Dolgikh D.A., Kirpichnikov M.P.


The genes of hybrid proteins including Exiguobacterium sibiricum proteorhodopsin (ESR) and various N-terminal soluble domains have been constructed. Effective synthesis in Escherichia coli cells was observed only in the case of hybrids with chaperone Caf1M and maltose-binding protein MBP expressed as precursors with their own signal sequences. The study of the isolated MBP-ESR protein in micelles and proteoliposomes demonstrated formation and decay of the main photocycle intermediates at pH > 8. The photoelectric response of the hybrid proteins Caf-ESR and MBP-ESR is comparable in amplitude to the wild-type ESR response, indicating their homogeneous orientation in the membrane. The obtained constructions can be used to create bacterial expression systems for various retinal proteins, ensuring their uniform incorporation into proteoliposomes.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):301-310
pages 301-310 views

The 3.6 Å cryo-em structure of the outer heptameric α-ring of human 26s immunoproteasome in the preactivation state

Saratov G.A., Baymukhametov T.N., Konevega A.L., Kudriaeva А.A., Belogurov А.А.


The 26S proteasome is a unique multicatalytic proteinase complex, together with a ubiquitination system, providing controlled degradation of most intracellular eukaryotic proteins. The problem of studying the proteasome is the multiplicity of its intracellular forms, which are formed due to the modularity of the proteasome assembly process. In this study, using cryoelectron microscopy, we described for the first time the structure of the 26S human immunoproteasome in comparison with its constitutive form with a resolution of 3.6 Å. A detailed analysis of the structural features of the two complexes revealed the opening of the entrance in the outer heptameric 20S ring of the immunoproteasome subunit due to the separation of the N-terminal regions of the PSMA4 and PSMA5 subunits and the formation of a π–π stacking between the amino acid residues Tyr5 and Phe9 of the PSMA5 and PSMA6 subunits, respectively. The revealed removal of steric obstruction in the central channel of the 20S subunit may indicate the preactivation phenotype of the 26S human immunoproteasome, even in the absence of a bound substrate.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):311-323
pages 311-323 views

Electron microscopy of stable electrophoretic fractions of natural humic acids – the key to the understanding of their structural organization

Trubetskaya O.E., Selivanova O.M., Rogachevsky V.V., Trubetskoj O.A.


Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with contrast staining by uranyl acetate solution was used to study morphological differences between soil humic acids (HAs) and their A, B and C + D fractions obtained using coupling preparative low-pressure size exclusion chromatography and analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic mobility of fractions varied in order C + D > B > A. The distribution of various morphological elements between fractions showed that large structures such as vesicle-like formations 70–150 nm long and 30–80 nm wide with clear edges were found exclusively in fraction A and occupied ~55% of the TEM image area. On the other hand, long fibrils with a length of 60–100 nm, a width of 4–6 nm and a thickness of 2–3 nm, as well as their bundles with a length of >150 nm and a diameter of 30–70 nm were identified only in the C + D fraction and occupied ~59 % area of TEM images. Smaller morphological elements such as point particles with a diameter of 2–3 nm, ring particles with a diameter of 4–6 nm, worm-shaped short particles with a length of 20–30 nm, and spheroids with a diameter of 10– 30 nm were observed in all samples, but in varying quantities. Significant morphological differences between the fractions can be explained by their composition, previously established by using a few physico-chemical methods. The ratio Car(165–108 ppm)/Calk(108–0 ppm), or aromaticity index, calculated from 13C-NMR, could be one of the indicators of the various morphological structures formation. The obtained TEM results clearly confirm the supramolecular organization of soil HAs.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):324-334
pages 324-334 views

The relevance of engineering and technical solutions implemented in the branch of IBCh RAS, and modern problems of vivariums and breeding facility of laboratory animals

Murashev A.N., Meshcheryakov F.A.


The article discusses the relevance of engineering and technical solutions that were implemented in the Branch of Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (IBH RAS) in the 1980s when designing a laboratory building with a vivarium and a nursery of laboratory animals free of pathogens (SPF). Such laboratory animals are used when performing preclinical studies according to the international standard of good laboratory practice (GLP).

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):335-337
pages 335-337 views


The ribonucleoprotein complex factor Ybx1 stabilizes the maternal mRNA of the ssx2ip gene encoding the centrosome maturation protein in Xenopus laevis embryogenesis

Parshina E.A., Zaraisky A.G., Martynova N.Y.


Our study investigates the mechanisms that regulate early developmental gene expression in Xenopus laevis frog embryos. Our previous study demonstrated that maternal mRNAs of two developmentally significant genes, the nuclear retinoic acid receptor rxrg and the pluripotency factor pou5f3, form complexes with ribonucleoprotein complex Ybx1. Based on the results of the present study, we determined and demonstrated that the stability of the maternal mRNA ssx2ip, which encodes a conserved protein, also called Msd1 or ADIP, which is involved in centrosome maturation, is dependent on Ybx1. This research shows that Ybx1 forms a ribonucleoprotein complex with ssx2ip mRNA, which is mediated by its cold shock domain (CSD). This study confirms our hypothesis of Ybx1 selectively binding to maternal transcripts. It opens up new opportunities to study new mechanisms of gene expression regulation at the earliest stages of development by searching for possible cis-motifs for recognition by trans-regulators such as Ybx1.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):338-244
pages 338-244 views

Tree-dimensional structure of the fluorescent complex of bacterial lipocalin triple mutant with chromophore – DiB3-F53L/F74L/L129M

Rossokhin A.V., Goryacheva E.A., Artemyev I.V., Arhipova S.F., Gilvanov A.R., Pletneva N.V., Pletnev V.Z.


The three dimensional structure of DiB3-F53L/F74L/L129M – a triple mutant of the fluorescent non-covalent complex of a genetically engineered variant of the bacterial protein lipocalin Blc with the synthetic GFP-like chromophore M739, has been studied by molecular dynamics methods. It was found that the chromophore binding site in the complex is similar to DiB1 and differs from the alternative site in DiB3. The complex is characterized by increased fluorescence brightness compared to those with other genetically engineered variants of lipocalin, which makes it one of the promising markers of biological objects in cell biology.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(3):345-350
pages 345-350 views

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