
Reformatting Russian-Latin American relations in the post-soviet period
Iwanowsky Z.
Iberoamerica: from the “generation of crisis” to the “generation of pandemic”
Ermolieva E.
Spain and China: from mutual distrust to problems in strategic partnership. Trade, economic and investment cooperation
Borzova A., Alekseev F.
Chinese assessments of the decline of US hegemony in Latin America
Skosyrev V.
Global Fragmentation Phenomenon: New Imperatives of the Transcontinental Cooperation for Eurasia and Latin America
Plachinda L.
Turkey’s “soft power” policy in Latin American countries
Gainutdinova L., Avcu H.
The Russian revolution and its reception by the left-wing Peruvian intellectuals
Vinokurov V.
G20 in the positioning of Mexico, Argentina and Brazil at the turn of the 2020s. Assessments, expectations, contradictions
Konovalova K., Almukov T.
China's interests and activities in the Antarctic. The potential for synergy with Russia and Latin American countries
Filippova L.
Megatrends of Latin America's development and Russia's economic interests
Yakovlev P.
Scientific and educational cooperation between Brazil and the European Union
Olkhovskaya V.
Europe and Latin America: the same challenges, different response
Goliney V.
Digital transformation of Latin America and the Chinese factor in shaping trends
Stepnov I., Kolesnikova T.
Fyodor Chaliapin in Latin America. To the 150th anniversary of birth
Dotsenko V.
Franchising in Argentina: economy saving after the crisis
Berdina M., Berdin A.
Evolution of Brazilian-Angolan relations in 2019—2023
Rybakov A.
The Sino-Latin American "arc" in a shifting world order
Safronova E.
Researchers' professional perspective on Latin America
Tayar V.
The fundamental analysis of the "heroic" development stage of Latin American Trotskyism
Pyatakov A.
Energy policy of Brazil: new challenges and opportunities
Khlopov O.
Relations between indigenous peoples of Latin America and left governments
Vorotnikova T.
Relations of Yugoslavia with the countries of Latin America in the 1960-1980’s
Katkova E., Kostiuk R.
Artificial intelligence technologies and the rise of cyber threats in Latin America
Vinogradova E.
Russia — Latin America. Military-technical factor in the context of the special military operation
Piatakov A.
BRICS: economic potential, New Development Bank and digital currency
Shaker I., Lukashenko I.
Pentecostalism and socio-political changes in Latin America
Myazin N.
The Roman Catholic Church of Chile: a comprehensive description of the majority religious organization
Balabeykina O., Baranov D., Yankovskaya A.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko's Latin American tour (1968). Chile. “In the volcano of the fiercest struggle”
Buynova K.
The PRC — LAC — US triangle in the context of the Monroe doctrine
Arsentyeva I.
The influence of internal and external factors on statehood in Latin America
Goliney V.
Features of bilateral relations between Turkey and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the context of role theory
Gelen S.
Digital Power in Latin America: Hashtags and deepfakes as political tools
Tsvetkova N., Grishanina T.
Formation of the state capacity of Latin American countries. Testing the theory of Charles Tilly
Mukhametov R.
Latin America: the end of the “raw materials curse”?
Yakovlev P.
Current cooperation of Latin American and Caribbean countries with International Monetary Fund
Zakhartsova A.
Features of academic mobility of Latin American and Caribbean students in modern circumstances
Medina Gonzalez V., Ivanova N.
European Union and Latin American integration schemes: finding the route of approach
Tayar V.
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