
Heat Treatment of Tantalum and Niobium Powders Prepared by Magnesium-Thermic Reduction
Orlov V., Prokhorova T.
Nonuniformity of the Crystallographic Texture and the Mechanical Properties of the Austenitic Steel 316L Plates Formed by Selective Laser Melting of a Powder
Perlovich Y., Isaenkova M., Dobrokhotov P., Rubanov A., Yudin A., Tret’yakov E.
Elemental Composition of the Powder Particles Produced by Electric Discharge Dispersion of the Wastes of a VK8 Hard Alloy
Latypov R., Ageev E., Latypova G., Altukhov A., Ageeva E.
Metallurgical features of the manufacture of hard-alloy powders by electroerosive dispersion of a T15K6 alloy in butanol
Ageev E., Latypov R., Ugrimov A.
Manufacture of Cobalt–Chromium Powders by the Electric Discharge Dispersion of Wastes and Their Investigation
Latypov R., Ageev E., Altukhov A., Ageeva E.
Powder Metallurgy Reconditioning of Food and Processing Equipment Components
Nafikov M., Aipov R., Konnov A.
Fatigue strength of a Ti–6Al–4V alloy produced by selective laser melting
Gerov M., Vladislavskaya E., Terent’ev V., Prosvirnin D., Kolmakov A., Antonova O.
Technological Methods for Increasing the Life of Machine Components
Kuznetsov Y., Kravchenko I., Sevryukov A., Glinskii M.
Magnetic Hysteretic Properties of a Powdered Fe–27Cr–10Co–1Mo Hard Magnetic Alloy
Abashev D., Milyaev I., Alymov M., Buryakov I., Yusupov V., Zelenskii V., Laisheva N.
Effect of Temperature on the Porosity of the Additive Products Made of the Dispersed Wastes of Cobalt–Chromium Alloys
Latypov R., Ageev E., Altukhov A., Ageeva E.
Microstructural Evolution in Ceramics and Glasses during High Pressure Torsion
Greenberg B., Ivanov M., Pilyugin V., Pushkin M., Plotnikov A., Tolmachev T., Patselov A., Tankeyev A.
Electrochemical synthesis of an iridium powder with a large specific surface area
Zaykov Y., Isakov A., Apisarov A., Nikitina A.
Effect of the Charge Mixing Time on the Magnetic Hysteretic Properties of a Hard Magnetic Powder Fe–30% Cr–8% Co Alloy
Alymov M., Zelenskii V., Milyaev I., Ustyukhin A., Ankudinov A., Abashev D., Petrakova N.
Properties of the Coatings Fabricated by Plasma-Jet Hard-Facing by Dispersed Mechanical Engineering Wastes
Latypov R., Ageev E., Latypova G., Altukhov A., Ageeva E.
One-zone rolling of composite materials
Kokhan L., Morozov Y., Slavgorodskaya Y.
Structure and Properties of Alloy Ti–6Al–4V Samples Fabricated by 3D Printing
Skvortsova S., German M., Spektor V.
Powder Co2Er Intermetallic Compound Synthesis Conditions in a Halide Melt
Kondrat’ev D., Tolstobrov I., Bushuev A., El’kin O., Bervitskaya O., Chernova O.
Machining technological media used for chamber multispindle machining of parts made of powder materials
Skryabin V., Skhirtladze A.
Properties of the Composite Galvanic Coatings Fabricated Using the Dispersed Wastes of ShKh15 Steel
Latypov R., Ageeva E., Latypova G.
Effect of the Thermomechanical Treatment Conditions on the Consolidation, the Structure, and the Mechanical Properties of Bulk Al–Mg–C Nanocomposites
Aborkin A., Alymov M., Sobol’kov A., Khor’kov K., Babin D.
Thermodynamic calculations of the cooling of the products of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in a heat-generating reactor
Gaidar S., Zhigarev V., Kravchenko I., Ovchinnikov V.
Anomalies of the Thermodynamic Parameters of the Heterogeneous Li2CO3–Na2CO3–K2CO3–MgO Nanopowder System
Zakir’yanova I., Korzun I.
Optimization of the Technological Synthesis of Refractory Compounds
Gaidar S., Karelina M., Prikhod’ko V., Volkov A.
Next-generation casting technologies and their adaptation and development in Russia: I. at the beginning of a new technological paradigm
Semenov A., Gavrilenko A., Semenov B.
1 - 24 из 24 результатов
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