
Development of a Single-Crystal Fifth-Generation Nickel Superalloy
Petrushin N., Elyutin E., Visik E., Golynets S.
Effect of the Thermomechanical Treatment Conditions on the Consolidation, the Structure, and the Mechanical Properties of Bulk Al–Mg–C Nanocomposites
Aborkin A., Alymov M., Sobol’kov A., Khor’kov K., Babin D.
Directional Solidification, Structure, and Mechanical Properties of a Eutectic Nb–Si Alloy with a Natural Composite Structure for GTE Blades
Bondarenko Y., Echin A., Kolodyazhnyi M., Narskii A.
Development and research of a rhenium-free high-temperature nickel superalloy for the turbine rotor blades in aviation GTE
Shmotin Y., Logunov A., Leshchenko I., Danilov D.
Properties of shaped castings made of modern cast VML18 and VML20 magnesium alloys manufactured by new methods
Leonov A., Duyunova V., Uridiya Z., Trofimov N.
Effect of a Welding Method on the Fatigue Strength and Fracture of Foam–Aluminum Sandwiches
Shapovalov O., Kodzhaspirov G., Hantelmann K., Mikhailov V.
Effect of Small Scandium Additions on the Properties of an Aluminum Foil for Oxide-Electrolytic Capacitors
Pushkarev B., Mikhailova S., Lad’yanov V., Rybin S., Strelkov V., Lebedev V., Karban’ O., Stepanov A.
Mechanical Properties and Structure of Grade 1151 Aluminum Alloy Joints Formed by Argon-Arc Welding and Friction Stir Welding
Solov’eva I., Davydenko L., Ovchinnikov V.
Temperature Dependence of the Ultimate Strength of in situ Multicomponent Nb–Si–X (X = Ti, Hf, W, Cr, Al, Mo) Composites
Svetlov I., Karpov M., Neuman A., Stroganova T.
Influence of the tempering temperature on the mechanical properties and the phase composition of thin sheet TRIP steel
Terent’ev V., Eliseev E., Matyunin V., Slizov A., Marchenkov A., Sirotinkin V., Baikin A., Seval’nev G.
Method for calculating the limiting technological residual stresses in a tubular billet
Kolmogorov G., Kuznetsova E.
Oxidation resistance and strength of a molybdenum fiber–oxide matrix composite material
Mileiko S., Novokhatskaya N., Prokopenko N., Kolchin A., Mitskevich A., Chumichev V., Novikov I.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Molybdenum–Steel Bimetal Fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing
Makhina D., Denisov V., Perminova Y., Butrim V., Nikulin S.
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Fuel Cladding in VVER-1000 after the Thermal Tests That Model Dry Storage Conditions
Kobylyansky G., Obukhov A., Mazaev A., Zvir E., Ilyin P., Markelov D.
Development of Approaches to Estimating the Breaking Strength of Steel for Building Metallic Structures and Modern Standards
Odesskii P.
Microstructure and Properties of Graphitized Free-Cutting Steel
Zhang Y., Han J.
Graphical Analysis of the State of Stress in Road Harrow Cutters
Seliverstov N., Stasyuk A.
Effect of the phase composition on the properties of a complex magnesium alloy at temperatures from –70 to +300°C
Volkova E., Duyunova V., Mostyaev I.
Palladium–lead alloys for the purification of hydrogen-containing gas mixtures and the separation of hydrogen from them
Gorbunov S., Kannykin S., Penkina T., Roshan N., Chustov E., Burkhanov G.
On the relation between the strength and the plasticity of polymers
Shtremel’ M.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Layered Composites Made of Multicomponent Niobium Alloys and Hardening Silicon–Carbon Compounds Formed by Solid-Phase Sintering
Korzhov V., Kiiko V., Zheltyakova I.
Adhesion Strength of Ceramic Coatings to Dental Ni–Cr Alloy Fabricated by Casting with 3D Printed Patterns
Dikova T., Dolgov N., Vasilev T., Katreva I.
Effect of Alloying of Titanium Nickelide-Based Alloys with Group V Elements (Vanadium, Niobium) on Their Mechanical Properties
Marchenko E., Baigonakova G., Gunther V.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: I. Experimental Studies
Chuvil’deev V., Nokhrin A., Myshlyaev M., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Melekhin N., Piskunov A., Bobrov A., Pirozhnikova O.
Development of the manufacture of billets based on high-strength aluminum alloys
Korostelev V., Denisov M., Bol’shakov A., Van Khieu C.
1 - 25 из 60 результатов 1 2 3 > >> 
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