
Thermodynamic Simulation of the Manufacture of Fe–Si–Ni–Cr Alloys
Zhuchkov V., Zayakin O., Salina V.
Construction of viscosity diagrams for CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–8% MgO–4% B2O3 slags by the simplex lattice method
Babenko A., Istomin S., Zhuchkov V., Sychev A., Ryabov V., Upolovnikova A.
Isothermal Solidification of an Al–Zn Alloy
Bazhenov V., Pikunov M., Pashkov I.
Thermodynamic description of the interaction processes in the Cu–Ce–O system in the temperature range 1100–1300°C
Samoilova O., Mikhailov G., Makrovets L., Trofimov E.
Quality Management in Manufacturing and Technological Systems
Vasil’ev V., Barmenkov E., Bobryshev E., Nosova D.
Phase Composition, Texture, and Residual Stresses in Al–Cu–Li Friction Stir Welds
Betsofen S., Lukin V., Dolgova M., Panteleev M., Kabanova Y.
Technique for simulating high-cycle rolling to produce metallic materials reinforced by particles
Galkin V., Evseev P., Paltievich A.
Deformation Characteristics of the Aerobraking Shell Material
Rabinskii L., Medvedskii A., Nushtaev D., Lyskov D.
Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Cyclic Action Mechanisms in Rolling for a Roller Bed Used as an Example
andreev A., Kolesnichenko D.
Plastic deformation of the plastic matrix–hard inclusion composite system during high-temperature gas extrusion
Berbentsev V., Bugakov V., Vaganov V., Alymov M., Aborkin A.
A Study of the Magnetic Characteristics of Cu–Mn–Bi Alloys
Samoilova O., Trofimov E., Geraskin V.
Phase composition, texture, and anisotropy of the properties of Al–Cu–Li–Mg alloy sheets
Betsofen S., Antipov V., Serebrennikova N., Dolgova M., Kabanova Y.
Study of the quaternary Na+, K+//F, Br, NO3 reciprocal system using an innovative methodology
Morgunova O., Ukhanov A., Katasonova E., Trunin A., Surinskii K.
Stratification Effect in Melt-Spun Fe–B and Fe–Cr–B Alloy Ribbons
Frolov A., Krainova G., Dolzhikov S., Tkachev V.
Distribution of the mechanical properties of semiproducts over their volume predicted as function of the technological parameters of hot metal forming
Galkin V., Golovkina M., Paltievich A.
Thermodynamics of Oxygen Solutions in Fe–Co–Cr Melts Containing Aluminum
Aleksandrov A., Dashevskii V.
Interaction of exogenous refractory nanophases with antimony dissolved in liquid iron
Burtsev V., Anuchkin S., Samokhin A.
Thermodynamics of the Oxygen Solutions in Titanium-Containing Fe–Co–Cr Melts
Aleksandrov A., Dashevskii V.
Hydraulic simulation of the replacement of submerged nozzles in slab continuous casters
Eron’ko S., Tkachev M., Oshovskaya E.
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